As I stated, had to recall because 1- entire team died for rushing, 2- base was being overrun. Otherwise, would have been a total loss I'm not that dumb... anymore.
liandry starcall is OP though. Got a laugh from my teammates for it XD
As I stated, had to recall because 1- entire team died for rushing, 2- base was being overrun. Otherwise, would have been a total loss I'm not that dumb... anymore.
liandry starcall is OP though. Got a laugh from my teammates for it XD
CDR cap is still 40%, though. And I can only assume you're using 0/9/21 masteries, or something similar. Shurelya and locket could've been sold for more AP (If you're not going DPS Soraka, you're not doing it right. She isn't useful any other way) Maybe Rylai/Rabaddons, giving how much gold you got.
Also, report Blitz for feeding No, not really. Just kinda amused me that everyone on our team died five times... except Blitz, he died seven times. I still have no idea how to Lulu
When Canada rules the world, things will be... nii~ice.
(Inb4 chain wtfs again without providing any solid argument outside of "hurr aram is fun!") I see -zero- point in linking an ARAM game. Unless you somehow manage to beat something like Lux / Ezreal / Jayce / Orianna / Ahri, with a team like... Fiora / Garen / Soraka / Taric / Nunu, or something equally weak.
1) KD doesn't mean much. Dying, unless it's 3 seconds after you get back to your team = items. 2) High kills with Lux in ARAMs is NOTHING NOTEWORTHY. Or any stupidly high poke damage person that has strong self peels / mobility. (See: the champs above) 3) Gold generation is high. You're going to get items. Therefore, it is very, very rare that a champion is going to be bad, unless the person playing it is. Or the game ends in 10 minutes because your team thinks Kassawin does lots of damage pre 6/items, and is capable of tower diving at level 3.
why link them? because this is a LoL thread... and ARAM's are a game mode... in LoL...which is what this thread is about....?
You really do not act any different than you do in-game, huh (note; I'm talking about in Achaea). How about you go through the thread and read the captions that go along with each ARAM screencap, then come back to me.
I'm sure they would not post ARAM games in this thread if at least one of these two conditions holds:
1. ARAM is not a game mode in League of Legends.
2. The thread title says "League of Legends: non-ARAM Discussions", or any similar iteration that clearly and succinctly defines the exclusion of the 'All Random, All Mid', 'ARAM', 'aram', 'aRaM' - or any variation of the above - gameplay from the thread discussion.
The thread title just says League of Legends, which can be implied that it encompasses all things LoL, including ARAM. Addendum note: the following link contains an entry in the League of Legends wiki for ARAM: All Random, All Mid.
To further reinforce the fact of ARAM's inclusion as a LoL game mode, I have attached herein a screenshot of one result from a regular Google image search of "game modes league of legends",
Unless there was a hidden update that has happened as of this posting that has removed ARAM from the list of gameplay modes from all League of Legends servers across the globe, I can declare with certainty that ARAM is, indeed, part of LoL, and that posting links to ARAM games is perfectly fine.
why link them? because this is a LoL thread... and ARAM's are a game mode... in LoL...which is what this thread is about....?
You really do not act any different than you do in-game, huh (note; I'm talking about in Achaea). How about you go through the thread and read the captions that go along with each ARAM screencap, then come back to me.
i was going to comment but then i remembered what a sook you are when you are wrong.... ooops i commented
Fun fact: This is the first time I've tried to use flash comboing into unstoppable force before. I could get used to it.
I'm not... entirely sure how we managed to win that one. Every time we fought them, we either barely lost, or barely won. Which led to a lot of inhibitor dances. I think we had one turret left at the very end when we managed to overwhelmingly ace them. Diana had the right mindset, and I was almost always able to follow her up on it. Dive Fiddlesticks, then crap all over MF. Usually, her dive melted Fiddle and I'd just ult on top of MF and TF ... who liked each other very very much.
Zilean wasn't much help... he kept suicide rushing the team with his ult on. I think he once used it on Renekton, but that was it. And it was a good ult, Renekton got a double kill 4-5 ace out of it. And I don't think Fiddlesticks got to use his Zhonyas once. But flash>unstoppable force, da plays, da plays!
I -was- going to post a dominion game for a change of pace. Then I was reminded how bad I am at Dominion(okay, it didn't go -that- badly until we threw it at like 300-50 and then lost 0-19)... so I went back to ARAM Maybe tomorrow I'll actually play a SR and post that for a change, who knows. I really should. But I hate queuing up and trying to get my prefered role and not feel bad for taking it.
Yes, I -am- that kind of a person who feels bad when people badmouth them because they're -trying- to have fun and want to play their preferred role. I don't play marksman because I like to melt people and feel like I have to deal all teh damages. I play it because that's where I'm most comfortable. Rant over. Happy thoughts, Nya~!
When Canada rules the world, things will be... nii~ice.
As I stated, had to recall because 1- entire team died for rushing, 2- base was being overrun. Otherwise, would have been a total loss
liandry starcall is OP though. Got a laugh from my teammates for it XD that kat was so cocky and wasnt even damaging just last hitting >.> it was pretty annoying but overall great game
funniest combo is blitzcrank and darius bot, me and my mate (i hate rocks4311) always do it now, we can basically get first blood strait up
CDR cap is still 40%, though. And I can only assume you're using 0/9/21 masteries, or something similar. Shurelya and locket could've been sold for more AP (If you're not going DPS Soraka, you're not doing it right. She isn't useful any other way) Maybe Rylai/Rabaddons, giving how much gold you got.
I know it was only an ARAM, but damn is it fun as Evelynn. It being a linear map means very little places to hide or run from her.
When Canada rules the world,
things will be... nii~ice.
They're afraid I'll take over.
When Canada rules the world,
things will be... nii~ice.
When Canada rules the world,
things will be... nii~ice.
When Canada rules the world,
things will be... nii~ice.
If I wanna link my ARAMs, I will.
When Canada rules the world,
things will be... nii~ice.
I see -zero- point in linking an ARAM game. Unless you somehow manage to beat something like Lux / Ezreal / Jayce / Orianna / Ahri, with a team like... Fiora / Garen / Soraka / Taric / Nunu, or something equally weak.
1) KD doesn't mean much. Dying, unless it's 3 seconds after you get back to your team = items.
2) High kills with Lux in ARAMs is NOTHING NOTEWORTHY. Or any stupidly high poke damage person that has strong self peels / mobility. (See: the champs above)
3) Gold generation is high. You're going to get items. Therefore, it is very, very rare that a champion is going to be bad, unless the person playing it is. Or the game ends in 10 minutes because your team thinks Kassawin does lots of damage pre 6/items, and is capable of tower diving at level 3.
Counter: Why link them?
When Canada rules the world,
things will be... nii~ice.
on another note.. why do I always have the urge to play LoL every time I scan the forums and see this thread? I want to play Achaea damn it!
I'm not... entirely sure how we managed to win that one. Every time we fought them, we either barely lost, or barely won. Which led to a lot of inhibitor dances. I think we had one turret left at the very end when we managed to overwhelmingly ace them. Diana had the right mindset, and I was almost always able to follow her up on it. Dive Fiddlesticks, then crap all over MF. Usually, her dive melted Fiddle and I'd just ult on top of MF and TF ... who liked each other very very much.
Zilean wasn't much help... he kept suicide rushing the team with his ult on. I think he once used it on Renekton, but that was it. And it was a good ult, Renekton got a double kill 4-5 ace out of it. And I don't think Fiddlesticks got to use his Zhonyas once. But flash>unstoppable force, da plays, da plays!
I -was- going to post a dominion game for a change of pace. Then I was reminded how bad I am at Dominion(okay, it didn't go -that- badly until we threw it at like 300-50 and then lost 0-19)... so I went back to ARAM
When Canada rules the world,
things will be... nii~ice.