I usually only get this attitude from people when I take the role they wanted. And then on top of that, I choose their "main".
And then I don't perform like they think they would. Either because my laning opponent is better than I am, or I'm an idiot and still a noob. Then the rage starts. And then my performance probably takes a dip. And then spiral until everyone is yelling surrender and blaming me for being a higher pick and taking my role. On top of being higher pick -and- calling it.
So sue me for wanting to take ADC instead of support every game. (I got no problem playing support, honest. I just don't want to play it all the damn time).
I often leave the post-game screen as soon as I can... or just ignore the chat as I report... or maybe honour someone. And then I leave and never really notice it. Unless I screenshot, then I notice it later.
When Canada rules the world, things will be... nii~ice.
I once played against a mid-Ezreal. He ulted and my health bar vanished. I was like, "wut?"
I think we won the game, though... pretty sure I was playing Twitch and just mopped up their team.
Oh, wait... you just played Blue Ezreal mid... I meant AP mid Ezreal. I usually ignore blue ezreals if they're playing the ADC spot. Unless they put themselves in my line of fire, then I'm fine with shooting them full of holes. And hoping they die.
When Canada rules the world, things will be... nii~ice.
If they're playing the adc spot? wat? I went mid with that build >_>
Also, IE helped to make their hp bars go 'wtf' so don't worry about that
Trist said something along the lines of 'wtf just hit me?' when i ult'd right in her face during a team fight, it when ADC is the first to get hit with my ult
I said if. I heard you say you went mid. If a blue ezreal is playing the ADC spot on the team(as in bot lane in place of ADC) I tend to ignore them in fights. Yes.
And yes, IE helps with that. I've never played Blue Ez(outside of ARAM). I kinda like it, but I don't like the feeling of not dealing damage. Or as much.
I hate it when I'm the first one to get hit by true shot barrage... or enchanted crystal(line?) arrow ¬_¬. Since ADC is my prefered role.
If I'm the tank, though, that's okay. ... At that point, I'm trying to figure out how to engage the fight(because if I have to play tank, I tend to pick an engager... like Malph).
I hate it when I get a beaaaautiful engage with Malph. They're all bunched up, perfect unstoppable force->ground slam target. And everyone runs away instead of following the engage. And this is why I don't play tank/engage roles. ... Also, I hate the feeling of not doing anything in the fight. S'why I can't play a support that doesn't have some sort of semi-spammable CC. Or Sona's heals.
When Canada rules the world, things will be... nii~ice.
Blue ezreal is a kite / sustained damage build, not a in-your-face-damage build. Focuses on using your skillshots > auto attacks, the damage is fine, but it requires you to not fall behind... That's why all the ezreals who go blue build when they're like 1-5 get laughed at, because they're basically putting themselves at an even further disadvantage, unless they're like 100 CS ahead, to make up for the deaths..
kite is generally the act of hit and run, where you hit your opponent while staying out of harm.
snowball is when a small rock rolls down a snow covered slope and slowly gets bigger as it collects more and more snow until it is huge and out of control.
One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important
Kiting = a technique where a champion (usually ranged) will maintain their distance from an opponent (usually melee) while attacking them. Blue-build Ezreal can keep an opponent almost permanently slowed with Mystic Shot (his Q, a low-cooldown skillshot which applies on-hit effects) and Iceborn Gauntlet (an item that applies a 2 second, 30% slow as an on-hit effect). If his target tries to run away, they can't, because they're slowed, so he can just chase them down. If they try to advance on Ezreal, they can't, because they're slowed, so he can just retreat to match their advance, and continue hitting them. It's like Ezreal is flying a kite.
Snowball = turn a small advantage into a much larger one. Let's say your team's solo top lane Teemo makes a mistake very early, and dies to the enemy solo top lane Rengar. Rengar is now 1/0. He uses his bonus gold from getting first blood (+100 gold) to buy a very early Doran's Blade or something. This makes him much stronger in lane, and makes it likely for him to be able to keep killing Teemo. 10 minutes later, Rengar has turned his small lead into a huge lead. 10 minutes later again, Rengar is killing everyone on the map and nobody can do anything about it. It's like rolling up a small snowball into a big one, and building up momentum. This is more relevant in high-ranked or tournament games, where people do not make as many mistakes, and are better at capitalising on the mistakes of their opponents.
What @Mishgul is trying to eloquently state... is when you turn the lead from one kill and a slight CS lead into another 3-4 kills and a larger CS lead into another 10 kills and by that point you have 3-5K more gold than anyone else in the game and... you've snowballed.
When Canada rules the world, things will be... nii~ice.
Most of the time, as most of you probably know... ARAM is a stomp start to finish for one side or the other. Or, it starts out a stomp for one team initially, then the other team scales up and the stomp goes the other way.
And then sometimes... you have this match that is a back-and-forth-no-holds-barred-no-one-has-an-edge brawlfest.
This was one such. And it. Was. AWESOME. Wish replays were on live so I could record it(lolReplay eats too much resources and my computer sucks enough as it is.)
My pwning everyone as Quinn has nothing to do with it. Although... Vayne did declare that Quinn was OP after I kept melting her health bar. ... I found it amusing, since -I- consider Vayne to be (slightly) overpowered. But that's not an arguement for here. I have my thoughts, you can't have 'em ¬_¬
I was like... 7/0 before I died, though. I kept stealing all the kills
By time I was upto like 15 kills, Kog was complaining that AP kog with no kills is a bad kog. ... If it were me, I'd just have started making Archangel's staves and spamming living artillery from the back. I've seen it done(against me). It's a pain in the ass to survive.
When Canada rules the world, things will be... nii~ice.
I'm kind of disappointed at the results of the Korean regional qualifiers
Not that SKT is a bad team (lol, I don't think anyone could argue that) but KT Bullets had been looking so good up to that point, especially Score/Mafa. I don't really like Piglet/PoohManDu as much... they're deadly on Caitlyn/Zyra but tend to have mixed results other than that. Which, I guess, doesn't matter if you have a midlaner as talented as Faker is, since he's probably gonna draw all three target bans and possibly a first-pick contention. I also feel like KT B has (had? they kind of tunneled on the 'fast push' strategy) more interesting strategies going for them that gives them more of an advantage versus a wider variety of teams.
On the other hand, I'm really excited to see OMG and Royal Club in the LPL qualifiers... I'd love for those two to go to worlds. OMG's probably the most hyped team in that region, and I've only heard good things about Royal Club, which, after their match with iG, I can kind of see why.
Hope MVP Ozone (Samsung Ozone now but that just sounds crappy) wins worlds. Wouldn't mind C9 come close, either, but don't think they'll beat Korean teams sadly
After months of not really being able to play and a few days of wanting to really bad but no one to really play with (except one time and it was bedtime!).. and a couple of losses to start the day...
I was supposed to be support lux.... and swain was support but he quit mid- game because he fed so hard... that Fizz though... I stole his blue once and he hunted me down for revenge constantly XD Was fun, would do again- even if it means losing because that was pretty fun because the other team was joking around with us
I joined a game without Xykon (who is my overpowered guardian angel) for the first time in ages. I was just talking to Tenemara over FB, and had decided a great life philosophy was like, "Fuck tactics, go in balls deep."
So I join this game, and am like GUYS, WE GOTTA GO IN BALLS DEEP.
We fight on, behind on kills. Our Renekton goes AFK. We keep clawing our way up there. Every time we get a kill, we're like BALLS DEEP, TEAMWORK.
Our Maokai has to go. We were like, "Take it easy man, we got this." and he was like "Keep calm and **** them up." Now it's 3 v 5, we're on the defensive. I was like NO GUYS, BALLS DEEP.
Hahahaha, I did that as a Riven. I got super frustrated that none of my team would engage, despite us having the better comp (also their team was literally all AD), so I built an early Warden's Mail, stacked on some AD of my own, and pulled the old Saintvicious I'M COMIN' IN HOT/charge-the-enemy-team-1v5. Our Varus was smart enough to follow up and he got stupidly fed and we won handily.
tldr aggression wins ARAMs. themoreyouknow.jpg
ETA @Cynlael just call them SG Ozone - it doesn't have the same ring to it that MVP did, but it's better than nothing! And I loved watching them utterly crush Flame during the OGN Champions Spring. Their strategies were really clever, Homme had that tearjerker spot they ran about him, the world could further realize Zed still has balancing issues... everything you could want out of the grand finals.
Just starting to learn how to play something other than AP/ADC. I've picked up Soraka in an attempt to learn to play support, and so far so good-- I've only played against bots thus far, but all my games have been successful. On to the real people!
And then I don't perform like they think they would. Either because my laning opponent is better than I am, or I'm an idiot and still a noob. Then the rage starts. And then my performance probably takes a dip. And then spiral until everyone is yelling surrender and blaming me for being a higher pick and taking my role. On top of being higher pick -and- calling it.
So sue me for wanting to take ADC instead of support every game. (I got no problem playing support, honest. I just don't want to play it all the damn time).
I often leave the post-game screen as soon as I can... or just ignore the chat as I report... or maybe honour someone. And then I leave and never really notice it. Unless I screenshot, then I notice it later.
When Canada rules the world,
things will be... nii~ice.
When Canada rules the world,
things will be... nii~ice.
I think we won the game, though... pretty sure I was playing Twitch and just mopped up their team.
Oh, wait... you just played Blue Ezreal mid... I meant AP mid Ezreal. I usually ignore blue ezreals if they're playing the ADC spot. Unless they put themselves in my line of fire, then I'm fine with shooting them full of holes. And hoping they die.
When Canada rules the world,
things will be... nii~ice.
Also, IE helped to make their hp bars go 'wtf' so don't worry about that
Trist said something along the lines of 'wtf just hit me?' when i ult'd right in her face during a team fight,
And yes, IE helps with that. I've never played Blue Ez(outside of ARAM). I kinda like it, but I don't like the feeling of not dealing damage. Or as much.
I hate it when I'm the first one to get hit by true shot barrage... or enchanted crystal(line?) arrow ¬_¬. Since ADC is my prefered role.
If I'm the tank, though, that's okay. ... At that point, I'm trying to figure out how to engage the fight(because if I have to play tank, I tend to pick an engager... like Malph).
I hate it when I get a beaaaautiful engage with Malph. They're all bunched up, perfect unstoppable force->ground slam target. And everyone runs away instead of following the engage. And this is why I don't play tank/engage roles. ... Also, I hate the feeling of not doing anything in the fight. S'why I can't play a support that doesn't have some sort of semi-spammable CC. Or Sona's heals.
When Canada rules the world,
things will be... nii~ice.
One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important
Snowball = turn a small advantage into a much larger one. Let's say your team's solo top lane Teemo makes a mistake very early, and dies to the enemy solo top lane Rengar. Rengar is now 1/0. He uses his bonus gold from getting first blood (+100 gold) to buy a very early Doran's Blade or something. This makes him much stronger in lane, and makes it likely for him to be able to keep killing Teemo. 10 minutes later, Rengar has turned his small lead into a huge lead. 10 minutes later again, Rengar is killing everyone on the map and nobody can do anything about it. It's like rolling up a small snowball into a big one, and building up momentum. This is more relevant in high-ranked or tournament games, where people do not make as many mistakes, and are better at capitalising on the mistakes of their opponents.
When Canada rules the world,
things will be... nii~ice.
And then sometimes... you have this match that is a back-and-forth-no-holds-barred-no-one-has-an-edge brawlfest.
This was one such. And it. Was. AWESOME. Wish replays were on live so I could record it(lolReplay eats too much resources and my computer sucks enough as it is.)
I was like... 7/0 before I died, though. I kept stealing all the kills
By time I was upto like 15 kills, Kog was complaining that AP kog with no kills is a bad kog. ... If it were me, I'd just have started making Archangel's staves and spamming living artillery from the back. I've seen it done(against me). It's a pain in the ass to survive.
When Canada rules the world,
things will be... nii~ice.
Not that SKT is a bad team (lol, I don't think anyone could argue that) but KT Bullets had been looking so good up to that point, especially Score/Mafa. I don't really like Piglet/PoohManDu as much... they're deadly on Caitlyn/Zyra but tend to have mixed results other than that. Which, I guess, doesn't matter if you have a midlaner as talented as Faker is, since he's probably gonna draw all three target bans and possibly a first-pick contention. I also feel like KT B has (had? they kind of tunneled on the 'fast push' strategy) more interesting strategies going for them that gives them more of an advantage versus a wider variety of teams.
On the other hand, I'm really excited to see OMG and Royal Club in the LPL qualifiers... I'd love for those two to go to worlds. OMG's probably the most hyped team in that region, and I've only heard good things about Royal Club, which, after their match with iG, I can kind of see why.
Faker is god, tho.
I was supposed to be support lux.... and swain was support but he quit mid- game because he fed so hard... that Fizz though... I stole his blue once and he hunted me down for revenge constantly XD Was fun, would do again- even if it means losing because that was pretty fun because the other team was joking around with us
So I join this game, and am like GUYS, WE GOTTA GO IN BALLS DEEP.
We fight on, behind on kills. Our Renekton goes AFK. We keep clawing our way up there. Every time we get a kill, we're like BALLS DEEP, TEAMWORK.
Our Maokai has to go. We were like, "Take it easy man, we got this." and he was like "Keep calm and **** them up." Now it's 3 v 5, we're on the defensive. I was like NO GUYS, BALLS DEEP.
We rolled in and
tldr aggression wins ARAMs. themoreyouknow.jpg
ETA @Cynlael just call them SG Ozone - it doesn't have the same ring to it that MVP did, but it's better than nothing! And I loved watching them utterly crush Flame during the OGN Champions Spring. Their strategies were really clever, Homme had that tearjerker spot they ran about him, the world could further realize Zed still has balancing issues... everything you could want out of the grand finals.
Nice one, friends.
I am on NA and west europe.
I play only to make bad puns about the champion i randomed.
One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important