Combat Logs



  • Lmao to anyone saying pathfinder is okay. ...It isn't.

    Also death is 8 seconds as Miz said.

  • yeah I was wrong but uhh. .. pathfinder broken

  • Prep limbs while he preps death?

  • Use your class skills, noob.

     i'm a rebel

  • StrataStrata United States of Derp
    The irony. Unreal.
  • can't pathfinder prone, piety/ghands stops it. Didn't know paralysis didn't stop it...that could be a bug? Or I just suck for not knowing that

    Universe might accomplish same thing minus paralysis.

  • Strata said:
    The irony. Unreal.


  • I'm not one to complain, I think that @Jinsun is metagaming some cheap tricks. However, it's not going to get him any respect, so why should we care? I mean, in the old days, doing things like that would get you teamed to filth.

  • Jinsun tried to do that to me. I just stood there tapping my foot until he flung it and then killed him.

    It's already really easy to not fight if you don't want to, and that's pretty much all he's doing since he won't actually be able to kill you unless he stays in the room.

    Why would you even drop retard if he's obviously going for Death? He's already unable to cure so you can literally just spam staffcast and win.

  • I can't outdamage him in eight seconds, lol.

  • hailstoooorm on entry, staffcast*3

  • Wtf. You can out damage me in 8 seconds -while- I'm sipping and mossing. I highly doubt he can tank you for 8 seconds without healing.

  • uh... each staffcast is three seconds. So that's two staffcasts. 

  • StrataStrata United States of Derp

    Terra said:

    Wtf. You can out damage me in 8 seconds -while- I'm sipping and mossing. I highly doubt he can tank you for 8 seconds without healing.

    I think you're missing a very important part that Talysin mentioned... Jinsun is METAGAMING cheap tricks. lol? 

  • edited July 2014

    3 staffcasts or 1 hailstorm + 2 staffcasts. Obviously you also have efreeti, weird, and vibes. You really think an occie can tank that -without- healing? Wtf. Vibes do a ton.

    You can also prehailstorm before Death and likely get 3 staffcasts in.

  • Hmm, I'll have to try it. Thanks Terra!


  • edited July 2014
    Or replace the last staffcast with stormhammer, it isn't like you're going to need eq after he dies...

  • WessuxWessux Chattanooga

    The forums are just full of hilarious comments lately. 

    Invest in a 9mm retirement plan.
  • Full :(

    4017h, 4318m, 18601e, 19085w cxk[rl2]-

    Iakimen charges in, sword flashing at the ready.

    You writhe and scream as he drives the cruel blade deep into your side.

    2418h, 4318m, 18601e, 19085w cxk[rl2]-(sip vitality)(-1599h, 39.8%) 

    You are too stunned to be able to do anything.

    2418h, 4318m, 18601e, 19085w cxk[stun rl2]-

    Iakimen moves in to engage you.

    2418h, 4318m, 18601e, 19085w cxk[stun rl2]-

    2418h, 4318m, 18601e, 19085w cxk[stun rl2 pr]-

    You are too stunned to be able to do anything.

    2418h, 4318m, 18601e, 19085w cxk[stun rl2 pr]-

    You are too stunned to be able to do anything.

    2418h, 4318m, 18601e, 19085w cxk[stun rl2 pr]-

    You have recovered equilibrium.

    You may apply another salve or balm to yourself. (0.63s)

    2418h, 4318m, 18601e, 19085w cexk[stun rl2 pr]-

    You are too stunned to be able to do anything.

    2418h, 4318m, 18601e, 19085w cexk[stun rl2 pr]-

    You bleed 62 health.

    2356h, 4318m, 18601e, 19085w cexk[stun bld(62) rl2 pr]-(-62h, 1.5%) 

    A spout of molten lava, channeled by Iakimen, surges from the depths of the earth itself with a 

    mighty roar, battering your body with excruciating force.

    A rune resembling a volcano flares crimson then fades from the ground.

    1584h, 4318m, 18601e, 19085w cexk[stun bld(62) rl2 pr]-(-772h, 19.2%) 

    Rangor comes flying in with a jumpkick from the west.

    He slams into you, knocking you off your feet and stunning you!

    600h, 4318m, 18601e, 19085w cexk[stun bld(62) rl2 pr]-(-984h, 24.5%) 

    Rangor balls up one fist and hammerfists you.

    He connects to the right leg!

    240h, 4318m, 18601e, 19085w cexk[stun bld(62) rl2 pr]-(-360h, 9.0%) 

    Rangor balls up one fist and hammerfists you.

    He connects to the right leg!

    You have been slain by Rangor.

  • Mizik said:

    Full :(

    4017h, 4318m, 18601e, 19085w cxk[rl2]-

    Iakimen charges in, sword flashing at the ready.

    You writhe and scream as he drives the cruel blade deep into your side.

    2418h, 4318m, 18601e, 19085w cxk[rl2]-(sip vitality)(-1599h, 39.8%) 

    You are too stunned to be able to do anything.

    2418h, 4318m, 18601e, 19085w cxk[stun rl2]-

    Iakimen moves in to engage you.

    2418h, 4318m, 18601e, 19085w cxk[stun rl2]-

    2418h, 4318m, 18601e, 19085w cxk[stun rl2 pr]-

    You are too stunned to be able to do anything.

    2418h, 4318m, 18601e, 19085w cxk[stun rl2 pr]-

    You are too stunned to be able to do anything.

    2418h, 4318m, 18601e, 19085w cxk[stun rl2 pr]-

    You have recovered equilibrium.

    You may apply another salve or balm to yourself. (0.63s)

    2418h, 4318m, 18601e, 19085w cexk[stun rl2 pr]-

    You are too stunned to be able to do anything.

    2418h, 4318m, 18601e, 19085w cexk[stun rl2 pr]-

    You bleed 62 health.

    2356h, 4318m, 18601e, 19085w cexk[stun bld(62) rl2 pr]-(-62h, 1.5%) 

    A spout of molten lava, channeled by Iakimen, surges from the depths of the earth itself with a 

    mighty roar, battering your body with excruciating force.

    A rune resembling a volcano flares crimson then fades from the ground.

    1584h, 4318m, 18601e, 19085w cexk[stun bld(62) rl2 pr]-(-772h, 19.2%) 

    Rangor comes flying in with a jumpkick from the west.

    He slams into you, knocking you off your feet and stunning you!

    600h, 4318m, 18601e, 19085w cexk[stun bld(62) rl2 pr]-(-984h, 24.5%) 

    Rangor balls up one fist and hammerfists you.

    He connects to the right leg!

    240h, 4318m, 18601e, 19085w cexk[stun bld(62) rl2 pr]-(-360h, 9.0%) 

    Rangor balls up one fist and hammerfists you.

    He connects to the right leg!

    You have been slain by Rangor.

    Need more tank, obv.

    Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
  • lol, 39% damage lunge, 40% damage jpk, 19.2% thurisaz.

    You might need to redef them scales on burst @Mizik!

  • edited July 2014
    Or nerf Monk/Runie!  >:)

  • JinsunJinsun TN, USA

    As I tried to tell Mith last night, the death/ run tactic is not very fun. I used be very much a person who would fight face to face and gun for unravel and I had a lot of success for awhile. However, a few things happened that made that less feasible if not impossible against most classes. First, as we've discussed endlessly, server side did away with the utility of several of our skills and we're not exactly at the top of the list for fixes. Currently, after that fix @Hirst and I are the only two active 1v1 occies that fight regularly.  It's kind of disheartening and many of my friends who knew of my frustrations recommend ed that I quit house and class and do something different. I didn't do that. I took my time, spoke with @Makarios‌ about prospective reworking of our skills and he was kind enough to allow @Josoul‌  and I to submit a list of potential fixes to make unravel more viable again. I'm hopeful that he'll give us that boon someday. He did advise me to look to old class abilities until then and I have.

    Second, ring of flying. At first almost no one had them and now it seems almost everyone does. The balance really does fly in the face of unravel attempts and I've tried everything I can think of: dervish/tentacle/vertigo/following them and flying. I've managed to get a few kills that way but had very limited success. Here comes the frustrating part. When I begged and pleaded for them to add it to tentacles or greatly reduce the balance, I was told. " people need a viable way to be able to escape" i.e. So prep classes can hit and run as they need without risking death. 

    I've been doing death tarot against a number of people and classes that were previously frustrating. Yes I pathfinder out. The thing is, pathfinder is just one option. Mith, if you look over your logs, on multiple occasions I simply uni'd out. I could also use a precharged hermit. @Talysin‌  your derision is misguided, ironic and just rude. When we dueled, any time that you prepped me, i pathfindered and anytime that I prepped you, you hermited after fashioning. It's not "meta gaming" it's just an annoying use of skills. Just like it's annoying to me when I try to fight a serpent or bm and they evade. A big part of combat is surviving and that's what I'm doing.

    I just find it ironic that when try to complain about an artefact or skills that don't work anymore people say it was necessary deal with it. When I finally find a way to deal with it, people call it "unfair" and "metagaming" and saying it's broke. No one had a big problem with pathfinder or death till I started winning. End this witch hunt and get back to gaming. @Mithridates‌  and @Ernam‌  if you don't want me to stock and keep death tarots on me just for the sake of killing you, stop jumping me whenever you see me. It's a bit silly.

  • MelodieMelodie Port Saint Lucie, Florida
    O hai @Jinsun. Welcome back.

    And I love too                                                                          Be still, my indelible friend
    That love soon might end                                                         You are unbreaking
    And be known in its aching                                                      Though quaking
    Shown in this shaking                                                             Though crazy
    Lately of my wasteland, baby                                                 That's just wasteland, baby
  • JinsunJinsun TN, USA
    Melodie said:
    O hai @Jinsun. Welcome back.

    Hey bebe miss me?

  • MelodieMelodie Port Saint Lucie, Florida
    Jinsun said:
    Melodie said:
    O hai @Jinsun. Welcome back.

    Hey bebe miss me?

    Yah. Dandelions are pretty after all.

    And I love too                                                                          Be still, my indelible friend
    That love soon might end                                                         You are unbreaking
    And be known in its aching                                                      Though quaking
    Shown in this shaking                                                             Though crazy
    Lately of my wasteland, baby                                                 That's just wasteland, baby
  • JinsunJinsun TN, USA
    Melodie said:
    Jinsun said:
    Melodie said:
    O hai @Jinsun. Welcome back.

    Hey bebe miss me?

    Yah. Dandelions are pretty after all.

    SEAWEEDIE MY GURL. Thanks for the haiku btw :)

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