Achaean Raves



  • Seriously? I get on achaea and earion-whats-his-name(sorry dude. I can never remember your name) somehow kills me almost instantly. I tried to get out of it. But I had no idea what he was using on me. Nor how he killed me. He was no where close. At least I don't think...and to top it all off I was without reflexes. Haha! I found it kind of funny and ridiculous how it took mere seconds for him to realize I was there and kill me. I was like, REALLY?!

  • Heheh..I fell asleep over my key board while caoi's daughter was testing stuff on him. Haha! I woke up with a neck ache and was like. Oh hey..sorry. I fell asleep irl. Yeah...I'm tired.

  • edited August 2013
    +-ANNOUNCE NEWS #3926-----------------------------------(08/06/2013 at 21:17)-+
    | From   : Tecton, the Terraformer                                            |
    | To     : Everyone                                                           |
    | Subject: Visual overhaul                                                    |
    We're pleased to announce some visual changes to SCORE, NSTAT, and more! This is the first batch of 
    many changes to our core system outputs, as we work on providing fresh and consistent visual 
    elements across the game.

    Within the first batch, you'll find a new layout for:
       * SCORE
       * SKILLS / AB
       * NSTAT
       * READNEWS
       * MSG LIST
       * CONFIG

    You'll also find that SCORE and STAT have been combined into a single SCORE command. Some details:
       * Due to the length of the output, it's split into three sections,
         which you can access with SCORE 2 and SCORE 3.
       * To see the full output, see SCORE FULL.
       * To see a particular section, SCORE <section> (e.g. SCORE VITALS
         or SCORE LANGUAGES).

    Don't like the colours? Personalise them with CONFIG COLOUR.

    Using a screenreader, or just prefer a simpler output? CONFIG SCREENREADER ON will remove borders 
    and dividers.

    Enjoy, and we look forward to bringing you the next batch in the near future!

    Penned by My hand on the 24th of Miraman, in the year 632 AF.

    |4465hp(95%)|3730mp(96%)|(94%)e|(100%)w,x|cdb-57.5%xp [none|stance:none|shin:] -nstat
    +-News for Synbios------------------------------------------------------------+
    | Common Boards:                                                              |
    |   Public                          Posts:   19282 /   19282                  |
    |   Announce                        Posts:    3925 /    3926 (    1 Unread)   |
    |   Events                          Posts:     440 /     440                  |
    |   Comments                        Posts:       0 /     634                  |
    | Organisational Boards:                                                      |
    |   Targossas                       Posts:     102 /     104 (    2 Unread)   |
    | Clan Boards:                                                                |
    |  *snip*       |

    This looks nice. Pretty, even.

  • ValdusValdus Australia
    Smithing my first fast rapier in Achaea. Yay!

    It is a one-handed weapon.
    Damage: 66  To-hit: 154  Speed: 231
    An ornate steel rapier has no venoms or magical effects on it.

    And it only took 924 Rapiers and 36.95 hours to make!

    Viva la Bluef.
  • It took you less than two days? Forging op
  • ValdusValdus Australia
    I got lucky. I doubt I'll be able to forge its sister in the same amount of time.

    Viva la Bluef.
  • * ORDER DOPPLEGANGER SEEK is back to area-wide.
    *sigh of relief*
    (now if Empress doppie fling could be the -only- thing allowed area wide, it would make me glow for a month, not just a week as of now, but I guess we can't have everything ...or can we?)
  • I knew I was dead so I just held down rays. Got Saidie with them :D

  • No not more stygian no

    That's awesome, both the falcon and the way you got it.

    The soul of Ashmond says, "Always with the sniping."

    (Clan): Ictinus says, "Stop it Jiraishin, you're making me like you."
  • @Carmain thats pretty cool, @Sartan did a good job with it, and that was a really awesome way to get it.
  • Jiraishin said:
    No not more stygian no
    You forgot wine-dark. And with the new Deucalion shrines, I'm sure nacarat will come more into favour.
  • I've never heard nacarat before. I had to look it up. Awesome word. Kudos, @Deucalion.
  • I've never heard nacarat before. I had to look it up. Awesome word. Kudos, @Deucalion.
    Yeah, it only came to mind because I'd googled it earlier after running across one of the shrines in question.
  • @Ashtan

    You guys make playing exciting. Raid more, please. 

  • CarmellCarmell Eastern Washington
    Wynedere said:

    You guys make playing exciting. Raid more, please. 
    Only when I'm not dealing with 2 screaming babies.
  • Behead them, you'll get about five minutes peace while they pray.

  • Better behead twice, we're liquidating our economy to ensure all raiders have Gems of Reincarnation!

    Join Ashtan today!

    ~*Forum RP*~
    Cascades of quicksilver light streak across the firmament as the celestial voice of Ourania intones, "Oh Jarrod..."

  • CarmellCarmell Eastern Washington
    Arditi said:
    Behead them, you'll get about five minutes peace while they pray.
    I have a feeling if I beheaded them my daughter would behead me then i'd have 5 minutes of embracing again.
  • ShirszaeShirszae Santo Domingo
    Well, that was fun.

    And you won't understand the cause of your grief...

    ...But you'll always follow the voices beneath.

  • Shirszae said:
    Well, that was fun.
    It was fun indeed.
  • Suddenly hit with some brief inspiration. Scrambling to get everything done before the unknown deadline hits.
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