League of Legends



  • edited September 2013
    Okay, you've answered the question I didn't ask of "Why can you post ARAM games?" But you've still neglected to answer my actual question.

    Would you like to try again?

    @Jespar : Cool story, nice to see your arguments are still well thought out.

  • Rangor said:
    If this thread was christmas, Cynlael would be Ashtan.
    could not decide between a lol and an agree XD
  • Wow.

    I really need to start posting screencaps of all my ARAM matches.
  • Terrible ARAM, but I had fun. I never had enough gold to go straight for Rabadon's when I went back, so I just built whatever. My entire team would just melt all the time. Enemy Sivir got a Quadra at the first team fight, and another one right at the end. Well, except that I ran furiously from spawn once I had come back to jump on Sivir to give her the Penta, cause I'm a nice guy.

  • What peon dares to post their pathetic ARAM games here? Ranked plat or higher only. No scrubs. You will be judged. This is not a game.
  • edited September 2013
    Rangor said:
    If this thread was christmas, Cynlael would be Ashtan.
    Does this mean I'm the only good one at LoL?

    Thx for the compliment.

    PS WotA on AP trist is bad. Lich Bane > Dcap > Leapfrog for penta.

  • Sorry @Blujixapug, I'll try better this time...


    Oh darn, that is an ARAM as well! My team was full of dumb. Zed pretty much stood around spamming /l the whole time, people were bad in general, etc etc.

    @Cynlael I'm quite aware WotA is bad. I was just playing the game for fun since my housemate is on the YouTube. Actually, I only ever play for fun. It's fun.
  • Guys, we're supposed to be playing nice.

    @Cynlael sorry, but we're not all high ranked super-skilled players. Most of us are casual players. Stop being so mean and let us post our LoL matches in the LoL thread. -Most- of us post a little story, some people actually kind of like those kind of AARs(After-Action Reports in case someone doesn't know).

    @Jespar please, stop it. Just please, stop.

    @Blujixapug not sure if serious...

    Everyone else, there's no reason to antagonize Cynlael because they don't want us to post ARAM games. Don't do it intentionally just to piss them off. I usually only show one game a day if at all.

    And yes, I am playing nice. Everyone just chill out, go back to status quo and enjoy League of Legends. Thank you.

    @Jespar seriously, s'not worth it.
    When Canada rules the world,
    things will be... nii~ice.
  • edited September 2013
    You guys get a bit too worked up over text.


  • You get a bit too worked up over ARAM screenshots.


  • Rangor said:
    You get a bit too worked up over ARAM screenshots.

    It's cool, you already said I was the best.

  • Best in your whole wide world!
  • 1v1 me at baron

  • I got this. Lulu 1v1 time.
  • RoA / Rabaddons Cho'gath. We'll see who tastes purple now.

  • Never showed up. I accept your surrender, Sir @Rangor.

  • Oh what's this? Definitely-Not-An-ARAM?


    ... I had no idea how to play Zyra going into this. More or less. I knew what her kit was and how to use them with seeds, but that was it. I crapped all over that Zed. We were bottom lane opponents. I never popped revive for the first time until late game when his teammates started bailing him out. ... Or started trying too... It's amusing when you have a three people dive a cap point you're on, and give up a double kill. :3 (I had wooglets, so I just zhonya'd before I died and let my shootey plants plunk them for me)

    Now watch, my next game as Zyra? Will be a complete and utter fail. Dominion, ARAM, or SR regardless. (I just wanted to play Zyra, I never get to roll her in ARAM >.>)
    When Canada rules the world,
    things will be... nii~ice.
  • so how does it work with ARAM? does it randomly choose all the champs you have purchased plus the weekly champ rotation or is it going to be all champs (even the ones you don't own)?  thanks! 
  • so how does it work with ARAM? does it randomly choose all the champs you have purchased plus the weekly champ rotation or is it going to be all champs (even the ones you don't own)?  thanks! 
    Randomly selects a champion you have access to (Owned + Weekly)
  • I'm back with moar ARAM! And my Zyra game following my dominion game was actually a win, so my prediction skillz bad. Zyra game after that, defeat though.

    This wasn't a Zyra game...


    I actually showed up in champ select randomed into Zed. I have no idea how to Zed, but me being me, I never ask for just try to trade everyone available. As I'm setting up my masteries to try and not fail as Zed, the guy who had Karthus offers me a trade. I take it. Because I know how to Karthus.

    Of course, the next problem was... "we have no range." Oh well, that's not so bad. Maybe they'll be all melee too... and then loading screen... and all that range and poke. Early and mid-game was horrible. In order to get kills, we had to give up just as many kills, sometimes one more than that. The turning point? When we were shoved to our nexus turrets--we still hadn't gotten any turrets--and we made a beaaaauuuutiful engage. Or... rather, I actually got my zhonya's off for the first time >.> and the enemy team flustered with me on top of them.

    Then I died, and they were still on my defile... and then the requiem came down. Karthus Quadra kill! Ace.

    We got inhib turret off of that. Then Rengar used his ult to slip past them as they were moving in to crush us to take their inhib. We took it in stride and defended our nexus turrets 4v5, followed it up with a barely won fight. Rengar proceeded to stealth past once more as they advanced, and beat on their nexus turret. Which drew them away and of course, more importantly, put damage on.

    Again, 4v5 defend to keep our nexus turrets alive. Against all... that... poke. But we did it, and pulled off one last 5-0 Ace and moved down to take nexus turrets and nexus. I was planning to build a lich bane, but I never had the gold. There was no reason other than I wanted more move speed to keep them in my defile. And moar AP.
    When Canada rules the world,
    things will be... nii~ice.
  • so whats some good poke damage people? my friend -ALWAYS- plays darius, so a good team with him would be good but just suggest some good poke damage anyway.

    i currently have Alistair, Annie, Ashe, Blitzcrank, Garen, Kayle, Master Yi, Nunu, Sivir, Twisted Fate, Udyr and Warwick

    and i have 2229 IP

    any and all opinions will be loved and cuddled like fresh puppies
  • TF and Sivir are good poke, Sivir is mana hungry. Jayce and Nidalee are like the poke masters.

    Ashe is alright for poke, but because she's an ADC, you don't -really- want her on the front line using her volley to poke. Same with Sivir. And Caitlyn, her Q is good poke if you're playing that close. Jayce and Nidalee have the longest range poke, really. Viktor has good poke with his laser beam death fire thinger.
    When Canada rules the world,
    things will be... nii~ice.
  • Jespar said:
    so whats some good poke damage people? my friend -ALWAYS- plays darius, so a good team with him would be good but just suggest some good poke damage anyway.

    i currently have Alistair, Annie, Ashe, Blitzcrank, Garen, Kayle, Master Yi, Nunu, Sivir, Twisted Fate, Udyr and Warwick

    and i have 2229 IP

    any and all opinions will be loved and cuddled like fresh puppies
    TF is a pretty good poke champion. Wild Cards (Q) has very long range and decent damage. He's difficult to play overall though, as Pick A Card can be tricky in terms of locking in the right card (gold) under pressure, and when using his ult it can be difficult to judge a good situation to drop in on, and how aggressively to position yourself.

    The best way to play him is to poke people down, as he doesn't have the same level of upfront damage output as a nuker mage like Annie; he really only has 2 damage spells.

    The difficulty in playing a poke champion in solo queue is that your playstyle relies on poking down the enemy team before you engage, but your teammates may not realise that, and may just want to charge in and engage right now. If you are playing a poke mage, you may then be less effective than the enemy team's mage in a direct engagement.

    Other strong poke champions are Nidalee (poster champ for poke), Ezreal, Heimerdinger, Ziggs, Jayce, Corki. Plenty of other champions can kinda sorta poke, including Gragas, Lux, Mundo, Kennen, Maokai (omg play AP Maokai it's fun), Viktor, Zilean etc.
  • Dude AP Maokai is not even fair. Nobody expects that much damage to come from a tank.

    also, @Jespar, Nidalee is, imo, one of the most fun champions to play ever at all at any time. There's not a single thing in this game that is more rewarding than seeing half an enemy's HP disappear at level 1 (and the sound it makes is really really satisfying too), and spears are cheap manawise so you have ample opportunity to throw them over the course of the game. Nidalee also brings some good utility to the team (and waveclear, post-six) and if you use her passive well she's almost impossible to chase down (which allows for awesome juking potential).
    Saeva said:
    If Mathonwy is 2006 I wish 2007 had never come.
    Xenomorph said:
    heh. Mathowned.
    Message #12872 Sent by Jurixe
  • Nidalee is op in like bronze, possibly silver...

    On topic: Varus is godly (Can steal blue teams red buff from dragon pit at level 1, if you time it properly)

    I'm not sure why none of you mentioned him, Graves, Ahri, Anivia; all of which are safer than the champs mentioned (bar maybe jayce) and have higher / easier to land skills.
    The best way to play him is to poke people down, as he doesn't have the same level of upfront damage output as a nuker mage like Annie; he really only has 2 damage spells.

    You've got to be the only person I've seen say that TF cannot outright burst someone... Look at tournament games, and see -just- how much damage a TF pumps out when he all-ins.
    Do not underestimate E damage.

    @Mathonwy : Unless you're running 100% AP runes / masteries, and start with dorans / amp tome, there is no way a spear is going to chunk that much HP at level 1.
    And if you do start that, prepare your anus for their jungler pitching a tent in your lane.

    Apparently off topic, again, so...

    ADC: Graves/Varus
    Mid: Ahri/Anivia/Karthus (Honestly cannot believe none of you mentioned these 3)
    Top: Kennen (can also be mid, not optimally though, imo) / Jayce (same here, he can counter a lot of mids)
    Support: Zyra (takes practice to play well) ... Most supports are good, really. Just pick Sona if you aren't sure.
    Jungler: Maokai (niche pick in current meta) / Elise / J4, to an extent...

    Lots of champs... But yolo queue is gonna make it hard to have a poke comp work, when they all think "omg we hit a skillshot guys TIME TO ALL IN"...

  • ok then, who makes a good team with darius?
  • Jespar said:
    ok then, who makes a good team with darius?
    Jarvan, Khazix, Tristana and Jax.

    Yes. All of those 4. Not just having 1 or 2 of them in a team with Darius. Vi can also replace one of them.

  • edited September 2013
    Standard 21/0/9 AP masteries, mpen or hybrid pen runes, AP quints, Doran's start = half of a carry's life with a max range spear at level 1 guaranteed.

    Also, @Jespar, Darius is a champ built around an attrition-based playstyle, and as any given 1v1 goes on long enough, all else being equal, Darius will win the fight. His power spikes around midgame, and his easiest lane matchups are going to be against champs that don't have a lot of disengage or ranged poke. Shen, for instance, is a matchup I can usually win np. Renekton, you normally want to focus on harassing, assuming you can trade better than he can (it can be hard to do vs a good Renekton). If you can get bleeding stacks on him just before you hit six, you can normally all-in him with ease. Jayce (do people still seriously play Jayce top?) or skillshot-based champs, you want to try to get good brush control and/or stay behind minions and harass when the skillshot's down or when your minions will help you to win trades. His worst matchups tend to be, in my experience, people who can all-in you better early-game (I never want to play him into an Aatrox again) or who can ignore your ultimate (don't try to ult Vlad or Tryndamere unless Trynd's used his ult/Vlad his pool or you've baited them out previously).

    In teamfights, your job is going to be to peel for your carries (e.g., Aatrox dives in with his Q onto your Caitlyn; you use your E to pull him off of her and out of position), to serve as secondary initiation (Flash + Apprehend), and/or to abuse poor positioning on the part of the enemy team's carries (pulling them over walls etc). He can be played into almost any team comp or as a part of a skirmish/teamfight-centered comp and is a good choice if you need another offtank who can still serve as a pretty potent damage threat.
    Saeva said:
    If Mathonwy is 2006 I wish 2007 had never come.
    Xenomorph said:
    heh. Mathowned.
    Message #12872 Sent by Jurixe
  • Mathonwy said:
    Standard 21/0/9 AP masteries, mpen or hybrid pen runes, AP quints, Doran's start = half of a carry's life with a max range spear at level 1 guaranteed.

    Also, @Jespar, Darius is a champ built around an attrition-based playstyle, and as any given 1v1 goes on long enough, all else being equal, Darius will win the fight. His power spikes around midgame, and his easiest lane matchups are going to be against champs that don't have a lot of disengage or ranged poke. Shen, for instance, is a matchup I can usually win np. Renekton, you normally want to focus on harassing, assuming you can trade better than he can (it can be hard to do vs a good Renekton). If you can get bleeding stacks on him just before you hit six, you can normally all-in him with ease. Jayce (do people still seriously play Jayce top?) or skillshot-based champs, you want to try to get good brush control and/or stay behind minions and harass when the skillshot's down or when your minions will help you to win trades. His worst matchups tend to be, in my experience, people who can all-in you better early-game (I never want to play him into an Aatrox again) or who can ignore your ultimate (don't try to ult Vlad or Tryndamere unless Trynd's used his ult/Vlad his pool or you've baited them out previously).

    In teamfights, your job is going to be to peel for your carries (e.g., Aatrox dives in with his Q onto your Caitlyn; you use your E to pull him off of her and out of position), to serve as secondary initiation (Flash + Apprehend), and/or to abuse poor positioning on the part of the enemy team's carries (pulling them over walls etc). He can be played into almost any team comp or as a part of a skirmish/teamfight-centered comp and is a good choice if you need another offtank who can still serve as a pretty potent damage threat.
    awesome :D thanks, but what do you reckon a good champion would be to team with darius, we usually do blitzcrank and him bottom lane cause no one expects it and they are always squishy as but i wanna try out someone new :D
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