eh I play Widow and counter her, if you go full retard and try to w+m1 she'll eat you, use cover and smart positioning and she'll have to enter the open, in which case a quick burst drops her.
abuse LoS and most fall to pieces, there are only a few classes with adequate splash.
I play tanks (Roadhog, Reinhardt, and and supports (Mercy and Lucio).
I looooove catching Bastions and Widowmakers with my hooks as Roadhog.
Though I enjoy flying around and healing as Mercy the most. Especially when there is a Pharah player around.
Add me if you wanna look for tank/support players. Rustysix #1858
That is not an ordinary star, my son.
That star is the tear of a warrior. A lost soul who has finished his
battles somewhere on this planet. A pitiful soul who could not find his
way to the lofty realm where the great spirit awaits us all.
Will start throwing up some vids soon, had a 26-0 widowmaker defense on volskaya, 29-0 offense gibraltar symmetra and a few team kills as mccree. Also had some terrible rounds but mostly when salty people swap to winston to counter me as widow. Then I just go lucio and beefcake the team and own winstons.
eh I play Widow and counter her, if you go full retard and try to w+m1 she'll eat you, use cover and smart positioning and she'll have to enter the open, in which case a quick burst drops her.
abuse LoS and most fall to pieces, there are only a few classes with adequate splash.
I enjoy damage boosting decent Widowmakers as Mercy.
Should've seen the salt from the enemy team last night... crying about how my team's Widowmaker was"Mercy'd" the entire round. Like I care. If it works, it works.
I enjoy damage boosting decent Widowmakers as Mercy.
Should've seen the salt from the enemy team last night... crying about how my team's Widowmaker was"Mercy'd" the entire round. Like I care. If it works, it works.
I tried playing this at a friend's place a few days ago, I like the Pudge character a lot. Real tanky + an op heal + good for lurking around corners. Junk rat(?) seems really good for spamming choke points with bombs too.
Need I remind you that I shot you dead as Mercy? lol.
I got another two Mercy highlights tonight!
That widow jumped out and sniped me as well. Vengeance was sweet, she didn't land another kill on me. as long as I don't have to deal with winston spam >.o
Yesterday I played several games with someone that mains Winston.
That gorilla can be OP. And I got my ultimate up so many times just by healing him whenever he jumped back to me. He basically had no downtime whenever he died because I always had a rez up.
Grown quite partial to the unstoppable Tracer. Flash in behind everyone, unload a burst or two on their healer, E out, rinse and repeat till ultimate, then sticky their damn tank.
Getting bored of Pharah being a counter to like, 20 heroes and only having a set of 3 counters herself. Same deal with McCree.
Love the shit out of the game, but they need to do a few more balance passes on some of the offense heroes in particular, I think. That and I don't understand why Widowmaker has 200hp.
since I main widow I love seeing Farrah's, once saw 3 and go PotG taking each one out and then finishing off a Lucio.
Mccree is annoying, mostly because at low skill he is a one trick pony, at high skill is an EFFECTIVE one trick pony. Good thing Widow counters him too!
Pharah is pretty far from being op, most of the cast can deal with her as long as they have half-decent aim (of course, most people don't, but that's not the hero's problem).
McCree is fun to use at the opening of a match. Flash bang the exit they come from, fan, tumble, fan. Can kill half the enemy team before they realise.
I think flankers are the hardest to play. Got to know the map well in order to find the best position to ambush enemy teams.
That is not an ordinary star, my son.
That star is the tear of a warrior. A lost soul who has finished his
battles somewhere on this planet. A pitiful soul who could not find his
way to the lofty realm where the great spirit awaits us all.
I wish there was a way to save game highlights, some of these are just so brilliant.
I figure if D3 can auto screenshot and save every HC death you have, Overwatch should have an option to save highlights before you quit the game.
(D.M.A.): Cooper says, "Kyrra is either the most innocent person in the world, or the girl who uses the most innuendo seemingly unintentionally but really on purpose."
Been grouped with the worst players in OCEA tonight, not a single one of them would even be rated "ok". Almost singlehandedly won a route 66 (54 elims next highest was 12)
Deluril#6515 if anyone in the oceanic area wants to team up.
abuse LoS and most fall to pieces, there are only a few classes with adequate splash.
I looooove catching Bastions and Widowmakers with my hooks as Roadhog.
Though I enjoy flying around and healing as Mercy the most. Especially when there is a Pharah player around.
Add me if you wanna look for tank/support players. Rustysix #1858
I finally got to put that highlight intro for her to use.
Should've seen the salt from the enemy team last night... crying about how my team's Widowmaker was"Mercy'd" the entire round. Like I care.
I got another two Mercy highlights tonight!
[ SnB PvP Guide | Link ]
That gorilla can be OP. And I got my ultimate up so many times just by healing him whenever he jumped back to me. He basically had no downtime whenever he died because I always had a rez up.
Mccree is annoying, mostly because at low skill he is a one trick pony, at high skill is an EFFECTIVE one trick pony. Good thing Widow counters him too!
McCree's getting nerfed though, so rejoice!
I figure if D3 can auto screenshot and save every HC death you have, Overwatch should have an option to save highlights before you quit the game.