Achaean Raves



  • @Ygia. Thank you.  The ride was interesting, and you define a lot of what I expect in people in general. Your RP reminds me of when I first started, when the essence of personally defined RP still was the driving force in the game.  It was fun. 

    And if I'm going to do a rave.

    @Nyneve Words will never describe how you help me strive.  Even though my own mouth will constantly ruin my character, you still stand by my side and keep yourself true to what you want for Nyn too.  

    @Si'Talvace as a whole. Ya all be crazy.  But I'm glad you're my family.  
  • Eleusis has been way better than I could have imagined. Entirely too many people to tag. Though my char has a deep sense of belonging that she lacked the majority of the time pre-Eleusis. @Naoma specifically thank you for taking in Lao as a daughter and being such an amazing text mama. 😘
  • @Naoma is #prettyawesome

  • @caelan is pretty awesome. Makes me swoon for sure.
  • Rangor said:
    @caelan is pretty awesome. Makes me swoon for sure.
    That's probably because he spiked your drink.
  • Pyori said:
    Rangor said:
    @caelan is pretty awesome. Makes me swoon for sure.
    That's probably because he spiked your drink.

  • Rangor said:
    @caelan is pretty awesome. Makes me swoon for sure.
    He grilled @Astarod pretty hard last night. He’s a keeper for sure. 
  • @Morthif nah, that was half speed.  But it was a good time. Glad I was able to make it

  • Morthif said:
    Rangor said:
    @caelan is pretty awesome. Makes me swoon for sure.
    He grilled @Astarod pretty hard last night. He’s a keeper for sure. 
    Yeah, @Caelan has been wanting to break my spirit since The Burrito War. He'll keep trying for sure.

    // Happy you could make it too! Was happy for all the time you guys gave me! (Granted, doing a lift workout beforehand was not the best choice.)
    The Divine voice of Twilight echoes in your head, "See that it is. I espy a tithe of potential in your mortal soul, Astarod Blackstone. Let us hope that it flourishes and does not falter as so many do."

    Aegis, God of War says, "You are dismissed from My demense, Astarod. Go forth and fight well. Bleed fiercely, and climb the purpose you have sought to chase for."
  • Astarod said:
    Morthif said:
    Rangor said:
    @caelan is pretty awesome. Makes me swoon for sure.
    He grilled @Astarod pretty hard last night. He’s a keeper for sure. 
    Yeah, @Caelan has been wanting to break my spirit since The Burrito War. He'll keep trying for sure.

    // Happy you could make it too! Was happy for all the time you guys gave me! (Granted, doing a lift workout beforehand was not the best choice.)
    You should have "lifted" that thumb out of your ass and made a better Strategist..  lol

    J/k.  Looking forward to seeing if you make the cut

  • Astarod said:
    Morthif said:
    Rangor said:
    @caelan is pretty awesome. Makes me swoon for sure.
    He grilled @Astarod pretty hard last night. He’s a keeper for sure. 
    Yeah, @Caelan has been wanting to break my spirit since The Burrito War. He'll keep trying for sure.

    // Happy you could make it too! Was happy for all the time you guys gave me! (Granted, doing a lift workout beforehand was not the best choice.)
    Oh the Burrito War, oh how I missed thee
  • Adventurer Kills 
    Slain    : 504  
  • Awww. You're like a little baby pker. <3
  • Farrah said:
    Awww. You're like a little baby pker. <3
    I'm growin' up!
  • Riell said:
    Farrah said:
    Awww. You're like a little baby pker. <3
    I'm growin' up!
    So, as long as I have been here, I never knew rankings pks was a thing.... this made me think of it, jus found out about it last week... still in shock
  • Thaisen said:
    The new Targossas Map is amazing, well done @Numira!!
    It's professional-level stuff, I think it would be missing a trick not to ply @Numira for some potential commission work for the other cities! 

  • edited March 2019
    Thaisen said:
    The new Targossas Map is amazing, well done Numira!!
    Now 2 targossas maps featured on the website maps section XD.

    The artwork is fantastic. Well done.
  • MelodieMelodie Port Saint Lucie, Florida
    Finchy said:
    Thaisen said:
    The new Targossas Map is amazing, well done @Numira!!
    It's professional-level stuff, I think it would be missing a trick not to ply @Numira for some potential commission work for the other cities! 
    Hear hear, I definitely want to see Mhaldor (because Mhaldor) and Cyrene (because I always thought Cyrene had to look freaking gorgeous).
    And I love too                                                                          Be still, my indelible friend
    That love soon might end                                                         You are unbreaking
    And be known in its aching                                                      Though quaking
    Shown in this shaking                                                             Though crazy
    Lately of my wasteland, baby                                                 That's just wasteland, baby
  • The feel when you cancel a contract on you that you forgot was taken out.
  • Bonus rave: That feel when you complete a bounty on someone with a hefty reputation and they don't immediately rage at you afterwards.

  • He's nice like that.
  • @Mizik, I don't think I ever raved for you the other day. You pointed out some curing issues I had that were screwing me over when fighting SnB, and I've been doing a lot better now.  It makes me feel better about doing the same thing for other people!
  • I learned that Psion has a mana kill :( 

    And that they can smash you very quickly if not looking at screen.
  • Mizik said:
    I learned that Psion has a mana kill :( 

    It also has unparryable prep.
    Fast prepping (4 hits per limb).
    Locks. (with slickness that can't be cured until you cure all your bleeding)
    A damage kill if asthma stays up too long. (actually doesn't require asthma, they can just use double shatter if transcendence is up)
    A number of different forks to fuck over any changes you make to curing.
    Room hinder that works until you're multiple rooms away from them.
    All this on top of having a mana kill.
  • Mm hot.
  • Jiraishin said:
    I just finished running my event and it didn't completely tank

    I ran a sort of combination quiz and scavenger hunt for the city, on behalf of the Luminai, with questions ranging from 'easy' to 'requires legwork' to 'almost but not quite impossible'. My intent was a) to make a quiz more interesting than just searching helpfiles for the relevant info, b) to make at least a couple of the lore questions difficult enough that not even highly knowledgeable individuals could manage a perfect score, and c) to show off cool interesting trivia and make people think about the game world around them. 

    I don't think I totally failed at any of that (definitely not the second one), and a couple of the entries I received had wording at the end about how much fun people had finding things out, which was nice.
    I do not like your forum avatar.

    I have never seen Jir with one dagger, let alone four.
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