Quick Questions



  • I can't even get to the desktop version. I've been looking for days now, and the option just isn't there for me. It's happening with the "Game Portal" too.
    Give us -real- shop logs! Not another misinterpretation of features we ask for, turned into something that either doesn't help at all, or doesn't remotely resemble what we wanted to begin with.


    Current position of some of the playerbase, instead of expressing a desire to fix problems:

    Vhaynna: "Honest question - if you don't like Achaea or the current admin, why do you even bother playing?"

  • UtianimaUtianima Norway and Austria
    Ismay said:
    I can't even get to the desktop version. I've been looking for days now, and the option just isn't there for me. It's happening with the "Game Portal" too.
    If you use Chrome in mobile, you can go to the Chrome menu, and "force it" to give you desktop version by clicking "Desktop site".

  • Most mobile browsers have that option, it's not just Chrome.
  • Finally got it with desktop version. But doesn’t work for mobile version. The admin needs to look into the mobile version, @Makarios ! Please and thanks. 
    Give us -real- shop logs! Not another misinterpretation of features we ask for, turned into something that either doesn't help at all, or doesn't remotely resemble what we wanted to begin with.


    Current position of some of the playerbase, instead of expressing a desire to fix problems:

    Vhaynna: "Honest question - if you don't like Achaea or the current admin, why do you even bother playing?"

  • Ismay said:
    Finally got it with desktop version. But doesn’t work for mobile version. The admin needs to look into the mobile version, @Makarios ! Please and thanks. 
    if you use an iphone, go to the website on safari, click the icon that looks like a box with an up arrow, scroll right until you find a button that lets you load the website as per normal, and not the mobile site.
  • I did, and can finally sign onto the desktop version. But when I try to change back to mobile, it no longer works. Can’t sign onto forums, it takes you to the main Achaea site.
    Give us -real- shop logs! Not another misinterpretation of features we ask for, turned into something that either doesn't help at all, or doesn't remotely resemble what we wanted to begin with.


    Current position of some of the playerbase, instead of expressing a desire to fix problems:

    Vhaynna: "Honest question - if you don't like Achaea or the current admin, why do you even bother playing?"

  • edited January 2020
    Yes, you use the desktop version of the forums/Achaea's main website to log in. Keep desktop mode on and head to the forums if you aren't already there, and click the 'Sign in with Achaea' line right around where the default login button is found. Once it signs in automatically you can return to the mobile version of the page.

  • Vinzent said:
    Yes, you use the desktop version of the forums/Achaea's main website to log in. Keep desktop mode on and head to the forums if you aren't already there, and click the 'Sign in with Achaea' line right around where the default login button is found. Once it signs in automatically you can return to the mobile version of the page.

    Honestly I think the desktop site looks more clean than the mobile version

    As of 1/17/20.
  • Looks like it is fixed now? Working on mobile for me (unless it just kept me logged in from last time).

  • I've been having the same issue as well. In fact, the issue persists to desktop: If I use the "sign in" button at the top of the screen, it first directs me to a username/password page. If I hit enter, it seemingly returns to the same page; if I enter it again, then it'll go through but it'll direct me to the Achaea site. However, if I return to forums at that point, then the "sign in with Achaea" option shows up and I can successfully log in that way. But that's not an option on mobile.
  • Zenui said:
    I've been having the same issue as well. In fact, the issue persists to desktop: If I use the "sign in" button at the top of the screen, it first directs me to a username/password page. If I hit enter, it seemingly returns to the same page; if I enter it again, then it'll go through but it'll direct me to the Achaea site. However, if I return to forums at that point, then the "sign in with Achaea" option shows up and I can successfully log in that way. But that's not an option on mobile.
    It is if you are on a "request desktop site" version of the site. 

    As of 1/17/20.
  • So I'm having a derp moment and can't get my bannercode signature to work. Did BANNERCODE in game, tried both regular banner and BBCode banner, but both show up in my signature as the raw text of the links. What am I doing wrong?

  • SkyeSkye The Duchess Bellatere
    You only need to use the image link: http://www.achaea.com/banner/zbaco.jpg

    Input that link into the 'insert image' tab to generate the image. The tracking link (with the numbers) isn't useful on the forum since anyone using forums is probably already playing the game >>

  • Growing them really young these days in Cyrene...  :open_mouth:
  • Wait that's illegal

    Jumpy said:
    The membership is already such a good deal that there is no way we can reduce the cost. 

  • ArchaeonArchaeon Ur mums house lol

  • Thaisen said:

    Growing them really young these days in Cyrene...  :open_mouth:
    There's a 16 year old in Ashtan too. 

    We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.

  • edited January 2020
    I'm just glad the time skip didn't break much this time. Contrary to the thought process, the Sarapin Sacrifices SUCK when you have to do them manually. So much of the flavour doesn't happen, even though you get to manually behead 3 people :(.
  • I remember there used to be a way to update the signature picture by logging into the main website but I can't find that now. Does anyone know where I need to go to update it?

  • It updates based on server ticks, so it might take an hour or so. Looks like it's updated already, though.
  • Sorry I mean, the little picture inside the signature picture. The dragon with green fire. You used to be able to put your own picture there.

  • SkyeSkye The Duchess Bellatere
    You can use the browser client to change it. Your little avatar actually appears there:

  • @Nicola @Makarios

    - GOLD tier giftboxes consume 25 of your arrow total each (provided you have shot at least 25 arrows). Their contents will be worth at least 750 credits.

    - SILVER tier giftboxes consume 5 of your arrow total each (provided you have shot at least 5 arrows). Their contents will be worth at least 250 credits.

    - RED tier giftboxes consume 1 of your arrow total each (provided you have shot at least 1 person). Their contents will be worth at least 30 credits.

    I'm struggling to see why I'd want gold giftboxes with the information provided in the Announce post. For 25 arrows, I can get one gold giftbox with a guaranteed minimum value of 750 credits, or five silver giftboxes with a guaranteed minimum value of 1250 credits (5 * 250 credits). However, I also have five chances to get something worth more than the minimum with silver, but only one chance to get something worth more than the minimum with gold.

    Is the listed minimum return value for the silver giftboxes correct? A minimum of 150 for silver seems like it would make more sense, as 5 * 30 = 150 and 5 * 150 = 750. Can we get a breakdown of exactly what's available in the giftboxes? Are they like the other giftboxes where you choose the reward you want or do they just provide a random reward?

  • edited February 2020
    Antonius said:
    @Nicola @Makarios

    - GOLD tier giftboxes consume 25 of your arrow total each (provided you have shot at least 25 arrows). Their contents will be worth at least 750 credits.

    - SILVER tier giftboxes consume 5 of your arrow total each (provided you have shot at least 5 arrows). Their contents will be worth at least 250 credits.

    - RED tier giftboxes consume 1 of your arrow total each (provided you have shot at least 1 person). Their contents will be worth at least 30 credits.

    I'm struggling to see why I'd want gold giftboxes with the information provided in the Announce post. For 25 arrows, I can get one gold giftbox with a guaranteed minimum value of 750 credits, or five silver giftboxes with a guaranteed minimum value of 1250 credits (5 * 250 credits). However, I also have five chances to get something worth more than the minimum with silver, but only one chance to get something worth more than the minimum with gold.

    Is the listed minimum return value for the silver giftboxes correct? A minimum of 150 for silver seems like it would make more sense, as 5 * 30 = 150 and 5 * 150 = 750. Can we get a breakdown of exactly what's available in the giftboxes? Are they like the other giftboxes where you choose the reward you want or do they just provide a random reward?

    boost gold to 1500+ and probably retroactively reward players. I didn't even read that and used up the 25 I got, basically nerfing my returns by 500cr :(.

    Mudlet had a run time error, lost the log but my gold box had:

    level 1 health regen ring 300
    mayan bracelets 350
    chip 30
    dragonskin pack 100

    so 780 vs guaranteed 1250. Would REALLY appreciate some feedback on this.

    Boxes are also random, since it drops MOSTLY bound stuff it really should be boosted for gold.
  • SkyeSkye The Duchess Bellatere
    The announce post said that talisman pieces are gained by completing medium and hard adventures, but I did not receive one for completing a medium adventure today. Can I confirm if the pieces are a guaranteed reward or we just have chance of earning one?

  • Skye said:
    The announce post said that talisman pieces are gained by completing medium and hard adventures, but I did not receive one for completing a medium adventure today. Can I confirm if the pieces are a guaranteed reward or we just have chance of earning one?
    Makarios said they were guaranteed, so it could be a holdover from the adventure starting the last cycle, or a bug. 
  • Skye said:
    The announce post said that talisman pieces are gained by completing medium and hard adventures, but I did not receive one for completing a medium adventure today. Can I confirm if the pieces are a guaranteed reward or we just have chance of earning one?
    Adventure themes last three days. This event started on the final day of this theme. If we got pieces for completing this adventure, all the people who completed their adventures for this theme in the first two days would be screwed out of pieces. Fair to assume the pieces will start dropping at Serenade when the theme rolls over!
  • Anyone interested in buying a few love arrows for my character? PM me here or in game, you can keep talismans with purchases, lets agree on a price!
  • ShirszaeShirszae Santo Domingo
    edited February 2020
    Phaestus said:
    Skye said:
    The announce post said that talisman pieces are gained by completing medium and hard adventures, but I did not receive one for completing a medium adventure today. Can I confirm if the pieces are a guaranteed reward or we just have chance of earning one?
    This bug was fixed, and war pieces are guaranteed to drop on adventure completion, rather than on a percentage chance. If you were affected by this, file an issue, and we'll get it sorted.
    Out of curiosity are both types of adventure meant to give a single piece? 

    And you won't understand the cause of your grief...

    ...But you'll always follow the voices beneath.

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