You doze off in a lecture, and then wake up suddenly - freaking out, unsure where you are..! So your first instinct is to try and remember what exit you can tumble to.
Stop falling asleep in my lectures. You snore, and it hurts.
And I love too Be still, my indelible friend That love soon might end You are unbreaking And be known in its aching Though quaking Shown in this shaking Though crazy Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
One of my first professors saw someone asleep near the front in an 8am class (ironically, I was sleepy!) and slammed a book right in front of the poor kid's face. I never even considered sleeping in class after that, lol.
We were talking about why this part of a thesis was bad, something like "We should avoid hurting people's feelings."
And I was all ready to defend it, because my brain couldn't comprehend by hurting other people's feelings was bad...and then the teacher was like 'This thesis can't be falsified, because it's pretty much a truism that we don't go out and say "Let's go hurt people!" '
...then I realized being Mhaldorian IRL might be a tad unpopular, and unhealthy.
You have a folder on your computer filled with notes for Achaea (not logs, mind, but just personal notes, documentation, sermon/ritual drafts, organization help file backups, etc), totaling some 250 files and 31.0 MB spread across 6 sub-directories.
What was that one file that I was looking for again?
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When you wake up and see your boss left you 5 messages before the office is open, and you give him "Sorry I didn't hear the phone ringing, I was phased." as an excuse.
When you wake up and see your boss left you 5 messages before the office is open, and you give him "Sorry I didn't hear the phone ringing, I was phased." as an excuse.
Even worse is when said boss, who doesn't play Achaea, understands what you mean and accepts the excuse without batting an eye.
Janeway: Tuvok! *clapclap* Release my hounds!
Krenim: Hounds? How cliche.
Janeway: Tuvok! *clapclap* Release my rape gorilla!
1) Attempting to use say in other forms of communication out side of Achaea.
2) Using qq on IMs when attempting to sign off.
3) Attempting to use class skills when others irritate you, like warp, decay. kai choke. etc.
4) Bizarre Achaean dreams, such as things so realistic you login asap after waking up to make sure it didn't happen. Like once I dreamed Nulaye (was Tyrannus) cussed Mhaldor out on the citychannel and promptly left for Shallam.
(No one should eat a snack before going to bed after playing Achaea. Bad things will occur inside one's mind.)
You know you've played too much Achaea, when it starts permeating into other games you play. While doing a 16 man raid on SWTOR the other night, while on TS, I call out for a heal on Berenene...the healers all stood around wondering who the hell needed the heal...and then I died.
Janeway: Tuvok! *clapclap* Release my hounds!
Krenim: Hounds? How cliche.
Janeway: Tuvok! *clapclap* Release my rape gorilla!
You have a folder on your computer filled with notes for Achaea (not logs, mind, but just personal notes, documentation, sermon/ritual drafts, organization help file backups, etc), totaling some 250 files and 31.0 MB spread across 6 sub-directories.
What was that one file that I was looking for again?
A portion of my hard drive is dedicated to just Achaea stuff too.
You have a folder on your computer filled with notes for Achaea (not logs, mind, but just personal notes, documentation, sermon/ritual drafts, organization help file backups, etc), totaling some 250 files and 31.0 MB spread across 6 sub-directories.
What was that one file that I was looking for again?
My Achaea folder has 12 GB, 5 GB of which are logs.
That love soon might end You are unbreaking
And be known in its aching Though quaking
Shown in this shaking Though crazy
Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
→My Mudlet Scripts
I think I need your script. :P
Honourable, knight eternal,
Darkly evil, cruel infernal.
Necromanctic to the core,Dance with death forever more.
Stories by Jurixe and Stories by Jurixe 2
Interested in joining a Discord about Achaean RP? Want to comment on RP topics or have RP questions? Check the Achaean RP Resource out here:
When you are grateful to see the timed out stamp, because sleep is on the brain instead of curiousity.
That is when I have been here too long.
→My Mudlet Scripts