League of Legends



  • Ah yes I get some Spanish speaking players as well. This one guy only knew how to say 'wtf' and like nothing else so it got pretty annoying. I told him to kill the creeps top and he said wtf but I managed to break through to him with 'FARM MINION' which he did. So try stuff like that.
  • wjh1412 is my username but the summoner name is Rulf Logahn

  • second pvp was 26/6/12
  • playing one more before bed, anyone wanna join up?

  • Aha! So you're that mystic rulf guy trying to add me on lol!
  • (Insert slowpoke meme)

    Never underestimate the power of the scout's code A-a-armed and ready! Captain teemo, o-o-o-n duty! yes sir! Hut! two! three! four! Never underestimate the power of the scout's code I'll scout ahead! Hut two three four! I'll scout ahead! Swiftly! Hut! two! three! four! That's gotta sting... Hut! Two! Three! Four! Captain Teemo! Captain Teemo! Hut! Two! Three! Four! A-a-armed and- Yes sir! Hut! Two! Three! Four! Hu-Hut! Two! Three! Four! Never underestimate the power of- Cap-Captain Teemo!


  • K, survey: best-looking TF skin?
    I like my steak like I like my Magic cards: mythic rare.
  • @Xith I personally like Jack of Hearts... but this might help http://www.lolking.net/models/?champion=4&skin=0

  • Cynlael said:
    I have just witnessed the horror, that is trying to get out of a combination of an Anivia + Rumble ult. Slowed to oblivion...
    Then add in a Thresh ult, and Draven plowing away at you and you're pretty much f'd.

    Pic related to current discussion:


  • Trilliana said:
    @Xith I personally like Jack of Hearts... but this might help http://www.lolking.net/models/?champion=4&skin=0
    That was my inclination as well. It's a cool one.
    I like my steak like I like my Magic cards: mythic rare.
  • ZenPrimate

    I'm ok, need some teammates!
  • @Xith I personally recommend just flat out not playing TF. You will get the shit counterpicked out of you if you ever start doing ranked, and you'll end up hating playing him. He's very situational of a pick.

  • gtfo draven

    also, riven penta is lulz, she is not difficult to counter

    unless i'm playing her

    @Cynlael: I hate those rumble/anivia scrubs, + thresh?! lolwat where's blitz and nunu this team rocks
  • renekton is pretty beast early/mid game, and I was scraping them late game too, went 19/2/6

  • @Yue Thresh is a 90% slow anyway... You're basically rooted if you get hit by Thresh ult while in Anivia ult...

    Also, didn't lose anyway so whatever.. We just baited Anivia wall then popped their ad carry in teamfights.

  • Cynlael said:
    Also, didn't lose anyway so whatever.. We just baited Anivia wall then popped their ad carry in teamfights.
    yeah... strategy ftw

    I know I use it a lot, but the word "scrub" was there for a reason. Anivia is pretty (ridiculously) easy to counter (exactly how you said)

    baiting abilities is crucial to effective initiation in teamfights is crucial to winning the game

    also... y u no flash? I don't get caught by thresh too often. Maybe once a game in a badly initiated team fight or something, but straight lane? no way. ward bushes, maintain lane position, harass, dodge.. if he just sits there trying to grab you, you can murder his creep score.. also, keeping creeps between you and him is a good idea (lane position) because his ability grabs minions

    I will flash away from his chains sometimes, it seems to work better than trying to flash away from the gank after he has chained you.. also, if thresh is really hurting, play ezreal... arcane shift (his teleport) and all his range attacks make it pretty easy to pwn a thresh bot

  • Yue said:
    Cynlael said:
    Also, didn't lose anyway so whatever.. We just baited Anivia wall then popped their ad carry in teamfights.
    yeah... strategy ftw

    I know I use it a lot, but the word "scrub" was there for a reason. Anivia is pretty (ridiculously) easy to counter (exactly how you said)

    baiting abilities is crucial to effective initiation in teamfights is crucial to winning the game

    also... y u no flash? I don't get caught by thresh too often. Maybe once a game in a badly initiated team fight or something, but straight lane? no way. ward bushes, maintain lane position, harass, dodge.. if he just sits there trying to grab you, you can murder his creep score.. also, keeping creeps between you and him is a good idea (lane position) because his ability grabs minions

    I will flash away from his chains sometimes, it seems to work better than trying to flash away from the gank after he has chained you.. also, if thresh is really hurting, play ezreal... arcane shift (his teleport) and all his range attacks make it pretty easy to pwn a thresh bot
    Not sure what kinda bads you're playing against but uh..

    1)Good Thresh / Blitzcranks will just straight run at you and hit you, then hook when you try and run away. That's like saying to not get stunned by a Leona.
    2)Flashing isn't always an option, considering it's really easy to bait flash just by anivia walling + hooking someone.
    3)I get hooked maybe once in a blue moon. I'm jukemaster, dodging all the skillshots.
    4)Flashing when you have 20 movespeed gets you nowhere, except for wasting your flash needlessly.
    5)I'm probably missing something, but I just woke up so yeah.

  • YueYue
    edited April 2013
    I think I'm playing against you.

    1) Lane position. Map awareness. Wards.
    2) Don't waste your flash.
    3) Now I am confused. The "bads" don't run at you and hit you then hook when you try and run away, but the "goods" can't actually pull it off on you because you're a "jukemaster"?
    4) Don't waste your flash.
    5) You're missing all the farm, ganks, push, and buffs I get while your dead or waiting for flash.

    Leona's stun can be avoided fairly easily.. lane position>harass>initiation... this sounds familiar.

  • edited April 2013
    You're assuming a perfect game, which isn't always the case.
    1) Good ones, refer to ones that don't try and hook you on cooldown and oom themselves. And especially if you're in a 1v2 lane, it can't always be avoided, especially if they have a Volibear/Hecarim/J4, they will dive you behind your tower at lv 3 almost every single time. It is something that no amount of positioning will save, if they know how to actually do it properly. It's a guaranteed first blood, I suggest trying it sometime.
    2) In the example I gave, a good Anivia wall will flat out require you to flash or die. It's not a waste flash.
    3) And no, when facing Thresh/Blitz I'll just play Leona or Taric and punish them for hooking me. Good people can land their hooks effectively, that doesn't mean it will always be in their favour, again, I suggest trying it out a lot, for you to see what I mean by this.
    4) See: 2. - Flashing to escape Thresh ult means you're already dead, unless he's an idiot and uses it right next to a wall.
    5) No.

    End statement: See what I said in the first note.

    @Edit: Forgot to note. You say lane positioning to stop the hooks. If they're running at you, that means you're going to be moving away and missing CS. Which means they're still doing their job of zoning you. So yeah. Too many invalid points at once.

  • I think I agree with Cynlael here, but I didn't really pay much attention to either argument, just making a note on bot lane harass/skillshot usage.

    You don't just randomly fire hooks/skillshots, there are tons of situations where you can very easily predict where the enemy ADC will be. Moving up to the side when one of your creeps is getting low, the enemy ADC will move up to last hit. Especially early, nobody has the attack speed to last hit and harass you if you move up and attack when they go to hit the minion. At that point they have to choose between 16-19 (or more, if you time with cannon minion) gold and getting progressively behind in lane. This is a huge dynamic of bot lane.

    Nobody perfectly avoids all skillshots, if that were the case then champions who are largely skillshot based wouldn't be used in high tier play. This isn't the case, and Thresh is a huge presence in every situation and is used often in pro matches.
    Cascades of quicksilver light streak across the firmament as the celestial voice of Ourania intones, "Oh Jarrod..."

  • image

    First time playing MF. Pretty sure that's the most assists I've ever gotten, lol. 
  • YueYue
    edited April 2013
    "In a perfect game, yeah.."

    You mean where you farm, don't over-extend, don't over-push, secure first kill, zone out with ganks, and instead of wasting your skillshots and summoner spells, you bait/force the other team to waste theirs (usually just before a gank) while keeping pressure on the push because of your superior items? That's not a perfect game, that's how you play LoL.

    A perfect game is when you do all that AND out jungle a pro jungler (Curse Elementz GG) after randoming your champ and then you go b to grab your 10 minute infinity at the same time the water for the tea is done boiling so you don't even miss playtime except for your recall and then afterward your 3 month old puppy falls asleep in your lap because his cute german shepherd self got worn out attacking your shoe while you were havin' a rumble in the jungle. need new shoes, but hey, no raining on perfect game parade 

    "Good people can land their hooks effectively, that doesn't mean it will always be in their favour, again, I suggest trying it out a lot, for you to see what I mean by this."

    See, initiation. Also, landing hooks that don't work in your favour can't truly be called effective.


    @Jarrod: You play bot a lot? Attacking people when they go to last hit is a good idea. It's not a fool-proof strategy. Here's your problem: "Nobody has the attack speed to last hit and harass you if you move up to attack them when they last hit."

    Ashe and I beg to differ. In fact, I will harass you as you walk up to me, I will stay out of your reach (while continually harassing), get the last hit, and probably get you prepped for gank fairly soon if you keep trying to zone me out.. and while you're not getting creeps OR me...... this looks like a 3 phantom kind of game now. She's not the only champ capable of doing this, she's just my favorite. It's the art of the stutter step. Actually, if you haven't tried this, you should. It's a lot of fun.

    I have a "kite" build for Ashe specifically for getting those triple-kills on suicidal bot laners and a jungle jarvaan or whatever. A little health/mana regen and cdr goes a long way for ashe early game.
  • Ashe is good for kiting, yeah.

    She's also out-ranged by a lot of champs, out-poked by a lot of champs whose poke can't be blocked by minions, and no amount of CDR will make a 16 second CD until level 3 good vs the variety of skills other ADCs bring to the table early.
    Cascades of quicksilver light streak across the firmament as the celestial voice of Ourania intones, "Oh Jarrod..."

  • You assume you can have every single game going exactly how you want. Are you forgetting there's 4 other people on your team?
    You have an awfully one sided argument, you know that? I'm sorry, but just because you play a carry role, that doesn't mean you can win a game when there's a Zed mid-laner who can 100-0 your ap carry without actually using his ult. And then proceed to ult to you.

    It's hard to tell if you're trolling me at this point or not, or just exclusively play against bots or something..
    A good hook can be bad, if your team doesn't follow up on it, it's that simple.

    Dear lord.. I forgot Ashe was even a champion, Draven auto attack range says hello to you and your mediocre damage. I'll just continue to play Sona and me and my Draven buddy will make sure you're at 20cs tops by 10 minutes.
    Like I said, I really am unsure of whether you're playing against bots exclusively...

    Let's list shall we? Akali, Diana, Elise, Fizz, Hecarim, Irelia, Jax, Kassadin, Katarina, Kha'zix, Lee Sin, Nasus, Nocturne, Quinn, Rengar, Talon, Trynd (Meh), Vi, Xerath, Zac, Zed... I probably missed 1 or 2, but they all say 'Hi' to you and your "kiting" build.

  • I downloaded LoL like a month ago, but all this technical talk is scaring me away from playing it. All my text knowledge of combat is hanging by a thread in my brain already, sounds like this will put it over the edge.

    Besides, I've got a rep to uphold, yo.
  • Jacen said:
    I downloaded LoL like a month ago, but all this technical talk is scaring me away from playing it. All my text knowledge of combat is hanging by a thread in my brain already, sounds like this will put it over the edge.

    Besides, I've got a rep to uphold, yo.
    It's not so bad once you get into it. Soon you'll be cursing at the feeder teammate for charging off into the middle of the opposing team without support like the rest of us. :P

  • Kaden said:
    Jacen said:
    I downloaded LoL like a month ago, but all this technical talk is scaring me away from playing it. All my text knowledge of combat is hanging by a thread in my brain already, sounds like this will put it over the edge.

    Besides, I've got a rep to uphold, yo.
    It's not so bad once you get into it. Soon you'll be cursing at the feeder teammate for charging off into the middle of the opposing team without support like the rest of us. :P
    Or shaking your head sadly at them, when they rage at you for screwing up and give first blood. Then proceed to go like 9-1-7 and carry the game, and have them say nothing to you.

  • MishgulMishgul Trondheim, Norway
    I get the feeling yue just likes arguing for the sake of it.

    Also jacen, come play with me and vaehl. I guarantee you will LOL the entire time. Our screennames same as forum names.


    One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important

    As drawn by Shayde
    hic locus est ubi mors gaudet succurrere vitae
  • MishgulMishgul Trondheim, Norway


    One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important

    As drawn by Shayde
    hic locus est ubi mors gaudet succurrere vitae
  • It's been like 6-8 weeks since I could play LOL. I'm getting desperate. I even check this thread at work now.
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