Combat Logs



  • Ugh, there's that word again. I'm not a jerk or rude. I'm actually quite affable.

    I can sum up your argument in one dramatic statement "You don't even go here, you don't even know!". Well, you're right I'm not a tri trans Occie (I used to be before changes). You can't keep saying that because I'm not in your shoes = you have exhausted your options. If you believe that, then I'm surprised (again, buffs to Occultists)! I, however, highly doubt it. Like I said, I doubt your reputation is due to you having exhausted your options as an Occultist. Reputations rarely are a result of misguided gossip.

    You didn't respond to my comment about your constant pathfinding away. Like I said, tumble is just as effective. Fly is just as effective. Pathfinding at the drop of a hat is downright skittish.

    I apologize if my comments came off as me trying to make unfair jabs at you. Sometimes it's good to simply laugh at yourself and not be so serious.

  • Noticed you flagged that comment about playing the victim. What is your problem?

  • JinsunJinsun TN, USA

    In short, most classes either use 2-3 kill/prep types. I try unravel/pipe locks/damage/hunger/and death tarot. (5) and different variations of trying each of those. I've been playing this class since before the changes and have a very good understanding of its capabilities. You have no knowledge or comprehension of its capabilities or my work in it. You don't offer anything informative or helpful other than a blanket "ugh newbie don't understand your class" yeah, guess that's why people learn occie combat from me...

  • edited July 2014

    Has anyone ever told you that you phrase things really dramatically? "You have no knowledge or comprehension (same effective word) of its capabilities". I hope for you sake you don't engage in discourse with such verbiage IRL.

    Your class may as well be a brand new one with the overhaul of Occultist skills. I wouldn't get so high and mighty about your skill level.

    I also hope you realize that you haven't addressed what I have been asking. I'll concede that all you have as options to kill are forcing pipes in artie hat (I mean, who falls for that?), star/warp, and hunger attacks and that Occies deserve a huge offensive buff (that's sarcasm, but you seem to be so serious about it). You haven't talked "at length" about why you use pathfinder. You simply said "I like it". As I said before, a less dramatic exit will work 90% of the time (e.g., tumble or fly).

    This dialogue is going nowhere. You have been especially frustrating to talk with. You're right. You're a victim here and everyone misunderstands you/just doesn't get it.

  • DaslinDaslin The place with the oxygen
    The entirety of the last few pages.

     @Jinsun has become Bane. "Nobody cared until I put on the mask." and everyone else is bitching/whining that he's doing shit the way it is.

    Has everyone already forgotten that the moment the class became kinda bad/boring so people literally jumped ship to change? Lame tactics happen all over the place. Ice/stonewall in Annwyn/UW radiance for example. I've seen it used so very much it's not funny, and the sheer size of Annwyn/UW vs that? Holy shit you're p lucky if you get away. (Yes, I know. Prism tattoo negates my argument, but what if yours faded and you forgot to ink it? Eh? Eh? Think about that one, hotshot.)

    Anyways. Just let dude have his tactics for a while till the class is fixed or unfixed or whatthefuckever you wanna call it. Back to fucking logs, you wastes of space. And just so I can make sure it's going back. Have a log of me not even really trying against Goggo for a contract that he was patient with me on.

    There. Fucking. Back. To. Logs.

  • MishgulMishgul Trondheim, Norway

    if you go to annwyn or underworld you deserve to die for stealing my bashing.


    One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important

    As drawn by Shayde
    hic locus est ubi mors gaudet succurrere vitae
  • DaslinDaslin The place with the oxygen
    edited July 2014

    @Kross Dude, I'm -still- changing that shit up. I can't find one I like.

    @Florentino I'm a cop, whatchu gonna do? Steal from me? I'll stab you once before you evade away!

    Hrm. can't get second tag to work. Oh well. 

  • JinsunJinsun TN, USA

    yeah I'd kill myself over that prompt. *shudder *

  • Did they take away mind stupidity from torcOccultists and that's why Jinsun is bitching now?

  • JinsunJinsun TN, USA
    Cooper said:
    Did they take away mind stupidity from torcOccultists and that's why Jinsun is bitching now?

    *Facepalm* Never change.

  • DaslinDaslin The place with the oxygen

    @Strata You know I gotta get my psychedelic fix somehow!

  • edited July 2014
    These combat logs suck.

    Except for Daslin's. 

     i'm a rebel

  • DaslinDaslin The place with the oxygen

    Disagreed because mine sucked. It's me, what more can you expect than suckage?

  • cold blooded shank't

  • I love Mith's recent decision to start outrifting 10 of every mineral for every fight, it's like killing pinatas. Free restock!

  • JinsunJinsun TN, USA

    why all this talk about pathfinder is so laughable

  • I don't mean to be a bitch, but it's kinda lame to brag about killing him when you were at least 7 against him alone. :P

  • JinsunJinsun TN, USA
    Niraaeth said:

    I don't mean to be a bitch, but it's kinda lame to brag about killing him when you were at least 7 against him alone. :P

    Hint, they're doing it to rile him up.

    Pro tip: it's working.

  • edited July 2014

    behaving like assholes to purposefully try and piss a guy off? What's new

  • edited July 2014

    As much as I like Mhaldor (ooc), I did notice this trend for a while now. You can't really use that excuse if they're doing it to almost everyone.

    EDIT: For those saying I'm biased, I barely participate in combat. especially lately, so my opinion is mainly objective so stfu. ty

    EDIT2: Why am I even bothering with this?

  • JinsunJinsun TN, USA
    Niraaeth said:

    As much as I like Mhaldor (ooc), I did notice this trend for a while now. You can't really use that excuse if they're doing it to almost everyone.

    EDIT: For those saying I'm biased, I barely participate in combat. especially lately, so my opinion is mainly objective so stfu. ty

    EDIT2: Why am I even bothering with this?

    every city does it, etc etc etc.

  • It's fine to post logs, but is talking trash really necessary? Mocking others doesn't make you look cool or funny, it just makes you look like an ass. Spending your time trying to rile Mithridates up is probably going to get you banned again.

     i'm a rebel

  • JinsunJinsun TN, USA
    Tesha said:

    It's fine to post logs, but is talking trash really necessary? Mocking others doesn't make you look cool or funny, it just makes you look like an ass. Spending your time trying to rile Mithridates up is probably going to get you banned again.

    Tesha, I'm not going to fight with you. However, the last 3 days he's posted logs about how I was fighting cheap or doing things stupidly all to rile me up, and then mocked me when I couldn't respond. I posted 1 log proving that I didn't have to death tarot kill him. I think his ego will be ok. Here you go, nose in other people's business again. Glad to see you haven't changed at least.

  • How childish. Whatever, it will go away when you get banned again, I guess. 

     i'm a rebel

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