Combat Logs



  • EzykielEzykiel Village of Eleusis
    You all are really mean to each other...

  • StrataStrata United States of Derp
    There is a mountain that spans high above the clouds, where even birds cannot fly. Floating above this huge mountain are two peering self-righteous globes like eyes looking down at all. Never in recorded history has there been any account of a single soul reaching the summit of the nose, as the pair of eyes glance down at all, high off a horse, snitching on everyone for a giggle, to fill the emptiness felt inside.

    Oh... and here's a log so I don't get threatened by the wannabe trustee:
  • Ezykiel said:
    You all are really mean to each other...

    It's a special sort of love. The kind of courage and bravery that is easily boasted behind the screen of a computer without real world repercussions. Put everyone in a room together and I could promise you 99% of what is being said here would never leave someone's lips. Honestly, don't look at forums as a portal to the soul. People act angry and confused and such but they're just misunderstood.

    Don't judge people on forums based on their behavior, because they're probably not like this overall. Jinsun is a pretty stand up guy. He has his moments, like everyone does. Mithridates too. Tesha, on the other hand, is a psychotic neckbeard troll wannabe that has no business typing her password correctly to login. (JK JK JK Tesha, I love you, you're great). :smiley: 

  • StrataStrata United States of Derp
    Kross said:
    Ezykiel said:
    You all are really mean to each other...

    It's a special sort of love. The kind of courage and bravery that is easily boasted behind the screen of a computer without real world repercussions. Put everyone in a room together and I could promise you 99% of what is being said here would never leave someone's lips. Honestly, don't look at forums as a portal to the soul. People act angry and confused and such but they're just misunderstood.

    Don't judge people on forums based on their behavior, because they're probably not like this overall. Jinsun is a pretty stand up guy. He has his moments, like everyone does. Mithridates too. Tesha, on the other hand, is a psychotic neckbeard troll wannabe that has no business typing her password correctly to login. (JK JK JK Tesha, I love you, you're great). :smiley: 


  • edited July 2014
    Niraaeth said:

    I don't mean to be a bitch, but it's kinda lame to brag about killing him when you were at least 7 against him alone. :P

    Just for the record, he came looking for us and set vibes - over and over. We actually didn't go after him even once. He just kept showing up and jumping into it while we were minding our own business hunting, dropping shrines and raising shrines. Guess he was a bit depressed and feeling suicidal. It was 7v1 (or thereabouts) but by his choice, not because we were being assholes.

    NB: Didn't see anybody bragging about it particularly, and you're right - that would be a bit lame.

    The Truths hurt. Always.
  • JinsunJinsun TN, USA
    Suladan said:
    Niraaeth said:

    I don't mean to be a bitch, but it's kinda lame to brag about killing him when you were at least 7 against him alone. :P

    Just for the record, he came looking for us and set vibes - over and over. We actually didn't go after him even once. He just kept showing up and jumping into it while we were minding our own business hunting, dropping shrines and raising shrines. Guess he was a bit depressed and feeling suicidal. It was 7v1 (or thereabouts) but by his choice, not because we were being assholes.

    NB: Didn't see anybody bragging about it particularly, and you're right - that would be a bit lame.

    Not going to lie this does happen for like 3/4 of our fights. 

  • Tesha said:

    It's fine to post logs, but is talking trash really necessary? Mocking others doesn't make you look cool or funny, it just makes you look like an ass. Spending your time trying to rile Mithridates up is probably going to get you banned again.

    Like when you called me an idiot last night, I smell a bit of irony here :D

  • JinsunJinsun TN, USA
    Fendrel said:
    Tesha said:

    It's fine to post logs, but is talking trash really necessary? Mocking others doesn't make you look cool or funny, it just makes you look like an ass. Spending your time trying to rile Mithridates up is probably going to get you banned again.

    Like when you called me an idiot last night, I smell a bit of irony here :D

  • edited July 2014
    Fendrel said:
    Tesha said:

    It's fine to post logs, but is talking trash really necessary? Mocking others doesn't make you look cool or funny, it just makes you look like an ass. Spending your time trying to rile Mithridates up is probably going to get you banned again.

    Like when you called me an idiot last night, I smell a bit of irony here :D

    My character (a Targossian) called yours (an Ashtani who was just raiding) an idiot (1. for forgetting mass despite getting yanked 6+ times and 2. for fighting for Maklak). Jinsun's trolling Mithridates oocly just trying to rile him up, as he said last page. Unless you worship Vastar IRL and drink a health vial every time you get a papercut, I don't see the connection you're trying to establish.

     i'm a rebel

  • JinsunJinsun TN, USA

    Tesha said:
    Fendrel said:
    Tesha said:

    It's fine to post logs, but is talking trash really necessary? Mocking others doesn't make you look cool or funny, it just makes you look like an ass. Spending your time trying to rile Mithridates up is probably going to get you banned again.

    Like when you called me an idiot last night, I smell a bit of irony here :D

    My character (a Targossian) called yours (an Ashtani who was just raiding) an idiot (1. for forgetting mass despite getting yanked 6+ times and 2. for fighting for Maklak). Jinsun's trolling Mithridates oocly just trying to rile him up, as he said last page. Unless you worship Vastar IRL and drink a health vial every time you get a papercut, I don't see the connection you're trying to establish.

    Would you end this already? I said that they were teasing him over being ganked 7-1 to rile him up. I did not participate in that ganking, nor did I post a log of it. I merely laughed at the irony when he raged about it--- on a different thread. Please stop trying to start drama and argue banhammer over something that I didn't do.

  • JinsunJinsun TN, USA
    Dalran said:

    Lol who forgets mass after getting yanked 6 times

    I even gave him an extra mass after he said, "Oh, someone grab me a mass?"

  • I didn't forget mass exactly, I ran out of it. By the time I noticed that Jinsun gave me one I already hit the damn totem :(
    And when you called me an idiot it felt more like a mock, I've had Davio sent me messages saying TAKE THAT! after he kills me, it's more the way you make it sound.
  • Jinsun said:
    Tesha said:

    It's fine to post logs, but is talking trash really necessary? Mocking others doesn't make you look cool or funny, it just makes you look like an ass. Spending your time trying to rile Mithridates up is probably going to get you banned again.

    Tesha, I'm not going to fight with you. However, the last 3 days he's posted logs about how I was fighting cheap or doing things stupidly all to rile me up, and then mocked me when I couldn't respond. I posted 1 log proving that I didn't have to death tarot kill him. I think his ego will be ok. Here you go, nose in other people's business again. Glad to see you haven't changed at least.

    To be fair, posting logs to the forums makes it everyone's business.

  • DaslinDaslin The place with the oxygen

    Oh my shit. Back to fucking logs before this gets trimmed. Seriously. Please. I want old forums back where combat logs legit meant combat logs/ganklogs/none of this stupid ass back and forth whining. Or well, there was, but not on this level. Do I need to dig out another of my shit logs?

  • This is a game. Start having fun. Please post logs. #NotThatSerious

  • JinsunJinsun TN, USA
    This guy. Never lets up.

  • edited July 2014

    Not in the mood to stir the pot.

  • Daslin said:

    Oh my shit. Back to fucking logs before this gets trimmed. Seriously. Please. I want old forums back where combat logs legit meant combat logs/ganklogs/none of this stupid ass back and forth whining. Or well, there was, but not on this level. Do I need to dig out another of my shit logs?

    Everytime I post combat logs, I just get yelled at for doing it :(..even when it's me asking what I did wrong. weep.

  • edited July 2014

    And here I am with a Palm Beach in my hand, chanting 'fight, fight, fight' and scrolling down with my other hand. 


  • MishgulMishgul Trondheim, Norway



    One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important

    As drawn by Shayde
    hic locus est ubi mors gaudet succurrere vitae
  • Jinsun said:

    why all this talk about pathfinder is so laughable

    Was totally doing that to troll you. :smiley: 

    You use pathfinder, I'll use earring, only I beat you to it!

  • @jinsun prepped limbs beats pathfinder though. Them bbt's got you goooood.


  • Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
  • edited July 2014

    I learned two things from this rampage: 1: Shield doesn't stop Broken Star (I don't know why I thought it did). 2. DFAing a death tarot instead of going for the lock was a bad move in hindsight. (Okay @Daslin, there ya go! Logs!)

  • Revenge, how sweet it tastes.

    With expert precision, you draw Whispering Clouds from its scabbard and unleash a vicious slash
    towards Boarath, the Smith.
    You have slain Boarath, the Smith, retrieving the corpse.
    You are getting close to the ranks of the Infamous. Be warned!

    Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
  • StrataStrata United States of Derp

    Help save Combat Logs, @Daeir. Go shank somebody.

  • KlendathuKlendathu Eye of the Storm
    Seftin said:

    Alright you mother-lickers, listen up! Dog-refuse just got serious so I'm calling a halt to all this bad-mouth, trash-talking, gypsy-grabbing, troll-bridging, arena-clashing, sabre-rattling, shield-bashing, crude-talking, hipster-swag rubbish you all spew forth and I present to you, the greatest log of all time.

    Tapping into the unfathomable depths of your power, you sense that Seftin is at Inside the Class and House Administration building, in the Isle of Delos. 

    Tharos, the Announcer of Delos shouts, "It's near the end of the egghunt and I still haven't figured out how to pronounce Clean-dat-hoo."
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