If you wanted to make addiction useful in the arena, but leave the current behaviour of actually consuming herbs outside the arena, why not just change the arena behaviour so that all herbs consumed in the arena go back to your rift instead of your inventory?
If you wanted to make addiction useful in the arena, but leave the current behaviour of actually consuming herbs outside the arena, why not just change the arena behaviour so that all herbs consumed in the arena go back to your rift instead of your inventory?
I would definitely be in favour of this. Not sure how easy to code it would be though.
I said if you stick darkshade and/or vomiting, and then hit them with addiction. They're going to eat ginseng. If they eat ginseng with addiction and it cures the vomiting, or the darkshade, that means they no longer have ginseng in their inventory and they still have addiction, therefore unable to cure it, unless I'm misunderstanding how addiction works.
EDIT: consequently, this means they have addiction and can't cure it. If you now hit with asthma for example, if they eat kelp, it means they're going to eat all the kelp in their inventory. If you afflict with curare, it means they eat all the bloodroot in their inventory. Kalmia/Gecko to follow will riftlock them. Thankfully there is no real downside to the only method I can think of to escape this kind of thing curing-wise, but that's not the case when you fight vs Shaman/Infernal (again, i repeat).
Of course I mean this when they have broken arms.
That is what I mean. (It's also what I said!)
@Antonius - [ sorry, yes. I mean inventory, not rift! ]
Your rift is where you store herbs, minerals, inks, commodities, etc. Your inventory is where they're stored when you OUTRIFT them. What you mean to say is "they no longer have ginseng in their inventory", rift is totally the wrong word and completely changes the meaning.
EDIT: Or, yes, you've completely misunderstood how it's supposed to work.
I think the problem with having herbs rifted instead of eaten would be herbs being un-riftable with two broken arms(if I remember right). This sort of defeats the purpose of actually rift-locking someone with addiction if herbs remain in the inventory.
(D.M.A.): Cooper says, "Kyrra is either the most innocent person in the world, or the girl who uses the most innuendo seemingly unintentionally but really on purpose."
One beautiful day, a group of mhaldorians will trip it and hit retardation. And on this day I will have concussion traps ready and stun everyone and voyria darts will give me the most magnificent deathsight list ever. (arc voyria + illusions is cheating)
One possible option: if your last untargeted dsl had broken another body part (legs, head) to force an apply restoration, the riftlock would have been complete before he could have started to apply to arms.
Allsight/cleansing nerfs are a bit too high. It's a primary utility skill for paladin class. A better solution would be to tie it to defendable. In other words tie it to the defendable area of X persons city and outside of that city it decays at double the rate.
(Blades of Valour): He just has that Synbios Swagger enough said. (Blades of Valour): Draekar says: "Synbios if sunbeams sparkle off that I'll kill you where you stand."
(Party) Halos says, "Disbar?" (Party) Draekar says, "You know here we have disbar." (Party) Draekar says, "And over there we have datbar."
I'd sooner have an active ability to strip AF/BW, since cleansing hasn't been terribly effective at hindering infiltration in the past, but what can you do.
→My Mudlet Scripts
EDIT: Or, yes, you've completely misunderstood how it's supposed to work.
Results of disembowel testing | Knight limb counter | GMCP AB files
Eat like a caveman, train like a beast. Champions are not born, they are made.
[ SnB PvP Guide | Link ]
It doesn't have to follow the in-game rules if it's being coded in for a specific function.
But seriously there was something magical about the world being littered with vardrax darts traps, when it drained essence.
One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important
One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important
One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important
@Iocun Thanks for the response!
Eat like a caveman, train like a beast. Champions are not born, they are made.
→My Mudlet Scripts
i'm a rebel
(Blades of Valour): Draekar says: "Synbios if sunbeams sparkle off that I'll kill you where you stand."
(Party) Halos says, "Disbar?"
(Party) Draekar says, "You know here we have disbar."
(Party) Draekar says, "And over there we have datbar."