Random Achaea Thoughts



  • Rip said:
    You could also make it only... if you want a unique title other than, say a "rank" or Organization position...

    Anyways just a thought, I would gladly pay 50k for a prefix and 50k for a suffix as a rogue and then have the gold disappear from the market.

    @Kakotas - 300 titles at 25k per is a mere 7,500,000 gold...(everyone is complaining that there is TOO much gold in the market and this would certainly eat some of that up.)
    All novice aides wallets just ran for cover...

    -Now what I wouldn't be against is credible rogue orgs becoming able to title. That would be a good perk of High Clan status for officers of those clans.
    (Blades of Valour): He just has that Synbios Swagger enough said.
    (Blades of Valour): Draekar says: "Synbios if sunbeams sparkle off that I'll kill you where you stand."

    (Party) Halos says, "Disbar?"
    (Party) Draekar says, "You know here we have disbar."
    (Party) Draekar says, "And over there we have datbar."
  • Xinna said:
    Morthif said:
    Would @Xinna go to Cyrene?

    I would probably have to conquer the city and subject it to Mhaldorian rule so that I could keep my class!

    Otherwise, already sold my soul away. Only have one soul. :(

    If you fracture your soul, you can have multiple seditious pieces.

    Whatever you say, VOLDEMORT He Who Must Not Be Named
    You know, that one thing at that one place, with that one person.

    Yea, that one!

  • Kakotas said:
    All novice aides wallets just ran for cover...

    -Now what I wouldn't be against is credible rogue orgs becoming able to title. That would be a good perk of High Clan status for officers of those clans.
    Leaders of High Clans can already set titles for all members.
  • AthelasAthelas Cape Town South Africa
    @Serapis With regard to server side curing and queueing.

    If that is removed, I'm left with hardly any chance of being a combatant. A ping of 400ms renders even the best client side system useless to me.

    If it wasn't for serverside curing and the $10 lessons packages, I would never have been able to return to playing Achaea.

    As for server side queueing. I discovered it about a month ago, and my bashing speed increased exponentially. I'm now 40% into level 89, which I achieved in three days. Prior to my discovery, that kind of work would have taken at least a month.

    Knowing how much of an advantage other players have, due to their ping rate, would limit players with my disposition, to an RP only version of Achaea. Which was the reason I stopped playing for almost a decade.

    As you mention with regard to FPS games, there will always be those that think they do themselves a favour by using am aim-bot. In my experience, they tend to fade from the game rather quickly. Because they never learn the actual skills, they never truly reach the top tiers.

    The same applies to Achaea.

    Let them buy their systems, let them feel superior. Ultimately, they will pay the price for letting someone else build a system for them.
  • The random thought(s):
    I really wish achaea was more RP intensive. I know this is a game that thrives on combat, but I have always disliked the sense of OOCness that has prevailed in the latter stages of the community. Where does the problem lie? I don't know, I am sure much of it is the forums and skype, but you can't stop that now. There is something fond about having friends in the game, but even I cringe when someone I know says something like "lol" to me.
    I realize that much of the community would find themselves annoyed with having to RP, and it would actually push away many of the highest investors out of the game, as the biggest artie holders seem to have little sense of RP. But really, for someone like me, the only reason I have played for 10+ years is the fact that my character lives his own life with his own impact upon the world. Love him or hate him, Aepas is really his own person. That is something I truly adore, and I truly thrive off the moments I get to embrace that.

    Rp is a strange thing in achaea, where it is nearly always equated to doing sermons or rituals, but I more or less see it as just being in character. I do with to an extent, there were mild rewards for being creative with your endeavors as a character, or perhaps penalties for not being in tune with your char. I wouldn't say XP is a good reward, as dragon deserves to be it's own stupid task, especially now that I have reached it. Dragon is a form of dedication that seems to deserve it's own place. But, I would think that a lesson bonus or gold bonus for being active in RP would make the world a much more vibrant place.

    I love achaea, and its sloppy lore, I just wish that my day to day activities embraced it more, rather than scrounging to honor combat higher than RP capabilities.
    Though just as well, I love combat for it's speed, complexity and intensity (except against occultists). But I wish it had more of a place as a good RP mechanic rather than a more griefy/luzly mechanic.
    Also for the people that whine about XP loss, you should try the muds where death means permadeath.
    I always thought permadeath in achaea would be great, if you could freely transfer your slew or artifacts and lessons around, or at least some of them. I know that's not a good business practice but I always felt like it would be pretty cool.
    Replies the scorpion: "It's my nature..."
  • KlendathuKlendathu Eye of the Storm
    Klendathu sat and discussed "music theory" with another Ashtani bard. Was all bollocks, neither of us really knew any proper theory, but we said big musicy sounding words at one another, nodding appropriately. There's WAAAAAY more to RP than big sermons and scripted events.

    Tharos, the Announcer of Delos shouts, "It's near the end of the egghunt and I still haven't figured out how to pronounce Clean-dat-hoo."
  • AodfionnAodfionn Seattle, WA
    Rip said:
    Here is another,
    Random Thought: When did @Tael become the titling police?

    October 22nd, 2009, between the hours of three and four A.M. Pacific time.
    Aurora says, "Are you drunk, Aodfionn?"
  • When  I first started playing Achaea, all OOC WAS banned.  I find most of the RP these days is only the time of day...at least that's my experience.  However when people go OOC they usually apologize,  and that makes me smile. It is what it is, a little LOL doesn't break me and I really just don't care anymore.  Play the game and have fun.

  • AthelasAthelas Cape Town South Africa
    Actually, with the Eleusian renaissance and a bit of effort on my part, I've found a rich font of RP which I honestly thought was dead and buried.

    In the end, I simply dug in my heals and consistently play Athelas, as the loving old fart (who occasionally finds reason to stick his nose into other people's business) he is.

    Some love him, others tolerate him, yet more are oblivious of the myriad of simple things he does to improve their lives. The recent RP I've been getting out of this simple consistency, has been top shelf stuff.

    Right now, he is learning Sireni, taking time to get his Marque attested, researching the blight in Creville, re-doing his research on Neutrality (from scratch) and quite determined to gain experience, so he can hang out with some of his more experienced friends, more often.

    All of that is 100% RP based. Not a single one of those goals was something I as a player, decided upon.

    There are some seriously long story arcs here, and I'll be sad to see some of them go. But the progression in Athelas as a character, has been astonishing.

    I guess all I really have left to do, is to thank all those that are keeping RP alive and well, and I'll do that by sticking to the RP :)
  • Jovolo said:
    Atalkez said:
    All alias offense ftw
    It doesn't count if the aliases preset your offence to the same effect as automation
    That isn't how mine works. I manually decide everything. My strikes are ingrained in the alias, they don't change. Legslash=knees everytime. Even my infuse is tied to the slash.

    I manual my lock based on curing. Pssa, n, h, s, o, w, k, c, t
    For asthma, paralysis, hypo, slickness, anorexia, weariness, prone, sleep, stupidity

    Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
  • NimNim
    edited April 2015
    lsr ctrl-a rsl ctrl-a asr ctrl-a asl ctrl-a csu ctrl-a csd ctrl-a repeat

    ic csu sh ctrl-a asl sf ctrl-a lsr sk ctrl-a ctrl-z ctrl-q ctrl-x ctrl-z ctrl-x ctrl-x ctrl-x ctrl-b

    afflicting involes starting with ps, selecting from sn, sth, sea, sch, sto, su, etc. applying fv as needed, perhaps il csd, and a lot more ctrl-as.
  • AustereAustere Tennessee
    edited April 2015
    Edit: don't want anyone stealing my alias setup (lol) 
  • F4 does a kelp stack starting with clumsiness, F5 attempts truelock, F6 hinders with stupidity, impatience and lethargy, F7 does a salvelock attempt, F8 hinders with impatience + stupidity and other mentals under impatience, ctrl + F8 sticks dizziness first before stupidity but is otherwise identical, F9 does a ginseng stack into bloodlet. Various things can be toggled specifically with the truelock button with aliases, such as wer to enable/disable weariness for the truelock, rec for reckless for the truelock etc.

    Manual curse stuff: c(\w)(\w) for swiftcursing a given affliction, and attempting to coagulate if a second letter/number is given. b(\w)(\w) does the same for blights. r(\w)(\w) relapses stuff.

    Vodun stuff is: vbl for blackout, m(ll|rl|la|rl) for mangles, various command aliases (vcar for vodun command apply restoration to head for example), vcp for cripple, vbi for bind, vs for slow, vi(various letters) for imbibe venoms, as well as some other stuff.

    Spiritlore has various tether aliases for certain spirits and active commands, like is for invoke snare for Tarnel. Additionally I use a script posted here: http://forums.achaea.com/discussion/3270/spiritlore-tracker-profile-script#latest for managing bindings/attunements easily.

  • Side note: you might think Nim is totally manualling it, but I'm not. I've always used queueing of some sort, though only one action ahead, since it's easier to deal and less spammy than holding down a button (glorious balance chasing indeed!) I also only strike after a slash is confirmed, to prevent situations where I'm incapable of slashing but not striking.

    I keep missing classleads, but maybe I'll just IDEA it, but I'd love a way to send something like "STRIKE X HANDS LEFT OFFBALANCE", and only do something if I don't have balance but still have 'strike balance.'

  • Atalkez said:
    Jovolo said:
    Atalkez said:
    All alias offense ftw
    It doesn't count if the aliases preset your offence to the same effect as automation
    That isn't how mine works. I manually decide everything. My strikes are ingrained in the alias, they don't change. Legslash=knees everytime. Even my infuse is tied to the slash.

    I manual my lock based on curing. Pssa, n, h, s, o, w, k, c, t
    For asthma, paralysis, hypo, slickness, anorexia, weariness, prone, sleep, stupidity
    you see my observations are based on experiences from many months ago back when I logged into the game - if you've made any changes to how your offence works since then, I wouldn't know because I live in the past. Good on you for changing it
  • Jovolo said:
    Atalkez said:
    Jovolo said:
    Atalkez said:
    All alias offense ftw
    It doesn't count if the aliases preset your offence to the same effect as automation
    That isn't how mine works. I manually decide everything. My strikes are ingrained in the alias, they don't change. Legslash=knees everytime. Even my infuse is tied to the slash.

    I manual my lock based on curing. Pssa, n, h, s, o, w, k, c, t
    For asthma, paralysis, hypo, slickness, anorexia, weariness, prone, sleep, stupidity
    you see my observations are based on experiences from many months ago back when I logged into the game - if you've made any changes to how your offence works since then, I wouldn't know because I live in the past. Good on you for changing it
    My offense has never been automated. Not sure where you got that from. I had a system for bard that I never could get to work, so there's that I guess.

    Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
  • I like factionalization, makes things less convoluted. This gives each player a distinct identity to choose from/play in rather than a patchwork of ideals that don't quite match up but are allowed to co-exist because of personal opinions.
    I don't think it affords distinctions, but rather cookie cutter mentalities which reduce the ability to play a role rather than fit a role.

    Take real life U.S. Politics - there are Pro-Choice Republicans and Anti-Choice Democrats. Nobody is kicked out of either party for being "wrong" and they try to effectuate change from within, and/or have to decide regularly how that one issue balances with the rest of their issues.

    THAT makes for an interesting life and dialogue.

    Everybody agreeing about everything all the time or being made to go away?

    :: yawn ::

    - To love another person is to see the face of G/d
    - Let me get my hat and my knife
    - It's your apple, take a bite
    - Don't dream it ... be it

  • Anyone else think star sigils are too expensive?

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  • KyrraKyrra Australia
    Anyone else think star sigils are too expensive?
    Only in Cyrene. They're almost double the cost of what other cities stock them at when I checked a while ago.
    (D.M.A.): Cooper says, "Kyrra is either the most innocent person in the world, or the girl who uses the most innuendo seemingly unintentionally but really on purpose."

  • I just lowered my star sigil price to 500g per to compete with another shop. I used to have them at 600 per. How much are you seeing it for, @Exelethril ?
  • Jukilian said:
    I just lowered my star sigil price to 500g per to compete with another shop. I used to have them at 600 per. How much are you seeing it for, @Exelethril ?
    Which is... undercutting the cost of making it a little, isn't it? With the comm prices I have set (that's by looking between delos comm market price, city prices and sometimes village prices) it's 510gp star sigil. 

    My shop has a group of 5 at 3k... it's 2550g to make the group - so I could lower it, but momma's gotta pay rent and taxes.

  • I've been playing on the flash client with CURING ON since I returned a year ago. When I return from my break I'll be going full mudlet/wundersys or something because my secret is out.

    My two cents are that optimized scripting take so much of the fun out of Achaea that comes from remembering your macros and aliases. I constantly comment on this IG, but the degree of optimization in this game has sucked a lot of the fun out of it. I'm always so frustrated to learn that I lost to someone who had an auto offense thinking for them throughout a fight, and here I am counting limb damage and aff tracking in my head.
  • edited April 2015
    Jukilian said:
    I just lowered my star sigil price to 500g per to compete with another shop. I used to have them at 600 per. How much are you seeing it for, @Exelethril ?
    Well, in terms of comms they are pretty pricey. I think it would be better if they weren't as cheap as an eye sigil but maybe costing 1 silver or gold instead, since chasing through evade is essential for a few momentum classes.

    Edit : Definitely two perspectives here but yeah, I think a cheaper price would make them more relevant for frequent usage.

    [ SnB PvP Guide | Link ]

    [ Runewarden Sparring Videos | Link ]
  • Trilliana said:
    Jukilian said:
    I just lowered my star sigil price to 500g per to compete with another shop.
    Which is... undercutting the cost of making it a little, isn't it? With the comm prices I have set (that's by looking between delos comm market price, city prices and sometimes village prices) it's 510gp star sigil.
    No worries, he'll make it up on volume.
  • JinsunJinsun TN, USA
    Random IC Thought: "I wonder if I cut open a Targossian if I'll find any evidence of Good, Light, or Fire?"

    Now, OOCly of course I'm not going to find anything, but it's gonna be fun to try!"

    @Grom and Jinsun have some real issues when they start kicking around ideas
  • Last night I had a dream about Achaea, and I dreamed up a new top tier combat strategy. It has never been seen before and is potentially devastating. 

    I was doing the strategy in the dream. When I woke up, it still made sense.


  • KlendathuKlendathu Eye of the Storm
    Santar said:
    Last night I had a dream about Achaea, and I dreamed up a new top tier combat strategy. It has never been seen before and is potentially devastating. 

    I was doing the strategy in the dream. When I woke up, it still made sense.
    Does it involve feathers, honey and a wipe-clean covering for the floor?

    Tharos, the Announcer of Delos shouts, "It's near the end of the egghunt and I still haven't figured out how to pronounce Clean-dat-hoo."
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