Is there any way to accurately determine the amount of dexterity bonus a mount provides when the rider has Defence in riding?
Find the accuracy of an attack (at least a thousand attacks should be a decent enough sample to start with) mounted and unmounted, and then also with various dexterity bonuses for comparison. If the accuracy while mounted (with trans riding) is approximately the same as the accuracy with +6 dexterity, then the mount gives approximately +2 dexterity worth of dodging (since trans riding gives the equivalent of +4).
In other words: yes, there is a way, but not a good/reasonable way.
If I lunge (or anything else that does an attack+move in one action) and would be caught by a totem, what happens first? Do I complete my attack and then see the totem or vice versa?
Is there a difference for different attacks?
Does it make a difference if the totem is implanted or being propped up?
If you lunge into a totem, you fall asleep mid-lunge and bump your head against them. Sort of like a toddler falling asleep while walking and falling into your lap.
It's about 2.2 seconds for me (with nimble). The previous timing I have for it is 3 seconds, though that was taken about six RL years ago; I don't believe it changed between then and the Infernal classleads this round, but I could be wrong.
For all intents and purposes, it's unblockable bar truefavours and algiz, but I don't know what damage type it is and I don't know anyone that knows what damage type it is (since it seems kind of unnecessary to know in the first place). Sorry I can't answer your question directly, maybe someone else with have a specific answer.
Just to emphasize my point, if he had been paying attention, he could have killed me straight off that single leg break. I didn't have a broken torso, and there was no way to get away from impaleslash (hamstring). Even if I wasn't impaleslashed, it still would have been completely unmanageable.
You could argue Ashuran str monks are worse, but they're hardly comparable. One 1600cr artefact compared to having to be in an Asthani house with level 3 knuckles (and str artifacts, or at least str spec.). Blademaster, all you need literally is the 1600cr artifact and then maybe bitrans.
Fix please. Don't want to have to buy a 1000cr artefact (And 400cr for RoF if I want to avoid impaleslash) and get dragon to survive a single class despite dealing with it fine defensively
At least let me win the IRE lottery so I can fight on par with the artiewhores in Achaea. It's my boifday
Blademasters are fine. Eventually they will get bored of easy kills and change class. Ashuran monks will not, though. Fix those first! (Happy birthday!) ((also, you should have swung up after you stood up)) (((or asked him to wait because your goldfish fell down the stairs after he breaks your legs)))
Blademasters are fine. Eventually they will get bored of easy kills and change class. Ashuran monks will not, though. Fix those first! (Happy birthday!) ((also, you should have swung up after you stood up)) (((or asked him to wait because your goldfish fell down the stairs after he breaks your legs)))
@Jovolo Dude. There are so many points where you could have reacted better to this it's not even funny. You had a chance to shield/run after the impaleslash - you didn't take it. You could have cured crippled leg and shielded/run after the first leg break - instead you put up caloric and used eq while still prone, giving him an extra impale. You could even have put up caloric & cured leg with tree, but didn't do that either. Then when you stood up from that, you could have bailed, but chose not to and continued to spam sapience, letting him break the other leg and get another impale. Then after THAT one, you could still have run (depending on whether he had engage up). If he did you're probably dead at this point. And of course you could have smoked rebounding when knocked prone- possibly sacrificing your own setup, sure, but you survive.
Come on man, you can't fumble your defense that hard and then blame it on the other class.
Shield? against a blademaster? That's pretty funny. Run? While hamstringed? Funnier.
I already mentioned that I messed up in between the leg breaks, and accounted for it by saying I was already able to be brokenstarred before I even stood from A SINGLE LEG BREAK. If he had been paying attention, I would have been brokenstarred from a single leg break. If he had double broke, there would have been absolutely 0 chance for survival.
Yeah, I need to adapt tree into my system, none of this changes any of my point. I'm not "blaming" my loss on the fact Eld is a blademaster, I'm saying that there was no way I could win if he had simply broken my right leg after I cured the first break, or if he doublebroke to begin with. Unless you think an unavoidable double break kill is reasonable, with the only preventative measures being a dragon health pool and a 1000cr artifact?
As you're apparently missing the point, I'll clarify. I'm not talking about what I can do in that specific situation, I simply used it as reference for bleeding damage and speed. I'm well aware of the things I could have done in that log in hindsight, and I've already fixed a number of the issues I encountered here. I'm talking about the fact that a double leg break is UNAVOIDABLE in dying to unless you have a dragon mana pool, kill the blademaster first, have a 1000 credit artifact and possibly a 400 cr artifact. Not to mention the additional fact I have an instant 20% mana regeneration ability.
Yes, shield. Clearly it won't stop brokenstar, but it'll stop him from getting the bleeding required to do it - which is most of where you messed up. And yes, run. You weren't hamstrung at any point in that log.
And yeah, you can get brokenstarred off a single leg break if you're impaleslashed and donating impales. From the numbers you might have had your torso broken as well. If you have those two preventable afflictions sitting on you and starting giving him free impales on top of that yeah, you might die from a single leg break. That's Achaea son.
Edit: Yeah a BM who actually does his full setup is brutal. No arguments there. You should be able to delay it like a mofo though.
1. no broken torso (I specifically cured this before he came back after being vivisected in our first duel. He broke my head with centreslash up's right before this log happened and by that I mean the leftover head break from the previous duel meaning torso was 100% not broken, I always keep an eye on torso against BM's. I did not have a broken torso).
2. impaleslashed while hamstrung (I accidentally edited out that it wore off when deleting the clot spam).
3. Shielding against a blademaster is an idiotic move as they can raze+prone far quicker than it takes for equilibrium to be recovered.
You're focusing too much on the log and not what I'm saying. Which is that it isn't reasonable to have to buy a 1000cr artefact and have a dragon mana pool to survive a class's setup
Would it unbalance anything if tattoos were visible via gmcp? It might be nice to be able to keep an eye on them without having to write a big ol' script.
I am retired and log into the forums maybe once every 2 months. It was a good 20 years, live your best lives, friends.
I can't see how it would. It would definitely have less of an effect than the reduction in cost of permanent tattoos, and the game hasn't fallen into chaos just yet.
In other words: yes, there is a way, but not a good/reasonable way.
Results of disembowel testing | Knight limb counter | GMCP AB files
Easy kills are the only kind I can get, though.
Didn't we cover all this in the blademaster thread?
Agree with @Naisar . You failed to escape and avoid being in the same room as the Blademaster for 30 seconds.
Results of disembowel testing | Knight limb counter | GMCP AB files