League of Legends



  • People still ban Blitz/Thresh/Malph? :S

  • Every game I see people beg me to ban Malph when I'm banning. I ban Blitz because I hate dealing with Blitz. >.>
    When Canada rules the world,
    things will be... nii~ice.
  • MishgulMishgul Trondheim, Norway
    if i'm banning i never ban blitz. BECAUSE I CAN PLAY BLITZ.


    One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important

    As drawn by Shayde
    hic locus est ubi mors gaudet succurrere vitae
  • Morgana / Lulu support if they play blitz/thresh :(

    get good at predicting hooks, then just enjoy your free immunity to them, that has a shorter cooldown than the hook itself :X

    or play lulu and shield person who gets grabbed, polymorph the ad carry to prevent damage, slow both of them with Q while ad carry gets to safety.

    or go ultimate troll mode and play sivir/morgana, blackshield/spellshield them and double Q them for half their hp at level 3. :3

  • Nidalee is my best counter vs Blitz/Thresh. Her range works wonders against them

  • EiredhelEiredhel California
    Nidalee is the answer to EVERYTHING!

    Meow, meow, etc. 
    Eiredhel's Family Tree

  • Who's the most boring champion in the game?
    Eiredhel said:
    Nidalee is the answer to EVERYTHING!
    My gods she's right!

  • Nah, that's still Yorick.
    Cascades of quicksilver light streak across the firmament as the celestial voice of Ourania intones, "Oh Jarrod..."

  • Jarrod said:
    Nah, that's still Yorick.
    Nope. It has to be Darius. Just stand there, AA a few times. Ult.
    Or maybe even Trynd. Never fear of dying if you have Telewhore.
  • KresslackKresslack Florida, United States
    So it seems lately, no matter how well the team does, there's on individual who's off in the bushes poking at bugs with a stick or running around in circles somewhere. This was a great match, and I even almost got my first Penta. Our whole team was doing really well, and I was rolling at 16-3 until we pushed down lanes. After that, no one could stick together. We were dominating team fights, but then people kept trying to split push and got caught. Our jungle? Nearly non-existent. 


  • edited August 2013
    Kresslack said:
    there's on individual who's off in the bushes poking at bugs with a stick or running around in circles somewhere.

    Judging by SS, was your whole team?

    That Diana build seems completely godly, too.

    PS. @Eiredhel, you're doing it wrong. The answer is always Karthus, not Nidalee. Please don't make that mistake in future.

  • edited August 2013

    I should try this Lee Sin+Riven combo with my lee-sin-user sibling one day. When my digital interface with the Internet doesn't overheat and shut down when it so much as plays one pixel of a 3d polygon.

  • After not doing ranked in around two weeks...
    f- that Ashe. Reminded me why I don't play ranked -ALMOST- as bad as ARAM. -.-

    Team so fat, getting talon fed = best strat.

  • KresslackKresslack Florida, United States
    Queue up for a match, and of course get stuck with a bunch of scrubs. Fist pick bans Poppy, Sion, and Veigar. Second pick calls jungle, I call top or fill, fourth pick calls jungle or troll. So they both lock in smite, so I dodge. I have to dodge way too many games lately due to idiots who aren't interested in playing as a team and playing to win, and it's getting ridiculous. So once again:


  • EiredhelEiredhel California
    That's why I only play premades 99% of the time, @Kresslack.

    Meow, meow, etc. 
    Eiredhel's Family Tree

  • KresslackKresslack Florida, United States
    You need to start playing with me more then.

  • KresslackKresslack Florida, United States
    edited August 2013
    This has much improved my mood tonight.


    Well that was short lived. Our Varus said he was going to troll if he didn't get mid. He was last pick, I was third, so I called mid to Gragas with. So after our team gave him shit about it, he picked and adc.....and then proceeded to feed Ezreal. Not only did he feed, as soon as Ezreal was nice and fed he said he was leaving and quit. So our Blitzcrank starts a surrender. You do not surrender in Ranked matches. After the surrender failed he just trolled and refused to even defend, just ran around the base. He didn't get a single grab all match, not one single grab.


    I really like this game, but I'm becoming extremely jaded in regards to it because of the absolute shit community of players that seem to make up a majority of it. Seriously.....fucking stick to bot matches if you can't take a ranked game seriously and play as a team.

    Now.....I'm going to go play Skyrim instead for the next few days I think because that doesn't involve human interaction. 


  • Kresslack said:

    You don't play League to "have fun". You play League to prove yourself, over and over, forever.
  • image
    wut is that fiora doing? also katarina was so fed :O
  • That Fiora build is almost as good as the champion, lol.

  • And now to summon the rage of @Erasariel who favors Fiora.

    In his words, "anyone who plays Fiora top is scrub trash."

    When Canada rules the world,
    things will be... nii~ice.
  • edited August 2013
    Username is Recall

    Add me and we'll play sometime.

    EDIT: Tryn OP
  • Cynlael said:
    That Fiora build is almost as good as the champion, lol.

    That Fiora got 9 kills with 6 wards. 

    Wards are OP.

  • but yeah that game was amazing was so back and forth the whole game, my team played amazing on defense holding them back when three inhibitors were down and then pushing middle to win the game was so funny, seemed we were about to lose, 40 seconds later we win... i was like how????
  • finally got enough IP to get a 3150 champ. I am thinking of either getting lux or kass. what do you guys think?

  • Lux safer, but Kassadin has potential to snowball and just 1-shot carries, esp. in lower elos where carries don't build defensive items in the middle of builds.

    Also; Kassadin can fall behind, but recover well, after farming and geting enough ap to nuke the squishy carries (lower elos they delay defensive items, usually, so you can usually farm up to make a difference)

    Kassadin laning phase can be painful; but if the enemy jungler is a "weak" early game ganker (Mumu, malphite, etc) - Kassadin can really work. Don't be afraid to use your Q to last hit levels 1-5, etc.

    But, I do love Lux too - her snare Q can literally win a game, if you catch the right person out! And Rapidstarring is fun. And, if you want people with multiple roles, she can support too.


    (Or get Urgot)

  • I still have yet to buy Lux but I do have Kassadin. He is probably my main if I mid and he is just super snowball-y.

    I'd go Kass over Lux as he just has so much more skill once he hits 6.
  • Rammus.

    hands down.

  • R is for Rammus.


    (what? He's also 3150...)
    When Canada rules the world,
    things will be... nii~ice.
  • Lux is awesome.
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