Combat Logs



  • Why is killing someone when AFK a combat log? What am I missing? Usually, if I notice that, I stop. I thought most people would. Is that not the case?

  • KlendathuKlendathu Eye of the Storm
    Eleison said:

    Why is killing someone when AFK a combat log? What am I missing? Usually, if I notice that, I stop. I thought most people would. Is that not the case?

    Sadly no.

    Tharos, the Announcer of Delos shouts, "It's near the end of the egghunt and I still haven't figured out how to pronounce Clean-dat-hoo."
  • It's a "combat log" and completely appropriate for this thread.

  • IsaiahIsaiah Georgia
    Melodie said:

    Calm down, boys. Here, have the only thing I could really dig up.

    I don't have any actual combat logs I've saved from recent, but here's a log of me getting jumped and barely managing to gtfo. Nothing but basic defs up, no virdian, etc.

     @Melodie‌ you could post your end of the log when I ganked you, all of Eleusis came to help and you still died. That was a good one  ;)

    Eat like a caveman, train like a beast. Champions are not born, they are made. 

  • Eleison said:

    Why is killing someone when AFK a combat log? What am I missing? Usually, if I notice that, I stop. I thought most people would. Is that not the case?

    Had my first interaction with this kid. Was good.

    Jumps me in Annwyn, I smash seven shades of shit out of him and he explodes. Then I troll him all over the world to the beat of:

    Eleison arrives from the south.

    4926h, 4225m, 21574e, 8040w, excdbk 12/12|10/0|0/0|14 05:39:00.046

    Eleison sings out 'Tra la la la la' happily.

    4926h, 4225m, 21574e, 8040w, excdbk 12/12|10/0|0/0|14 05:39:02.062

    Eleison leaves to the southeast.


    Sent by Eleison

    7/04/9:24 I wonder how long it will take you to get bored! Going to read some news!


    Eleison tells you, "Whee."


    Eleison flickers briefly and is gone.

    Eleison flickers briefly and is gone.

    Eleison flickers briefly and is gone.

    Eleison flickers briefly and is gone.

    Eleison flickers briefly and is gone.

    Eleison flickers briefly and is gone.

    Eleison flickers briefly and is gone.

    Quality. Gonna mark this one down as a phat 'W'.

  • Also, nice breakdown @Mithridates. Pro.

  • Jinsun said:
    Caladbolg said:
    Jinsun said:

    Bard vs. occie so easy.

    Shouldn't fool cards when needed completely shut down -every- affliction class?

    It's like a super omega alleviate.

    No... Trying to outd charge and flying when you get stunned stupified and impatience on the first balance there is no easy fooling out of that. Fool is really slow recovery.

    1 minute cool down.

  • Jumps me in Annwyn, I smash seven shades of shit out of him and he explodes. Then I troll him all over the world to the beat of: 
    Nicely packaged story Miz, but not complete....

    As for jumping: I came to your room, waited for you to finish the Sidhe. And even told you this. You then commenced the beating, and killed me. That's cool. No complaints on my side... but then you figure let's take this further and chase me wherever you see me on prime?

    Sent by Eleison

    7/04/9:24 I wonder how long it will take you to get bored! Going to read some news!

    Come now Mizik, some context. That message? You were propping a totem outside of Nirvana. There is one exit out. I'm not going to walk into a totem. That's not so smart. Was just an OOC indication I wouldn't be coming out soon. I thought it better than silence, and I can't send tells from Nirvana as it's cut off.

    Eleison flickers briefly and is gone.

    Eleison flickers briefly and is gone.

    Eleison flickers briefly and is gone.

    Eleison flickers briefly and is gone.

    Eleison flickers briefly and is gone.

    Eleison flickers briefly and is gone.

    Eleison flickers briefly and is gone.

    Me fleeing to Nirvana multiple times over a fight that lasted an hour perhaps? Because you had stonewalled every conceivable exit I could take. If I tumbled, you just braziered back, and I didn't feel like being locked in to one room against you sketching + full damage. I came right back out and fought immediately (when you weren't toteming) and kept fighting. Not sure what the complaint is here. Refuge is like 10 seconds... it's the slowest fleeing skill around. You see a message when it initiates. You know what's going on. You can choose not to follow me from that point on... or not to put walls up. Whatever works.

  • Quality. Gonna mark this one down as a phat 'W'.

    You also seem to forget jumping me and a hunting mate, for no apparent reason, a few months back with another Ashtani in the Quisalis. Hence my desire to try and fight you in Annwyn to settle the score.

    With all due respect, your position of strength in Ashtan has made you arrogant. You attack without reason, and feel it your right to slay whoever you please, whenever you please, without any rationale. And then complain when someone does not wish to engage with you on your terms. So it goes.

  • KlendathuKlendathu Eye of the Storm
    Eleison said:
    ...jumping me and a hunting mate, for no apparent reason, a few months back with another Ashtani in the Quisalis...

    Quisalis den is defendable by members of the Quisalis:

    In the room Before an archway:

    You read what is written on a copper sign:
    Tread lightly in these halls and heed this warning: the Mark shall protect its own.

    Tharos, the Announcer of Delos shouts, "It's near the end of the egghunt and I still haven't figured out how to pronounce Clean-dat-hoo."
  • KyrraKyrra Australia

    Mizik's runie again?! *squeal*

    (D.M.A.): Cooper says, "Kyrra is either the most innocent person in the world, or the girl who uses the most innuendo seemingly unintentionally but really on purpose."

  • Dalran said:

    Well I figured out how to stop fitness, on to dragonheal.

    EDIT: For reference

    I like how people comment on tree tattoo rather than why, in the log, you never gave kalmia.

    Also, remind me not to teach you anymore of my secrets. My god, you started a bard log-posting fest.

  • edited July 2014

    Lilian said: I hate trying to spend 75% of a fight working around rebound against affliction heavy classes, I just kind of gave up near the end since I couldn't do it at all. Sometimes it really makes me wanna class change to something like Magi :( just not fun in the slightest.

    Rebounding is frustrating for new combatants, but there are plenty of ways to deal with it. You already have an echo that says rebounding coming in 9 seconds. Make a tempTimer that tells you when it's almost up, and then use curare jabs when you see that echo, while saving voice balance. Then cantata/curare when it comes up and go on with your stuff.

    Alternatively, you can time your attacks around rebounding better. Start immediately when it goes down and lock before it comes up.

    Or a mix of the two. Stick a few affs (or just waste tree tatt) before rebounding comes up, cantata/curare, then go for lock before it comes up again.

    Edit: Basically, you just need to learn to consciously plan your offense around rebounding rather than just ignoring its existence, going for an affliction stack, and then being surprised when it pops up, hitting it like WTF IS THIS, and then going back to doing the same thing again. And I'm not trying to be demeaning with this comment. I just think a lot of newer afflicters have this kind of mentality. Probably me too way back when.

  • StrataStrata United States of Derp

    No actual skill. Just a shit-talking mouth and CURING ON.

  • Let's keep it civil(ish), guys.
  • JinsunJinsun TN, USA
    Eleison said:

    Why is killing someone when AFK a combat log? What am I missing? Usually, if I notice that, I stop. I thought most people would. Is that not the case?

    lol people generally try to get me when I'm AFK or otherwise distracted. I don't normally afk anywhere but my ship. Mith goes out of his way to jump me if I take novices hunting, laying retardation traps while I frantically try to get the novice home. We've got a really crappy mean relationship and I'm just kind of used to us being jerks to each other.

  • I think that your version of events is really skewed. I've only jumped you while hunting once, and you were in the underworld, hunting DK's with this 'novice'.  You then moved to Mog, where I killed you.  I don't think killing you once while you were hunting with someone is really considered me going out of my way. 

  • JinsunJinsun TN, USA

    Leaving UW lesser forming icewalling and retarding half of moghedu when all I'm doing in response is leaving and braziering the novice to try to get her out is a lot of effort lol how was that not going out of your way ?

  • I didn't brazier the novice.... lol. That's not consistent with my IG style of combat. I don't grief novices

  • Boys, please...
  • JinsunJinsun TN, USA

    I braziered the novice to try to get her out. Either way, I just see it as how things are for us, bebe. I misunderstood cause when I was newer and stretched it way too far. You're still not over that, and that's ok. You've made it clear repeatedly that we're in a sort of no quarter back and forth. I just accept that we can't stand each other and enjoy killing you for it. No probs bebe.

  • Terra said:

    Boys, please...

  • Eleison said:

    Quality. Gonna mark this one down as a phat 'W'.

    blah blah blah blah in the Quisalis. blah blah blah in Annwyn blah blah blah

    With all due respect, your position of strength in Ashtan has made you arrogant.  You attack without reason, and feel it your right to slay whoever you please, whenever you please, without any rationale. And then complain when someone does not wish to engage with you on your terms. So it goes.


    I see where everything on my end is justified. I was jumping you back.

    You getting defensive after being posted doing.. 

    .. for an hour during a fight just shows the broad difference between the character Mizik and the character Eleison. You make yourself look terrible - I certainly didn't mind, not sure what makes you think I did or why you think I'd complain; I got what I wanted - and then wince when you find your fabulous display posted. I'd be embarrassed, too.

    I never complain.

  • Mizik said:
    Eleison said:

    Quality. Gonna mark this one down as a phat 'W'.

    blah blah blah blah in the Quisalis. blah blah blah in Annwyn blah blah blah

    With all due respect, your position of strength in Ashtan has made you arrogant.  You attack without reason, and feel it your right to slay whoever you please, whenever you please, without any rationale. And then complain when someone does not wish to engage with you on your terms. So it goes.


    I see where everything on my end is justified. I was jumping you back.

    You getting defensive after being posted doing.. 

    .. for an hour during a fight just shows the broad difference between the character Mizik and the character Eleison. You make yourself look terrible - I certainly didn't mind, not sure what makes you think I did or why you think I'd complain; I got what I wanted - and then wince when you find your fabulous display posted. I'd be embarrassed, too.

    I never complain.

    A fabulous display is never anything to be ashamed of. I don't see what any of this fuss is about.

  • MelodieMelodie Port Saint Lucie, Florida
    Isaiah said:
    Melodie said:

    Calm down, boys. Here, have the only thing I could really dig up.

    I don't have any actual combat logs I've saved from recent, but here's a log of me getting jumped and barely managing to gtfo. Nothing but basic defs up, no virdian, etc.

     @Melodie‌ you could post your end of the log when I ganked you, all of Eleusis came to help and you still died. That was a good one  ;)

    I called for help only after I was locked. No defences, again. I'm still not sure why you attacked me out of the blue, but we got you back later, so it's whatever! :p 

    Jeeze these faces are terrible.

    And I love too                                                                          Be still, my indelible friend
    That love soon might end                                                         You are unbreaking
    And be known in its aching                                                      Though quaking
    Shown in this shaking                                                             Though crazy
    Lately of my wasteland, baby                                                 That's just wasteland, baby
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