Combat Logs



  • StrataStrata United States of Derp

    I think the bottom line here is what was once a PvP bloodbath has been neutered into a cupcake palace of issue-happy players who want nothing but the mind-numbing PvE and avoid of any sort of intense conflict.

    It is evident in several aspects of the game today. Roll a dragon. Roll another dragon. Roll another dragon. Roll another dra..... like they're in a trance. Don't interrupt these zombies with your immature and toxic desires for violent PvP interaction or you shall be converted into a shru.... cupcake.

  • Jinsun said:

    As I tried to tell Mith last night, the death/ run tactic is not very fun. I used be very much a person who would fight face to face and gun for unravel and I had a lot of success for awhile. However, a few things happened that made that less feasible if not impossible against most classes. First, as we've discussed endlessly, server side did away with the utility of several of our skills and we're not exactly at the top of the list for fixes. Currently, after that fix @Hirst and I are the only two active 1v1 occies that fight regularly.  It's kind of disheartening and many of my friends who knew of my frustrations recommend ed that I quit house and class and do something different. I didn't do that. I took my time, spoke with @Makarios‌ about prospective reworking of our skills and he was kind enough to allow @Josoul‌  and I to submit a list of potential fixes to make unravel more viable again. I'm hopeful that he'll give us that boon someday. He did advise me to look to old class abilities until then and I have.

    Second, ring of flying. At first almost no one had them and now it seems almost everyone does. The balance really does fly in the face of unravel attempts and I've tried everything I can think of: dervish/tentacle/vertigo/following them and flying. I've managed to get a few kills that way but had very limited success. Here comes the frustrating part. When I begged and pleaded for them to add it to tentacles or greatly reduce the balance, I was told. " people need a viable way to be able to escape" i.e. So prep classes can hit and run as they need without risking death. 

    I've been doing death tarot against a number of people and classes that were previously frustrating. Yes I pathfinder out. The thing is, pathfinder is just one option. Mith, if you look over your logs, on multiple occasions I simply uni'd out. I could also use a precharged hermit. @Talysin‌  your derision is misguided, ironic and just rude. When we dueled, any time that you prepped me, i pathfindered and anytime that I prepped you, you hermited after fashioning. It's not "meta gaming" it's just an annoying use of skills. Just like it's annoying to me when I try to fight a serpent or bm and they evade. A big part of combat is surviving and that's what I'm doing.

    I just find it ironic that when try to complain about an artefact or skills that don't work anymore people say it was necessary deal with it. When I finally find a way to deal with it, people call it "unfair" and "metagaming" and saying it's broke. No one had a big problem with pathfinder or death till I started winning. End this witch hunt and get back to gaming. @Mithridates‌  and @Ernam‌  if you don't want me to stock and keep death tarots on me just for the sake of killing you, stop jumping me whenever you see me. It's a bit silly.

    Hey there @Jinsun. Sorry if you felt I was being rude, I was just trying to have a laugh. All in good fun! I don't believe that my comments were as off base as you're making them appear to be.

    I think your post is a bit one sided. In our spar, at the sign of my very first black out, you left for minutes at a time. It's a little ridiculous that I sat at NoNT bored while you did whatever it was you were doing. I wouldn't even have a set up when you ran- one blackout had you gone from the area for a long time. I ran as well, which is why I assume you said I was being ironic. However, I ran for pretty valid reasons (Star/warp, if I got behind on curing, if you started using hunger attacks) - I think all of those are reasonable motives for changing rooms. It really just felt, for me, that I would rub death on you and you would be gone again, or I'd fashion a few times, and you'd be gone. Or YOU would rub death, and suddenly be gone (kind of baffling for me that you did this, in retrospect). You are right, you are using your class skills to your benefit, but to needlessly run is sort of annoying for your opponent and certainly won't get people to respect you. Also, I used hermit once in that duel (backflip and fly usually do just fine). 

    I also was mildly offended that you started off our spar with hunger attacks, it gave me the opinion that you weren't really interested in being a clever combatant, just a cheap one (keep in mind this is the impression i got, not necessarily what or who you are). The strategies after that (star/warp, put pipe in top hat), were frankly lame and tired. I'm coming back from a long dormancy and those tactics were tired 100 achaean years ago, and you STARTED with them. That's why I said you were using cheap "metagame" tricks. I got no impression from that spar that you were interested in a real duel, just trying for a cheap kill. I found it amusing that other people in realm, and on these forums, held the same impression of you.

    To be fair: Universe is stopped by broken arms and being prone. Hermit is stopped by monolith. Those are fair limits. It's a little aggravating that you can seemingly pathfinder out of anything (and it, at least appears, that you do). 

    I have to admit, the skirmish was a lot of fun for me! You are a slippery fellow.

  • JinsunJinsun TN, USA

    Talysin, I'm just going to ask one simple question. What occultist tactic would you suggest using against jester that is in your opinion clever and not cheap?

  • edited July 2014

    you griefed the fuck out of me for how long when I was a novice?  So yeah I'm going to jump you.  Damn shame you have to resort to bullshit like you have been to kill me but your kinda reaping what you sew.  killing me for killing your ig mother in a raid or killing your ig brother for attacking me over and over is biting you in the ass

  • JinsunJinsun TN, USA

    you griefed the fuck out of made for how long when I was a novice?  So yeah I'm going to jump you.  Damn shame you have to resort to bullshit like you have been to kill me but your kinda reaping what you sew. 

    Reaping what I sew? Your death's ? Lol.

  • you know just as well as I do if path finder wasn't broken you'd be screwed against me.  

  • JinsunJinsun TN, USA

    you know just as well as I do if path finder wasn't broken you'd be screwed against me.  

    Uni'd against you four times. Or pre charge a hermit lolz

  • Whatever, not measuring my cock against yours.  

  • edited July 2014

    Hi. I'm not an Occultist (and frankly not versed enough in the new changes to comment), so let me flip that back on you. Is star/warp, force pipes away, and hunger attacks your only viable options for a kill? If so, I think you have a pretty glaring class problem that needs immediate administrative attention. However, I'm of the impression that it's not them, it's you. This problem you have reminds me of the old days of obliterate, when people would say "Well I can't kill anyone without obliterate". I say, "Nonesense! Get more creative!".

    Also keep in mind that half of my post was regarding your over-use of pathfinder. I was baffled at the amount of, and length of absence from, your pathfinder running. I rarely use my hermit, only if I'm in a real bind (also sort of a huge interruption to hermit away and come back). Why didn't you simply fly out of my death tarot flings? Why did't you mount jump away? Tumble? Why was it pathfinder every. single. time (or what felt like every time)?. Take a bit of time for self reflection here, do you really think that the player base is being unfair to you, or do you think that you maybe are being a little cheap?

  • @Jinsun is pretty awesome for having so many different ways of killing people, imo.

    He has never claimed to be the highest tier of combatants, so I imagine he will only get better at all of his tactics.  Watch out!

  • Jhui said:

    @Jinsun is pretty awesome for having so many different ways of killing people, imo.

    He has never claimed to be the highest tier of combatants, so I imagine he will only get better at all of his tactics.  Watch out!

    He is the 1st ranked combatant with a rating of 264.

  • Talysin said:
    Jhui said:

    @Jinsun is pretty awesome for having so many different ways of killing people, imo.

    He has never claimed to be the highest tier of combatants, so I imagine he will only get better at all of his tactics.  Watch out!

    He is the 1st ranked combatant with a rating of 264.

    season just started!  Hopefully he stays up there

  • JinsunJinsun TN, USA

    I use pathfinder because I like it and it's effective. The other options that Occultists have right now are pretty limited. Mostly just unravel, but unravel is largely ineffective against jesters because they just hanged man fashion and balloon away when there is trouble ( considerable balance to ROF. Part of the reason that I pathfinder instead of mount jumping or tumbling is this: I can travel across the continent when I see you finish a puppet, why would I tumble to the next room ? So I tumble then all my limbs are broken? That's just dumb. I won't disagree with you that a ton of things with occultist are broken right now. I hate how broken it is, but you really shouldn't call a person cheap or lame when you don't understand the skills at their disposal. Would love it if they had a viable limb prep for me, or for me not having to try and steal your pipes for aeon, but I don't have those options. Also, on most of your death illusions I didn't actually pathfinder I just left the room. If you guys think occie is so broken then ask them to fix it or offer solutions like I did ". Saying omg that guy is cheap because he runs a lot is not fruitful and just rude.

    And Mithridates, I was mean to you. I've gotten nicer over the years. If you want to hold a grudge that's fine. Just stop crying when that grudge gets you killed. Further, it's silly. You chose a class that allows you to set up a kill room that makes it very difficult to even defend against you while many passive effects are dropped on them, yet you think it's stupid and cheap when they run and then use those rooms against you. The solution is simple here bro. Take a chill pill and fight classes that you actually want to fight.

  • Soulmaster > Balloons.

    Pathfinder isn't reasonable. Will be surprised if it doesn't receive slight nerfs. Not comparable to Universe, either.

  • JinsunJinsun TN, USA
    Jovolo said:
    Soulmaster > Balloons.

    Pathfinder isn't reasonable. Will be surprised if it doesn't receive slight nerfs. Not comparable to Universe, either.

    Both don't work on prone, and as Jhui was saying paralysis was probably a bug. And what are you suggesting with soul master and balloons? Bit confused about that.

  • StrataStrata United States of Derp
    edited July 2014
    Hey Jovolo. How do I lock the following classes? Priest, Blademaster, Sylvan, Magi, Sentinel, Apostate.

    For your notes: They are using server-side+client-side curing hybrid systems or just server-side. I track extremely well and have a decent amount of experience and can code anything on a whim. I have lots of arties.

    ETA for your notes: Not using any affliction illusions.

    This is a legit question - anyone else free to answer too. Take me to school. I want to make sure I have exhausted every possible tactic so I can be confident when I say those classes need to have their curing abilities looked at.

  • Balloons are stopped by mass/density
  • JinsunJinsun TN, USA
    Strata said:
    Hey Jovolo. How do I lock the following classes? Priest, Blademaster, Sylvan, Magi, Sentinel, Apostate.

    For your notes: They are using server-side+client-side curing hybrid systems or just server-side. I track extremely well and have a decent amount of experience and can code anything on a whim. I have lots of arties.

    This is a legit question - anyone else free to answer too. Take me to school. I want to make sure I have exhausted every possible tactic so I can be confident when I say those classes need to have their curing abilities looked at.

    I so feel your pain bro. So badly. Add monk and jester to my list. Stupid kaideaf vs random blood leech sensitivity.

  • JinsunJinsun TN, USA
    Jovolo said:
    Balloons are stopped by mass/density

    Well holy shit. Learn something new every day. Now boss, what do I do to prep five afflictions vs hangedman/fool.

  • StrataStrata United States of Derp
    Jinsun said:
    Strata said:
    Hey Jovolo. How do I lock the following classes? Priest, Blademaster, Sylvan, Magi, Sentinel, Apostate.

    For your notes: They are using server-side+client-side curing hybrid systems or just server-side. I track extremely well and have a decent amount of experience and can code anything on a whim. I have lots of arties.

    This is a legit question - anyone else free to answer too. Take me to school. I want to make sure I have exhausted every possible tactic so I can be confident when I say those classes need to have their curing abilities looked at.

    I so feel your pain bro. So badly. Add monk and jester to my list. Stupid kaideaf vs random blood leech sensitivity.

    Monk and jester fine. It's just the way most people play those two classes that makes them difficult to work with sometimes. The classes I listed above, as far as I see right now, require absolutely zero skill or knowledge of what is being afflicted on them during a fight because curing will never fall behind.

  • Strata said:

    Hey Jovolo. How do I lock the following classes? Priest, Blademaster, Sylvan, Magi, Sentinel, Apostate.

    For your notes: They are using server-side+client-side curing hybrid systems or just server-side. I track extremely well and have a decent amount of experience and can code anything on a whim. I have lots of arties.

    ETA for your notes: Not using any affliction illusions.

    This is a legit question - anyone else free to answer too. Take me to school. I want to make sure I have exhausted every possible tactic so I can be confident when I say those classes need to have their curing abilities looked at.

    Buy me a class change and I'll show you.

  • JinsunJinsun TN, USA

    ummm I don't know that I've ever actually seen a Jovolo death sight. I generally just hear about his combat knowledge from him on forums. You know a lot man, but I sometimes think you presume that others who actually work on their classes are just silly or just don't get it and that you could do better in their shoes. It's kinda crappy, man.

  • Jinsun said:

    I use pathfinder because I like it and it's effective. The other options that Occultists have right now are pretty limited. Mostly just unravel, but unravel is largely ineffective against jesters because they just hanged man fashion and balloon away when there is trouble ( considerable balance to ROF. Part of the reason that I pathfinder instead of mount jumping or tumbling is this: I can travel across the continent when I see you finish a puppet, why would I tumble to the next room ? So I tumble then all my limbs are broken? That's just dumb. I won't disagree with you that a ton of things with occultist are broken right now. I hate how broken it is, but you really shouldn't call a person cheap or lame when you don't understand the skills at their disposal. Would love it if they had a viable limb prep for me, or for me not having to try and steal your pipes for aeon, but I don't have those options. Also, on most of your death illusions I didn't actually pathfinder I just left the room. If you guys think occie is so broken then ask them to fix it or offer solutions like I did ". Saying omg that guy is cheap because he runs a lot is not fruitful and just rude.

    And Mithridates, I was mean to you. I've gotten nicer over the years. If you want to hold a grudge that's fine. Just stop crying when that grudge gets you killed. Further, it's silly. You chose a class that allows you to set up a kill room that makes it very difficult to even defend against you while many passive effects are dropped on them, yet you think it's stupid and cheap when they run and then use those rooms against you. The solution is simple here bro. Take a chill pill and fight classes that you actually want to fight.

    I'm gonna break this up to keep things on track.

    "Part of the reason that I pathfinder instead of mount jumping or tumbling is this: I can travel across the continent when I see you finish a puppet, why would I tumble to the next room ? So I tumble then all my limbs are broken?"

    Well, tumble is an excellent strategy. Tumble to the next room because it's just as effective as pathfinder, and disrupts the duel much less! 1. Puppet obliterate doesn't exist anymore, so what are you afraid of when I get a full puppet? I need a much more complex set up than just 50 fashions. 2. Yes, tumble away from me. Why are you wasting pathfinder every time? Why does mangled arm send you pathfinding? Or blackout? I mean, you're mounted, you can fly out of the room. On my side, I have to wait forever for you to come back. Are you afraid I'm going to brazier you back into the room if you tumble? You do realize that the second you're gone my set up is ruined? Tumble is 99% effective against Jesters. For that 1% that you manage to get screwed up, yes pathfinder by all means. It just, from my vantage point, seemed like you pressed the "order pathfinder home" alias every time I did anything. I mean literally anything sent you away for what felt for a long, long time.

    "I won't disagree with you that a ton of things with occultist are broken right now."

    Wonderful! I never said occultist was broken. I said you were being cheap. I mean, if they didn't change command skills, I'm sure you'd have tried to make me drink absinthe to death.

    "I hate how broken it is, but you really shouldn't call a person cheap or lame when you don't understand the skills at their disposal."

    That's a little untrue. You're like a new baby Jester who thinks the only thing that they can do to win is puppet bleed 50 times. You have much more available to you than star/warp, hunger attacks, and force pipes away.

    "Also, on most of your death illusions I didn't actually pathfinder I just left the room."

    I'll concede this point, you didn't pathfinder every single time. You just did it way more than was necessary. There is a difference between running and leaving the room/area. It's a bit more of an interruption when you path find all the way to Ashtan and sit there for a while before heading back to me.

    "If you guys think occie is so broken then ask them to fix it or offer solutions like I did . Saying omg that guy is cheap because he runs a lot is not fruitful and just rude."

    I'm gonna point you back to the self reflection comment I made earlier. You started our duel with hunger attacks, then switched to star/warp. I hate to sound "rude", but that was lame. 

    And to be fair, you do run a lot.

  • edited July 2014
    Jinsun said:

    ummm I don't know that I've ever actually seen a Jovolo death sight. I generally just hear about his combat knowledge from him on forums. You know a lot man, but I sometimes think you presume that others who actually work on their classes are just silly or just don't get it and that you could do better in their shoes. It's kinda crappy, man.

    My buy me a class change comment was just a joke :P I'm not around enough to know how good you, and Strata and other recent fighters are. My impressions are based upon how you guys talk and behave on these forums, of which I basically only play to keep me moderately up to date for when I do decide to legit come back, if ever. You think I'm acting like a douchebag? Do you not see the way that I get called out on these forums and made fun of (especially by none other than mr. Strata) constantly because I enjoy talking about combat and giving people advice when they ask for it?

    Honestly, I never mean it to come across as arrogant or condescending, it's a genuine hobby that I come here to talk about when I get a couple of moments. So sick of how personal ppl can get here

  • JinsunJinsun TN, USA
    Talysin said:

    That's a little untrue. You're like a new baby Jester who thinks the only thing that they can do to win is puppet bleed 50 times. You have much more available to you than star/warp, hunger attacks, and force pipes away.

    Jinsun said:

    Talysin, I'm just going to ask one simple question. What occultist tactic would you suggest using against jester that is in your opinion clever and not cheap?

    Talysin said:

    Hi. I'm not an Occultist (and frankly not versed enough in the new changes to comment), so let me flip that back on you. Is star/warp, force pipes away, and hunger attacks your only viable options for a kill? If so, I think you have a pretty glaring class problem 

    I'm still trying to figure out what strategy that I have that you say I'm not utilizing. You're saying I ah a lot more available to me but you don't know what it is. @Jhui‌  in all honesty is there some occie tactic I forgot to Lear. About that everyone is using these days?

  • JinsunJinsun TN, USA

    @‌Jovolo no doubt forums are full of jerks!

  • StrataStrata United States of Derp

    Uh yeah. Wasn't trying to make personal jabs or anything. I am curious to know from anyone really. Not being a class-hopper has advantages like more money to spend on one class - at the disadvantage of not truly knowing any weaknesses of other classes because I never alted as them. Just say you don't know if you don't know. "Buy me a class change and I'll show you." only shows that you talk a good game but when put on the actual spot, it's foot in mouth.

  • edited July 2014

    Well clearly I'm not getting anywhere. You seem to think that hunger attacks, star/warp, and force pipes are your only option and I disagree. I'm not sure what it is, but if that's all you got I will loudly proclaim on the forums "BUFFS TO OCCULTISTS!".

    I was hoping you would also respond to the running comment, but alas.

    Edit: I see what you did by the quote stacking, but my point remains!

  • I'll also add this. You can't play the victim all your life, at some point you'll have to realize that part of the problem is you, too.

  • JinsunJinsun TN, USA
    Talysin said:

    Well clearly I'm not getting anywhere. You seem to think that hunger attacks, star/warp, and force pipes are your only option and I disagree. I'm not sure what it is, but if that's all you got I will loudly proclaim on the forums "BUFFS TO OCCULTISTS!".

    I was hoping you would also respond to the running comment, but alas.

    I explained to you at length why unravel wasn't a viable option against jesters and why we don't have prep/lock options as occies. The simple truth is you made blanket rude statements to be a jerk because you don't know a class.

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