-Additionally the lessons thing royally sucks. But it looks like we will have some help from cyrene. But that's just Cyrene being decent. Really targossas should pay for it for the elder players.
lol'd. Would love to hear a single IC reason as to why this is Targossas' responsibility.
I'm not going to lie, the reason that I'm not a Paladin is because I never want anyone to be able to take a class skill away from me.
That, and 80% of Targossas threatened to kill me if they ever lost their totem.
With all certainty, however, is now the cut and dry divide that puts Priests/Paladins SOLELY within Targossas (on any usable level outside of Roleplay) - and forces the development of a faction ("Good") more than anything else.
I, for one, dig it and look forward to seeing what kind of niche Cyrene will carve itself now as being completely independent.
"You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else."
If anything we'd be more likely to pay for class changes for people that wanted to join Targossas but were currently occultist/necromancer/OPsylvan etc. But that won't happen either because Yen would go all Saw on us. Yen's pretty scary.
If anything we'd be more likely to pay for class changes for people that wanted to join Targossas but were currently occultist/necromancer/OPsylvan etc. But that won't happen either because Yen would go all Saw on us. Yen's pretty scary.
I miss Yen.
@Antidas how about targossas enemys you for robbing a paladin? that would be fun to roleplay.
(Blades of Valour): He just has that Synbios Swagger enough said. (Blades of Valour): Draekar says: "Synbios if sunbeams sparkle off that I'll kill you where you stand."
(Party) Halos says, "Disbar?" (Party) Draekar says, "You know here we have disbar." (Party) Draekar says, "And over there we have datbar."
The entire city that was on at the time got to read (and proofread - people fixed about 6-7 things in the post) my public post before it went up. I even moderated some language in it based on someone's request. The same went for the letter I sent to Aldair. People had complete buy-in. The referendum was pretty definitive.
Nah, you choose a factional class, you choose the entire collection of issues and challenges that comes along with keeping it. Says it right there in the skill/class description when you pick up the class.
Don't like it? Play any of the other classes that don't come with a stringent factional RP requirement. There's plenty of them!
This split is undoubtedly a good thing for the game (or at least for Targossas), but it is fairly dismaying to see such a huge collection of players who quite frankly, have no idea what they are talking about (see the first page of this thread for prime examples) trying to demean, question, and diminish the efforts of the players behind this recent paradigm shift.
What I think some players have forgotten is that Achaea is a game centered around conflict, and with conflict, comes loss. Cyrene has lost Devotion - but also gained true independence from any ideological orientation and can now truly and firmly set the bar for where they want to progress as a faction themselves. Which is probably nowhere - but that's fine, because it's what THEY want to do, instead of being shoehorned into being a ward for a collection of ideologies that do not suit the vast majority of the city's playerbase. That much was plainly obvious in trying to set up the Diaspora, both in how people who got involved in it were openly ostracized ICly by their citymate peers, and the general level of disengagement most players had within the organization themselves.
I am the most excited for the prospects of a new set of relations between Targossas and Cyrene, as Jurixe has already outlined above. Open and forthright hostility can now finally be brought into the picture without awkwardly treading on people's toes. This is nothing but a good thing, and I very much look forward to how things are going to progress in the coming weeks and months.
this needs to be pinned as 'required reading' for everyone that comes to this thread, together with Verrucht's and Agrias' later post about the referendum
Aurora says, "Tharvis, why are you always breaking things?!" Artemis says, "You are so high maintenance, Tharvis, gosh." Tecton says, "It's still your fault, Tharvis."
I am the most excited for the prospects of a new set of relations between Targossas and Cyrene, as Jurixe has already outlined above. Open and forthright hostility can now finally be brought into the picture without awkwardly treading on people's toes. This is nothing but a good thing, and I very much look forward to how things are going to progress in the coming weeks and months.
Keep in mind that this referendum was only open for ONE month, and it gained over 80 votes. Our decision as city leaders was based entirely upon the results, which were an overwhelming 78 votes to tell Targossas to stuff it, 2 votes to back down, and 2 abstentions.
That's a lot of people. Can you imagine actually raiding Cyrene
(Party): Halos says, "PIETY laid - Intersection of Ruminic and Ministrickle."
Somebody should be suffering displace spam. Where am I?
You're where their fullsense script dies to the sheer numbers
Aurora says, "Tharvis, why are you always breaking things?!" Artemis says, "You are so high maintenance, Tharvis, gosh." Tecton says, "It's still your fault, Tharvis."
I am happy as a player and character this is happening, but I feel for the people who put money and love into their characters. Disclaimer or not, it sucks major ass. Not to mention that both Priest and Paladin are fairly nifty classes.
In the end though, I think it is best not to have a whole portion of an organization with their feet in two camps, Cyrene and Targ/Good. Now Cyrene can stand as one, and focus and creating, exploring, and honing our crafts. Tirelessly working for self betterment. We can do this regardless of what Good thinks, as long as we do not sacrifice what it means to be Cyrenian that is.
I am happy as a player and character this is happening, but I feel for the people who put money and love into their characters. Disclaimer or not, it sucks major ass. Not to mention that both Priest and Paladin are fairly nifty classes.
In the end though, I think it is best not to have a whole portion of an organization with their feet in two camps, Cyrene and Targ/Good. Now Cyrene can stand as one, and focus and creating, exploring, and honing our crafts. Tirelessly working for self betterment. We can do this regardless of what Good thinks, as long as we do not sacrifice what it means to be Cyrenian that is.
Don't forget that now we can have apostates, infernals and occultists again!
If I'm not mistaking the leaders of Cyrene are going to assist those who are currently of the priest/paladin class to switch their current classes from non-devotion classes to assist with this change that has been impending for some time now.
Really you have two options as it has been pointed out.
Actually go the In character route of being Good which is within Targossas and stay Priest
Speak to the Leaders of Cyrene about getting your class changed over to to something that is now allowed in Cyrene.
Things and mechanics change in the game all the time. Does that mean that we, the players, are always accepting and content? No sometimes it is very frustrating to undergo and accommodate to certain changes and challenges implemented. So vent your frustrations but try to remember, this really is ultimately a game.
Oh and yeah. We're looking at how many credits we'll have, which we've had donated about 3000 thus far plus another 400 worth in gold. That with our existing stockpile is enough to get the process started. We'll probably look at taking about 60 million gold and trying to buy another 10,000 credits from the market at 6000 per credit or whatever we need to pay to secure them and hope that those plus what we have coming in regularly will allow us to give people... 1/2 to 3/4 of what they lost credit-wise. It all depends on how many people apply for credit reimbursement and what we have.
Oh yeah, @Verrucht I am sure the Phaestians would love the Occies. And Mhaldor seems totally cool with Cyrene using Necromancy. We just need to reclaim bards
We can set up some sort of clan to learn and teach suffering. You know most Cyrenians always wanted an excuse to get a little Mhaldorian from time to time.
Oh yeah, @Verrucht I am sure the Phaestians would love the Occies. And Mhaldor seems totally cool with Cyrene using Necromancy. We just need to reclaim bards
Runewardens! Cyrene can go back to charging Annual Totem Upkeep fees!
Even though it is a player-driven issue, maybe the administration could throw Cyrene a bone there and help them do something to set it right for those who are going to lose character value over it.
I promise that at most 10% will go to the Verrucht Dawyn Memorial Vacation Fund. The rest would go 100% (90%) to the people who need to change class because of this.
Edit: Honestly what I would most like to be able to do is buy bulk credits from the Garden at 6k/credit (or less if you guys felt super generous). Not actually asking for a handout (handouts totally accepted, though).
@Verrucht: Could it be bought from the patron as an org-wide effect of giving anyone who drops priest/paladin 100% lessons instead of half, one time? Or have some people already dropped?
Even though it is a player-driven issue, maybe the administration could throw Cyrene a bone there and help them do something to set it right for those who are going to lose character value over it.
@Verrucht: Could it be bought from the patron as an org-wide effect of giving anyone who drops priest/paladin 100% lessons instead of half, one time? Or have some people already dropped?
A lot of people have switched already. I'm having them give me their pre-switch lesson count to figure out how much we'll be giving people.
That, and 80% of Targossas threatened to kill me if they ever lost their totem.
With all certainty, however, is now the cut and dry divide that puts Priests/Paladins SOLELY within Targossas (on any usable level outside of Roleplay) - and forces the development of a faction ("Good") more than anything else.
I, for one, dig it and look forward to seeing what kind of niche Cyrene will carve itself now as being completely independent.
"You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else."
-Albert Einstein
@Antidas how about targossas enemys you for robbing a paladin? that would be fun to roleplay.
(Blades of Valour): Draekar says: "Synbios if sunbeams sparkle off that I'll kill you where you stand."
(Party) Halos says, "Disbar?"
(Party) Draekar says, "You know here we have disbar."
(Party) Draekar says, "And over there we have datbar."
Artemis says, "You are so high maintenance, Tharvis, gosh."
Tecton says, "It's still your fault, Tharvis."
That's a lot of people. Can you imagine actually raiding Cyrene
What has Mhaldor had to deal with all these years. Ugh, suffering.
This would have made a great post ig.
Artemis says, "You are so high maintenance, Tharvis, gosh."
Tecton says, "It's still your fault, Tharvis."
And also, I don't figurehead Cyrene. I'm just a Senator. I'm not going to say something on behalf of the city unless the entire city wants me to.
did like, someone find my skype info, or forum pm me???
In the end though, I think it is best not to have a whole portion of an organization with their feet in two camps, Cyrene and Targ/Good. Now Cyrene can stand as one, and focus and creating, exploring, and honing our crafts. Tirelessly working for self betterment. We can do this regardless of what Good thinks, as long as we do not sacrifice what it means to be Cyrenian that is.
Really you have two options as it has been pointed out.
Actually go the In character route of being Good which is within Targossas and stay Priest
Speak to the Leaders of Cyrene about getting your class changed over to to something that is now allowed in Cyrene.
Things and mechanics change in the game all the time. Does that mean that we, the players, are always accepting and content? No sometimes it is very frustrating to undergo and accommodate to certain changes and challenges implemented. So vent your frustrations but try to remember, this really is ultimately a game.
Edit: Honestly what I would most like to be able to do is buy bulk credits from the Garden at 6k/credit (or less if you guys felt super generous). Not actually asking for a handout (handouts totally accepted, though).