Look at who you mentioned that said that. The time you do it has numerous different things to take into account.. a) Positioning of enemy team, b) Positioning of your team when call is made, c) Difference in items / team comp, d) How stupid both teams are, when it comes to teamfighting.
If your jungler and adc run straight through mid lane towards baron, when the whole enemy team is MIA. Yeah that's not going to end well.
My back hurts. 4v5 almost the entire game... I don't know how we won that one.
Well, actually, I know how we won that one. We ballsdeeped and took out Vayne every chance we could get. It helped that I could 1v1 her and win. Also helped that I could just pray and spray and hit her by targetting Rengar. And then expunge for... wait for it... waaaait for it...
Tons of damage.
But what probably helped my team the most was a relatively positive attitude. There was no, "oh, it's over, gg. I'm done." There was one surrender vote... which was immediatly followed by me getting a triple kill. That -might- have been what turned our team's morale in our favour, it changed from, "4v5, let's get it over with" to, "if we focus Vayne, we can win."
And thus we did.
When Canada rules the world, things will be... nii~ice.
I am never going to put aside my morals and standards to play support for a male that I deem 'not good enough' ever again. I refuse.
That stupid moron was playing marvel heros while in the middle of a match and then yelled at me for getting him killed, when his dumb ass should have just run away but he wasn't paying attention.
One does not multibox with a MOBA. Not even if you're a support.
Reminds me of a YouTube video of some pro in the NA scene (someone in C9, dunno who) took over his teammate's account while he was out when they were duo-queuing. He can't do it for long. And he's a pro!
League of Legends: IA ROCKS (NA) Guild Wars 2: erasariel.1532 - Devona's Rest (NA) Final Fantasy XIV: Novi Selea - Cactuar (NA) Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/ErasarielOfAchaea/ Achaea: Erasariel (duh!)
One does not multibox with a MOBA. Not even if you're a support.
Reminds me of a YouTube video of some pro in the NA scene (someone in C9, dunno who) took over his teammate's account while he was out when they were duo-queuing. He can't do it for long. And he's a pro!
@Thiev raids on Achaea all the time while he's playing. And he is Jungle/ADC 99.99% of the time. Still tops the scores.
It wasn't the multi-boxing that was the problem. It was him standing in the middle of lane and dying, then backing in a bush that he knew was warded, or should have known because I pinged it and tried killing it but he didn't help me. Then him screaming at me and cursing at me for him dying and going on and on about how I'm not the shot caller and I just need to sit there and do whatever I tell him to because I'm an idiot or something like that. So I said have fun dying, because he's a terrible shot caller. He then died three more times when I was letting him shot call, which consisted of him saying nothing except talking about unrelated things. So he got even more angry and then sit in spawner and said 'let me know when it is 20 minutes' and was a total diva about it. DURING a team practice.
If it was just a normal game, that I didn't have time set out of my day to play and to work on team compositions and crap then I'd have just laughed it off and just dealt with it. But I absolutely refuse to play on ranked teams and have to go to practice if the adc is a condescending male with a serious adc diva complex.
Anyway, I politely stated how I felt about the situation, and left and the whole team disbanded because apparently the other team mates felt the same way and didn't want to work with him any longer.
Lesson of the Day: One person cannot carry a team, but their attitude can ruin it.
I honestly tell my friends, if they piss me off (since I mainly play support with them) that I'll go help another lane that sees that they're being a dick. And I do it if they continue. One person's toxicity should not ruin my time to relax and have fun. It sucks that your team got disbanded, and I kinda wish there was a sign on people's heads with League that say that they're a dick, but I'm glad that someone other than me refuses to be abused.
Harden up. It's a game. You know what support entails, and if you're going to throw a tantrum and run to some other lane, causing your ADC to get 2v1'd and lose, then you're just as bad as they are. Ignore them and continue doing what you're doing if you don't want to deal with them raging.
Sorry, but no. The kind of attitude he showed in that video, is him being just as bad as they are. Ignore is there for a reason, use it and stop your complaining. If you don't wanna do that, then play another role and let someone else deal with it. I've played the role the entire time I've played this game. And if you don't wanna do either of those things, then grab people you know how to play with.
Edit: Disbanding a team because of one person is stupid. Do what pro teams do, and find another person to place them. You shouldn't all stop playing together just because of one person. Unless you only have those people to play with... Then well... I dunno.
I was going to comment on what you said @Cynlael, but then I realized you clearly have no idea what happened and I don't have the energy to bother.
So played some arams with some peeps last night which may or may not have included a sexy @Kresslack.
I think I got three quadras in one game, cause SOMEONE (I don't even remember who cause I was so jumped up on sugar) kept taking my pentas. And we still lost. We won an aram at some point though, so it's all good. I was just super amused I kept missing my pentas.
I'm so bad at league, someone uninstall it for meee.
From what I've seen when playing with her for months now, @Eiredhel very, very rarely rages or gets upset during a match. I think I've seen it once, and it was for a good reason. I've done stupid stuff just to mess with her and see if I -could-, but unless you are just going full retard, she won't actually get pissed without a good reason.
My first thoughts during champ select. "Quinn vs Caitlyn ... this game is gonna suck."
And then we got into the game and she couldn't dodge bubbles. She barely moved, it was stupid easy to catch her for free harass from Quinn. Quinn got first blood and a double kill because of my bubbles and whatever the hell Nami's W is called. Ebb and Flow? Course, Quinn died in the process, but the kill went to Sona. I just sat back, plopped damage on turret for a bit... I just did nothing but ward... as evident by how much of my inventory is devoted to wards.
You all know no one in soloqq wards. Admit it, most of you barely even buy wards when you play non-support roles. Admit it! Well... at least our jungler bought wards... we both kept aggressive wards on enemy buffs. Me on blue, him on red.
Also, there was an early jungle invade by the enemy team that cost them a lot of summoners and got them nothing in return. Which is probably why Quinn and I could be so aggressive in lane, Sona had no flash... I'm not sure if Caitlyn burned hers or not in the failed invade. But, yeah.
I eventually got a, "OMG, I love this Nami!" from a couple of teammates during the game. Good bubbles are good bubbles.
When Canada rules the world, things will be... nii~ice.
You all know no one in soloqq wards. Admit it, most of you barely even buy wards when you play non-support roles. Admit it! Well... at least our jungler bought wards... we both kept aggressive wards on enemy buffs. Me on blue, him on red.
I buy wards I never go back unless I have enough for at least 2-3 wards, on top of getting what I want to get. Or if I have left over gold with nothing else to buy, I just buy more wards... Wards win games.
When Canada rules the world,
things will be... nii~ice.
a) Positioning of enemy team,
b) Positioning of your team when call is made,
c) Difference in items / team comp,
d) How stupid both teams are, when it comes to teamfighting.
If your jungler and adc run straight through mid lane towards baron, when the whole enemy team is MIA. Yeah that's not going to end well.
When Canada rules the world,
things will be... nii~ice.
One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important
One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important
Well, actually, I know how we won that one. We ballsdeeped and took out Vayne every chance we could get. It helped that I could 1v1 her and win. Also helped that I could just pray and spray and hit her by targetting Rengar. And then expunge for... wait for it... waaaait for it...
Tons of damage.
But what probably helped my team the most was a relatively positive attitude. There was no, "oh, it's over, gg. I'm done." There was one surrender vote... which was immediatly followed by me getting a triple kill. That -might- have been what turned our team's morale in our favour, it changed from, "4v5, let's get it over with" to, "if we focus Vayne, we can win."
And thus we did.
When Canada rules the world,
things will be... nii~ice.
When Canada rules the world,
things will be... nii~ice.
Meow, meow, etc.
Eiredhel's Family Tree
Reminds me of a YouTube video of some pro in the NA scene (someone in C9, dunno who) took over his teammate's account while he was out when they were duo-queuing. He can't do it for long. And he's a pro!
League of Legends: IA ROCKS (NA)
Guild Wars 2: erasariel.1532 - Devona's Rest (NA)
Final Fantasy XIV: Novi Selea - Cactuar (NA)
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/ErasarielOfAchaea/
Achaea: Erasariel (duh!)
@Thiev raids on Achaea all the time while he's playing. And he is Jungle/ADC 99.99% of the time. Still tops the scores.
Meow, meow, etc.
Eiredhel's Family Tree
Sorry, but no. The kind of attitude he showed in that video, is him being just as bad as they are. Ignore is there for a reason, use it and stop your complaining. If you don't wanna do that, then play another role and let someone else deal with it. I've played the role the entire time I've played this game. And if you don't wanna do either of those things, then grab people you know how to play with.
Edit: Disbanding a team because of one person is stupid. Do what pro teams do, and find another person to place them. You shouldn't all stop playing together just because of one person. Unless you only have those people to play with... Then well... I dunno.
Meow, meow, etc.
Eiredhel's Family Tree
PS. The last line was directed at you. The rest was directed at people who bitch about their ADC in general.
Meow, meow, etc.
Eiredhel's Family Tree
I really don't want to have to buy their flair now, but I totally feel obligated. Damn you, Montecristo
My first thoughts during champ select. "Quinn vs Caitlyn ... this game is gonna suck."
And then we got into the game and she couldn't dodge bubbles. She barely moved, it was stupid easy to catch her for free harass from Quinn. Quinn got first blood and a double kill because of my bubbles and whatever the hell Nami's W is called. Ebb and Flow? Course, Quinn died in the process, but the kill went to Sona. I just sat back, plopped damage on turret for a bit... I just did nothing but ward... as evident by how much of my inventory is devoted to wards.
You all know no one in soloqq wards. Admit it, most of you barely even buy wards when you play non-support roles. Admit it! Well... at least our jungler bought wards... we both kept aggressive wards on enemy buffs. Me on blue, him on red.
Also, there was an early jungle invade by the enemy team that cost them a lot of summoners and got them nothing in return. Which is probably why Quinn and I could be so aggressive in lane, Sona had no flash... I'm not sure if Caitlyn burned hers or not in the failed invade. But, yeah.
I eventually got a, "OMG, I love this Nami!" from a couple of teammates during the game. Good bubbles are good bubbles.
When Canada rules the world,
things will be... nii~ice.
Also wtf? Sightstone / grail on sona? Could've got deathcap instead
I buy wards
I chortled.
When Canada rules the world,
things will be... nii~ice.
Meow, meow, etc.
Eiredhel's Family Tree
When Canada rules the world,
things will be... nii~ice.