League of Legends



  • So, picking a rune set that hopefully applies to Ahri, Akali, Evelynn, Le Blanc, Lux and Diana(with priority on jungling).

    MPen or AP marks? 

  • Taric is a little too  strong and he outclasses the other supports currently..
    So this patch we're gonna give him a pretty big damage buff, hope you guys like this.

    Fucking flawless.

  • Synbios said:
    So, picking a rune set that hopefully applies to Ahri, Akali, Evelynn, Le Blanc, Lux and Diana(with priority on jungling).

    MPen or AP marks? 
    As a general runepage for AP, I went MPen reds and flat AP quints. I use that page when I (rarely now) play Eve or Diana. Works well enough. It should work for any AP carry, regardless of jangling or mid. But... that was also season 2 and I haven't really played AP in S3 to wonder if AP reds would be better.

    Although, if you're going to go AP runes, I think they generally advise scaling AP rather than flat AP, since it'll give you more AP for late game. But, try MPen red and flat AP quints and see how that works for you.
    When Canada rules the world,
    things will be... nii~ice.
  • Something I found that works great on a lot of AP Mids is MPen reds, flat armor yellows (mregen yellows on some), 8 flat MR blues, and a single scaling CDR blue.

    4% CDR from tier 1 offense masteries, 0.96% CDR from the single rune, 15% CDR from Ionian Boots, and 20% CDR from Chalice/Spirit Visage/Nashor's Tooth, depending on the champ. 40% CDR without blue buff is huge and lets me do big things for my team, especially on Ori/Fizz/Lux where your skills can have huge impacts (shield/pogo/shield/ults in general).
    Cascades of quicksilver light streak across the firmament as the celestial voice of Ourania intones, "Oh Jarrod..."

  • @Naisar and I are forever stuck in Silver Div I. He's already Veteran, and I'm halfway there.
  • Well, at least you're in Silver.

    I'm afraid of touching ranked ... doesn't help that I get chewed out in normals for "not understanding my mechanics." I understand them well enough, I'm not a pro >.>. Maybe sometime in the summer I'll give ranked a try... running joke is I'll get Silver off of placement matches(not likely >P)
    When Canada rules the world,
    things will be... nii~ice.
  • I've started to play LoL now a bit. I haven't really looked at what the items do, I just buy whatever suggested items it says and focusing on tanky or supporty heroes.

    What is with LoL's obsession with carries? It seems like the whole point of playing is to get your carry (or adc, whatever it's called in LoL) so farmed that he/she can basically 1v5 the enemy team.

  • LiancaLianca Fire and Spice
    edited March 2013
    My support always buggers off to hang out at dragon/jungle leaving my squishy adc to trade with the two on bottom at early levels, then bitches that he doesn't have the levels and why am I taking so long to farm. :(

    I need a big man to hide behind early on, why do they not understand? Did have a nice game as Taric yesterday, went 12-4-16 with the adc I was buffing.

    @Daklore if you want a decent group to find teams with, with little pressure and some ranked too, try the glhfgg chat, lots of friendly people, doing all sorts of things.
    The sweltering heat of the forge spills out across the land as the rumbling voice of Phaestus booms, "I want you to know, the Garden reaction to that one is: What?"
    The voice of Melantha, Goddess of the Seasons, echoes amid the rustle of leaves, "That's the censored version."
  • Cooper said:
    I've started to play LoL now a bit. I haven't really looked at what the items do, I just buy whatever suggested items it says and focusing on tanky or supporty heroes.

    What is with LoL's obsession with carries? It seems like the whole point of playing is to get your carry (or adc, whatever it's called in LoL) so farmed that he/she can basically 1v5 the enemy team.
    That's the strat for a few teams, because ranged carries can become extremely strong late game, but are generally weaker in the mid game. Other teams have different strategies, Curse for example uses a lot of assassin comps, which does really well against traditional comps, because the ranged carry gets nuked out by Akali/Elise really early in the fight, or has to back away from the fight to live.

    CLG is probably the biggest example of a 'support the carry' team, but that's because Doublelift is probably the best ADC in North America, and is at least as good as the ADCs from EU/Asia. A lot of teams will try to focus their comp around their 'star' player, Voyboy generally for Curse, Doublelift for CLG, etc.
    Cascades of quicksilver light streak across the firmament as the celestial voice of Ourania intones, "Oh Jarrod..."

  • More simply, people want carries because they want to make DA PLAYZ and get DEM KILLZ.

    Hit us up! There's a lot of IGNs scattered around here. Feel free to add.

    League of Legends: IA ROCKS (NA)
    Guild Wars 2: erasariel.1532 - Devona's Rest (NA)
    Final Fantasy XIV: Novi Selea - Cactuar (NA)
    Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/ErasarielOfAchaea/
    Achaea: Erasariel (duh!)
  • I suppose that makes sense.

    In HoN we also run carries in most games, so I guess it isn't as far off as I thought it is. HoN players bitch about different things than LoL players, though. HoN bitches about the supports and mid losing, LoL bitches about the carry not farming enough :D

    I'll learn a bit more about the items and "champions" so I don't look like such a noob before I play with anyone but like Mathonwy <_<

  • I started playing LoL a bit a couple of weeks ago. Screenname there is the same as here, Sheltan, if any of you folk are interested. I'm absolutely abysmal, however.
  • I am too @Sheltan and same here about same summoner name. It's fun to play when I need a break from anatomy/physiology homework!

  • YueYue
    edited March 2013
    @Cooper - LoL is much easier than HoN. You shouldn't have much trouble adjusting.

    @Jarrod - I'm a big fan of CDR myself. I agree, it is incredibly useful on champs that have abilities that work well to control the pace of the fight (Lux, Ashe, Wukong, Sivir), etc.

    @Everyone else - check out http://www.solomid.net/ to find item build guides for your champ. Familiarizing yourself with ALL available items is a really good idea. Being able to find just the right item for any situation can be a HUGE advantage. To you new people playing support, build gp10 items as early as possible. (For example, taric - I start by buying faerie charm, 3 wards, health pots. Second buy, finish philosophers stone (gold per 10 second item with + mana etc.) and vision ward. Then build boots, shyrelias, etc.

    also, I'm currently playing a smurf, level 13ish ign klipful

    feel free to add me, lemme know who you are, and I'll be happy to play with achaeans (new to LoL or otherwise). don't mind doing bot games with those of you who are really new to learn and stuff
  • Cooper said:

    What is with LoL's obsession with carries? It seems like the whole point of playing is to get your carry (or adc, whatever it's called in LoL) so farmed that he/she can basically 1v5 the enemy team.
    People start subscribing more to "the meta" the closer you get to level 30. I don't know what you're at right now. "The meta" = solo top, solo mid, one jungler, support bot, ranged AD carry bot.

    Top, mid, and jungle are most flexible. Bot is fairly rigidly ranged AD carry + some kind of support. Conventionally top is some kind of tanky bruiser (eg. Garen) and mid is a mage (eg. Annie), but you can play pretty much anyone top, mid, or jungle as long as you can make it work, whether they're a tank, bruiser, melee carry, mage, assassin, AD, AP, or whatever else. The only reason you probably won't see Annie top is because other common top laners (Jax, Irelia) will easily destroy her, and she's weak to jungle ganks. The only reason you probably won't see Garen mid is because he has much trouble last-hitting without steadily being harassed to death against common mid laners (ranged mages) and the geography of the lane, with no brush for him to camp in, is not favourable.

    Carries are significant because an AP carry will be extremely strong around mid-game, and an AD carry will be extremely strong late-game. If you were totes awes at HoN I will not explain in any more detail that AP carries (mages/assassins) gain a great deal from levels, due to the power of their abilities, while AD carries gain a lot from offensive items, which they can afford a critical mass of heading into late-game. The idea behind support/AD carry bot lane is to provide as safe an environment as possible in which the AD carry can get as farmed as possible, plus they are near dragon so they can either help their jungler kill it or prevent the enemy team from doing the same. The previous popular meta was something like two bruisers in bot lane, while a ranged carry went top or mid - up until EU teams destroyed NA teams in tournament play using what became the current prevailing strat.

    Carries don't 1v5, not really. The most extreme items of Dota/HoN, which might allow someone to literally 1v5, don't exist in LoL. Carries are the ones doing the damage and getting the kills, but it's still extremely important for a team to provide good initiations/engagements to allow their carry to do that job.
  • Blujixapug's answer is perfectly accurate. The only thing I would add is that it is not uncommon for teams to use previous metas in certain situations, i.e. against certain combinations of champions on within the current meta.

    Initiations is really key. That's why Taric bot with an ADC is very powerful. You can stand correct spot in lane (after warding, of course) and do NOTHING but initiate with a stun when the other team over-extends, allowing your ADC to focus them.
  • I'm at level 7. The meta is currently everyone yells at everyone else for being bad even though they are worse than the person they yell at. I'm the only person I've ever seen buy a ward or properly babysit a carry.

    Didn't have any idea what ability power did, though, that is useful.

    I'm pretty good at HoN. My ranking puts me better than 93% of all players. LoL is easy to pick up and play - becoming good like I am at HoN will require more than randoming a hero and being aggressive in my lane while having no idea what my lane partner or enemy people do while buying random items.

  • At level 7, don't expect people to do anything well. Especially ward. Even at level 30 people don't buy wards... but it gets a -little- better.

    You'd think for all the yelling they do about what pros are doing, they'd learn to buy a ward or two... ¬_¬
    When Canada rules the world,
    things will be... nii~ice.
  • I <3 you cooper.. New player buying wards, so amazing I buy one ward to start in any position but jungled or support. As those I buy multiple and put vision on dragon by ten minutes
  • Cooper said:

    Didn't have any idea what ability power did, though, that is useful.

    I'm pretty good at HoN. My ranking puts me better than 93% of all players. LoL is easy to pick up and play - becoming good like I am at HoN will require more than randoming a hero and being aggressive in my lane while having no idea what my lane partner or enemy people do while buying random items.

    As a rule of thumb(though not always) - Attack Damage(AD) is centered around physical hurtings, while Ability Power(AP) is centered around magical hurtings.

  • @Cooper

    Buy Cho'Gath. Learn to land his Q. Enjoy being able to go into any lane and outsustain the enemy.

    Voila. Enjoy your leveling experience.

  • Arditi said:

    Buy Cho'Gath. Learn to land his Q. Enjoy being able to go into any lane and outsustain the enemy.

    Voila. Enjoy your leveling experience.

    Depends on who else is he fighting against in lane, of course. I remember seeing Cho'gath on top while I was Riven. Didn't even bother with boots and just ran Doran's Blade to continually harass/kill him in lane. 

    Some tricks to learn include lane control to allow farming in tower. Not sure if Cho'gath should also have a strat like that, but I've been practicing that with Riven and it's been swell, scoring CS safely while calling ganks when enemy top overextends.

  • ^In response to Blu's comment "Carries don't 1v5, not really."

    Carries kill five people, 1v1, or possibly 1v2, or 1v3 if you're playing Ashe and you're fed late game. With good kiting, a carry can kill every member of the opposing team sequentially without running out of mana or dying.
  • There's a reason I hate playing against Blitzcrank...

    Just played a good game--for the first time in a while--in LoL, and it was a stomp. I usually play draft, mostly so I don't have to play against Blitz. I hate laning against him... so I'm first pick, and therefor the one doing bans. Second pick asks if I own Blitz, cause the team wanted him banned of course. I, of course, do own Blitz, and he asks to try and get blitz. I figure, hey, why not. I don't ban Blitz, the enemy team doesn't ban Blitz, and I first pick Blitz.

    He picks Corki for me as the picks go on. We trade, and all is well. I'm ADC as I wanted, he's blitz and supporting, no raging on the team at all.

    Needless to say, at 10 minutes, Varus had 27 cs, I had like 80..... and I was on a killing spree. There's a -reason- I hate playing against Blitzcrank XD

    Was a pretty good game for our team. I can't say the enemy Varus was bad(at CSing, though, maybe... but it might've been the Blitz pressure). I ended the game at 12/1/8(it was a 20-something surrender) and 128ish CS. I know, I suck at csing...

    My only death was because I was an idiot and tried to retreat past an enemy turret after we had dived and secured a few kills(and a death or two on my team)... our minions didn't have agro like I thought, and it was too late to wait. I was perfectly safe, but, oh well.

    So... there's a reason I hate playing against Blitz.

    The end.
    When Canada rules the world,
    things will be... nii~ice.


    League of Legends: IA ROCKS (NA)
    Guild Wars 2: erasariel.1532 - Devona's Rest (NA)
    Final Fantasy XIV: Novi Selea - Cactuar (NA)
    Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/ErasarielOfAchaea/
    Achaea: Erasariel (duh!)
  • Erasariel said:

  • Trilliana said:


  • Tempted to get Karma, myself, but I'm honestly sticking with Nami. I like supporting on her >.>

  • One thing that is extremely frustrating with LoL is the rotating hero pool. I'm not going to buy Riot points or whatever to buy a new 'champion'. But seeing the same 6-7 champions in every single game is annoying.

    It makes sense that people in LoL tend to play one champion over and over, though, rather than getting good with everyone, knowing that you have to buy champions to play them.

    Also I hate saying champion instead of hero.

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