Tbh, AF/BW are like a weaker form of earrings/puppet travel/vodun travel and to some extent evade/hermit/universe/raido. It's not counterable after it's used, sure, but there are tons of escape abilities that aren't.
(The biggest problem with the new "make everything decay when you are out of the room" thing is magi vibes, primarily because it takes much longer to spin a full set of vibes than it does to lay rites.)
Same for bards. It takes 40 seconds to lay a full set. Our ability for doing it in emergencies (such as getting ganked), which is POES, is currently bugged and has been bugged for a while. Magi do not even have that, though.
tbh the only vibes that need to decay quickly when the magi is out of room are reverberation and retardation.
Retardation because it's super strong by itself, and reverbation, because the other vibes aren't that great on their own and can just be cubed with no reverb.
This would allow a mage to still spin all their vibes and leave them ready somewhere, focus then/lay reverb etc when they need to fight, while also disallowing long-term vibe harassment.
tbh the only vibes that need to decay quickly when the magi is out of room are reverberation and retardation.
Retardation because it's super strong by itself, and reverbation, because the other vibes aren't that great on their own and can just be cubed with no reverb.
This would allow a mage to still spin all their vibes and leave them somewhere, focus then/lay reverb etc.
Right. There's no need to be able to lay retardation or an uncubable stack of vibes somewhere and leave it. It's just pretty impractical to have to constantly spin new full sets of vibes everytime you need them or might need them.
If they're trying to take away passive offense, just take it all out and replace everything with abilities that require actual real time use instead of making what we have harder and more expensive (crystals for Targs) to set up. They took the time to do it with occies, so they can do the same for other classes with passives.
I thought Targossas had druids or something, since they accept forestals and alchemists. Can't they flash for you?
As I understand it, Targossas grandfathered in Shallamese forestals, but does not accept new ones. So probably have a few, but not many more than any of the other non-Eleusis cities.
I thought Targossas had druids or something, since they accept forestals and alchemists. Can't they flash for you?
As I understand it, Targossas grandfathered in Shallamese forestals, but does not accept new ones. So probably have a few, but not many more than any of the other non-Eleusis cities.
That is correct. We accept no new forestals but if they were Shallamese forestall they are allowed to join.
Yeah. It was pretty much just an extension of the Shallam grandfathering for the few loyal forestals that played for rl months. No new ones were accepted.
What is this magical world where you can't stand in the room with your vibes and cast ring regularly?
Whatcha gonna do if you want to go do something that takes longer than the out-of-room decay timer? Just let them decay? you gonna run back to them constantly? you gonna focus them/ring them constantly? Vibes aren't quite the same thing as rites/harmonics. Harmonics are similar to vibes but are free. Rites don't really have much similarity in this matter because there's only like 3 rites you'd want up in a fight vs. most people and you can't move them around anyways, so you'd have to lay them when you intend to fight anyways.
Mages should be able to vibe up when they enter realms and reasonably keep them up for stand by as long as they're around. Limiting the fast decay to retardation/reverberation will permit this while still disallowing you to do retarded stuff with your vibes.
I think perhaps a more elegant solution would be something like Send vibes/harmonics to Limbo(or something that makes RP sense).
Preserves all harmonics/vibes for a long period of time, like 6 hours or something or until you log off.
The only reason people wanted harmonics/vibes changed to have lesser time is to prevent them from being summoned for the sake of harassing/hindering targets at range for long periods of time. There's no reason that they shouldn't be able to still use their harmonics/vibes with the same convenience as they had before for normal stuff though. Being able to send your vibes/harmonics to a safe room to "wait for you to call them", while leaving all the other timers the same would make everybody happy.
Since druids and sylvans got prodigal son'd back to Eleusis, I always figured there should be a replacement general method of countering AF/BW, whether it's something on a neutral class, or a method anyone can gain access to. The abilities are good for escape, but amazing for infiltration and initiation.
But now Santar seems to hold the same point of view. So I'm forced to reconsider. It must be a terrible idea that will be used to gank newbies, exploit migrant workers, and embiggen the hole in the ozone layer.
Rites/etc got the same nerf as crystalism, well-deserved.
If anything really needed to be looked at it was probably Force, which is like puppet command sans the need to acquire 25 fashions, which has made my every fight as jester vs. paladin extremely irritating with auto-interrupt jitb. Require undeafness at the least.
Nerfs aside, I suppose riftlocks may be possible if you first stack ginseng. Might work for speedy enough rapiers.
Guessing the vardrax isn't going to help jesters riftlock again, as they lack affliction speed/accuracy, but I guess it makes mickey relevant in a roundabout way by instantly stacking ginseng on the first vardrax throw. So that's kinda neat.
I like my steak like I like my Magic cards: mythic rare.
Puppet imbibe is slow (1.9s), and daggers miss once in a while even at max possible training and even high-forged to-hit, on people with average dexterity.
I like my steak like I like my Magic cards: mythic rare.
Puppet imbibe is slow (1.9s), and daggers miss once in a while even at max possible training and even high-forged to-hit, on people with average dexterity.
I guess an occasional missed dagger is the price you pay for being able to break three limbs and deliver as many venoms in less than a second.
Tbh, AF/BW are like a weaker form of earrings/puppet travel/vodun travel and to some extent evade/hermit/universe/raido. It's not counterable after it's used, sure, but there are tons of escape abilities that aren't.
(The biggest problem with the new "make everything decay when you are out of the room" thing is magi vibes, primarily because it takes much longer to spin a full set of vibes than it does to lay rites.)
Just because your cities only have alchemists that transmute all day and never fight dosen't mean they are non-existant.
Cascades of quicksilver light streak across the firmament as the celestial voice of Ourania intones, "Oh Jarrod..."
But now Santar seems to hold the same point of view. So I'm forced to reconsider. It must be a terrible idea that will be used to gank newbies, exploit migrant workers, and embiggen the hole in the ozone layer.
→My Mudlet Scripts