Having never swapped away from Jester since he was created I'd probably look at something damage driven, so Monk or Runie.
Like the idea of occie though if it means not having to learn tarot again
I don't think infernals can be created in Eleusis, just like you can't make forestals in the cities.
probably on their ban list of CITY AUTOCITIZEN
Aurora says, "Tharvis, why are you always breaking things?!" Artemis says, "You are so high maintenance, Tharvis, gosh." Tecton says, "It's still your fault, Tharvis."
Actually, the whole Druid/Infernal thing is PURE RP. I have not looked at the infernal skill set at all.
Let's just say Athelas has woken up to the reality that the Circle the Ancient Druids spoke of, includes both Good, Evil, Order and Chaos. With the arrival of @Artemis he finally has a Deity that might understand and accept that saving a forest could involve having to exterminate it.
But let's keep that here for the time being. He's still growing into this new wisdom and it's already taken a few interesting twists along the way.
Good luck, Athelas. I don't know that it'll go well, but I can't say I mind having shades of grey. I admire the chance you're taking, even if I'm uncertain that the forestal community will ever accept you.
I'm thinking Lucine could do Bard--as long as she didn't have to sing. She has a very... Uhm... Painful voice.
With Athelas's recent performance, he has already started introducing himself as the Infernal Druid.
I just know this is going to raise a few eyebrows but he quite literally told Lady @Artemis that:
"I am the Infernal Druid. But I am Your Infernal Druid."
YES! Even something as META-GAME as Class, can be role played
But I do wonder if the game mechanic will allow for a Druid to also be an Infernal.
If you tell Rangor you're going to be Infernal, I'll first tell you why you can't, and if you're very persistent I'll nail you to a tree trunk and let you hang until you change your mind. We should probably discuss how Necromancy is anathema to Nature at one point.
he can always express his desire to be an infernal, but it'll be a mechanical impossibility anyway. Unless the eleusian ambassador/speaker forgot to put the class on the ban list
Aurora says, "Tharvis, why are you always breaking things?!" Artemis says, "You are so high maintenance, Tharvis, gosh." Tecton says, "It's still your fault, Tharvis."
he can always express his desire to be an infernal, but it'll be a mechanical impossibility anyway. Unless the eleusian ambassador/speaker forgot to put the class on the ban list
A forestal expressing his desire to be an infernal is not likely to be accepted at all. But that's his choice.
Since Athelas brought it up, I'm curious if for rogues there won't be hardcoded restriction against stuff like Priest-ostate, or Occult-ladin, or Senti-fernal -- instead, simply the harsh RP consequences will discourage it.
If I have to keep the same traits between classes, I'll probably go magi. Otherwise, some other classes will be more open. I dunno. Really depends on a lot.
Actually, the whole Druid/Infernal thing is PURE RP. I have not looked at the infernal skill set at all.
Let's just say Athelas has woken up to the reality that the Circle the Ancient Druids spoke of, includes both Good, Evil, Order and Chaos. With the arrival of @Artemis he finally has a Deity that might understand and accept that saving a forest could involve having to exterminate it.
But let's keep that here for the time being. He's still growing into this new wisdom and it's already taken a few interesting twists along the way.
Torn between wanting to say 'this sounds interesting' and 'this makes zero sense whatsoever in terms of RP context.'
Since Athelas brought it up, I'm curious if for rogues there won't be hardcoded restriction against stuff like Priest-ostate, or Occult-ladin, or Senti-fernal -- instead, simply the harsh RP consequences will discourage it.
I think the greyer area would be Rogues who want to be Devotionists and Forestals. I don't know much about how Eleusis is run, but I am not sure Devo and Nature are on horrid enough terms for auto-excom/nature-excom if a Rogue goes that route. I know members of Eleusis and Targ can't choose the other, but I don't know what's the policy about rogues.
But in reality, I'm not really sure what I want to do. I'm debating right now between magi, shaman, alchemist and serpent. Magi makes the absolute most sense RP-wise for many reasons, and I feel like I'd have fun with doing a lot of damage due to arties, but I'm not really sold on the golem. Alchemist is most similar to priest of the available options but I'm still leery of it, and shaman while interesting, I'm not sure if I want another locking-based class, which is also an issue for serpent but PHASE AND EVADE AND SNIPING, OH MY.
If RP (and city/mechanical restrictions) didn't matter to me, Occultist or Priest in a second.
Overall I've not really found a class I love again since leaving priest, so I'm feeling a bit more lackluster about multiclass than everyone else, it feels like. Which is disappointing, since it's such a big thing. I imagine I'll figure it out but nothing really seems to fit right, and I'm not spending 400+ credits per change just to test it all out (alts not really viable since I have artefacts to take into consideration with many of them, plus a partly-transed character is quite a bit different from fully-transed.)
That reminds me though! I wonder if we'll be able to switch freely between your "second" class for the first few days. If so, that would provide a really good testing ground I think, for myself and for others.
And I love too Be still, my indelible friend That love soon might end You are unbreaking And be known in its aching Though quaking Shown in this shaking Though crazy Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
Runewarden-Sentinel. 'Cause I've had a Sentinel alt and I freakin' love that class, and Runewarden 'cause that's what Ziri already is. Not gonna worry about Meta too much, since all I really want is Skirmishing (Tridents FTFW). And Woodlore is pretty good, what with the animals and pretty good skills. Which remind me.
With class loyals and passive-class abilities that stay up until you die or log out (Woodlore Barkskin, Elementalism Stoneskin come to mind), would that stay when you change class? 'Cause I read somewhere that it'll probably be only one class at a time, so will falcons and stuff just stop listening to you? And Barkskin/Stoneskin/etc just poof when you change?
Or, more like, what do you guys think'll happen with those situations?
Sylvan-Priest is a seriously exciting concept. If like @Melodie said I was free of RP constraints, I'd do it in a heartbeat. It may in fact be possible to do this in Targossas, but no one is sure yet. I have most of the arties and traits already, and nature-priest would be so fun to RP. I'm really this probably won't be allowed.
Within the realm of possibility, I could go serpent for subterfuge, then slowly collect credits for the gem of transmutation & grimoire of adaptation required to fully commit if I enjoyed it. Or just snipe, evade, and phase and ignore the other two skills.
With class loyals and passive-class abilities that stay up until you die or log out (Woodlore Barkskin, Elementalism Stoneskin come to mind), would that stay when you change class? 'Cause I read somewhere that it'll probably be only one class at a time, so will falcons and stuff just stop listening to you? And Barkskin/Stoneskin/etc just poof when you change?
Or, more like, what do you guys think'll happen with those situations?
Those things 'fall off' when you change to dragon, so I'm assuming that the switch of class will probably do the same thing and strip all class buffs.
With class loyals and passive-class abilities that stay up until you die or log out (Woodlore Barkskin, Elementalism Stoneskin come to mind), would that stay when you change class? 'Cause I read somewhere that it'll probably be only one class at a time, so will falcons and stuff just stop listening to you? And Barkskin/Stoneskin/etc just poof when you change?
Or, more like, what do you guys think'll happen with those situations?
Those things 'fall off' when you change to dragon, so I'm assuming that the switch of class will probably do the same thing and strip all class buffs.
Some, notably some things you can get from others, stay. Not all of them. Nothing does that you have to be the class for does. Runes for example stay.
Loyals. For falcons, they're sanctuaried. Golems do some weird stuff though. They stop appearing on LOYALS and disappear (which is weird since even Limbo and True Limbo show on LOYALS), but can be GOLEM RETURNed after you lesser.
Sylvan-Priest is a seriously exciting concept. If like @Melodie said I was free of RP constraints, I'd do it in a heartbeat. It may in fact be possible to do this in Targossas, but no one is sure yet. I have most of the arties and traits already, and nature-priest would be so fun to RP. I'm really this probably won't be allowed.
Within the realm of possibility, I could go serpent for subterfuge, then slowly collect credits for the gem of transmutation & grimoire of adaptation required to fully commit if I enjoyed it. Or just snipe, evade, and phase and ignore the other two skills.
It's not possible, no one in Targossas can go Sylvan. And with the nature of priests in Achaea, I'd think that most would consider it just as bad as going infernal-druid.
Were there any forestals to be grandfathered into Targossas when Alchemist came out -- and how were Targossian forestals perceived? I seem to recall there were some.
And the Dawnspear is only excommunicating priests/paladins that belong to a city that is not Targossas, not the cityless. I don't see such a big deal with a cityless Devotion user picking up forestal skills, if that doesn't bring about loyalties to Eleusis or something.
I just know this is going to raise a few eyebrows but he quite literally told Lady @Artemis that:
"I am the Infernal Druid. But I am Your Infernal Druid."
YES! Even something as META-GAME as Class, can be role played
But I do wonder if the game mechanic will allow for a Druid to also be an Infernal.
Artemis says, "You are so high maintenance, Tharvis, gosh."
Tecton says, "It's still your fault, Tharvis."
We'll just have to see how the game mechanics work.
Let's just say Athelas has woken up to the reality that the Circle the Ancient Druids spoke of, includes both Good, Evil, Order and Chaos. With the arrival of @Artemis he finally has a Deity that might understand and accept that saving a forest could involve having to exterminate it.
But let's keep that here for the time being. He's still growing into this new wisdom and it's already taken a few interesting twists along the way.
I'm thinking Lucine could do Bard--as long as she didn't have to sing. She has a very... Uhm... Painful voice.
Artemis says, "You are so high maintenance, Tharvis, gosh."
Tecton says, "It's still your fault, Tharvis."
Can't wait to Thoth's Serp again. And get lv 120 off just sniping dudes. And infiltration! And locks!w
Phase? Evade?
r u srs?
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twitter - @spacemanreno
Torn between wanting to say 'this sounds interesting' and 'this makes zero sense whatsoever in terms of RP context.'
(cc: @Xinna)
But in reality, I'm not really sure what I want to do. I'm debating right now between magi, shaman, alchemist and serpent. Magi makes the absolute most sense RP-wise for many reasons, and I feel like I'd have fun with doing a lot of damage due to arties, but I'm not really sold on the golem. Alchemist is most similar to priest of the available options but I'm still leery of it, and shaman while interesting, I'm not sure if I want another locking-based class, which is also an issue for serpent but PHASE AND EVADE AND SNIPING, OH MY.
If RP (and city/mechanical restrictions) didn't matter to me, Occultist or Priest in a second.
Overall I've not really found a class I love again since leaving priest, so I'm feeling a bit more lackluster about multiclass than everyone else, it feels like. Which is disappointing, since it's such a big thing. I imagine I'll figure it out but nothing really seems to fit right, and I'm not spending 400+ credits per change just to test it all out (alts not really viable since I have artefacts to take into consideration with many of them, plus a partly-transed character is quite a bit different from fully-transed.)
That reminds me though! I wonder if we'll be able to switch freely between your "second" class for the first few days. If so, that would provide a really good testing ground I think, for myself and for others.
That love soon might end You are unbreaking
And be known in its aching Though quaking
Shown in this shaking Though crazy
Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
With class loyals and passive-class abilities that stay up until you die or log out (Woodlore Barkskin, Elementalism Stoneskin come to mind), would that stay when you change class? 'Cause I read somewhere that it'll probably be only one class at a time, so will falcons and stuff just stop listening to you? And Barkskin/Stoneskin/etc just poof when you change?
Or, more like, what do you guys think'll happen with those situations?
Within the realm of possibility, I could go serpent for subterfuge, then slowly collect credits for the gem of transmutation & grimoire of adaptation required to fully commit if I enjoyed it. Or just snipe, evade, and phase and ignore the other two skills.
Some, notably some things you can get from others, stay. Not all of them. Nothing does that you have to be the class for does. Runes for example stay.
Loyals. For falcons, they're sanctuaried. Golems do some weird stuff though. They stop appearing on LOYALS and disappear (which is weird since even Limbo and True Limbo show on LOYALS), but can be GOLEM RETURNed after you lesser.
Site: https://github.com/trevize-achaea/scripts/releases
Thread: http://forums.achaea.com/discussion/4064/trevizes-scripts
Latest update: 9/26/2015 better character name handling in GoldTracker, separation of script and settings, addition of gold report and gold distribute aliases.
When Canada rules the world,
things will be... nii~ice.
Really? I don't sense that.
Were there any forestals to be grandfathered into Targossas when Alchemist came out -- and how were Targossian forestals perceived? I seem to recall there were some.
And the Dawnspear is only excommunicating priests/paladins that belong to a city that is not Targossas, not the cityless. I don't see such a big deal with a cityless Devotion user picking up forestal skills, if that doesn't bring about loyalties to Eleusis or something.