League of Legends



  • It hasn't been region locked for like close to 2 years???
    <insert slowpoke meme>

  • Cynlael said:
    It hasn't been region locked for like close to 2 years???
    <insert slowpoke meme>

    Yes, spent too much time on Garena LoL to notice that my little bro plays BOTH Garena and NA LoL.

  • Really? Interesting, I always had to use Hotspot Shield to connect to NA LoL until like April last year - and that was because I moved to NA already, haha.

    Slowpoke indeed!

    League of Legends: IA ROCKS (NA)
    Guild Wars 2: erasariel.1532 - Devona's Rest (NA)
    Final Fantasy XIV: Novi Selea - Cactuar (NA)
    Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/ErasarielOfAchaea/
    Achaea: Erasariel (duh!)
  • RuthRuth Singapore
    Thereisnourflevel. <-- Wins.
    "Mummy, I'm hungry, but there's no one to eat! :C"


  • Anybody else saw Ocelote's playbook? Apparently, the cameraman on the current tourney managed to wrangle a shot of the playbook itself. Now that is what I call dedication!


    League of Legends: IA ROCKS (NA)
    Guild Wars 2: erasariel.1532 - Devona's Rest (NA)
    Final Fantasy XIV: Novi Selea - Cactuar (NA)
    Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/ErasarielOfAchaea/
    Achaea: Erasariel (duh!)
  • It makes no sense. It looks like one of my scribble pads.

    Which also make no sense.
    When Canada rules the world,
    things will be... nii~ice.
  • image
    Ap Sona support, weeeeee.

  • edited March 2013
    imageUnlucky 13's. (I was lagging, disconnecting and going balls to the wall against bots.)
  • @tahquil what's that in your background? *eye*

    Also. I play Maokai. Maokai is a tree and he can make baby trees that kill people. Maokai is awesome.
  • edited March 2013
    Rangor said:
    @tahquil what's that in your background? *eye*

    Also. I play Maokai. Maokai is a tree and he can make baby trees that kill people. Maokai is awesome.

    My brother uses the haunted Maokai skin. It looks awesome.

    Another question: Besides Leona and Sejuani, are there any other tanks who are female? I'm making it a point to buy and play only female champions, and I'm looking to get a tank to round out my choices. I'm certain Leona was classified as tank, but she's designated more as support, right?

  • MishgulMishgul Trondheim, Norway
    Rangor said:
    @tahquil what's that in your background? *eye*

    Also. I play Maokai. Maokai is a tree and he can make baby trees that kill people. Maokai is awesome.
    I can just about make out the word Kinky in there.


    One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important

    As drawn by Shayde
    hic locus est ubi mors gaudet succurrere vitae
  • Synbios said:
    Rangor said:
    @tahquil what's that in your background? *eye*

    Also. I play Maokai. Maokai is a tree and he can make baby trees that kill people. Maokai is awesome.
    My brother uses the haunted Maokai skin. It looks awesome.

    Another question: Besides Leona and Sejuani, are there any other tanks who are female? I'm making it a point to buy and play only female champions, and I'm looking to get a tank to round out my choices. I'm certain Leona was classified as tank, but she's designated more as support, right?
    Leona was made as a tank and an initiator. They tend to design champions to fit archetypes rather than positions - mobile assassin, long-range poke mage, nuke mage, bruiser, tank, melee carry, etc - and then people try and figure out where they work best. Out of the five commonly played positions on the map (in the current meta) - solo top, solo mid, solo jungle, duo bot carry, duo bot support - she works best as a bot lane support. She is capable of jungling, with her very weak jungle clearing made up for by extremely strong ganks. She's also capable of solo laning, and building AP or AD, but if you're playing blind pick, there's every chance you'll come up against a Teemo/Kayle/Vlad and be totally destroyed in lane. Her AP and AD scaling are deliberately pretty weak, but she scales extremely well with cooldown reduction.

    If what you want from a tank is strong initiation and crowd control, Sejuani and Leona are the only two female champs I can think of.

    If you want more of a front-line bruiser who doesn't necessarily initiate as well, but can build tanky and still throw out plenty of damage, Vi, Shyvana, Riven, Poppy (I hope you like hard mode), and Irelia exist. Actually Vi has strong initiation with her ult. Shyvana's ult was made for initiation as well, but she has no CC whatsoever.
  • Oh, I play Riven lots(bunny power yay). How bad is Poppy, anyway?

  • Poppy isn't bad so much as outdated. She used to be a trulry scary late-game powerhouse. But so many comparable new champs do a lot of what Poppy does, without weaknesses like her awful laning. Devastating Blow used to be crazy strong for example, now it just seems kind of average - not because it's been nerfed, but because of all the other champs with autoattack-resetting abilities and %-based damage attacks. Her late-game is still good, but there's a high chance you'll be shut down early on and just never get there.

    You can either build her as an AP assassin, and 100-0 destroy a single target but then be fairly useless, or as an AD fighter/bruiser, and have less burst but more sustained damage. Sheen is her core item in either build because of how well it works with Devastating Blow, whether you build it into Triforce or Lich Bane.

    If you ever see her, which you probably won't, it's usually in top lane. I actually think her best position is in the jungle though. If you start with Paragon of Demacia at level 1 she has ok clears, not bad ganks, and most importantly you don't have to worry about being counter-picked and screwed in laning.
  • But you do have to worry about counter-jungling by faster clearing junglers. >P

    Which is why junglers need wards for their own jungle... I know, I'm guilty of not warding my own jungle when I play jungle... but I -know- it needs to be done.

    I still make stupid mistakes like that because I think, "okay, what do I need for the end-game" rather than, "What do I need in the immediate now to be successful?"

    The answer is usually wards if I'm not ADC.
    When Canada rules the world,
    things will be... nii~ice.
  • I took a page out of Voyboy's AP Tryndamere video and bought boots, one red sodapotion and a single ward for top Riven. As long as I avoid being hit while keeping to the tower, it was great for spotting ganks.

  • @Rangor : ti-legacy.com
  • RuthRuth Singapore
    edited March 2013
    It so happens I didn't means to k/s the kills from my team/adc. Most of those were from trying to save teammates from dying and hitting the R button + Power chord thingy. I think the other team was trolling though.

    "Mummy, I'm hungry, but there's no one to eat! :C"


  • Mind you, I'm lvl 17, no runes and my first PVP match, so I have to squee. 


  • I remember my first PvP match...

    I dove turrets -soooooooo- much. I continued to do so for quite a while ... then I learned to not do that...
    When Canada rules the world,
    things will be... nii~ice.
  • My first PVP match was also my first match. I played Singed on Twisted Treeline. He looked like a fun creepy weird character. A few minutes later, "THIS GUY IS USELESS WHY WOULD I WANT TO THROW SOMEONE BEHIND MYSELF"
  • I..I don't recall my first PvP match.

    I don't think I want to recall it.

    League of Legends: IA ROCKS (NA)
    Guild Wars 2: erasariel.1532 - Devona's Rest (NA)
    Final Fantasy XIV: Novi Selea - Cactuar (NA)
    Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/ErasarielOfAchaea/
    Achaea: Erasariel (duh!)
  • My first PvP match was with, naturally, Riven.

    All that bot training helped out.

  • MishgulMishgul Trondheim, Norway
    attack speed sioooooooooooon with @Ruth, @Aepas, @Tali, @Xer


    One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important

    As drawn by Shayde
    hic locus est ubi mors gaudet succurrere vitae
  • AktillumAktillum Philippines
    Hi my name is Aktillum and I play Annie

  • Learn to catch axe -> play Draven in any role/lane -> collect wins.

  • Tristana! KABOOM! <3
  • Haven't played in forever but Anivia, Nidalee and Ezreal were always my favorites. 
  • I just got done a total troll game... 


    It wasn't us, though. It was them. As a little backstory... one of the people on my team was playing for their 1000th win. If you prowl the LoL forums, you'll see players request to play with a Rioter(a red) for their 1000th win. Apparently, I got included in the invite for the team from the Rioter who took up this quest.

    Game one.... was kinda close. In the end, their team was tankier than our team.

    Screenshot? Game two. It started out simple enough. They were only "About 400 elo higher than you guys"(apparently, Rioters can see normal elo.) First impression(since it was blind pick), "they have no jungler". We set up lanes, prepare to leash blue... and all of a sudden, "five top. Send help."

    So it became Garen, Swain, and I top, Diana covering mid, and Tristana covering bottom. 3v5 top... believe it or not, we won 3v5... Well, we lost the turret, but it took them until 8-10 minutes to drop it... and we killed six or seven of them for one or two of ours lost. Apparently .... ... they weren't actually a five man pre-made like we were ... or they were a five man pre-made and didn't completely agree with how to play. (see Irelia's level 3, she afk'd)

    So... we pretty much stomped the game because we had higher levels than them, we had more gold... because we were killing them... and, well... as you can see, we ended the game before they could even surrender.

    What a way to get win number 1000, eh?
    When Canada rules the world,
    things will be... nii~ice.
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