It wasn't an awesome or amazing game. But oh my god, the lag. (see post-game chat). And it wasn't just me. It was most of us on both teams. And yet, we still managed to win with all that lag.
Probably because we had all this aoe... That's about the only thing that let us win.
Riot is telling me "you're not allowed to play normals today" because, before this game, I had -tried- and got screwed out of two games by dodgers and... well, third time is the "game I have to play support" and I dun wanna. I just wanted my first win of the day... And then there was all this lag, so... No.
When Canada rules the world, things will be... nii~ice.
League of Legends: IA ROCKS (NA) Guild Wars 2: erasariel.1532 - Devona's Rest (NA) Final Fantasy XIV: Novi Selea - Cactuar (NA) Steam: Achaea: Erasariel (duh!)
Last game with Kray, I was accidentally stealing KS every 5 minutes, edited his name since he hasn't posted his user here
Anyone else noticed the nerf early game on Thresh? I felt so squishy the whole first 15 minutes
The last 2 patches have had changes to Thresh, but this is from today's patch notes: Thresh
Base Health reduced from 541 to 500
Base Armor reduced from 18 to 12
Damnation ( Passive )
Souls now always grant 0.75 Armor and Ability Power instead of
starting at 1.0 and granting diminishing returns per soul collected
Summary: Thresh will be more vulnerable at early levels
but souls will now grant a flat bonus for each one collected, with no
diminishing returns.
Context: We wanted to make
trading in lanes a little riskier for Thresh as he already had a lot of
crowd control in Death Sentence and Flay. Additionally, souls had the
tendency to become negligible in the late game due to their diminishing
returns, so letting them give a flat bonus means Thresh’s passive won’t
feel worse for players who are diligent in picking up souls.
Also, Yi's rework is out, as is TF's passive change and a few other things that might make me rage.
League of Legends: IA ROCKS (NA) Guild Wars 2: erasariel.1532 - Devona's Rest (NA) Final Fantasy XIV: Novi Selea - Cactuar (NA) Steam: Achaea: Erasariel (duh!)
Finally had a good game as ADC in normals. Where I didn't have to fight to get it, and my support wasn't a moron. Pretty great, actually. What was I... 8/1/5 Twitch? I didn't get a screenshot. But it was great.
Now if only I could get games like this more often, ne? I don't know why the team waited so long to decide to "group up and teamfight". As soon as I dropped my turret, I wandered to mid with the intent to help push that one down. They were all like, "no, don't roam, Twitch." ... so I free-farmed bot while they lost top and mid's outer and inner turrets.
After that, they decided it was time to teamfight. Pew pew pew!
When Canada rules the world, things will be... nii~ice.
a really really really fun game was back and forth alot and was just a great game.... this one on the other hand was probably the worst game i have had it was 3v5 almost the whole game too BUT i guess this stuff happens and you just have to get over it anyway i have fallen in love with nasus :O he so cooooooool
I think Liandry's can work on AP/magic pen Nasus because of the ult. The huge amount of damage of time ticks will burn objectives and teams down, fast. I'm thinking Rylai's, Liandry's, mpen boots, and then tanky items (and maybe a sunfire also).
League of Legends: IA ROCKS (NA) Guild Wars 2: erasariel.1532 - Devona's Rest (NA) Final Fantasy XIV: Novi Selea - Cactuar (NA) Steam: Achaea: Erasariel (duh!)
I think Liandry's can work on AP/magic pen Nasus because of the ult. The huge amount of damage of time ticks will burn objectives and teams down, fast. I'm thinking Rylai's, Liandry's, mpen boots, and then tanky items (and maybe a sunfire also).
This works. My Nasus in ARAMs wrecked balls. Insta kill circle after wearing down with Q.
Had a few games with Katalyst and a few Aetolians (man, what are the chances of running into the husband of your dormant aet char by any chance) yesterday. Wish I had the sense to screen cap last night's matches. Was fun as hell. Won one close ARAM with both team's inhibs and nexus turrets down. Gogo Eve!
"Mummy, I'm hungry, but there's no one to eat! :C"
Finally had a good game as ADC in normals. Where I didn't have to fight to get it, and my support wasn't a moron. Pretty great, actually. What was I... 8/1/5 Twitch? I didn't get a screenshot. But it was great.
Now if only I could get games like this more often, ne? I don't know why the team waited so long to decide to "group up and teamfight". As soon as I dropped my turret, I wandered to mid with the intent to help push that one down. They were all like, "no, don't roam, Twitch." ... so I free-farmed bot while they lost top and mid's outer and inner turrets.
After that, they decided it was time to teamfight. Pew pew pew!
I had been on a losing streak with a premade group I was running with, so I politely asked for ADC, they gave it to me and I went 9/0/4 Caitlyn, felt awesome! Then lag set in, so I only got assists as MF, and did absolutely horrid as Ashe.
Get Canadian interwebs then. Lag? What lag? The cold makes the data go faster to get the hell out of the cold. *sage*
Still amuses me when I get better ping than people who are geographically closer(which, is almost all of you in North America) to the Riot servers than I am. I tend to average 116ms, but sometimes I actually get down to 98. I don't know why, but I'll take it.
When Canada rules the world, things will be... nii~ice.
I hit a bunch of lag today, but other people in my game were lagging too, so I think it was server-wide. And for some reason it hits me hard and I'm close to L.A., so I'm near one of the servers (normally hit only 24 ping, today was in the 40s)
Finally had a good game as ADC in normals. Where I didn't have to fight to get it, and my support wasn't a moron. Pretty great, actually. What was I... 8/1/5 Twitch? I didn't get a screenshot. But it was great.
Now if only I could get games like this more often, ne? I don't know why the team waited so long to decide to "group up and teamfight". As soon as I dropped my turret, I wandered to mid with the intent to help push that one down. They were all like, "no, don't roam, Twitch." ... so I free-farmed bot while they lost top and mid's outer and inner turrets.
After that, they decided it was time to teamfight. Pew pew pew!
I had been on a losing streak with a premade group I was running with, so I politely asked for ADC, they gave it to me and I went 9/0/4 Caitlyn, felt awesome! Then lag set in, so I only got assists as MF, and did absolutely horrid as Ashe.
Least you're not like me. I tend to spread my damage out in teamfights, so I hardly ever get kills outside of lane. I think the last time I played AD I was on Trist and went like 4/2/15 or something.
Yeah, just an ARAM, but Annie is fun. And ARAM is the only place she's good, most of the time, these days !_! I know, I know, she works on SR. But other mages just do what she does better. And once her Tibbers combo is down, she's usually no much use for another 60-90 seconds(depending on rank and cdr). Not entirely, but, mostly. W is too short range(even harder to smart cast it)
When Canada rules the world, things will be... nii~ice.
Okay, I know this is a double post.... but I'd be waiting forever for someone else to post
I finally took the dive and played my first ranked game
I was expecting trolls, and horror, and toxicity! ... That'll probably come next game. Laning phase was pretty much a wash, not much aggression. Since I have shorter range than Caitlyn, and she had Raka, I didn't bother getting aggressive. And she was too afraid to get aggressive. So we went about even in CS during laning, with me slightly in the lead.
Which was fine with me, because, Twitch scales better into the lategame. Rushed bork, because Singed. But dat Karma mid. She just destroyed Ahri. Apparently, enemy team was filled with rage and toxicity, I feel kinda bad for them. But, Caitlyn could've won laning phase because, even with her passive support, she was more than able to poke the shit out of me. And didn't.
Wonder how I'll end my placements. With my luck, 1-9 and forever doomed to bronze! XD (okay, I'm optimistic enough to say at least 5-5 or close to that. I doubt I'm good enough to go 10-0)
Edited to add: Oh! Tryndamere was so happy that game. Because we never lost a single turret. I was dismayed at him picking Tryn, and I was like, "well fuck, he's going to feed Singed and Singed will carry." Colour me impressed that he not only didn't feed, but did very well.
When Canada rules the world, things will be... nii~ice.
@Daklore did you just say Annie was only good in ARAM's?
..She is fairly free elo up until plat, at least, if you can play her properly. Plenty of people still play her at higher divisions as well, she becomes a 'niche' pick at those stages, though, when counters actually become slightly more relevant. (Yes, I'm aware the only 'true' counter is a player vs player, not champ vs champ)
Also, I'm pretty sure we shouldn't be taking anything I say as any fact anyway... I thought ya'll were already aware of that. Rule of thumb: Never listen to Daklore. Ever.
When Canada rules the world, things will be... nii~ice.
... this was followed by two games with utter morons. I guess the universe had to balance itself. I still haven't ever gotten a gank to my lane by my team's jungler. Well... okay, there's been a couple where they just poke their head in lane and then run away, accomplishing nothing.
2-2.... Well, at least the worst I can do now is 2-8. That's better than my early prediction of 1-9 XD
(yes, I know, I suck)
When Canada rules the world, things will be... nii~ice.
Good guy jungler, gives blue buffs to a constant trash talking mid, who keeps dying to Ryze
Also lol at the karthus' name in @Trilliana's pic.
Team too fat.
lmao Andrei
One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important
Probably because we had all this aoe... That's about the only thing that let us win.
Riot is telling me "you're not allowed to play normals today" because, before this game, I had -tried- and got screwed out of two games by dodgers and... well, third time is the "game I have to play support" and I dun wanna. I just wanted my first win of the day... And then there was all this lag, so... No.
When Canada rules the world,
things will be... nii~ice.
League of Legends: IA ROCKS (NA)
Guild Wars 2: erasariel.1532 - Devona's Rest (NA)
Final Fantasy XIV: Novi Selea - Cactuar (NA)
Achaea: Erasariel (duh!)
Summary: Thresh will be more vulnerable at early levels but souls will now grant a flat bonus for each one collected, with no diminishing returns.
Context: We wanted to make trading in lanes a little riskier for Thresh as he already had a lot of crowd control in Death Sentence and Flay. Additionally, souls had the tendency to become negligible in the late game due to their diminishing returns, so letting them give a flat bonus means Thresh’s passive won’t feel worse for players who are diligent in picking up souls.
Also, Yi's rework is out, as is TF's passive change and a few other things that might make me rage.
TF passive equates to between 6-8 gold per 10, now.
One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important
When Canada rules the world,
things will be... nii~ice.
League of Legends: IA ROCKS (NA)
Guild Wars 2: erasariel.1532 - Devona's Rest (NA)
Final Fantasy XIV: Novi Selea - Cactuar (NA)
Achaea: Erasariel (duh!)
Now if only I could get games like this more often, ne? I don't know why the team waited so long to decide to "group up and teamfight". As soon as I dropped my turret, I wandered to mid with the intent to help push that one down. They were all like, "no, don't roam, Twitch." ... so I free-farmed bot while they lost top and mid's outer and inner turrets.
After that, they decided it was time to teamfight. Pew pew pew!
When Canada rules the world,
things will be... nii~ice.
a really really really fun game was back and forth alot and was just a great game....
this one on the other hand
was probably the worst game i have had it was 3v5 almost the whole game too
BUT i guess this stuff happens and you just have to get over it
anyway i have fallen in love with nasus :O he so cooooooool
Liandry's on Nasus? Wat build is this. AP Nasus rushes Rabaddons + Mpen boots and Lich Bane.
League of Legends: IA ROCKS (NA)
Guild Wars 2: erasariel.1532 - Devona's Rest (NA)
Final Fantasy XIV: Novi Selea - Cactuar (NA)
Achaea: Erasariel (duh!)
One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important
Had a few games with Katalyst and a few Aetolians (man, what are the chances of running into the husband of your dormant aet char by any chance) yesterday. Wish I had the sense to screen cap last night's matches. Was fun as hell. Won one close ARAM with both team's inhibs and nexus turrets down. Gogo Eve!
Meow, meow, etc.
Eiredhel's Family Tree
Still amuses me when I get better ping than people who are geographically closer(which, is almost all of you in North America) to the Riot servers than I am. I tend to average 116ms, but sometimes I actually get down to 98. I don't know why, but I'll take it.
When Canada rules the world,
things will be... nii~ice.
Yay Tibbers!
Yeah, just an ARAM, but Annie is fun.
When Canada rules the world,
things will be... nii~ice.
I was expecting trolls, and horror, and toxicity! ... That'll probably come next game. Laning phase was pretty much a wash, not much aggression. Since I have shorter range than Caitlyn, and she had Raka, I didn't bother getting aggressive. And she was too afraid to get aggressive. So we went about even in CS during laning, with me slightly in the lead.
Which was fine with me, because, Twitch scales better into the lategame. Rushed bork, because Singed. But dat Karma mid. She just destroyed Ahri. Apparently, enemy team was filled with rage and toxicity, I feel kinda bad for them. But, Caitlyn could've won laning phase because, even with her passive support, she was more than able to poke the shit out of me. And didn't.
Wonder how I'll end my placements. With my luck, 1-9 and forever doomed to bronze! XD (okay, I'm optimistic enough to say at least 5-5 or close to that. I doubt I'm good enough to go 10-0)
Edited to add: Oh! Tryndamere was so happy that game. Because we never lost a single turret. I was dismayed at him picking Tryn, and I was like, "well fuck, he's going to feed Singed and Singed will carry." Colour me impressed that he not only didn't feed, but did very well.
When Canada rules the world,
things will be... nii~ice.
..She is fairly free elo up until plat, at least, if you can play her properly. Plenty of people still play her at higher divisions as well, she becomes a 'niche' pick at those stages, though, when counters actually become slightly more relevant. (Yes, I'm aware the only 'true' counter is a player vs player, not champ vs champ)
Also, I'm pretty sure we shouldn't be taking anything I say as any fact anyway... I thought ya'll were already aware of that. Rule of thumb: Never listen to Daklore. Ever.
When Canada rules the world,
things will be... nii~ice.
... this was followed by two games with utter morons. I guess the universe had to balance itself. I still haven't ever gotten a gank to my lane by my team's jungler. Well... okay, there's been a couple where they just poke their head in lane and then run away, accomplishing nothing.
2-2.... Well, at least the worst I can do now is 2-8. That's better than my early prediction of 1-9 XD
(yes, I know, I suck)
When Canada rules the world,
things will be... nii~ice.