I get bad enough ping on NA(upto 134 now... my normal is 116-120 ... wonder what's going on now >.>). I ain't goan even try dat dere oceanic. I'd probably get around the same ping on EU West, though...
But most(most, not all) of us play on NA. Probably because a lot of us are from NA. NA comprises Canada, so stop expecting everyone to speak english!
Je parle en peux francais! Je ecrirer en peux francaus aussi. (I apologize to any French speakers who found my spelling and/or tense erroneous. I haven't studied the language in over a decade)
It amuses me when people complain about people not speaking English on NA on the LoL forums. Like the server is only for 'murricans.
When Canada rules the world, things will be... nii~ice.
Other suggestions, cause I don't know what you don't or don't have: Karthus and Anivia are fairly good mages, relatively easy to pick up. Nidalee if you ARAM a lot, otherwise... she can be situational and require a rather large amount of knowledge and experience with her kit to really bring out her awesome power. The spears from AP Nidalee from fog can chunk you hard, though.
Sona is still a solid support, and Twitch is a very strong marksman. Not very hard to pick up overall, but positioning is key to really make use of his ult. Pantheon is a great assassin that can go mid, top, or even jungle(although, his jungle prowess may be questionable). Edit: forgot about Corki(less forgot, more skimmed past. He's also a strong marksman with early burst). Blitzcrank is neat in blind, but he'll often be banned in draft for a long time.
From the 3150s, those are my suggestions/opinions. No arguing my flaws >.> Honestly, find a champion you -really- want and save for it. If you're not sure, just save until you find one you want. If you're below level 30, you should probably start saving up for tier 3 runes if you don't have them. (~11K IP for two basic runepages that cover AD and AP champs generally)
When Canada rules the world, things will be... nii~ice.
I switched to Oceanic server when I still lived in Hawaii because I thought it'd give me better ping when I moved to the Philippines. Now I am moved to the Philippines and can't play because of mobile broadband dial-up speeds ( ( :-??
I switched to Oceanic server when I still lived in Hawaii because I thought it'd give me better ping when I moved to the Philippines. Now I am moved to the Philippines and can't play because of mobile broadband dial-up speeds ( ( :-??
There, there. You know what's depressing? Running an excellent game as Riven, solo-top smashing their solo Xin Zhao, while their Shaco was "smart" enough to attack me...while I had Blade of the Exile and Wind Slash up.
And then losing because a) Our Amumu dc'ed and never came back at the start of the game, and b) Our face-melting Fizz dc'ing in the middle of the game.
There's something frustrating about seeing your team having more kills than the other team, but losing because they have superior push.
Would there happen to be a LoL-ish clan in achaea?
I need teammates to try crazy meta-breaking sh*t with, and have no friends. Kthx.
@Erasariel made a ranked team that we never did anything with. Otherwise, some of us banter about League in a skype group. Some of us. There's like... it's pretty much just @Erasariel, @Eiredhel, @Xer, occassionally @Carmain and sometimes ... I don't remember who Collin is, or was... but it's usually just Era and I arguing about pro-teams or some random crap about Achaea here and there.
Nothing truely organized that I know of, though. Outside of the ranked-team-that's-never-played.
Edit: Oh, @Ruth sometimes actually says a word or three once in a while.
When Canada rules the world, things will be... nii~ice.
Play Annie/Veigar bot lane. Ignore anyone who tries to berate you when you lock that in.
1) Farm to 6 2) Hit event horizon 3) Get double kill 4) Repeat until satisfied 5) Win game from two snowballed AP carries, when MR does nothing against you since you both have sorc shoes, void staff and rabaddons by 20min
League of Legends: IA ROCKS (NA) Guild Wars 2: erasariel.1532 - Devona's Rest (NA) Final Fantasy XIV: Novi Selea - Cactuar (NA) Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/ErasarielOfAchaea/ Achaea: Erasariel (duh!)
I remember a jungle TF once. My team was so mad. "Troll TF, report prz."
Also, I was duoing with him, because he's one of the Achaean ones. And I was like, "yeah, cool, whatevs. Dun care if I lose anyway." He didn't do bad, he did pretty good.
And we won the game. Still, "report TF for trolling." Hey, he actually ganked my lane. I almost never get ganks in my poor lonely bottom lane. !_!
Unless the enemy jungler is coming by for a stroll. My jungler? Almost never visits bottom. And I'll even let the enemy lane push up so there -is- gankability.
The only times I seem to get ganks are when I'm winning lane and mid and jungle wanna dive the tower for some stupid insane reason. Usually works out, though. But those are usually the games where I don't -need- the ganks and I'm able to kill the enemy ADC with a piltover peacekeeper combo'd directly into an ace in the hole. If I'm ahead enough and the poking has been good... that -hurts-. So many supports going nice when I burst the adc under the turret with a max range piltover followed by a medium range ace in the hole... Oh Caitlyn, Caitlyn.
When Canada rules the world, things will be... nii~ice.
Usual build for marksman is almost always the same.
Dorans blade start, vamp sceptre into either a BT or IE(your call, really), then a zeal into either a PD or a shiv. Zerk greaves in there somewhere. Last whisper. At that point, the game is usually over for me.
After LW, pick up whatever you didn't get between BT or IE. Then get either another AD item, or pick up an armour. I personally prefer warmogs or spirit visage for ADC. Guardian angel is a good armour, but the passive can work against you sometimes if you're caught out. And then its down for five minutes.
Alternatively, you can swap out BT for a Bork(blade of the ruined king) if you prefer more attack speed, or are facing a team that's going to stack health. Or your marksman has a strong duelist-slash-assassination kit-power. Vayne for instance loves the bork. Caitlyn, not so much. (she can use it, but the active is way inside her attack range, she prefers to keep that range)
As for summoners, I almost universally take flash and barrier when I do marksman. Ignite is nice to have, but most of the time you're out of ignite range to begin with.. and getting closer puts you more into harm's way. Heal can work in place of barrier as well, and cleanse against heavy CC teams.
Edit: For runes I usually do one of two pages:
3 Life steal Quints, 8x AD reds, 1x crit red, 9x flat armour yellow, 9x per level MR blues
3 Flat AD Quints, 8x Armour penetration reds, 1x crit red, 9x flat armour yellow, 9x per level MR blues.
When Canada rules the world, things will be... nii~ice.
Explanation: typical dorans start for extra sustain combined with the lifesteal quints, 1 crit rune is just a preference thing because 1% procs crits than you might think. MF is typically played more as a burst AD as opposed to sustained damage AD (attack speed builds) and the TF + her W is more than enough attack speed.
She's already fairly slippery, randuins and merc treads help further with that and the buffs to TF help her kiting even better since her Q procs both parts of the Tri Force (Rage and Spellblade). The giant health increase from randuins and tri force helps to make her more tanky vs people who will try to burst her down, and the merc treads help to reduce any form of CC you might get caught/hit by. Rest of the build is pretty standard for an ad carry. (There isn't a stat on Tri Force that she doesn't benefit from.)
I just got Miss Fortune. What do you usually advise for her, item build-wise? The only other marksman I have is Vayne.
I start Doran's Blade and run lifesteal quints on every ADC.
MF has a very strong early- and mid-game, so I rush Bloodthirster to complement that. Between the high AD scaling on Double Up, and the AS buff from Impure Shots' active, BT lets her start putting out a lot of damage very quickly. I then pick up Phantom Dancer - I prefer it to Shiv on MF, because I find it provides better damage if you're right clicking down a single target, and MF already has decent waveclear. I finish AS boots at some point, and then generally a Last Whisper if the enemy team is stacking armour, and one defensive item out of Guardian Angel/Banshee's/Quicksilver Sash. The game rarely goes on this long but my last item might be BOTRK, IE, Shiv, Zephyr, Cleaver, or something else.
If I do badly in lane and lose the chance to exploit MF's early strength, I will hold onto my vamp sceptre and rush an IE instead of BT, so that once I do reach mid- and late-game, I'll be stronger.
But yeah, this was probably my best performance as Jayce ever. And I was misclicking and missing stuff all over the place... but still, my best jayce eva. I spent most of the game with boots, 3 pots, a muramana... or manamune... the weaker un-upgraded one, a pickaxe, and two longswords.
I took that long to die between deaths. I was like 11/1/X when they actually did kill me the second time. ... sooooo... I kinda came back with another ~6K worth of items...
When Canada rules the world, things will be... nii~ice.
I have no idea what Rivington is talking about while he casts on the the Worlds stream. He's just saying words, most of them cliches. He's very enthusiastic though!
Riv has the potential to be the best play-by-play person Riot has imo. He's got the best voice for it out of any of their staff. He's also like the only one on their staff atm who has good dynamic qualities and pacing. He doesn't maybe have the best game knowledge, but you can't teach someone who has an annoying voice to not have an annoying voice.
You're right, though, in that he seems to get lost a lot in the cast itself. I don't know if it's like stage fright or what but he really needs to work on articulating one thought before moving onto another one and thinking, like, three to five seconds ahead to what you're going to say and not on what you're saying in that moment.
I really wish I knew more about the feedback and criticism structure the LCS staff employs though because tbh it doesn't really seem effective at cultivating the talent they very obviously have in their staff.
...said the enemy team. Can't say I blame them. One CC from our team lands, and that target got erased from the -rest- of our CC being focused on them. I actually had to play this game with 220-230 ping... which is really high for me. And I even loaded in late because LoL kept crashing before it would load into the game. OP team is OP
When Canada rules the world, things will be... nii~ice.
But most(most, not all) of us play on NA. Probably because a lot of us are from NA. NA comprises Canada, so stop expecting everyone to speak english!
Je parle en peux francais! Je ecrirer en peux francaus aussi. (I apologize to any French speakers who found my spelling and/or tense erroneous. I haven't studied the language in over a decade)
It amuses me when people complain about people not speaking English on NA on the LoL forums. Like the server is only for 'murricans.
When Canada rules the world,
things will be... nii~ice.
Welcome to the library of Dr. Mundo. Please take a complimentary book to your face.
One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important
Incidentally, the four games I won (well, three and a leave) were on Caitlyn. The one I lost? Support.
Also, I have no idea why carrying in ranked is so much easier than carrying in normals, but it totally has been.
or whether to wait till the 4800 or the 6300
Other suggestions, cause I don't know what you don't or don't have: Karthus and Anivia are fairly good mages, relatively easy to pick up. Nidalee if you ARAM a lot, otherwise... she can be situational and require a rather large amount of knowledge and experience with her kit to really bring out her awesome power. The spears from AP Nidalee from fog can chunk you hard, though.
Sona is still a solid support, and Twitch is a very strong marksman. Not very hard to pick up overall, but positioning is key to really make use of his ult. Pantheon is a great assassin that can go mid, top, or even jungle(although, his jungle prowess may be questionable). Edit: forgot about Corki(less forgot, more skimmed past. He's also a strong marksman with early burst). Blitzcrank is neat in blind, but he'll often be banned in draft for a long time.
From the 3150s, those are my suggestions/opinions. No arguing my flaws >.> Honestly, find a champion you -really- want and save for it. If you're not sure, just save until you find one you want. If you're below level 30, you should probably start saving up for tier 3 runes if you don't have them. (~11K IP for two basic runepages that cover AD and AP champs generally)
When Canada rules the world,
things will be... nii~ice.
Yolo low level games
When Canada rules the world,
things will be... nii~ice.
Don't hate pls.
Nothing truely organized that I know of, though. Outside of the ranked-team-that's-never-played.
When Canada rules the world,
things will be... nii~ice.
1) Farm to 6
2) Hit event horizon
3) Get double kill
4) Repeat until satisfied
5) Win game from two snowballed AP carries, when MR does nothing against you since you both have sorc shoes, void staff and rabaddons by 20min
League of Legends: IA ROCKS (NA)
Guild Wars 2: erasariel.1532 - Devona's Rest (NA)
Final Fantasy XIV: Novi Selea - Cactuar (NA)
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/ErasarielOfAchaea/
Achaea: Erasariel (duh!)
Also, I was duoing with him, because he's one of the Achaean ones. And I was like, "yeah, cool, whatevs. Dun care if I lose anyway." He didn't do bad, he did pretty good.
And we won the game. Still, "report TF for trolling." Hey, he actually ganked my lane. I almost never get ganks in my poor lonely bottom lane. !_!
Unless the enemy jungler is coming by for a stroll. My jungler? Almost never visits bottom. And I'll even let the enemy lane push up so there -is- gankability.
The only times I seem to get ganks are when I'm winning lane and mid and jungle wanna dive the tower for some stupid insane reason. Usually works out, though. But those are usually the games where I don't -need- the ganks and I'm able to kill the enemy ADC with a piltover peacekeeper combo'd directly into an ace in the hole. If I'm ahead enough and the poking has been good... that -hurts-. So many supports going nice when I burst the adc under the turret with a max range piltover followed by a medium range ace in the hole... Oh Caitlyn, Caitlyn.
When Canada rules the world,
things will be... nii~ice.
Dorans blade start, vamp sceptre into either a BT or IE(your call, really), then a zeal into either a PD or a shiv. Zerk greaves in there somewhere. Last whisper. At that point, the game is usually over for me.
After LW, pick up whatever you didn't get between BT or IE. Then get either another AD item, or pick up an armour. I personally prefer warmogs or spirit visage for ADC. Guardian angel is a good armour, but the passive can work against you sometimes if you're caught out. And then its down for five minutes.
Alternatively, you can swap out BT for a Bork(blade of the ruined king) if you prefer more attack speed, or are facing a team that's going to stack health. Or your marksman has a strong duelist-slash-assassination kit-power. Vayne for instance loves the bork. Caitlyn, not so much. (she can use it, but the active is way inside her attack range, she prefers to keep that range)
As for summoners, I almost universally take flash and barrier when I do marksman. Ignite is nice to have, but most of the time you're out of ignite range to begin with.. and getting closer puts you more into harm's way. Heal can work in place of barrier as well, and cleanse against heavy CC teams.
Edit: For runes I usually do one of two pages:
3 Life steal Quints, 8x AD reds, 1x crit red, 9x flat armour yellow, 9x per level MR blues
3 Flat AD Quints, 8x Armour penetration reds, 1x crit red, 9x flat armour yellow, 9x per level MR blues.
When Canada rules the world,
things will be... nii~ice.
Explanation: typical dorans start for extra sustain combined with the lifesteal quints, 1 crit rune is just a preference thing because 1% procs crits than you might think. MF is typically played more as a burst AD as opposed to sustained damage AD (attack speed builds) and the TF + her W is more than enough attack speed.
She's already fairly slippery, randuins and merc treads help further with that and the buffs to TF help her kiting even better since her Q procs both parts of the Tri Force (Rage and Spellblade). The giant health increase from randuins and tri force helps to make her more tanky vs people who will try to burst her down, and the merc treads help to reduce any form of CC you might get caught/hit by. Rest of the build is pretty standard for an ad carry. (There isn't a stat on Tri Force that she doesn't benefit from.)
MF has a very strong early- and mid-game, so I rush Bloodthirster to complement that. Between the high AD scaling on Double Up, and the AS buff from Impure Shots' active, BT lets her start putting out a lot of damage very quickly. I then pick up Phantom Dancer - I prefer it to Shiv on MF, because I find it provides better damage if you're right clicking down a single target, and MF already has decent waveclear. I finish AS boots at some point, and then generally a Last Whisper if the enemy team is stacking armour, and one defensive item out of Guardian Angel/Banshee's/Quicksilver Sash. The game rarely goes on this long but my last item might be BOTRK, IE, Shiv, Zephyr, Cleaver, or something else.
If I do badly in lane and lose the chance to exploit MF's early strength, I will hold onto my vamp sceptre and rush an IE instead of BT, so that once I do reach mid- and late-game, I'll be stronger.
When Canada rules the world,
things will be... nii~ice.
But yeah, this was probably my best performance as Jayce ever. And I was misclicking and missing stuff all over the place... but still, my best jayce eva. I spent most of the game with boots, 3 pots, a muramana... or manamune... the weaker un-upgraded one, a pickaxe, and two longswords.
I took that long to die between deaths. I was like 11/1/X when they actually did kill me the second time. ... sooooo... I kinda came back with another ~6K worth of items...
When Canada rules the world,
things will be... nii~ice.
You're right, though, in that he seems to get lost a lot in the cast itself. I don't know if it's like stage fright or what but he really needs to work on articulating one thought before moving onto another one and thinking, like, three to five seconds ahead to what you're going to say and not on what you're saying in that moment.
I really wish I knew more about the feedback and criticism structure the LCS staff employs though because tbh it doesn't really seem effective at cultivating the talent they very obviously have in their staff.
When Canada rules the world,
things will be... nii~ice.
recall to starcall at base saved us a few times... but dayum almost an hour and a half