OOC Raves



  • AereidhnaAereidhna Dallas
    edited August 2015
    Swapped with someone for 7-3:30 Saturday through Wednesday, and now that I am adjusting to it from working nights and actually able to sleep through the night, I fucking love this shift. Have been super sleep deprived and bitchy the past few days while adjusting, sorry if I was terse to anyone ic! Was a rough weekend. First week is always hard but the work is awesome so can't complain. Kind of missed working weekends, it rocks. Not being able to stay up til 3am on Achaea sucks, but now I can be around for serenade more. :) 
  • KayeilKayeil Washington State
    And now a rant that's going to turn into a rave...

    So last month I went to Sitka, Alaska to visit my relatives up there. My family is Alaskan native so we have a bunch of family residing in Alaska, and Sitka is where our clan is based. Sitka is a part of the Tongass Rainforest, and it was raining almost the entire time I was there. Well, apparently it hasn't stopped and today they had four land slides. The pictures and videos are crazy to look at.

    The rave part is that so far my family members are okay. Some of them were evacuated, but they are in a safe place right now, and so far they have not lost their home. I hope that this rain stops soon and that there will be no more destruction, because it worries me that something can happen to them at any time. :frown: 
    What doesn't kill you gives you exp.

  • Did my very first yard sale today, did pretty well.  Then spent the rest of the day at the beach with my 3 best girls.  A very good day
  • AhmetAhmet Wherever I wanna be
    edited August 2015
    :rave: for the aquarium I went to that had a fucking black jaguar. Yes, that's right. Aquarium. YOU HEARD ME RIGHT MUTHAFUCKAS. UH-KWAR-EEE-UHM. JA-GU-AR.

    EDIT: @Tecton y no :rave: smiley? :(
    Huh. Neat.
  • KlendathuKlendathu Eye of the Storm
    Took two of my kids here, which included short stops on Skaro and at 76 Totter's Lane.

    Tharos, the Announcer of Delos shouts, "It's near the end of the egghunt and I still haven't figured out how to pronounce Clean-dat-hoo."
  • rave for my RL friend who gave me some secret info about the occultists that made me decide to not quit for awhile. now to figure out how to learn this IC, so I can enjoy the fruits of his indescretion
  • Doing peer counseling and needs assessment. Love that part of my second job.

    Vacation finally dropped at my "real" job, because I've finally been there for a continuous period of a year (have been working there on and off for much longer). And of course a bunch of positions are opening up that I really really want at other agencies, that I'd be good at, that...do not offer decent benefits, regular hours, and copious amounts of medical leave for my crippled ass, and instead offer a lot of on-call super stressful crisis intervention stuff that I...love doing but will burn me out. Not to mention grant cycles. Shudder. I will probably stay where I am (which is not a bad place to be), mild rant for wanderlust, though.

    School is amazing, tutorials are at terrible times, I don't know how I'm going to manage that, but rave for classes making me feel more at peace and helping me get my priorities together.

    I reconnected with an old friend who I missed a lot and it is really good to talk to her again. She is getting me into k dramas, which are fun (because I...clearly need more unproductive things to do with my time!).
  • Have to love friends that drag you off to play even more unproductive games because PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD I CAN'T WATCH YOU READ TEXT AT SUPERSONIC SPEED ANYMORE IT'S LEAGUE TIME, it actually improved my mood a lot and I had a blast because I suck at it and the two I play with are in North America's top 3 and 5% and all they could do was yell STOP NO YOU'RE NOOOO and of course I enjoy every opportunity to traumatize people.

    I also enjoy people that drop by my dorm room at 00:30 to bring me cookies. 

    I even washed my dishes without screaming in agony about it, which was a first. 

    Duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh hurty, duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh fighty, hurty, fighty, hurty, fighty, slicey, slicey, facey, kickey -

    art stream / twitter / ko-fi

  • Leliel said:
    the two I play with are in North America's top 3 and 5%
    :surprised: I need to be your friend in League! Plus I can teach you all of my scrub knowledge to help you become a little bit better (and a whole lot worst!)
    You know, that one thing at that one place, with that one person.

    Yea, that one!
  • Dortheron said:

    Leliel said:
    the two I play with are in North America's top 3 and 5%
    :surprised: I need to be your friend in League! Plus I can teach you all of my scrub knowledge to help you become a little bit better (and a whole lot worst!)
    :O okies! I am a total noob though I fail really bad hahah
    Duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh hurty, duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh fighty, hurty, fighty, hurty, fighty, slicey, slicey, facey, kickey -

    art stream / twitter / ko-fi
  • Spring is finally kicking in.

    Currently sitting on my balcony, beer in hand, Nightwatch audiobook playing on my phone, and slowly hunting towards level 90.

    Its going to be a good weekend.

  • After Arlovski/Mir, watching DJ and Dodson is insane.
    And as he slept he dreamed a dream, and this was his dream.
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