So Blizzard is removing the avoid player option in the future, cool so I'll get stuck with offensive torbs who are free kills, widows who can't get a headshot to save their life and other assortment of baddies. Guess I better search for a premade party
@Minife at least they are still keeping the prefer player option. I've come across a few either really skilled or just really fun people to play with, and I liked that I could get into games with them without needing them on my friends list.
But in saying that, I found a kick-ass Mercy that friended me and now I pretty much just do pre-made games with her friends and it is a lot more fun than playing with randoms most of the time. Solo queues are so bad sometimes.
(D.M.A.): Cooper says, "Kyrra is either the most innocent person in the world, or the girl who uses the most innuendo seemingly unintentionally but really on purpose."
I've been playing tons of Reinhardt lately and I joined a game earlier doing Defense Gibraltar and saw there were no tanks on the team. I pick Reinhardt and I'm like halfway to the first point and one of the other people on my team swaps to Reinhardt. What the hell?
Solo queuing is depressing. Every time I see a Torbjorn, he's ulting. Why? Because my whole team has rushed his turret 1 person at a time and our sniper is preoccupied trying to snipe a Tracer the entire game.
Anyone hear about the Korean chick Geguri? Was so good with Zarya two pro players accused her of cheating, and promised to quit if she wasn't. She live streamed, Blizzard Korea confirmed she wasn't hacking or cheating, and they actually apologized and quit.
Solo queuing is depressing. Every time I see a Torbjorn, he's ulting. Why? Because my whole team has rushed his turret 1 person at a time and our sniper is preoccupied trying to snipe a Tracer the entire game.
95% of my overwatch experience in a nutshell.
I got 5 player kills plus 2 diva mech kills in a 17 second span last night and potg was a diva that got one kill, one assist and then fell off the map. I'm still salty.
Ready to uninstall because of the horseshit matchmaking. Literally the worst matchmaking system in any game (and no server browser is beyond disgusting)
Ready to uninstall because of the horseshit matchmaking. Literally the worst matchmaking system in any game (and no server browser is beyond disgusting)
you just need ranked mode. hold out a little longer
Here's the 'highlight reel' of my playing Reinhardt today. This is the PlaysTV version which may be a bit annoying to buffer. I'll reupload onto YouTube once this is done.
I always feel bad for Reinhardt players that do these amazing ult plays and pick up 2 kills while their team kills 4 people on the ground. Play of the Game? Soldier 76, who did ult and held down the trigger.
Too many times to count have I stood there with barrier up to protect people and my teammates typically either A: walk in front of me and die, or B: don't even use my barrier to its full potential.
Then there's the times that I push forward slowly with barrier up, drop a fantastic ultimate on the enemy team, and turn around to see my teammates off doing their own thing or hiding behind walls instead of me... then I die alone
Mm, those double enviro-kills when charging as Reinhardt.
Two in one day. Charged a pair of D.Va's off of the edge in Volskaya, and later charged a Reaper and a Roadhog off the edge in Lijiang Tower.
I had one guy on the enemy team commenting on me like, 'You just walk around the corner and Reinhardt is there already charging at you'
OMG, speaking of holes, I was playing in Ilios (the point with the big well in the middle of it) as Roadhog. I kept yanking their Roadhog into the well, and on his way down he would yank me. I think after a while it quit being serious and I'm pretty sure we were just both cracking up.
It was glorious.
But in saying that, I found a kick-ass Mercy that friended me and now I pretty much just do pre-made games with her friends and it is a lot more fun than playing with randoms most of the time. Solo queues are so bad sometimes.
I've been playing tons of Reinhardt lately and I joined a game earlier doing Defense Gibraltar and saw there were no tanks on the team. I pick Reinhardt and I'm like halfway to the first point and one of the other people on my team swaps to Reinhardt. What the hell?
I got 5 player kills plus 2 diva mech kills in a 17 second span last night and potg was a diva that got one kill, one assist and then fell off the map. I'm still salty.
Note: Currently uploading as of this post, but it should be up soonish.
Then there's the times that I push forward slowly with barrier up, drop a fantastic ultimate on the enemy team, and turn around to see my teammates off doing their own thing or hiding behind walls instead of me... then I die alone
Two in one day. Charged a pair of D.Va's off of the edge in Volskaya, and later charged a Reaper and a Roadhog off the edge in Lijiang Tower.
I had one guy on the enemy team commenting on me like, 'You just walk around the corner and Reinhardt is there already charging at you'