So I leave for a weekend concert series, and I can't be a priest in Cyrene anymore?



  • MelodieMelodie Port Saint Lucie, Florida
    edited April 2015
    Mithraea beat y'all to that claim by about 5~ years. Get on board the blame train, choo choo!

    Edit: Ducking out of this thread now though because I promised myself not to get invested into arguing any of this.
    And I love too                                                                          Be still, my indelible friend
    That love soon might end                                                         You are unbreaking
    And be known in its aching                                                      Though quaking
    Shown in this shaking                                                             Though crazy
    Lately of my wasteland, baby                                                 That's just wasteland, baby
  • edited April 2015
    Aminah said:
    I understand what you guys are saying. I did not understand, however, that these were defunct artifacts of a time gone by. That is immensely important. I didn't know that as a new player, and I don't think most players I've talked to IG know that. I've been mentioning so often the Holy Codex and people just nod and say "yeah, it's weird that it changed."

    And I would say, deleting is a better solution. It is terribly inconsistent to have them existing. It opens a door for someone to RP saying "look, gods of good have gotten wrong again," The gods of good aren't omnipotent. Realms like love, sin, the sky, darkness, are so different from the realm of Good because Good itself comes from creation as an unchanging force.

    What do you guys think about this?
    The first issue you mention is largely not a problem. I don't think anyone's addressed how rare the problem you've stepped into is. You mentioned, for instance, that priests shouldn't be able to join Cyrene. Going forward, they essentially won't be - even if the city does technically continue to allow priests to join, any newbie priest is going to be told immediately that this is going to present a problem. Even insofar as some Cyrenians don't understand the situation with respect to the old Holy Codex (which is not at all vague or confusing and was announced all over the place), they all understand that now you can't be a devotionist in Cyrene.

    I think your situation has maybe caused you to suspect this is a bigger problem than it really is and that other people are going to have to face this same issue in the future, but they largely aren't. A number of other classes have become faction-exclusive in the past and it hasn't really caused any further problems. You just happen to be in the wrong place as the wrong class at the wrong time, through seemingly no fault of your own.

    Regarding the RP door you are saying has been opened: I think most people would agree that said door has indeed been opened. And I don't think it's a bad door to open! What exactly is the problem with characters being able to believe that the gods are fallible? For one, the gods are demonstrably fallible. Gods making mistakes is a big part of the history of the game - it's even a big part of the Mythos that serves as the fundamental backstory to the world.

    It's just important to remember that saying "look, gods of good have gotten wrong again" in a world where the gods are actually listening and actually throw lightning bolts at people they don't like is maybe not the most prudent decision.
  • Aldair said:
    Aminah said:
    I understand what you guys are saying. I did not understand, however, that these were defunct artifacts of a time gone by. That is immensely important. I didn't know that as a new player, and I don't think most players I've talked to IG know that. I've been mentioning so often the Holy Codex and people just nod and say "yeah, it's weird that it changed."

    And I would say, deleting is a better solution. It is terribly inconsistent to have them existing. It opens a door for someone to RP saying "look, gods of good have gotten wrong again," The gods of good aren't omnipotent. Realms like love, sin, the sky, darkness, are so different from the realm of Good because Good itself comes from creation as an unchanging force.

    What do you guys think about this?
    I don't mean to be argumentative here but about three paragraphs into the introduction of the Holy Codex it says "As a member of the Church of Achaea, you will ..." and then the opening piece for the commandments says "Holy Constituents of the Church of Achaea," and then talks about bringing glory for the Church and what not. And specifically says "these ten codes of the Church". That's before you even get to any of the actual commandments.

    So I guess I am confused as to why the first question a burgeoning do gooder would have would not be "what is this Church this book keeps talking about? Am I in the Church? Does this even apply to me?" And of course the correct answer would be no. It doesn't apply to anyone. Because the Church doesn't exist anymore. 

    It is not remotely inconsistent if you learn the history of Good in Achaea. I understand that it seems that way from a shallow reading but Good, or any of the more radical factions, are really not designed to be absorbed that way. Which is really what makes them interesting.
    Mortal organizations come and go, but that doesn't mean that their ethos, especially revealed and eternal ethos, automatically have followed suit. It's foolish to suggest a person would think otherwise.
  • For added clarification, wasn't the Holy Codex an actual book/tome kept within the Basilica in Shallam? That was ultimately destroyed with Shallam. A bunch of people would have just copied its contents into journals to put into libraries for ease of access. It would be these copies you're reading.
  • As the person behind the character, I feel Aminah's frustration. She had a nice life as a devotionalist when she logged out. She returned to find she'd have to either leave her city and the friends she made there behind or give up Devotion. Let's not marginalize that experience.

    Sure, most players, at least the older ones, saw this coming. It was a lot more evident in its eventual onset than shamans not being allowed in Targossas post-refugee camp in New Hope. for me anyway. But the questions now becomes what will Cyrene do for those devotionalist who may be out real-life money if they have to switch class to stay in the city and have access to a full range of abilities? What kind of culture of welcome can Cyrenian devotionalists expect in Shallam? 

    The way things are approached will make a massive difference for the players affected. I hope it all works out in the end, @Aminah. My best advice is to look at this not as a door closing but as one that is opening to new roleplay opportunities either in Cyrene or Targ.

  • Those who say neutral-good makes no sense don't really understand Cyrene.

    Cyrenians are good people who choose not to involve themselves in the conflict between good and evil. They are tolerant of the existence of evil and chaos in the outside world so long as it doesn't impinge on Cyrene.

    As an aside, if Targossas can't tolerate the good people of Cyrene, who can they tolerate? Targossas is looking more and more like Mhaldor every day. >:)

  • Ognog said:
    Those who say neutral-good makes no sense don't really understand Cyrene.

    Cyrenians are good people who choose not to involve themselves in the conflict between good and evil. They are tolerant of the existence of evil and chaos in the outside world so long as it doesn't impinge on Cyrene.

    As an aside, if Targossas can't tolerate the good people of Cyrene, who can they tolerate? Targossas is looking more and more like Mhaldor every day. >:)
    1.) I'll take that last bit as a compliment.
    2.) Targ and the Bloodsworn are what defines Good. If @Aurora decides that the be Good we must each slit the throat of a cute puppy every month then that is what you have to do to be Good. Cyrene gets no say in how you define Good. I'm sorry but that's the way it is. Hint: tolerating evil/darkness/chaos so long as it stays out of your city is never going to get you classified as Good anything.
  • The really big problem here is people hear "neutral-Good" and think DnD style alignment. If Cyrene were to be given such an alignment, it would be Lawful Neutral.

    Calling it "neutral-Good" is always going to be a problem. What they are is Neutral, and they happen to be the only city in Achaea that really is. People like to throw on the "-Good" part to explain how they do not support nor allow the assistance of Evil and Darkness, and to an extent Chaos. This is mostly due to the fact that Hashan was considered for RL years to be Neutral, and Cyrene had to differentiate themselves, because they definitely did not have the same ideologies. Hashan allowed Apostates and Occultists in their city, and openly supported Twilight. Cyrenians didn't want to be painted with the same "Neutral" brush, so they amended it with "-Good".

    Cyrene is Neutral. They do not support Evil/Chaos/Darkness, but they don't want to fight it, and it's the "not wanting to fight it" that's the key point. To the actually Good-aligned people, Cyrene is, for Biblical reference, the "lukewarm" group that they want to "spit out of [their] mouth".
  • Sarathai said:
    Also, I think you mean Targossas, not Shallam.
    Do I though? :wink: 

    Just kidding. That's great about the donations! :+1: 
  • Having recently returned to Hashan, I'm loving how people are no longer talking about "evil and chaos", they are now talking about "evil, chaos and darkness". Let's get this party started as Lord @Twilight has arrived!

  • MelodieMelodie Port Saint Lucie, Florida
    Correct on the 615.

    Jeeze that timeline is scary to look at.
    And I love too                                                                          Be still, my indelible friend
    That love soon might end                                                         You are unbreaking
    And be known in its aching                                                      Though quaking
    Shown in this shaking                                                             Though crazy
    Lately of my wasteland, baby                                                 That's just wasteland, baby
  • I wanted to join as a temp, too. :(

    And by join, I mean get denied for being a dirty Pandora worshiper.

    But then be outraged about it!
  • edited April 2015
    Halos said:
    Devotion is only in the priest and paladin guild, but of course some of these members live in other cities like Cyrene, Eleusis, and Hashan. Sarapis retires church shrines a little later and creates Landmarking, a yearly struggle between Good and Evil.
    Uh, there shouldn't have been anybody living in those three cities if 220 AF is the date you're using?

    - Hashan opened its gates in 221 (the Public post stating it could begin accepting citizens was #2051, dating it to 18th Mayan in 221).
    - Eleusis wasn't discovered until 271 (Events #12), and didn't get the first Speaker or patron until 324.
    - Cyrene wasn't discovered until 288 (Events #31).

    I mean, maybe Hashan, but not Eleusis or Cyrene.

    Also, Aurora had a return in 275 AF. Don't know how long it lasted offhand, though.

    - (Eleusis): Ellodin says, "The Fissure of Echoes is Sarathai's happy place."
    - With sharp, crackling tones, Kyrra tells you, "The ladies must love you immensely."
    - (Eleusian Ranger Techs): Savira says, "Most of the hard stuff seem to have this built in code like: If adventurer_hitting_me = "Sarathai" then send("terminate and selfdestruct")."
    - Makarios says, "Serve well and perish."
    - Xaden says, "Xaden confirmed scrub 2017."

  • HalosHalos The Reaches
    edited April 2015
    Idk, some of my dates might be a little off. It's a cliffs notes edition that I wrote from memory! Def not an encyclopedic reference. People can and should actually be find out all of this stuff through in game sources (kudos to you on actually doing this).

    edit: The bits relevant and leading up to the cyrene-shallam/targ falling out are still fairly accurate though, and I hope answered the question that this didn't just "happen over a weekend".

    A frenzied cleric screams, "Like more than one halo!"
  • Halos said:
    Idk, some of my dates might be a little off. It's a cliffs notes edition that I came up with off the top of my head, not an encyclopedic reference! You should actually be finding out all of this in game (kudos to you on actually doing this). The bits relevant and leading up to the cyrene-shallam/targ falling out are still fairly accurate.
    I like reading through old Events posts. Not so much the Public ones. Blech.
    - (Eleusis): Ellodin says, "The Fissure of Echoes is Sarathai's happy place."
    - With sharp, crackling tones, Kyrra tells you, "The ladies must love you immensely."
    - (Eleusian Ranger Techs): Savira says, "Most of the hard stuff seem to have this built in code like: If adventurer_hitting_me = "Sarathai" then send("terminate and selfdestruct")."
    - Makarios says, "Serve well and perish."
    - Xaden says, "Xaden confirmed scrub 2017."

  • Glad this finally happened! It's been a long time coming. It bugged me when people assumed that Cyrene being neutral-good justified them having Devotion classes.
  • Reminds me of when I lost Necromancy to Mhashtan split :(

    I feel your pain, Cyrene homies. 

    Now we're all even Stevens.
  • edited April 2015
    Tael said:
    I understand that it is very frustrating when the game's setting does not cater to what you want to do/be, but that does not necessarily mean that a given change is bad or that the people who made it are bad people.

    Conflation of good with Good was a huge problem in the game for well over a real-life decade. That single problem created more heartache and bad blood than probably any other in the game. Escaping that dynamic was a large part of why Shallam was destroyed and Targossas was founded with a much clearer version of Good. And it's true, "alignment"-based conflict is a huge part of the Achaean landscape, but that's exactly why Targossas being more hardline has been an improvement - it can finally be Good vs Evil vs Chaos. Previously, "Good" was a degenerate faction - one of the largest, but almost completely without direction and with constant insistence that no one had the right to determine what did and didn't constitute "Good". In terms of factional conflict, it was a disaster and almost everyone knew it.

    It's worth pointing out here that this is a problem pretty much unique to the Good faction. Notice that no one is saying that even though the Evil faction is incredibly radicalised and has settled on a very, very specific and narrow notion of what constitutes Evil, pretty much no one goes around arguing that it's too radicalised and has too narrow a definition and is pushing too many people away with it. And while Evil factions get a handful of people who want to play psychopathic mass-murderers with no respect for what Evil means in Achaea, they're relatively few and no one ever really suggests that they have some inherent claim to determining what constitutes Evil in the game. The fact that the Good faction faces these issues is probably due to the fact that most people in real-life consider themselves "good", while very few think of themselves as "evil" and consequently want the game to recognise their conception of what it means to be "evil".

    If you think that this radicalisation of Good is the result of "stardom" or "immaturity", you are severely lacking in perspective. The radicalisation is a direct result of the fact that, prior to radicalisation, things didn't work. To the extent that there were glimmers of hope for the faction prior to Targossas, they were almost exclusively from subsets of players who were themselves more radical.

    You say that this hardline version of Good is going to alienate all of the players who want to play characters who are good or sympathetic to good as though that's a bad thing. That is very much the intention, and for good reason. Characters who are "lower-case good" or sympathetic to that kind of good are not a good fit for factional conflict. Being a generally moral, decent person doesn't really lend itself well to a call to war. A group of people whose primary simarity is that they all agree you shouldn't be a huge asshole doesn't make for a particularly interesting or engaging faction. Aurora and Deucalion are purposefully alienating those people because trying to combine people who were good with people who wanted the factional conflict that comes with being Good didn't work well and didn't make a lot of sense either, since there is already a city for people who want to be lower-case good: Cyrene (and arguably most of the others - most people in Ashtan, Hashan, and Eleusis are more or less lower-case good).

    I do agree that you have something of a point with respect to priest becoming a faction-exclusive class. Given that you were warned about some of the RP-based restrictions on playing a priest, but weren't warned about this particular problem, I think you have a legitimate grievance here - which I think remains true even if you think priest being exclusive to Targossas is ultimately a good move for the game (which I think it is). I'm not sure what could really be done about it, but nevertheless I think you have a point that this is somewhat unfair to you.

    But if you think the problem is the radicalisation itself that lead to this, you really need to take a step back and look at the bigger picture, or maybe go back and read some of the reams and reams of posts in the archive about all of the messy problems Shallam was contending with for years and years.

    And if you think that changes like this shouldn't be made because it's "not an in-game mechanic", you are playing the wrong game. The fact that the game's landscape is dynamic and somewhat player-controlled is usually considered one of its primary draws. If player-directed factional RP developments like this couldn't happen and we simply relied on "in-game mechanics", I think an awful lot of people would be an awful lot interested in the game.
    Slightly snide comment but 1- Tael I don't recall seeing you in Shallam during that whole conflagration. 2- most of those conflicts were sorted just not in the way one of the factions liked. Things did work before being radicalized they just were not the way that some people wanted. Shallam wasn't going to be like mhaldor and for plenty of good reasons. It would have made more sense to free the groups to move than what happened but I digress.
    Hellen said:
    Yeah, Good in Achaea has always been a theology rather than 'moral good'. Its a literal religion, with the ability to excommunicate you. This is hardly a misunderstanding. There is no overarching moral good. There is what Deucalion and Aurora say what Good is and that's it. Targossas is the home of Devotion because the Bloodsworn Gods say it is, and if you don't like it there are other choices. I personally dislike the whole lose half your lessons thing that often results from it, but I'm really unsure of what to do about that kind of thing.

    It will be interesting to see where this leads.
    -umm hellen you need to read history and not the mantra stuff put out but the actual histories like the codex (original one) and the Codex of light.

    Sorry but unless you lived through it (and I'm talking pre-citadel of light) and were a city leader or a house/church leader there is very little room for comment on "the problems shallam faced" because 90% of them were people not being engaged or going off and pouting in a corner everytime a majority decision was made or people trying to cheat the system of voting by allowing Ents to vote.

    -Additionally the lessons thing royally sucks. But it looks like we will have some help from cyrene. But that's just Cyrene being decent. Really targossas should pay for it for the elder players.
    (Blades of Valour): He just has that Synbios Swagger enough said.
    (Blades of Valour): Draekar says: "Synbios if sunbeams sparkle off that I'll kill you where you stand."

    (Party) Halos says, "Disbar?"
    (Party) Draekar says, "You know here we have disbar."
    (Party) Draekar says, "And over there we have datbar."
  • Aldair said:
    The first time the "modern" understanding of what Good is in Achaea appeared is in Mithraea's treatise on Good.
    Funny, that. ;)

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