Combat Logs



  • StrataStrata United States of Derp
    Noose is about as useful as jabbing oleander. Just tumble out. Or stand there forever with breathing up. You'll live either way.

  • Dalran said:
    Lilian said:
    Next time I'll borrow all of cyrene's combined artefacts and then charge in. Then I could kill one of you and at least seem competent before dying! :D (Or use Aria, but having 5k health compared to 4.5k wouldn't make to much of a difference.)

    Why'd that huge group of like 5 (maybe 6?) take so long to bored :( that could have been a fun fight.

    I think it was just four of us, and that was my fault really. Like I said, I was told there was just two of you guys and I react way quicker then most do (and really, I was just trying to get there long enough to save some crew.). I figured Syth would of been right behind me in a moment. I was wrong :D. Then once the four of us gathered, you guys left.

  • I saw Tarvius Krypton, Syth, you, and I could swear there was one other. Oh well, Not really a big deal, and I wouldn't have killed all the shipmates. I cringe just killing some a lot of the time ):

  • lol @Jinsun‌ that was the nicest suicide

  • StrataStrata United States of Derp
    Rom said:

    I "jumped ship" multiple times while Sentinel was considered OP, not sure why you say shit like that. I'm not the one who snitched on you on IRC so you can stop trying to call me out, that would certainly be appreciated. Anyway on that same point you brought up, that log is a poor benchmark of defense! Jinsun was walking into free damage traps and has 4300 hp at level 100 whilst also being one of the most squishy classes when not utilizing active hindering/healing. In that situation he only acted as an enabler.

    You are correct. Jinsun could have stood there with lyre up until you went away. Or he could have utilized active hindering such as hangedman in between lyre to make you get frustrated and leave. Not sure how you connect what I said here with "calling you out for snitching on IRC". Nobody accused anyone of anything. Things that were said on IRC came back to me in-game from people who weren't on IRC, meaning someone on IRC (we don't know who) is a piece of shit. Seeing as we don't know who that person is, we simply left the IRC channel and haven't been back since. Having said that, you're free to bring up something that was (I thought) dealt with properly as my intent behind talking shit about your sub-herb-balance axes, which will hopefully in the next 5 IRL years be fixed.

  • StrataStrata United States of Derp

    Is it just me or does Strata get angry and hateful over almost everything? It's a game dude (lol).

    Everything is peaches and cream in the game. I think I'm entitled to be a little pissed when certain people blatently disrespect IC/OOC, causing me to remove myself from said situation only to have those same people who couldn't keep things separated come back and accuse me of the exact thing they're doing. I probably shouldn't be mad about that though, considering their idea of "It's just a game." goes beyond the game world into IRL slandering. The only thing one can do is distance themselves from those types of douchebags.

  • Is it just me or does Strata get angry and hateful over almost everything? It's a game dude (lol).

    It's a conspiracy, of course he gets angry at the injustice.

  • Strata said:

    You are correct. Jinsun could have stood there with lyre up until you went away. Or he could have utilized active hindering such as hangedman in between lyre to make you get frustrated and leave. Not sure how you connect what I said here with "calling you out for snitching on IRC". Nobody accused anyone of anything. Things that were said on IRC came back to me in-game from people who weren't on IRC, meaning someone on IRC (we don't know who) is a piece of shit. Seeing as we don't know who that person is, we simply left the IRC channel and haven't been back since. Having said that, you're free to bring up something that was (I thought) dealt with properly as my intent behind talking shit about your sub-herb-balance axes, which will hopefully in the next 5 IRL years be fixed.

    Sorry, was just grasping at ideas as to why just before that was our last positive interaction. It was a dumb thing for me to bring up on a public forum.

    On topic I'd say that if axes were anything but sub-herb-balance they'd be the most useless thing to base an entire classes' offense around, and Druid was just be entirely better unless you wanted to afk in Village with traps up everywhere for your actually useful teammates to make use of. As it is I'm throwing at one affliction per second, not including Butterfly. That makes me a Runie with SPs, not renown for their affliction potential. Of course there is a lot of merit in being able to deliver one affliction at a time, but there's also merit in delivering two at once! Also of course we don't have to deal with rebounding and such so it's more complicated than that. There's certainly a balance to be struck somewhere, but I'm probably not qualified to decide where or even "if".

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  • JinsunJinsun TN, USA

    The admin's constant improvement of skills throws things for classes for awhile. I just really can't wait for more!

  • edited July 2014 I finally manage to start my attack chain past his rebound..and then for some reason tremolo didn't break his leg and I lost the kill. :( (I had tremolo'd his leg once prior to that.) also I hate Bagatelle. That whole fight it kept pre-emptively stripping the guys deafness.

  • Satisfying:

    Mizik vs Nyderrasethi ending

  • JinsunJinsun TN, USA
    Can we just destroy Sentinel and Sylvan and give Eleusis a faction specific class that isn't either pathetic(druid) or ridiculous (Sylvan/Sentinel)? That combined with soul rezz, why would Mhaldor ever want to fight them? Sorry, just really hating getting destroyed by Rom and feeling helpless when I just try to run.

  • MelodieMelodie Port Saint Lucie, Florida
    That helpless feeling is no fun. :(

    You got this, maybe spar him a few times and see if you find some ways to go at him!

    And I love too                                                                          Be still, my indelible friend
    That love soon might end                                                         You are unbreaking
    And be known in its aching                                                      Though quaking
    Shown in this shaking                                                             Though crazy
    Lately of my wasteland, baby                                                 That's just wasteland, baby
  • I love you Kai Heal


  • and thus, a combat log:

    Lyre > BM

    Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
  • MelodieMelodie Port Saint Lucie, Florida
    Cresil finally getting back at me after I killed him in Cyrene (whoops, was only after Isaiah) a few days ago:

    Nothing fancy at all on my end, just was trying to damage him out (unsuccessfully). I'm getting better against affliction classes, but still struggle a lot. My only consolation is being able to pick out things I did wrong, or "hey I should try this to make this happen instead".

    One step at a time here!

    And I love too                                                                          Be still, my indelible friend
    That love soon might end                                                         You are unbreaking
    And be known in its aching                                                      Though quaking
    Shown in this shaking                                                             Though crazy
    Lately of my wasteland, baby                                                 That's just wasteland, baby
  • Did he seriously hunt you down for killing him in a city he's enemied to?


  • MishgulMishgul Trondheim, Norway

    Bonko would never do that.


    One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important

    As drawn by Shayde
    hic locus est ubi mors gaudet succurrere vitae
  • Melodie said:
    Cresil finally getting back at me after I killed him in Cyrene (whoops, was only after Isaiah) a few days ago:

    Nothing fancy at all on my end, just was trying to damage him out (unsuccessfully). I'm getting better against affliction classes, but still struggle a lot. My only consolation is being able to pick out things I did wrong, or "hey I should try this to make this happen instead".

    One step at a time here!

    You may want to try highlighting when your opponent parries.

  • StrataStrata United States of Derp
    Melodie said:
    Cresil finally getting back at me after I killed him in Cyrene (whoops, was only after Isaiah) a few days ago:

    Nothing fancy at all on my end, just was trying to damage him out (unsuccessfully). I'm getting better against affliction classes, but still struggle a lot. My only consolation is being able to pick out things I did wrong, or "hey I should try this to make this happen instead".

    One step at a time here!

    You got rekt because svo scytherus curing with AI turned on doesn't react until it can prove you're relapsing. Usually by the time that happens, it's too late. Server-side is completely OP vs. L2-dirk serpent (Cresil using a buckawn's spine) - you might want to try it when fighting affliction classes.

  • Atalkez said:

    and thus, a combat log:

    Lyre > BM

    Should have used shin phoenix to get out of that, abuse voidfist during prepping too and watch them suffer.

  • Fendrel said:
    Atalkez said:

    and thus, a combat log:

    Lyre > BM

    Should have used shin phoenix to get out of that, abuse voidfist during prepping too and watch them suffer.

    Was spamming it, didn't get it to go through stupidity before I died.

    She lyred on every VF. I've got something for that next time though.

    Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
  • Added neck to queue.

    Added throat to queue.
    Added hamstring to queue.
    Added underarm to queue.
    Added stomach to queue.
    Added hamstring to queue.
    Added chin to queue.
    Added shoulder to queue.
    Added hamstring to queue.
    Added temple to queue.
    Added groin to queue.
    Added hamstring to queue.

    This shit is why I saw you go like this yesterday:

    Atalkez breaks somebody's legs
    They apply to legs
    Atalkez strikes their hamstring
    They fly

  • JinsunJinsun TN, USA

    The current trend with flight escaping can be really frustrating for semi prep or non prep classes. BM seems good for easy escape but sounds horridly boring to fight as.

  • Also

    You must be standing first. x90001

    You need to replace the evade or whatever it is you were trying to do with fitness. It would save you from that little salve lock thing

  • Jinsun said:

    The current trend with flight escaping can be really frustrating for semi prep or non prep classes. BM seems good for easy escape but sounds horridly boring to fight as.

    BM is horridly boring to fight as! And yeah, ring of flight is like a blademasters bane. Can't highleap/strike knees fast enough since its balance is faster, it's dumb lol. Also use alleviate! I swear I didn't see it go off once :(

  • JinsunJinsun TN, USA
    Lilian said:
    Jinsun said:

    The current trend with flight escaping can be really frustrating for semi prep or non prep classes. BM seems good for easy escape but sounds horridly boring to fight as.

    BM is horridly boring to fight as! And yeah, ring of flight is like a blademasters bane. Can't highleap/strike knees fast enough since its balance is faster, it's dumb lol. Also use alleviate! I swear I didn't see it go off once :(

    All of the people saying Ring of Flying is necessary escape and should not be subject to any blocks or a reduced balance are stupid. 

  • MelodieMelodie Port Saint Lucie, Florida

    Yeah, I have a small list of "things I really need to highlight", and parry is one of them. The other is vinewreathe, standing, and a few other things. So many highlights, so little time.

    @Strata, interesting suggestion. I haven't messed at all with serverside's prios is the only reason I really don't use it a lot, but I might if it's worth it for affliction classes. I'll have to see if I can sit down and learn how all of that works. Thanks!

    And I love too                                                                          Be still, my indelible friend
    That love soon might end                                                         You are unbreaking
    And be known in its aching                                                      Though quaking
    Shown in this shaking                                                             Though crazy
    Lately of my wasteland, baby                                                 That's just wasteland, baby
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