Achaean Raves



  • Don't blow this whole thing up into another 40 page rant on the raves section please.

    I just wanted to rave because Hirst and I were 2v2ing Caladbolg and Seftin. Then we went after Tesha and Aldair because they killed Fendrel in Annwyn. We followed them out of Annwyn (into Bopolopia, no less) and went after Tesha...a mark. That is when it quickly became 2v4. Hirst and I still managed to bounce around enough to earn a few kills.

    Then, Santar, Reonna and that noobish girl with the Q name (sorry, I don't know you yet) decided to join in. That is when Nemutaur and Jinsun showed up.

    Sorry if my idea of fun was a 2v2 turned 2v4 turned 2v6 turned 4v6 skirmish, where the odds were never in our favor. Scream arties and combatant all you want, but I had fun. The fact that Aldair got killed at the cave by one person while the others stood there and did -nothing- until Tesha showed up, should stand as a testament to the fairness of it all. It's not like we were sitting over her waiting for grace to drop so we could tear her apart from 5 angles. 
  • edited February 2014
    I gotta say, it's pretty annoying when I'm walking back to Targ from hunting and there's like 5 of you guys making a roadblock.

    and it's not even at the gates. It's usually at the cloud exit.  

  • edited February 2014
    That isn't what happened at all, it was just a random gank in Annwyn. Which is fine, but it sure as hell isn't "because we killed Fendrel in Annwyn".

    With an ear-splitting roar, you rear back your draconic head and scream out your triumph.

    (svo): Obtained dragonform, unpausing.
    (svo): Your max health increased by 1500h/28% to 6700.
    (svo): Your max mana increased by 1500m/32% to 6100.
    6432h, 5673m, 25920e, 28518w excdbkr 45- 17:04:12.715 (dragonarmour on)(+1407h, 21.0%, 
    +1361m, 22.3%) 
    With a low rumbling from deep within your belly, you beseech Ashaxei for protection. Your 
    skin ripples as a web of crackling magical energy dances like fire across its surface, 
    settling to solidify into a flexible, translucent shell.
    6432h, 5173m, 25890e, 28018w xcdbkr 45- 17:04:13.033 (sip mana)(-500m, 8.2%) 
    You take a drink from an ebony vial.
    Your mind feels stronger and more alert.
    6432h, 6100m, 25890e, 28018w xcdbkr 45- 17:04:13.122 (+927m, 15.2%) 
    Kross arrives, following Hirst.
    Eldritch General Hirst da'Miras arrives from the northwest.
    A blood steed flaps in from the northwest with a snort.
    6432h, 6100m, 25910e, 28018w xcdbkr 45- 17:04:14.555

    Can't fight in dragon, deffing up in priest takes hours. We left.

    I went back to Annwyn alone for my mount. Fendrel/Jonesey were there.

    5200h, 3049m, 20605e, 19706w excdbk 45- 17:10:03.360 (smoke 418764)(-150m, 3.3%) 
    You nod gravely at your guardian angel, whose wings flare suddenly as an alien and 
    frightening look of power sweeps across her face. With one hand, she reaches forward, and 
    as her hand touches Fendrel's chest, it flares an impossibly bright white and enters his 
    breast. The angel's eyes roll back in her head in ecstasy as she rips the soul from 
    Fendrel's body. Fendrel collapses without a sound, his body now nothing more than a 
    useless husk.
    You have slain Fendrel.
    You reach over to comfort Fendrel as he falls to the level of Paramortal.
    A snakeskin cloak falls from Fendrel's corpse.
    The corpse of a sleek dirangi falls from Fendrel's corpse.
    The corpse of a fairy Knight of Sidhe falls from Fendrel's corpse.
    The corpse of a fairy Knight of Sidhe falls from Fendrel's corpse.
    The corpse of a fairy Knight of Sidhe falls from Fendrel's corpse.
    The corpse of a fairy Knight of Sidhe falls from Fendrel's corpse.
    The corpse of a fairy Knight of Sidhe falls from Fendrel's corpse.
    The corpse of a fairy Knight of Sidhe falls from Fendrel's corpse.
    5200h, 3049m, 20605e, 19706w excdbk 46- 17:10:03.452 

    Anyway, going after defenders isn't cool, whether it's 1 person or 1 person with 3 people guarding him. 

     i'm a rebel

  • Regardless of the reasons we attacked you in an Open-PK area (sorry I guess?), I still don't see how my rave of a fun skirmish between Hirst and I vs Caladbolg, Seftin, You and Aldair warrants a WTF because of some lame gank afterwards that didn't even include me.

    So thank you for discounting my rave on behalf of Targossas WTFing 1 person's rave because you wanted to WTF all of Ashtan. Go pull an old forums post that has nothing to do with any of this and WTF someone else. 
  • It's Tesha bro, just ignore and move on. Don't expect to have any intelligent discussion.
  • Aldair sitting at the cave until grace drops is stupid and is just baiting so people can bitch about it later. She has tumble and pretty sure she has wings.

  • edited February 2014

  • Murad exclaims, "I give you Singing Drakes!"

    Not bad, if I do say so myself.
  • @Scarlatti for just being an awesome God in general. I've definitely enjoyed my interactions with you and within Cyrene.

    Getting to see @Twilight come back, and actually running around during an event was also an -awesome- experience. I can't wait for more to happen and to be in the thick of it.
  • Tesha said:
    That isn't what happened at all, it was just a random gank in Annwyn. Which is fine, but it sure as hell isn't "because we killed Fendrel in Annwyn".

    With an ear-splitting roar, you rear back your draconic head and scream out your triumph.

    (svo): Obtained dragonform, unpausing.
    (svo): Your max health increased by 1500h/28% to 6700.
    (svo): Your max mana increased by 1500m/32% to 6100.
    6432h, 5673m, 25920e, 28518w excdbkr 45- 17:04:12.715 (dragonarmour on)(+1407h, 21.0%, 
    +1361m, 22.3%) 
    With a low rumbling from deep within your belly, you beseech Ashaxei for protection. Your 
    skin ripples as a web of crackling magical energy dances like fire across its surface, 
    settling to solidify into a flexible, translucent shell.
    6432h, 5173m, 25890e, 28018w xcdbkr 45- 17:04:13.033 (sip mana)(-500m, 8.2%) 
    You take a drink from an ebony vial.
    Your mind feels stronger and more alert.
    6432h, 6100m, 25890e, 28018w xcdbkr 45- 17:04:13.122 (+927m, 15.2%) 
    Kross arrives, following Hirst.
    Eldritch General Hirst da'Miras arrives from the northwest.
    A blood steed flaps in from the northwest with a snort.
    6432h, 6100m, 25910e, 28018w xcdbkr 45- 17:04:14.555

    Can't fight in dragon, deffing up in priest takes hours. We left.

    I went back to Annwyn alone for my mount. Fendrel/Jonesey were there.

    5200h, 3049m, 20605e, 19706w excdbk 45- 17:10:03.360 (smoke 418764)(-150m, 3.3%) 
    You nod gravely at your guardian angel, whose wings flare suddenly as an alien and 
    frightening look of power sweeps across her face. With one hand, she reaches forward, and 
    as her hand touches Fendrel's chest, it flares an impossibly bright white and enters his 
    breast. The angel's eyes roll back in her head in ecstasy as she rips the soul from 
    Fendrel's body. Fendrel collapses without a sound, his body now nothing more than a 
    useless husk.
    You have slain Fendrel.
    You reach over to comfort Fendrel as he falls to the level of Paramortal.
    A snakeskin cloak falls from Fendrel's corpse.
    The corpse of a sleek dirangi falls from Fendrel's corpse.
    The corpse of a fairy Knight of Sidhe falls from Fendrel's corpse.
    The corpse of a fairy Knight of Sidhe falls from Fendrel's corpse.
    The corpse of a fairy Knight of Sidhe falls from Fendrel's corpse.
    The corpse of a fairy Knight of Sidhe falls from Fendrel's corpse.
    The corpse of a fairy Knight of Sidhe falls from Fendrel's corpse.
    The corpse of a fairy Knight of Sidhe falls from Fendrel's corpse.
    5200h, 3049m, 20605e, 19706w excdbk 46- 17:10:03.452 

    Anyway, going after defenders isn't cool, whether it's 1 person or 1 person with 3 people guarding him. 
    This is kind of played out. I've seen the most ridiculously inexperienced Ashtani players killed for defending over and over again. @Jozlyn To be frank, you jump on any reason to randomly message me and get on a soapbox with no proof that I griefed or ganked someone (i.e. the @Alaskar debacle) Just like this month when I did not touch Aldair and defended Hirst when you showed up -after- @Aldair died. Getting real tired of your shit. How about you worry about your own cause and issuing and such, keep your nose in your own business, and let everyone else play the game. If @Aldair feels wronged by @Hirst let her issue. She's a big girl. We don't need you spamming messages or trashing boards over it.
  • Not going to dignify that with a detailed response, but if you're going to post stuff like that, do it in rants with the rest of the garbage.

     i'm a rebel

  • Tesha said:
    Not going to dignify that with a detailed response, but if you're going to post stuff like that, do it in rants with the rest of the garbage.
    Or just, you know, apply to be a god, since you want to handle everyone else's issues.
  • Kross said:
    Just had an awesome time in skirmishes. 

    If I forgot someone, sorry. I like when people keep skirmishes to a reputable 2v4, 3v5 scenario. Makes for a much more interesting engagement.


    - 2014/02/19 22:14:37 - Daimyo Kross Da'Navi, Ksiradhi has battered Tesha to death.
    - 2014/02/19 22:17:36 - Daimyo Kross Da'Navi, Ksiradhi has battered Caladbolg to death.
    - 2014/02/19 22:17:41 - Fendrel has been slain by the might of Tu'eras, the Tsol'aa King.
    - 2014/02/19 22:18:12 - Seftin dies gasping for breath, asphyxiated by the power of Daimyo Kross 
    Da'Navi, Ksiradhi's kai.
    - 2014/02/19 22:18:28 - Daimyo Kross Da'Navi, Ksiradhi has battered Caladbolg to death.

    Killsteals FTW

    Thanks @Kross! I had never been a big fighter until @Jinsun, but I freaking love the Ashtan Military (even if I don't get any kills and @Dunn won't give us our bonuses!) Jk love you guys. btw, where do I apply for the A-team?
  • I don't know. I'm told i'm part of it, but I have yet to receive the leather jacket. Not in the big times yet, I guess.
  • Kross said:
    I don't know. I'm told i'm part of it, but I have yet to receive the leather jacket. Not in the big times yet, I guess.
    It cracks me up when we get someone new (myself included) they always ask,"Why didn't they invite me?" I just reply now, "You don't want to know how long it takes to get invited on any kind of regular basis."
  • Hi, long time lurker and first time poster.

    @Quisse It's been nice interacting with you. You're helping me figure out just who Vithincus is. Glad to have you around!

    @Shecks I don't know why it's taken someone from Ashtan so long to finally attack me, but I'm glad it happened. I know myself, and I know I won't really invest in learning combat until I have revenge as a serious motive. So (and I'll probably regret saying this) I hope it happens more often. I hear citizens of Ashtan like to cuddle with scented pillows because they are lame! Do your worst!
  • edited February 2014
    @Vithincus It was a fun fight, and it was nice seeing the otherwise useless bracers of frost do something useful for once.  (block/freeze ground is a vicious counter to to leap/mountjump).  Can I confirm that you were using Angel Care?  I thought you were locked several times, and you kept popping out of it randomly.  I didn't pick up on it until the very end of the fight. (because I didn't realize you were a pally until you dropped rites)
  • Shecks said:
    @Vithincus It was a fun fight, and it was nice seeing the otherwise useless bracers of frost do something useful for once.  (block/freeze ground is a vicious counter to to leap/mountjump).  Can I confirm that you were using Angel Care?  I thought you were locked several times, and you kept popping out of it randomly.  I didn't pick up on it until the very end of the fight. (because I didn't realize you were a pally until you dropped rites)

    As I'm not sure what angel care even is I was most likely not using it. I dropped a rite of healing when I figured out that I didn't know how to escape from that trap. You probably would have picked up on my being a paladin a lot quicker if my general strategy wasn't "fuck fuck fuck what do I do!" button mashing. I don't even think I remembered to set you as a target for at least 45 seconds. 
  • edited February 2014

    Oh, I didn't see the RoH go down.  That's why I so so crippled...  If you want to practice more in the arena, get at me in game.
  • Sometimes I feel overwhelmed by how much there is to read and learn, and set myself little milestones as I go. 

    I re-remembered which has been a lifesaver! You copy the text over, and speed-read it (can adjust the speed if you're not used to it). Makes glazing over long newsposts amazingly easy, I've managed to get a gist of things I need without boring myself to tears. It's grand!
  • @Shirszae : Thank you for the dress and cloak, they are really really lovely. Will wear proudly!

  • Because of illness, I got to have a great morning in Mhaldor.  Finally got started working on my last few progression requirements, had a sense of personal progression that I'd been missing for a while, and some awesome interactions as usual with @Orzaansyn and (especially) @Nocroth.

    You guys still intimidate me RP-wise, but I hope I'm getting better!
    [2:41:24 AM] Kenway: I bet you smell like evergreen trees and you could wrestle boreal mammals but they'd rather just cuddle you
  • Shirszae said:
    While part of me is still a little sad that I had to leave Mhaldor (and leaving is putting it kindly, I think), I have to admit I've been having a blast. @Scarlatti, @Scarlattans, a few cyrenians, a few targossans, a few rogues, and one certain mhaldorian all make for a very interesting and varied experience.  :x
    Name for the pillory, please.
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