Achaean Raves



  • The Iron Grotto. Seriously cool stuff. My sangria disappeared though. :(
  • CaoimhaenCaoimhaen Targossas
    edited August 2013
    @arkius, @branwen, and @keneanung for being awesome loving family and making my RP experience awesome. Also, @scarlatti for being just freakin awesome

  • Antonius said:
    The Iron Grotto. Seriously cool stuff. My sangria disappeared though. :(
    Good thing you need only ask for more!
  • MishgulMishgul Trondheim, Norway
    @Alynna for being so involved.


    One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important

    As drawn by Shayde
    hic locus est ubi mors gaudet succurrere vitae
  • Verily said:
    This is a bit belated, but I've had so much fun with the Order of the Moon - @Ourania is amazing, as are all those others within it. I never would have expected to reach the point I have now, especially after the great suspicion and distrust that originally faced me. Goes to show that stubbornness and sincerity can prove very worthwhile!
    Remember that time me and Sothantos got you zapped or something? I sure do :)

  • VayneVayne Rhode Island
    Shunsui said:
    Verily said:
    This is a bit belated, but I've had so much fun with the Order of the Moon - @Ourania is amazing, as are all those others within it. I never would have expected to reach the point I have now, especially after the great suspicion and distrust that originally faced me. Goes to show that stubbornness and sincerity can prove very worthwhile!
    Remember that time me and Sothantos got you zapped or something? I sure do :)
    I remember!
  • Is great to see new and old faces popping up in Targossas. Nice thing to return to from my break (:
  • HalosHalos The Reaches
    We thought you were dead. Welcome back. If you are around, Darroth is around, and Terra can switch back to magi like she is supposed to be

    A frenzied cleric screams, "Like more than one halo!"
  • @vicious, @isaiah, @nemutaur thank you guys so much for the awesome spars! All of you are so honourable! Thanks for teaching me what you could. Really enjoyed myself. You guys didn't rub your victories in my face which was nice.

  • I have released @Kinilan into the nautical world with a substantial monetary backing. He is flying the Royal Navy flag. Watch your stern, captains.

  • I got gift credits! Wootness!!
    You close your eyes momentarily and extend the range of your vision, seeking out the presence of Drugs. 
    Though too far away to accurately perceive details, you see that Drugs is in Mhaldor.
  • I did not.
  • Dunn said:
    I have released @Kinilan into the nautical world with a substantial monetary backing. He is flying the Royal Navy flag. Watch your stern, captains.
    Morale is set.
    Flag is raised.
    Ammo is dipped.
    Time to ruin some fishing trips!
  • VayneVayne Rhode Island
    Overjoyed to see the public response of thankfulness and support to @Ourania recently. God players have it rough.
  • RuthRuth Singapore
    Kinilan said:

    Dunn said:

    I have released @Kinilan into the nautical world with a substantial monetary backing. He is flying the Royal Navy flag. Watch your stern, captains.

    Morale is set.
    Flag is raised.
    Ammo is dipped.
    Time to ruin some fishing trips!

    Waiting for you!

    "Mummy, I'm hungry, but there's no one to eat! :C"


  • Its pretty quiet in Hashan lately. Besides that one raid. Its too quiet...hmm..

  • Well we just sunk a Hashani ship. 


    Kinilan: 1

  • @chapel and @artanis totally murdered my team containing @carbine and @vayne in a team spar. They focused on me and I was dead in 6 seconds before I could run. Carbine a few seconds later. Vayne was pretty awesome and lasted forever. But eventually lost. Seriously! Those two hit really freakin hard! Kudos to you guys for winning against 3 people. The odds weren't really in your favor. Haha. Good job. Well planned.

  • @Kyrra bought me a lottery ticket today. I am unable to chart a proper reaction for this. 

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