Combat Logs



  • IsaiahIsaiah Georgia
    edited July 2014

    @Seftin‌ go druid

    #Carmain #choo choo

    Eat like a caveman, train like a beast. Champions are not born, they are made. 

  • IsaiahIsaiah Georgia

    where is that blasted agree/lol comment when you need it

    Eat like a caveman, train like a beast. Champions are not born, they are made. 

  • Delayed curing of paralysis because opponent thought they had magnesium made sticking sensitivity super easy, then sensitive lunge. Brutal.

     i'm a rebel

  • Sensitivity always gonna be stuck anyway. Another good matchup is Bard with perma undeaf.

    Any tips?

  • Seftin said:

    Alright you mother-lickers, listen up! Dog-refuse just got serious so I'm calling a halt to all this bad-mouth, trash-talking, gypsy-grabbing, troll-bridging, arena-clashing, sabre-rattling, shield-bashing, crude-talking, hipster-swag rubbish you all spew forth and I present to you, the greatest log of all time.

    Who the hell is trying to grab my @Taraus >:[

    Cascades of quicksilver light streak across the firmament as the celestial voice of Ourania intones, "Oh Jarrod..."

  • Mizik said:

    Sensitivity always gonna be stuck anyway. Another good matchup is Bard with perma undeaf.

    Any tips?

    Hate knights so hard.

  • edited July 2014

    Don't get caught with damage

  • JinsunJinsun TN, USA

    @Dalran‌  command orb; fling death tarot at mizik; pause; pray #thiswillprobablygetyoukilledbutifitworksitscheating.

  • Alternatively become tanris and star/warp so hard they cry at your distort aura and just stop trying

  • JinsunJinsun TN, USA

    I wish I had made an occie sooner :(

  • Hot lock.

  • Man I wish fitness users never used fitness every time I tried to use that locking method. :(

  • edited July 2014
    Just force them off bal/eq and then actually mangle a limb.

    EDIT: Or fall in love with reel/percussia
  • I know methods to lock with weariness, it just can't use the 4 jab method as above (and for some reason I kept trying to do it to @Jinsun, who does not have fitness. lol.) which is okay! Part of why I love bard is that I can change my fight style on the fly to adapt to what's needed. Fitness is no longer a problem, but rebound is a huge one I'm finding :(

  • Oh, I don't know anything but that method yet, went bard like 2 days ago lol.
  • JinsunJinsun TN, USA
    Lilian said:

    I know methods to lock with weariness, it just can't use the 4 jab method as above (and for some reason I kept trying to do it to @Jinsun, who does not have fitness. lol.) which is okay! Part of why I love bard is that I can change my fight style on the fly to adapt to what's needed. Fitness is no longer a problem, but rebound is a huge one I'm finding :(

    Holy crap just remembered I forgot rebounding against in in that rampage.

  • I am well aware that you did :D..weep please no rebound weeeeeep

  • JinsunJinsun TN, USA

    Dat death doe :lol: 

  • Does death tarot stop rebound from coming up like FuneralMass does? (Silly question and I don't know why I am asking when I know the answer..but Achaea hasn't exactly been consistent in some things..)

  • JinsunJinsun TN, USA
    edited July 2014
    Lilian said:

    Does death tarot stop rebound from coming up like FuneralMass does? (Silly question and I don't know why I am asking when I know the answer..but Achaea hasn't exactly been consistent in some things..)

    To be honest I haven't noticed. It may if I puff right before the fling? It's such an all or nothing tactic ( part or why I like it) that I'm just frantically gripping my laptop for 8 seconds praying that I don't get owned.

  • MishgulMishgul Trondheim, Norway

    rebound does not come up during death tarot.


    One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important

    As drawn by Shayde
    hic locus est ubi mors gaudet succurrere vitae
  • Dalran said:

    Why'd you stop didn't he kill you.

    Don't let bullies get their way like that you should've locked him and tugged him to NoT and told everyone on market he was a freebie.

  • Jinsun said:
    Lilian said:

    Does death tarot stop rebound from coming up like FuneralMass does? (Silly question and I don't know why I am asking when I know the answer..but Achaea hasn't exactly been consistent in some things..)

    To be honest I haven't noticed. It may if I puff right before the fling? It's such an all or nothing tactic ( part or why I like it) that I'm just frantically gripping my laptop for 8 seconds praying that I don't get owned.

    Yes. This.

  • edited July 2014

    Well I figured out how to stop fitness, on to dragonheal.

    EDIT: For reference

  • edited July 2014
    Dalran said:

    Well I figured out how to stop fitness, on to dragonheal.

    EDIT: For reference

    you actually stopped dragon heal with the way you afflicted Kross there. I think the real trouble you'll have with dragons is being emeshed so bloody much lol (Dragon heal is stopped by Recklessness+Weariness. Which you gave to kross during that, though I think they could of dragon healed out of it before you applied the recklessness.). Also couldn't Kross of tree'd out of that before you recited epic? (Or you know, shield.)

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