The Bal'met event



  • SherazadSherazad Planef Urth
    I thought that was just last serenade..
    Bleh, work ate my gaming life.
    내가 제일 잘 나가!!!111!!1

  • well yes but then we see ormyrr around Ashtan so I could only assume..
  • It took them 48 hours before they attacked so it might take the same for Ashtan!

  • KyrraKyrra Australia
    Sorry, that's not an option. I've been -happy- since I moved to Ashtan. No parasitic heathen worm is going to mess with my happiness!
    (D.M.A.): Cooper says, "Kyrra is either the most innocent person in the world, or the girl who uses the most innuendo seemingly unintentionally but really on purpose."

  • VayneVayne Rhode Island
    edited December 2012
    Lucky for them in addition to Ashtan's already sizable forces, they also have fairly recent experience being besieged by a dragon leading a army of invaders.
  • And Bella...
  • Sigge said:
    Which makes me wonder how Cyrene may end up being affected by all of this? whats the Pro's/Con's of Cyrene (I mean the serious stuff like in Shallam, not the snugglers, mudsecksors, etc)?
    You want to join Cyrene, you learn paperwork first.

    And where are these ormyrrs surrounding Ashtan. I don't see them
  • Does that mean Ashtan is going to go under siege too? They better gather embers and help Han-Tolneth kill Papa dragon quickly. At least before Papa dragon comes and stomp on Ashtan.
  • this is by far the biggest event i have witnessed in the many years i've been playing achaea on and off. i've seen gods go dormant and are reborn; i've seen new organizations built, new classes introduced, old classes buffed/nerfed, the racial traits introduction, etc. but nothing compares to this. i know there are some who may disagree, but to each his own. :D

    it's very intriguing how the remnants of shallam will be rebuilt, but i am 100% sure they will be. a more zealous and militant good city? rebuild on a reclamation area where shallam used to be? how about on an entirely new island, to mirror mhaldor and be its polar opposite in everything? also, what of the Houses?

    and what about the Garden? will there be new gods? will the old ones return?

    but whatever happens, please, don't call yourselves New Shallam.
  • VayneVayne Rhode Island
    NeoShallam should become vengefully evil in the wake of the city's destruction, so evil that Mhaldor looks like the good city!

    -cue that Carmain picture about twists-
  • Vayne said:
    -cue that Carmain mouse picture about twists-
  • Our city was not destroyed by zom-zom, he's too cute >.<

  • i know. But it's more the face than anything else. -AND- he ate our city. 

  • I hope, whatever the new Shallam is like, it loses the Ahgraba look a little bit, and maybe goes for something like Venice with waterways and such, but still Shallamy, or something...
  • If Ashtan was destroyed I wonder if Babelco and the rest of Ashtan would go separate ways.

  • I do not care about Ashtan and Babelco. I care about Ashtan and Artieco/Dragonco.
  • Dammit, I leave and get all involved in Aet and Achaea decides to get interesting.
  • KresslackKresslack Florida, United States
    edited December 2012
    I did say authoritarian, to make it more IG proper for you. It's a pretty significant point, seeing as that is what Mhaldor is. So in conclusion, I was saying that Achaea doesn't need another authoritarian city like Mhaldor is. 
    I don't mean to be pointlessly argumentative, honestly, but that's just so simplistic and silly. Hashan, Ashtan, Eleusis and Cyrene are democracies and there is one autocracy - by your logic, Shallam shouldn't be a democracy either. "We already have one of those" is a good argument if it's properly made and what we do have one of already is a good-leaning, pacifist(ish) city which is not outward-looking, nor pro-active in promoting its ideals. Shallam needs to properly perform its factional role, and no-one is really suggesting it does that by aping Mhaldor - that's a straw man argument put about by people who hate the "militant" tag. But it does need to change, and there's a hundred different ways it could achieve that, some of which would be autocratic, some theocratic, democratic or otherwise.

    Ok...let me spell it out, exactly how I mean it, since you seem too preoccupied 'not being pointlessly argumentative'. 

    I didn't say that Shallam, or whatever comes after this even for the ex-citizens of Shallam, shouldn't be militant. I also didn't say that it shouldn't be militant because we already have a militant city ( Mhaldor ). Ashtan also happens to be quite militant in a diverse way. 

    What I was attempting to say was, it would be good to see a militant faction among the 'Good' forces, such as the Templars operated under. However, should it be a dictatorship under the Caliph? I don't think it would operate very well under that model.

    "A theocratic dictatorship, Mhaldor exists solely to advance evil in all its
    forms. The city's rigid hierarchy is ruled by the iron fist of the Tyrannus,
    rejecting democracy, rights, and other manifestations of mortal weakness as
    beneath evil's servants."

    That's what I was saying it doesn't need to be like, because it would be pretty contradictory to the founding ideals. And, as Sothantos said, it would make it too much like Mhaldor, which is pointless. That is what I was saying. That's the only thing that I was saying.

    So....moving on....

  • I think we can safely say you are both operating under different definitions of what a 'mirror image of Mhaldor' is, and that vanilla ice-cream is for classy sophisticates whereas chocolate ice-cream is for the plebeians.
  • I hope that the latest news post in the Refugees clan offering former Shallamese a streamlined application process to Cyrene doesn't mean there won't be a new city of Good built. I'd be very, very disappointed.
  • Darroth said:
    Panpardus said:
    I guess now is a perfect opportunity to build New Shallam? (insert new city name) up to exactly how people have wanted it for some time.

    For me (yes its only my opinion) they should run it exactly like Mhaldor, make it a righteous city where their are certain things expected.

    You want a truffle -- GTFO - Join elsewhere
    Want to be a care bear - GTFO - Join elsewhere
    You don't want to defend the ideals of the city - GTFO - Join elsewhere
    You get the point.

    Start with the houses, if you want to join new city blah then this is what is going to happen, what you dont want to follow that, sure Oneiros can build you a new house estate in the desert or whereever.  

    The first house leader is told what is to be done, not what they want to do, 

    For those that dont want to be part of a new city they have a choice, join Cyrene a neutral good orientation which is similar to what Shallam was or just go rogue.

    It will be interesting to actually see what happens.
    I don't really see Shallam taking a new path since all the same old crappy players will most likely be joining. It will be easy to fall back into the old status quo if no one smacks the **** out of those players. It seem's they've translated the current leadership to the new)?) one  which is not good. I just hope Deucalion's a boss and will actively enforce a better standard. 

    That said. Citadel is gone, Te'serra is gone, Primary is gone. Yay. 

    You know - this attitude is actually a huge problem.  If this is the way you expect it to be, if this is the way you approach the game and the new situation then all you are doing is creating the future that you're so worried about.  This is a huge opportunity, and there is nothing - no change - that a focused minority of organised players backed up by a like-minded Divine cannot achieve.  Not only has Shallam been blown up which, let's remember, was a key suggestion of the "militant Shallam, boot trufflers to Cyrene" faction but Deucalion has come back as the GOD OF RIGHTEOUS FIRE whose first statements are an absolute command to beat the living hell out of everyone.  This could not have started better (IMO, of course), the opportunity couldn't be clearer and it's entirely incumbent on people like you to make whatever replaces Shallam be what Shallam always should have been.

    There will be people who want to rebuild Shallam exactly as it was, of course there will, but the narrative is (finally!) being led in the right direction, and it is much much harder to fight the admin-inspired narrative than it is to go with it.

    There will be no whinging.  There will be no "hilarious" forum complaints about how Veldrin belongs in Cyrene.  There will be no dissent.  THERE WILL BE RIGHTEOUS FIRE, and that is all.

    I hope this is exactly what happens and Deucalion doesn't try to appease to all of the citizens. My post seems pretty pessimistic now that I read it. I'm actually very eager and excited about all this. It's just that when you see the same people in leadership positions who conduct themselves as idiots, it's a bad start for a fresh change. All the rompers, snugglers will not go away if the leaders are doing it themselves.  
  • MelodieMelodie Port Saint Lucie, Florida
    Lyr said:

    I hope that the latest news post in the Refugees clan offering former Shallamese a streamlined application process to Cyrene doesn't mean there won't be a new city of Good built. I'd be very, very disappointed.

    This was done entirely on the player side of Cyrene trying to be kind to the refugees. Nothing we decided has any kind of impact on whether you do or do not get a new city of some kind.

    There's more details to it, but I'll leave it for you to figure out IC if you're curious!
    And I love too                                                                          Be still, my indelible friend
    That love soon might end                                                         You are unbreaking
    And be known in its aching                                                      Though quaking
    Shown in this shaking                                                             Though crazy
    Lately of my wasteland, baby                                                 That's just wasteland, baby
  • HyperlithHyperlith San Fierro area, San Andreas
    Xith said:

    So... when does the weather change again? I think if I see the word "aubergine" again, I might puke blood.

    Googling it didn't help. Got a picture of an eggplant. Sky is full of eggplant lightning.

    Your poor insides need less Achaea, or more modern medicine.

  • @Naga - Go steal the food in the refugee camp.
  • Ugh, already did but they were just staring into blank space or being seriously emo.
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