You don't comment on NBA things that often on the forums! Plus, you like the Clippers. And I'm confused about how I should feel because Budenholzer got hired as the Hawks' head coach.
And as he slept he dreamed a dream, and this was his dream.
After eight months of uncertainty and lots of pressure and rambling to random people about my job, I get a request to attend a meeting with all three of my reviewers (2 local, 1 Australian) today.
I go in not daring to hope for anything, and come out about 15 minutes later finally off review :DDDDDDDD it basically means I'm off probation for my job and am now a full-time employee, so I qualify for bonuses and stuff and I won't be fired at the end of next week (which is when my probation would've ended). I AM SO RELIEVED YAY.
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You don't comment on NBA things that often on the forums! Plus, you like the Clippers. And I'm confused about how I should feel because Budenholzer got hired as the Hawks' head coach.
That's because the Clippers FO sucks. I wanted Malone or Budenholder but both got hired today. That leaves the Van Gundys, Brian Shaw, Lionel Hollins (overrated) and a bunch of retreads. I hope they get Brian Shaw now.
Raves, going to Vegas this weekend, so now I get to bet on Game 6 and maybe Game 7 (if there is one).
@Ellodin@Mishgul While I think Spurs/Heat would be a far more interesting matchup, I hope the Pacers just whip the shit out of them for two more games.
I find both matchups interesting. The Pacers are more likely to play up to their potential, since D-Wade is currently half man, half injured, with that balance perhaps slightly skewed towards the latter.
I also hope someone, even if not necessarily the Clippers, picks up Shaw. He deserves it. I agree that Hollins is overrated, too.
And as he slept he dreamed a dream, and this was his dream.
Bush is a good band. Go Pacers. I hate the blues right now for failing against the LA kings a month back, still bitter. GO CARDINALS!!!! WOOOOOH! NUMBER 1 IN THE MLB!!!!
So my friend is moving to a place where they can't have pets, and I've inherited her ferret, Gambit. Going to go pick him up this weekend and am looking forward to it. He's an awesome lil' guy, very playful, lovable, and apparently possessive of boots. Hmmmm....
I remember it being like 2am and the cabbie drives me and the wolf pack out a ways, and Im twisted sick by this point, and yacked out the window while he was taking a left turn, to sorta arc my alcohol breathrain away from his vehicle body. He's like, "Man, you pretty damn good at that!" I looked at him with cold dead eyes, and he knew he was riding with a legend. The constitution of a bull, I was not to be deterred and I was ready for the next stop. OOC Rave it was indeed, and last thing I remember was hanging out by an air conditioner unit, and my friend gave me a few things to eat.
I woke up from whatever happened, 200 miles away and in a trailer camper parked by the Pacific ocean. I was a bit mesmerized as I woke up, and some dude was cooking bacon. I thought about freaking out, but he the dude just looks at me and said, "Bacon's almost done. Its gonna be a sunny day."
At that point, who cares where my truck was. Shit like that doesn't matter compared to the little things. Apparently, when the rest of the pack caught up with me, I was heckled for hours with tales of laughter and crazy shit I supposedly did between the air conditioner unit, and the bacon man. Having been incidents occurring outside of memory banks, I claim no responsibility for such allegations, and just assume Mr. Hyde still lurks within me some days.
This was in Mid February, in the year 2009. That was my last OOC Rave.
It has been a particularly bad 2013. A trainwreck of accidents, death, realisations and its times like these when you can see who your real friends are, and i am glad that i can always see the light at the end of the tunnel because of them. A positive attitude goes such a long way.
One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important
Rave for @Cromm for sneaking a new reflex feature into the HTML5 client. Being able to reflexively run functions without extra line spam is awesome and I love it. Now I can clean up some of my coding!
It went awful, of course, but the rest of the day made up for it. The sun finally came out, I went to the market for lunch and ended up having oysters (because screw the "what's appropriate on cramps and an empty stomach" police!), took the tube home and saw delicious Benedict on his Star Trek poster and lovely Colin Farrell on... I don't know actually, another film poster. And Brad Pitt but meh, I like my men oddly proportioned and with thick eyebrows.
Now I'm home, with a big meringue as a treat, and getting ready for a weekend away! Yay yay I've not been happy in months, this is amazing, I should pace myself.
I just need to wait for my crows to come say hello and my day will be complete!
Am I allowed to rave about things I did? I'm not raving about myself per se but really just how lovely it feels to do something spontaneously nice for someone every now and then.
On my way home I gave a homeless man the 2nd of my 2 sandwiches that came with my meal. He said thank you so much, god bless and sat down from begging (where he'd been at least 4 hours since I saw him on my way out) at the stop light to eat it and kept waving at me and smiling the whole time I idled there.
Felt good man. Good feels, such good feels. Feels nice to feel like you gave someone a little hope and made their day.
(Mhaldor's Next Top Model): Melodie says, "Get rekt scrubbbbb."
(Mhaldor's Next Top Model): You say, "Scrubbbssss."
(Mhaldor's Next Top Model): Trey says, "Austere was hangin' out the passenger side of his best friend's ride, apparently."
Am I allowed to rave about things I did? I'm not raving about myself per se but really just how lovely it feels to do something spontaneously nice for someone every now and then.
On my way home I gave a homeless man the 2nd of my 2 sandwiches that came with my meal. He said thank you so much, god bless and sat down from begging (where he'd been at least 4 hours since I saw him on my way out) at the stop light to eat it and kept waving at me and smiling the whole time I idled there.
Felt good man. Good feels, such good feels. Feels nice to feel like you gave someone a little hope and made their day.
I gave a beggar kid my banana lunch one time and then he threw it to the ground. Was hungry that I considered taking it but it was on the streets where people are looking so I just walked away sad and hungry.
Bleh, work ate my gaming life. 내가 제일 잘 나가!!!111!!1
I don't even do rock climbing and the thought of rain in a rock climbing session already terrifies me.
League of Legends: IA ROCKS (NA) Guild Wars 2: erasariel.1532 - Devona's Rest (NA) Final Fantasy XIV: Novi Selea - Cactuar (NA) Steam: Achaea: Erasariel (duh!)
One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important
Stories by Jurixe and Stories by Jurixe 2
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One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important
Party right, party hard,
Sing and dance, perfect bard.
Prefarar loop, accentato whore,Buy a new rapier, get nerfed some more.
One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important
<a href=''><imgsrc='' /></a>
<a href=''><imgsrc='' /></a>
*this doesn't mean there is no more work to do, I have heaps of supervision and research stuff.
One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important
내가 제일 잘 나가!!!111!!1
→My Mudlet Scripts
League of Legends: IA ROCKS (NA)
Guild Wars 2: erasariel.1532 - Devona's Rest (NA)
Final Fantasy XIV: Novi Selea - Cactuar (NA)
Achaea: Erasariel (duh!)