Only reason not to aim would be to conserve endurance. You get away without aiming with snipe+wind+marksman, but yeah, generally you should do it.
This isn't accurate. There's a .2s delay from aiming to where you acquire your target in which you have to pause (cant smoke rebounding/hold breath). So effectively you are shooting (depending on your bow) about 5-8% slower. I would say don't use aiming unless there is a wall, maybe shooting a monk/bm (projectiles).
You don't have to wait before shooting. Aim works a bit weirdly that way. You can aim/shoot at once, and the aiming will in almost all cases still go in before the shooting. Waiting for the "aiming complete" line and triggering shoot off that would indeed slow down your shooting a lot (especially with bad ping) and is a bad way to go about it.
If you aim/shoot at once, endurance is the only downside of aiming.
@Sanna: I understand the whole desire to be self-reliant. I tend to be similar in that respect. But many people are much too afraid that asking simple combat questions will be seen as "pestering". Most players do not actually feel pestered if you ask that kind of questions, unless you are asking people who are entirely uninvolved/uninterested in combat mechanics. Many houses and cities even have combat training clans of sorts that are specifically meant for such things. There are many people who enjoy passing on their knowledge in-game and those who aren't will let you know. Unless you keep pestering someone who has clearly shown he doesn't wish to answer, don't worry about it.
And yes, sometimes you'll come across things that not even your mentors will know. Then the whole fun testing time begins and you actually get to be someone to discover things to later teach to others! Isn't that fun?
Only reason not to aim would be to conserve endurance. You get away without aiming with snipe+wind+marksman, but yeah, generally you should do it.
This isn't accurate. There's a .2s delay from aiming to where you acquire your target in which you have to pause (cant smoke rebounding/hold breath). So effectively you are shooting (depending on your bow) about 5-8% slower. I would say don't use aiming unless there is a wall, maybe shooting a monk/bm (projectiles).
You don't have to wait before shooting. Aim works a bit weirdly that way. You can aim/shoot at once, and the aiming will in almost all cases still go in before the shooting. Waiting for the "aiming complete" line and triggering shoot off that would indeed slow down your shooting a lot (especially with bad ping) and is a bad way to go about it.
Is being able to do it without waiting maybe a function of your ping, as well? I've never had aim go through when sending both commands at once.
That's unlikely, since my ping would delay both commands by the same amount. Not sure what might be causing the difference, but I've never waited between the two and never had any problems.
You pull an arrow from your quiver and nock it to your bow. You draw in a deep breath and begin to focus your aim on Jhui. 4367h (100%), 3708m (100%), 99%e, 99%w 57% cdb|ex [Jhui] (16:19:37.630)- You feel confident that your aim is accurate. 4367h (100%), 3708m (100%), 99%e, 99%w 57% cdb|ex [Jhui] (16:19:37.778)- You train your expert eye on Jhui and let fly an arrow with breathtaking precision. Your aim augments the flight of your arrow. Your arrow strikes true! Your aim is no longer fixed on Jhui.
send("aim "" up;snipe "" up")
You pull an arrow from your quiver and nock it to your bow. You draw in a deep breath and begin to focus your aim on Jhui. 4367h (100%), 3708m (100%), 99%e, 99%w 57% cdb|ex [Jhui] (16:20:38.983)- Your aim is no longer fixed on Jhui. You pull an arrow from your quiver and nock it to your bow. You train your expert eye on Jhui and let fly an arrow with breathtaking precision. Your arrow strikes true!
I sniped 50 times without aiming and 50 times with aiming. Without aiming, I hit 44/50 times. With aiming, I hit 50/50 times. You also get the "Your aim augments the flight of your arrow." message with snipe. So I'd say it does work.
But that was using a longbow instead of a darkbow, without the marksman trait, against someone with trans avoidance and weaving up, and I still had about 90% accuracy. So most of the time, I'd say aiming won't have any effect just because you already won't be missing.
Edit: I also tried to aim;snipe without any delay, it always went through too fast for me with 60ms ping (I couldn't manage to slow my connection down any more than that).
I don't fight at all, but I've never seen a use for it in any real situation, indefinite immunity to venoms isn't worth the fairly long eq and being unable to enter any command.
Maybe if you're in a room that you can't escape from, and you need to just buy some time (waiting for some effect to wear off, waiting for an ally to do something, etc.), and you're fighting someone that's pretty harmless without venoms, it could be somewhat useful. That seems like a pretty unlikely situation though.
I don't know why it works and if it has to do with ping or whatever, but it always does. My guess it that you people are just all atrocious archers. I haven't ever paused between aiming and sniping.
Tried aim;snipe some more. Still couldn't manage to slow my connection down, but even adding a 0.1 second delay before sending the second command, the aim still only completed about half the time.
Looking at those timestamps, there's basically no delay, while I have a 0.1 second delay between the "aim start" and "aim complete" messages. I think Iocun has super fast aiming somehow.
If you are a noncombatant who raids once along with your city in retaliation for a room destruction by Targossas, is it reasonable to expect that the people you raided will kill you repeatedly when you are hunting later without even speaking to you (even after you have made attempts to RP with them via tells)? This seems like a bad way to incentivize participation in group activities of this sort by noncombatants, which I had gathered was a goal of the new raid system. If this is an aberration, I'm happy to brush it off and continue, but if not, it seems like an unsustainable way to play. How are new people meant to learn how to do group combat if not by doing group combat? Or is a prerequisite of group combat an ability to fight artied and experienced players 1v1?
Shouldn't be happening from last nights raid because they started by raiding us first. If you're going to flex at us, be ready to take a punch and then realize you brought it on yourself.
This is not aimed at you, Talonia. You just threw the punch as expected. The person who jumped you (I have a good guess who) is just angry.
I was wondering if it's worth buying a soulpiercer right away or upgrading my level 1 gauntlets to level 2, which would set me back 750 credits(~5 months of IRE credits) or buying an amnesia pet(~7 months) before buying a soulpiercer.
Also, I'm still a Paladin but would double soulpiercers on a Runewarden be an "end" sight based on how much damage they can dish out? I can't switch yet since I'm at 2200 lessons but would need 500 more IRE membership lessons(5 per day~100 days) before I have enough to switch and tri-trans.
My current rapier stats are : 86/154/231- 205 days and 62/158/239 - 163 days.
@Talonia I went after you once, then was speaking with Sanna when you sent me that tell, so I was a little busy already (two heavy rp conversations at once is a little much for me. I did intend to answer you though!). I started fighting Jonesey, then Nemutaur came, and you came shortly after - the second time was not me hunting you down, I thought you were trying to join in. It might have been a coincidence or bad luck, but just know I was not trying to hunt you down over and over again.
One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important
→My Mudlet Scripts
→My Mudlet Scripts
One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important
tempTimer( 0.1, [[send("snipe "" up")]] )
send("aim "" up;snipe "" up")
But that was using a longbow instead of a darkbow, without the marksman trait, against someone with trans avoidance and weaving up, and I still had about 90% accuracy. So most of the time, I'd say aiming won't have any effect just because you already won't be missing.
Edit: I also tried to aim;snipe without any delay, it always went through too fast for me with 60ms ping (I couldn't manage to slow my connection down any more than that).
Maybe if you're in a room that you can't escape from, and you need to just buy some time (waiting for some effect to wear off, waiting for an ally to do something, etc.), and you're fighting someone that's pretty harmless without venoms, it could be somewhat useful. That seems like a pretty unlikely situation though.
→My Mudlet Scripts
Looking at those timestamps, there's basically no delay, while I have a 0.1 second delay between the "aim start" and "aim complete" messages. I think Iocun has super fast aiming somehow.
→My Mudlet Scripts
One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important
→My Mudlet Scripts
One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important
→My Mudlet Scripts
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Party right, party hard,
Sing and dance, perfect bard.
Prefarar loop, accentato whore,Buy a new rapier, get nerfed some more.