Ah, yes, summer amongst the hippies! The weird and near weird (and their bongs) have been unleashed. Went to the annual Fairfax Festival/Ecofest today, spent most of it contact high, was pleasantly surprised by the show Honeydust (local band) put on, was less impressed by the aroma of some of the wandering droves (protip: wearing patchouli oil and/or drugstore cologne doesn't actually make up for the fact that you haven't bathed since February). Had fun, though!
Still not doing too bad. Can buy gasoline without buying cigarettes. I do eat though. Non or low-fat, low-sodium, basically-solidified-water constantly though.
The hardest part is figuring out what to do during those lulls in which I would normally fill with nicotine.
I am retired and log into the forums maybe once every 2 months. It was a good 20 years, live your best lives, friends.
@Jonathin I took the easy way lot and got an electronic vapor thing. It has all the pros and no cons, aside from catching flag from both smoker and non-smokers.
I got double brownie ice cream. It's the little things, people. Oh, and I have a guaranteed job when my buddy's leg heals(which is going fantastically already.)
On Sunday, my wife and I took our kids to their first SF Giants baseball game for Father's Day. Quite randomly, a man walked towards us during pregame activities and asked, "May I ask you a question (Hi Clementius!)?" "Of course," I said. He replied, "How would like to throw out the first pitch before the game?"
Before the first pitch with ball:
Bringing the low heat:
Hugs with Sergio Romo -- too bad he blew another game
@Jonathin I took the easy way lot and got an electronic vapor thing. It has all the pros and no cons, aside from catching flag from both smoker and non-smokers.
It's an idea, but happy thoughts, support, and five tons of gum a day are working for me.
I am retired and log into the forums maybe once every 2 months. It was a good 20 years, live your best lives, friends.
Obviously faked. I don't see the words 'project,' '100,' or 'updated' anywhere in that list.
@Mathonwy, @Kyrra, @Sybilla, @Kei: I updated it on 5/29/14. I just didn't update the Status to reflect that. However, I'll edit it again to take out Tael and others. Sybilla, Kyrra, and Kei, if you want the project, just ask. I've run it successfully for several IC decades. I'm saying this because you clicked LOL, so you must agree that it's not updated enough. Perhaps you think Maefeng doesn't do anything productive, but frankly I don't care.
Also, Mathonwy, the word cloud is not faked. Of course, you're a nobody in my life no matter how hard you seek my attention. Let that make you (evidently) hate me more, if you want
@Tohran, do you even have an alt to view Project 100? Furthermore, how dare you, Kei and Sybilla be nice to Maefeng's face IC and then laugh at a post like Mathonwy's without so much as doing a little bit of research (such as inputting PROJECT 100 and seeing when it was updated).
@The people that agree with @Trey's indirect statement that my designs are "gaudy" "as" "fuck" -- I don't care. I'm very successful and I have a very large fan base. You're free to have your opinions.
Oh, and poor @Trey! I'm so (not) sorry I left you for last. You're really not even worth a comment, though. So there, you get an honourable mention.
I too have a very large fan base, and am quite successful, i too know how it feels when people don't appreciate all the work I have done for Ashtan lately
One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important
Ok, I'm just gonna come out and say it, @Maefeng. You're designs ARE gaudy as hell. But that's your thing and it works for you and those who like your stuff, so it's whatever to me. The formatting on Project 100 makes my eyes bleed as does your shop every single time I have to go in and do a chancellory report.
You wanna know why I'm avoiding you Icly and not answering the random ooc messages you send me? Because the more time I've spent around you, the more I've found you to be whining, prejudiced, and that being a homosexual male playing a female character (Wow, big shocker) character is some big secret that you call fight club, when guess what? It's not hard to figure out. I've heard you make highly prejudiced, rude, and franky messed up remarks on that sometimes IC sometimes OOC clan of yours, and that is what has pushed me away from interacting with you at all.
To wrap it up, people tell you to shut constantly, because you are just that irritating on city. Including the people you just said were nice to your face ic. Hell, one of em just basically said they wished you'd stop talking to them last night! I been holding back all this crap to be nice, but you are constantly going after people, and I'm sick of seeing it both icly and oocly.
Edit : Oh and as a Bisexual male myself, you make me see everything I hate about the stereotype that ones like you create around our community.
Ah, yes, summer amongst the hippies! The weird and near weird (and their bongs) have been unleashed. Went to the annual Fairfax Festival/Ecofest today, spent most of it contact high, was pleasantly surprised by the show Honeydust (local band) put on, was less impressed by the aroma of some of the wandering droves (protip: wearing patchouli oil and/or drugstore cologne doesn't actually make up for the fact that you haven't bathed since February). Had fun, though!
but patchouli cures everything...... EVERYTHING!

Was going through random videos on Youtube and I found @Carmain trying to convince his girlfriend to play achaea with him.
Still not doing too bad. Can buy gasoline without buying cigarettes. I do eat though. Non or low-fat, low-sodium, basically-solidified-water constantly though.
The hardest part is figuring out what to do during those lulls in which I would normally fill with nicotine.
Drink water?
Eat an eclair?
When I was quitting, I would do the local paper's jumble puzzle or part of a crossword.
The WTF button is gone.
Had a great time at Bonnaroo! Thanks to @Jhui @Dunn @Gyrth and @Xio for being fun and friendly.
Even better than Bonnaroo?
The post Bonnaroo shower at home...amazing.
I wish everyone could experience this wonderful feeling I got after the last of the nicotine was purged from my system. Much alert, very energy.
Also, I have not had a single coughing fit in 2 days.
Either one of those reasons is plenty for me to fight past any cravings and stay smoke free. I haven't felt this good in years.
U S A! U S A! U S A!
@Jonathin I took the easy way lot and got an electronic vapor thing. It has all the pros and no cons, aside from catching flag from both smoker and non-smokers.
I got double brownie ice cream. It's the little things, people. Oh, and I have a guaranteed job when my buddy's leg heals(which is going fantastically already.)
Life, plsnowhammies?
On Sunday, my wife and I took our kids to their first SF Giants baseball game for Father's Day. Quite randomly, a man walked towards us during pregame activities and asked, "May I ask you a question (Hi Clementius!)?" "Of course," I said. He replied, "How would like to throw out the first pitch before the game?"
Before the first pitch with ball:
Bringing the low heat:
Hugs with Sergio Romo -- too bad he blew another game
It's an idea, but happy thoughts, support, and five tons of gum a day are working for me.
I finally got a word cloud for Maefeng's designs! I'm so happy!
Nooo! The pic looks so small even though it's actually so big originally.
How do I make it larger?
I got it!
That's weird. I read that top to bottom and I don't see 'gaudy', 'as', -or- 'fuck'
Obviously faked. I don't see the words 'project,' '100,' or 'updated' anywhere in that list.
@Mathonwy, @Kyrra, @Sybilla, @Kei: I updated it on 5/29/14. I just didn't update the Status to reflect that. However, I'll edit it again to take out Tael and others. Sybilla, Kyrra, and Kei, if you want the project, just ask. I've run it successfully for several IC decades. I'm saying this because you clicked LOL, so you must agree that it's not updated enough. Perhaps you think Maefeng doesn't do anything productive, but frankly I don't care.
Also, Mathonwy, the word cloud is not faked. Of course, you're a nobody in my life no matter how hard you seek my attention. Let that make you (evidently) hate me more, if you want
@Tohran, do you even have an alt to view Project 100? Furthermore, how dare you, Kei and Sybilla be nice to Maefeng's face IC and then laugh at a post like Mathonwy's without so much as doing a little bit of research (such as inputting PROJECT 100 and seeing when it was updated).
@Tharvis, I don't even know you, I'm pretty sure.
You all disgust me right now.
@The people that agree with @Trey's indirect statement that my designs are "gaudy" "as" "fuck" -- I don't care. I'm very successful and I have a very large fan base. You're free to have your opinions.
Oh, and poor @Trey! I'm so (not) sorry I left you for last. You're really not even worth a comment, though. So there, you get an honourable mention.
I too have a very large fan base, and am quite successful, i too know how it feels when people don't appreciate all the work I have done for Ashtan lately
One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important
Ok, I'm just gonna come out and say it, @Maefeng. You're designs ARE gaudy as hell. But that's your thing and it works for you and those who like your stuff, so it's whatever to me. The formatting on Project 100 makes my eyes bleed as does your shop every single time I have to go in and do a chancellory report.
You wanna know why I'm avoiding you Icly and not answering the random ooc messages you send me? Because the more time I've spent around you, the more I've found you to be whining, prejudiced, and that being a homosexual male playing a female character (Wow, big shocker) character is some big secret that you call fight club, when guess what? It's not hard to figure out. I've heard you make highly prejudiced, rude, and franky messed up remarks on that sometimes IC sometimes OOC clan of yours, and that is what has pushed me away from interacting with you at all.
To wrap it up, people tell you to shut constantly, because you are just that irritating on city. Including the people you just said were nice to your face ic. Hell, one of em just basically said they wished you'd stop talking to them last night! I been holding back all this crap to be nice, but you are constantly going after people, and I'm sick of seeing it both icly and oocly.
Edit : Oh and as a Bisexual male myself, you make me see everything I hate about the stereotype that ones like you create around our community.
#realtalk #whoa
One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important