Admittedly... I only did so well because I was jumping in on a team of squishies...
How I J4? Free week champs in ARAM aren't always cool. J4 was kinda neat[EDIT: first time J4]... I know, I know Cynlael, Iceborn on Jarvan is bad. I dun care. I needed mana, and wanted armour, and iceborn fit the bill. Well, frozen heart would've worked too... but I think the slow field worked out for our team better. 4v5 full game, though. Blitzcrank was our negative nancy. We held them at bay pretty nicely, then we lost a turret. And then the negativity set in. Then we pushed back, aced them, and got our own turret in reply.
Back and forth again, a little negativity from Blitz here and there. Then we have a really bad teamfight and he practically gives up, Me? "We got this guys, we got this." We proceeded to smash. Back to back ace... scumbag J4 stealing one penta from kat... the next ace I resolved to make it up to her and secured her a quadra(okay, I secured the quadra for her after I realized she had a triple kill. Added just enough damage to Ahri for her to finish her and went back after...) with Ezreal still on the field. Scumbag Ezreal ran away. We secured nexus on that play, though, and she got her delayed penta(unofficial, but she still got it dammit).
When Canada rules the world, things will be... nii~ice.
Just be careful of snarepeople (lux/morg) My first bot game with her (beginner) 9/0/7, then 25/4/13... then 8/0/24. If I get a chance to play a normals (doubtful, so much homework) I know I won't care if I win, she's just FUN
I hate how you can't use her laugh while moving. !_! How will I annoy my enemies with a Jinx/Lulu lane now?
(unless someone knows the secret, cause my keybound laugh that works with every other champion isn't working with Jinx. I mean, she laughs... but the audio cancels whenever I move)
When Canada rules the world, things will be... nii~ice.
Okay, I'm sure there've been longer, but nearing 40 minutes is like... an 80-90 minute game on SR, more or less. We just couldn't get a definitive advantage in almost every fight. On the occassion, there was a fight that gave one team an advantage and let us eventually push to each other's inhib... but then it was a stalemate for what felt like ever. Pushing back and forth against each others inhib, maybe putting a little damage on the nexus turrets, but never anything really big.
On our side, it was mostly because Karthus was getting them in a good defile or had the requiem to follow up and usually dropped 2-4 people on our team from the fight. Meanwhile, I was tanky enough to just run through the defile and lay down my poison damage on everyone... and usually survive the follow-up requiem. But then Jax would be left alive, and we couldn't get through him. We finally managed a 5-2 on the last push. I tanked the turrets, Nidalee and Diana helped me lay down the damage. GG
When Canada rules the world, things will be... nii~ice.
Top and Mid played pretty good. I played best! 7-0-4 maokai before the real teamfights began. They had adc mid and bot, so I went full armour build. Last fight I had ezreal and ashe focusing me fully and by the time they took me down thornmail had them at 30% hp and the rest of their team was dead.
Forgot to screenshot, but AD Lulu so fun on ARAMs. My first death I had 3 kills, killed one, died, then killed 2 more and the other team focused me hard.
(and the aram defeat with jinx- I was carrying, but we were against teemo, shen, varus, darius, and nidalee. I think the only other range we had was Ez.)
Era and I were arguing about how she is or isn't overpowered last night in the LoL(and everything else video games) skype group last night. I don't disagree that she's going to get nerfed, but he thinks her passive needs nerfing, I just think her attack speed on Q needs to get nerfed or tweaked(per level scaling maybe). I mean, she can tear down a turret pretty damned easily. You get killed or pushed out of lane by her early game just once, and your turret is gone. It hasn't happened to me, since I haven't played SR in a while.. I know, I suck, but I have reasons(most of them are framerate related and I don't like dragging my team down because of my gpu being crap), but I have spectated a few games where that exact scenario has happened.
Even on my friend who sucks at marksman... and I've tried to help him improve, he doesn't listen. Ironic(okay, it's ironic to me) thing is, he's the one who got me into league, and he was like... pro to me when I was a fresh noob. He spends most of his time on TT though, so I guess it's a different playstyle there? I dunno... but lately, I've seen him doing marksman on SR and it's one of those moments where you say, "when we last met, I was but the student, now I am the master."
I'm not kidding. He takes ghost/barrier or flash/ghost on his adc. His positioning is turrible, he plays the most passive ADC game ever, even with some of the more aggressive ADCs... He can farm well, I'll give him that. But once 15 minutes rolls around, either he's falling behind and will never catch up, or his team has snowballed a lead that makes the enemy team surrender. I'm not saying I'm a better player... but I think I could out-ADC him... I've never told him that, and since he's not a player of Achaea, he'll never know.
... By the Garden did I ever get off-track with this post... XD But yeah, he sucks at ADC and he can still take an 8 minute turret with Jinx by just pushing the enemy out of lane once. So, Jinx's minigun speed is probably a bit much at lower level. @Erasariel thinks her passive needs nerfing more though... but, like, her passive totally fits her! (okay, it might give her -too- much speed) She's like, "I just killed you, bye bye!" Yeah, she probably also has too much utility on her E and W, but W is pretty telegraphed... at bronze/silver no one can dodge skill shots anyway.
Yes, even I can't dodge skillshots 50% of the time. Maybe 60% of the time. I'm not terrible, serious. I once had to play against a Jayce/Nidalee lane bottom, pushed to turret, and I was dodging 85% of their poke. And I was on purple side. And I hate the chokepoint feel of purple side's turret. Camera doesn't bother me, it's the choked in feeling it gives me compared to blue side. I hate being pushed to turret on purple-side. ... I -am- rambly this morning, aren't I? XD
I think I'll stop typing now. XD
When Canada rules the world, things will be... nii~ice.
Tried playing this on my laptop after a few months of not playing, but they changed the video settings to where you can't set your own fps cap. You can choose cap at 60, or uncapped, and both of those make my laptop over heat.
Yeah, a lot of people have complained about the loss of benchmark/capping the framerate because of laptops. They might put it back in. My computer is a piece of crap anyway, and I rarely if ever even hit 30FPS anyway.
Fortunately, I am also getting a new computer in the near future(it's going to be my christmas present to myself, hopefully I'll get a sale deal and be able to get a decent gpu with it... for now though, gpu is not in the budget. That'll come next year sometime)
When Canada rules the world, things will be... nii~ice.
Finally got to play Jinx in a game for once. Since I usually play draft modes and not blind pick and all. And I never got to roll her in ARAM. Also, someone on my team is a Rioter... This was a pre-made 5 team, so, obviously out opponents were also 5 people. Or else matchmaking sucks. Either way, everyone was fairly above my skill level. I did bad at last-hitting, because, I'm bad. But I did alright. Got two kills with a sniped out W, the other kill? ... uh... I don't actually remember where I stole that one from. Pretty sure it wasn't with my missile. I either missed with it, or just blindly fired it out when our only teamfight happened. Or it was on cooldown when I had a beautiful shot. 3 seconds left, straight line to Ezreal, Nidalee picks him off with spear. Oh well.
Edit so I can add: This wasn't the only game, or first game with him. We lost the first two games, this was the one we won. @Erasariel got to play with us for the second game. We screwed up in that game. Call was to invade red, they had it warded and made it clear... we stuck around waaaaaaay too long. I mean, I'm bronze mechanics, I don't know when to back from purple-side's red as blue marksman (1:20?)
When Canada rules the world, things will be... nii~ice.
So, my friend and I were messing around with bots and at one point, we both had to reboot, so we come back to do a game... he goes Vi because he's practicing as Vi on bots, and I go Lulu. We get to the loading screen and I see Jinx on the purple team. I went WHAT?!?!?
was back and forth, J4 got first blood, Jinx got second kill.. then we started failing (mostly me... 2 deaths in the span of a few minutes) then... Jinx got fed. And we won. AMAZING
How I J4?
Back and forth again, a little negativity from Blitz here and there. Then we have a really bad teamfight and he practically gives up, Me? "We got this guys, we got this." We proceeded to smash. Back to back ace... scumbag J4 stealing one penta from kat... the next ace I resolved to make it up to her and secured her a quadra(okay, I secured the quadra for her after I realized she had a triple kill. Added just enough damage to Ahri for her to finish her and went back after...) with Ezreal still on the field. Scumbag Ezreal ran away. We secured nexus on that play, though, and she got her delayed penta(unofficial, but she still got it dammit).
When Canada rules the world,
things will be... nii~ice.
(unless someone knows the secret, cause my keybound laugh that works with every other champion isn't working with Jinx. I mean, she laughs... but the audio cancels whenever I move)
When Canada rules the world,
things will be... nii~ice.
On our side, it was mostly because Karthus was getting them in a good defile or had the requiem to follow up and usually dropped 2-4 people on our team from the fight. Meanwhile, I was tanky enough to just run through the defile and lay down my poison damage on everyone... and usually survive the follow-up requiem. But then Jax would be left alive, and we couldn't get through him. We finally managed a 5-2 on the last push. I tanked the turrets, Nidalee and Diana helped me lay down the damage. GG
When Canada rules the world,
things will be... nii~ice.
Riot pls nerf.
(and the aram defeat with jinx- I was carrying, but we were against teemo, shen, varus, darius, and nidalee. I think the only other range we had was Ez.)
Even on my friend who sucks at marksman... and I've tried to help him improve, he doesn't listen. Ironic(okay, it's ironic to me) thing is, he's the one who got me into league, and he was like... pro to me when I was a fresh noob. He spends most of his time on TT though, so I guess it's a different playstyle there? I dunno... but lately, I've seen him doing marksman on SR and it's one of those moments where you say, "when we last met, I was but the student, now I am the master."
I'm not kidding. He takes ghost/barrier or flash/ghost on his adc. His positioning is turrible, he plays the most passive ADC game ever, even with some of the more aggressive ADCs... He can farm well, I'll give him that. But once 15 minutes rolls around, either he's falling behind and will never catch up, or his team has snowballed a lead that makes the enemy team surrender. I'm not saying I'm a better player... but I think I could out-ADC him... I've never told him that, and since he's not a player of Achaea, he'll never know.
... By the Garden did I ever get off-track with this post... XD But yeah, he sucks at ADC and he can still take an 8 minute turret with Jinx by just pushing the enemy out of lane once. So, Jinx's minigun speed is probably a bit much at lower level. @Erasariel thinks her passive needs nerfing more though... but, like, her passive totally fits her! (okay, it might give her -too- much speed) She's like, "I just killed you, bye bye!" Yeah, she probably also has too much utility on her E and W, but W is pretty telegraphed... at bronze/silver no one can dodge skill shots anyway.
I think I'll stop typing now. XD
When Canada rules the world,
things will be... nii~ice.
(In other words, jungler says "HI HOW ARE YOU?"-then takes first blood and she can't do anything because your bot lane just freezes lane after that)
Edit: Sure, she's good... Overpowered / Needs nerfs? Not really, no.
Fortunately, I am also getting a new computer in the near future(it's going to be my christmas present to myself, hopefully I'll get a sale deal and be able to get a decent gpu with it... for now though, gpu is not in the budget. That'll come next year sometime)
When Canada rules the world,
things will be... nii~ice.
Finally got to play Jinx in a game for once. Since I usually play draft modes and not blind pick and all. And I never got to roll her in ARAM. Also, someone on my team is a Rioter... This was a pre-made 5 team, so, obviously out opponents were also 5 people. Or else matchmaking sucks. Either way, everyone was fairly above my skill level. I did bad at last-hitting, because, I'm bad. But I did alright. Got two kills with a sniped out W, the other kill? ... uh... I don't actually remember where I stole that one from. Pretty sure it wasn't with my missile. I either missed with it, or just blindly fired it out when our only teamfight happened. Or it was on cooldown when I had a beautiful shot. 3 seconds left, straight line to Ezreal, Nidalee picks him off with spear. Oh well.
When Canada rules the world,
things will be... nii~ice.
was back and forth, J4 got first blood, Jinx got second kill.. then we started failing (mostly me... 2 deaths in the span of a few minutes) then... Jinx got fed. And we won. AMAZING
When Canada rules the world,
things will be... nii~ice.
Meow, meow, etc.
Eiredhel's Family Tree
When Canada rules the world,
things will be... nii~ice.
Meow, meow, etc.
Eiredhel's Family Tree
When Canada rules the world,
things will be... nii~ice.
Cause he nagagrieffed 'em. ... That's how you say it, right?
When Canada rules the world,
things will be... nii~ice.