Combat Logs



  • edited June 2014
    Cynlael said:

    In fairness, anything you die to do is deemed as 'broken', if the forums is anything to be going by.

    You have a good point!

    And so far, almost everything I've stated is "broken" has been fixed.  Examples include:

    • Sentinel axe stun
    • Enfeeble/Absolve
    • Tramplesect
    • Web/AXK (years ago)
    • Convocation/Deliverance
    • Puppet Summon
    • Unafflicted AXK damage (overdone, IMO, but fixed)

    I'm sorry that it's hard for me to notice that something is broken without first-person experience, or at least some logs of it happening to others.  But as far as I'm concerned, anything that leads to a kill without any preparation, specifically methods that are essentially unpreventable, are "broken".

    The only significant counters to forced Radiance are: 
    1) Constantly be off balance (particularly unreliable against serpent, who can snap/evade) or 
    2) Never use Telepathy against half of the classes in the game (those who can force commands)

    These counters are nearly impossible to rely on working in most cases, especially if you're surprise attacked, Thus, I believe that the method is "broken".  I would say the same thing for any command in the game that takes over 5 seconds of balance, but anything long enough to behead off of 100% of the time (even with quick witted and aldar diadem) is definitely something that should not be possible.

  • DaslinDaslin The place with the oxygen

    I didn't use telepathy against most classes, tbh. It's not a major NEED. If you feel the need, wait til the moment comes THEN lock. don't jump in with it. There's a method that works.

  • @Daslin I agree with what you're saying, and I use the same method, particularly against classes who can force commands.  This works, but still isn't reliable, and essentially bars a class from an entire class skill in order to prevent a tactic that shouldn't be possible in the first place.

    However, the main reason most people don't see it as broken is because most people simply don't see it occur often.  Hence, I'm not making a huge deal over it either, I just mentioned off-hand that it is broken (IMO) in a post.  If it was something like web/AXK which was happening a dozen times a day, I'd make a bigger stink about it.

  • DaslinDaslin The place with the oxygen
    edited June 2014
    Eh, not really. Tons of other skills in telepathy don't need a lock. batter/crush/para/amnesia all dat stuffs, breh.

    edit: oh, and spam harder.
  • Snap has a max delay and is telegraphed.

    It otherwise cannot be done in the same room as someone - think pretty much all other methods of forced radiance. Plus, you don't HAVE to keep a mind lock when someone leaves your room if they can ranged force, you have a nifty command that will do that for you instantly, and it's not a problem because you're a prep class and mind locks were made much easier to secure.

    Not broken!

  • StrataStrata United States of Derp

    Who needs class skills when all one needs is a sob story and an issue button?

  • Strata said:

    Who needs class skills when all one needs is a sob story and an issue button?

    Good point, thanks for your (copy & pasted) input.

  • edited June 2014

    You claimed Heartseed was broken and unpreventable. That remains unchanged from when you were whining about it.

    I guess it's just a matter of time?

    1. 10:50:37 An almost unbearable feeling of emptiness heralds the arrival of a cloaked and
    2. 10:50:37 hooded figure carrying a blood-stained sickle. Aedin gasps in terror as a
    3. 10:50:37 skeletal hand emerges from the sleeve and points at him. He bows his head to the
    4. 10:50:37 inevitable as the manifestation of Death swings its sickle at his neck. You
    5. 10:50:37 watch in fascinated horror as he is gathered to Death's cold bosom.
    6. 10:50:37 You have slain Aedin.
    7. 10:50:37 Defeated, Aedin is cast out of the Arena.
    8. 10:50:37 **********************************************************
    9. 10:50:37 You have been victorious and leave the Arena in triumph!
    10. 10:50:37 **********************************************************
  • JinsunJinsun TN, USA

    Last time this happened, nobody forced him. I entered the same area as him with a prepped death card. I ran the other way because I knew what was coming. Immediately, radiance. pp touch prism Ernam. Command Ernam touch tree. fling dust at ground, touch tree. throw death at Ernam. Plaugh.

  • edited June 2014

    No, not really. See: @Jovolo's explanation.

    Pretty deluded if you think it's broken, or needs looking into. Less complaining about stuff you -think- is broken, more working on your own technique to stop it.

  • edited June 2014
    Daeir said:

    You have to admit, forcing radiance for a 15s eq or whatever it is (30 with confusion in that case) and essentially ending a fight instantly because someone chose to try and use the core ability of their class-specific skillset on an opponent is a bit retarded.

    Let's take off the Ernam-said-it-so-it-must-be-whining goggles for a minute and think about it. 

    I didn't want to have to spell it out but if you're (ernam, or any monk) going to choose to maintain a mind lock for the entire duration of a fight which is already not a smart use of the ability, then you're going to be able to keep yourself off equilibrium for as long as they're in the area, which defeats the requirement for even starting radiance in the first place by just using the attacks that are part of the skill.

    Not a problem man, just something that Ernam hasn't figured out a means of defending against and is therefore categorised as 'broken'. 

  • I don't understand a lot of how telepathy works. If you force someone to radiance, how is it bad? Is there a massive eq cost or something? Does eq time increase if they have mindlocked you? What even IS mindlock for? I should know this, but I don't, am not fearful of admitting that.

    "To thine own self be true."
  • Mind lock lets you use telepathy abilities on people from a distance.

    Forcing someone to radiance knocks them off EQ for 30 seconds (how long the ability takes to complete). It cancels if they leave the area or walk into your room. Allows for an easy behead, cleave, execute, death tarot - any 'dry' insta kill, really. If you can get to them quick enough.

  • Its also a bitch to actually get a mindlock during combat, as there's a big random factor to the time it takes to achieve one, and the opponent having more WP/Mana extends that time (I've gone 2+ minutes trying to get a mindlock on Kafziel before) Using equilibrium breaks the attempt at acquiring a mindlock as well.

  • edited June 2014

    Let them say what they wanna say.  It's pretty obvious that anybody saying that you can just "wait until you need Telepathy in a fight, then go for the mindlock" has never used Telapathy, especially against someone with like 18+ Int.  Without Intellect Crown you can easily be waiting over a minute.

    What Jovolo is actually suggesting is: Don't use Telepathy.  This is essentially the only actual effective counter against forced Radiance, thus I think it's kinda stupid.

    As has already been mentioned though, there are only a few classes that can force commands out of room (Serpent, Jester, Shaman, Monk), unless you have someone else mind locked (in which case, any class that can force commands can make you radiance Radiance a 3rd party for the same effect).

    Thus, it isn't that big of a deal, since Telepathy isn't crucial vs those classes, particularly since some of the abilities can be used without a mind lock.

    So do I think it is stupid?  Yes.  Do I think it's broken?  Yes.  Do I think it is a huge problem?  No, not really.  I'll probably submit a classlead on it though.

    One key thing that should be mentioned is that Mind Lock is required for many key Telepathy abilities, even in room.  The main one that sticks out to me is Command.  In top tier combat, I try to maintain mind lock as close to 100% of the time as possible, primarily to stop tumble, among other reasons.  This cannot be done without Mind Lock, and could be needed at any time, with little or no warning.

  • You don't have to wait until you need telepathy before going for a lock. You just need to be aware against which classes and in which situations maintaining a lock may be dangerous, and try to ensure not to have equilibrium/balance during times when they are free to use force abilities on you.

  • 1 ) You told Khalaz: What's your intelligence?

    2 ) Khalaz told You: 18 right now.

    Mana:         3488 / 4048

    Willpower:   17300 /17300

    Intelligence: 16

    You focus your mind, and begin to concentrate on forming a mind lock with Khalaz.

    3095h|107%h 3988m|99%m 100%e 100%w -71.0% 18:32:31:237

    Your telepathic efforts are successful, and the mind of Khalaz is locked with your own.

    3095h|107%h 3828m|95%m 100%e 100%w -71.0% 18:32:40:241

            ----- 9 seconds ----

    You focus your mind, and begin to concentrate on forming a mind lock with Khalaz.

    3095h|107%h 4048m|100%m 100%e 100%w -71.0% 18:34:12:330

    Your telepathic efforts are successful, and the mind of Khalaz is locked with your own.

    3095h|107%h 3968m|98%m 100%e 100%w -71.0% 18:34:17:364

            ---- 5 seconds ----

    You focus your mind, and begin to concentrate on forming a mind lock with Khalaz.

    3095h|107%h 3968m|98%m 100%e 100%w -71.0% 18:35:07:039

    Your telepathic efforts are successful, and the mind of Khalaz is locked with your own.

    3095h|107%h 3648m|90%m 100%e 100%w -71.0% 18:35:24:056

            ---- 17 seconds ----

    You focus your mind, and begin to concentrate on forming a mind lock with Khalaz.

    3095h|107%h 3648m|90%m 100%e 100%w -71.0% 18:37:44:711

    Your telepathic efforts are successful, and the mind of Khalaz is locked with your own.

    3095h|107%h 3568m|88%m 100%e 100%w -71.0% 18:37:49:742

            ---- 5 seconds ----

    You focus your mind, and begin to concentrate on forming a mind lock with Khalaz.

    3095h|107%h 3568m|88%m 100%e 100%w -71.0% 18:39:47:593

    Your telepathic efforts are successful, and the mind of Khalaz is locked with your own.

    3095h|107%h 3488m|86%m 100%e 100%w -71.0% 18:39:52:601

            ---- 5 seconds ----

    I'd go on, but... (sry Rangor)

  • edited June 2014

    The methods that have been mention are nothing new, and I use them.  My point is that they're unreliable, and shouldn't be necessary.

    Not going to argue it any further.  @Jovolo would argue with me if I posted that the sky is blue.

  • l2read

    Jovolo: "I didn't want to have to spell it out but if you're (ernam, or any monk) going to choose to maintain a mind lock for the entire duration of a fight which is already not a smart use of the ability, then you're going to be able to keep yourself off equilibrium for as long as they're in the area, which defeats the requirement for even starting radiance in the first place by just using the attacks that are part of the skill."

    Ernam: "What Jovolo is actually suggesting is: Don't use Telepathy."


  • Jacen said:

    Its also a bitch to actually get a mindlock during combat, as there's a big random factor to the time it takes to achieve one, and the opponent having more WP/Mana extends that time (I've gone 2+ minutes trying to get a mindlock on Kafziel before) Using equilibrium breaks the attempt at acquiring a mindlock as well.

    Tell me about it. I felt like I had a <5 second window between lock and reject to force radiance that one time we duelled at NoT, and you were always off EQ/bal for it

  • This is a fantastic discussion. 

    Monk is a powerhouse with few weaknesses.

    Beware idle mind locks against Shaman, Jester, Serpents and other Monks.

    I'm disappointed this stirred intelligent discussion.

  • Well what exactly is the sky? In what strata of atmosphere does 'sky' start or stop? These are all important questions we need to know before we can answer the question of the color of the sky. 

  • MishgulMishgul Trondheim, Norway

    It's true. I mean if we take the phrase "The stars in the sky" literally, we could define the sky as the whole universe, in which case, the sky is 99.9999999999999% nothing and colourless.


    One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important

    As drawn by Shayde
    hic locus est ubi mors gaudet succurrere vitae
  • Also, @Mishgul, it's not refraction but scattering that causes the blue effect. 

  • That's assuming that there's no such thing as dark matter though, which could completely change the amount of matter in the universe.  

  • MishgulMishgul Trondheim, Norway

    scattering is the the cause of the blue effect yes, my statement is however not false.


    One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important

    As drawn by Shayde
    hic locus est ubi mors gaudet succurrere vitae
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