What Happened To You Today?



  • -but treat Hashan as you would any particularly hostile state

    You sent the following message to Makarios:
    What if we treat hostile states with DEATH?!

    Message #2496       Sent by Makarios
    2019/4/27/3:29 What else would you do with them? Death is the answer!

    You sent the following message to Makarios:
    Well if that isn't an admin-sanctioned pwning I dunno what is!

    Have at it, folks.

  • edited April 2019
    Now that the initial surge of RAWR DIE HASHAN DIE is over, we'd just like to verify that standard pk rules do apply.We appreciate there'll be a bit of flexability here given current events, but treat Hashan as you would any particularly hostile state during normal play where ever possible given the constraints of the current situation.

    Penned by My hand on the 10th of Daedalan,

    I believe what he is saying is simply treat them as you would another city you're hostile with, rather than all Hashani players are Open Pk. He did say normal pk rules do still apply, so repeatedly hunting down and killing players for no reason other than "You're not with us", definitely isnt going to be smiled upon :P.

  • Now that the initial surge of RAWR DIE HASHAN DIE is over, we'd just like to verify that standard pk rules do apply.

    Image result for gif army medieval
    The Divine voice of Twilight echoes in your head, "See that it is. I espy a tithe of potential in your mortal soul, Astarod Blackstone. Let us hope that it flourishes and does not falter as so many do."

    Aegis, God of War says, "You are dismissed from My demense, Astarod. Go forth and fight well. Bleed fiercely, and climb the purpose you have sought to chase for."
  • I don't know how much help I was during skirmishes today, and I got lost more than once, but the mayhem was so much fun.  :)

    I know tension and adrenaline can run high in these conflicts, but I hope when we qq and decompress we can leave the events of the day behind, and just enjoy the aftermath of some decent clobbering all around.

    (Also. Ice... I still hate you.)
    "Alas. Alas for Hamlin. The Mayor sent east, west, north, and south. To offer the Piper by word of mouth. Wherever it was men's lot to find him, silver and gold to his heart's content. If only he'd return the way he went."
  • KresslackKresslack Florida, United States
    Farrah said:
    I am jelly that Hashan got to team with Tsol'teth. It was a neat twist.
    Found the Tsol'teth sympathizer.

  • Kresslack said:
    Farrah said:
    I am jelly that Hashan got to team with Tsol'teth. It was a neat twist.
    Found the Tsol'teth sympathizer.

    Just now? You mean negotiating an agreement to save my god's shrine and ordering Tesha to relinquish the Staff to them hadn't given it away?

    Ah well.

  • Farrah said:
    Kresslack said:
    Farrah said:
    I am jelly that Hashan got to team with Tsol'teth. It was a neat twist.
    Found the Tsol'teth sympathizer.

    Just now? You mean negotiating an agreement to save my god's shrine and ordering Tesha to relinquish the Staff to them hadn't given it away?

    Ah well.

    You're terrible at surprises.

    Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
  • edited April 2019
    I don't know what is real anymore

  • @Farrah was a Darkwalker all along!
    Deucalion says, "Torinn is quite nice."
  • KresslackKresslack Florida, United States
    Farrah said:
    Kresslack said:
    Farrah said:
    I am jelly that Hashan got to team with Tsol'teth. It was a neat twist.
    Found the Tsol'teth sympathizer.

    Just now? You mean negotiating an agreement to save my god's shrine and ordering Tesha to relinquish the Staff to them hadn't given it away?

    Ah well.

    Wasn't privy to that. So yeah, just now.

  • edited April 2019
    Gilliam said:

    I told em if they made it "sanction means any soldier is open pk in the city" that this exact scenario would start happening :P .
  • KresslackKresslack Florida, United States
    Scenario seems in line with how the events are playing out, given the current circumstances.

  • edited April 2019
    @Sobriquet collected my first bounty. It was exhilarating!  =)

    The first of many.  B)
    "Alas. Alas for Hamlin. The Mayor sent east, west, north, and south. To offer the Piper by word of mouth. Wherever it was men's lot to find him, silver and gold to his heart's content. If only he'd return the way he went."
  • KresslackKresslack Florida, United States
    -commence pissing contest via shouts #485-

    Today is the day I discovered the ability to ignore shouts.

    You will now ignore mortal shouting.

    You hear that? Me either. It's wonderful.

  • Gilliam said:
    Arcs of lightning discharge violently from the stormforged form of the Elemental Lord Waayen. He wields a Shield of Absorption in his left hand. The Black Dragon Munkar's imposing form looms. Tealino, of Targossas is here. He wields an archaic dull cavalry shield in his left hand. Micaelis al Nadir, Voice of Light is riding on a massive fox. His features are obscured by a mask of lifevision. He wields a rough stone shield veined with eudialyte in his left hand and the Lantern of Light in his right. The Blue Dragon Miriew's imposing form looms. Swathed in a crimson miasma, the foreboding form of the dragon Taryius stands here. The Golden Dragon Tesha's imposing form looms. The Blue Dragon Irimon's imposing form looms. Wreathed in torrid fury, the Elemental Lady Elisella blazes bright. She wields a silvered buckler of morion quartz in her left hand and a chained scythe of morion quartz in her right. The Black Dragon Ryzan's imposing form looms. Nemesian Ascendant Uilien is here. She wields an elemental staff in her left hand. Jy'Rakym Dunn is here. His features are obscured by a rotting mask of mangrove wood and swamp debris beneath the raised hood of a smart cloak stained with swamp mud. He wields a black iron shield with jade inlay in his right hand. Astarod Blackstone, the Merciless is here. He wields a scythe of shadows in his left hand and a Shield of Absorption in his right.

    One of these things are not like the others...

  • edited April 2019
    After a long ass day of makin' movies makin' shouts and fightin' round the world...

    A brief white glow precedes a blinding flash in the distance as a wall of fractal energy blinks into existence about the City of Mhaldor.

    thank you @mindshell @kuririn @telinus for engaging for a few fights, even if proficy did help you absolutely brutalise my poor body. . . I wish he'd do that in private :(.

  • Kresslack said:
    -commence pissing contest via shouts #485-

    Today is the day I discovered the ability to ignore shouts.

    You will now ignore mortal shouting.

    You hear that? Me either. It's wonderful.
    Bwahaha you should have tried the early days when everyone could shout at any time whenever they wanted.

    That's why we got ram's horns now

  • So... that crusade was a carnival of mayhem. Doubly so since I play mobile. Still a blast, but crazy. :#

    I have to say all the barbs denizens, and players are flinging when we gather into a room have been a step up from the standard fare. 

    Shouts are shouts... but I've found the smaller interactions in person to be a lot more enthralling.  :)
    "Alas. Alas for Hamlin. The Mayor sent east, west, north, and south. To offer the Piper by word of mouth. Wherever it was men's lot to find him, silver and gold to his heart's content. If only he'd return the way he went."

  • Get rekt.

  • Well I got level 91 just now, so I have that going for me, I guess

  • Cooper said:

    Get rekt.
    Buy a culling blade already.
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