Most of the kids in my feeding program have gained 2 - 3 kilos in the past 8 weeks A few are lagging behind, particularly some of the girls, I think the boys have bigger appetites. But we've got some weeks to go so all should be restored to normal weight
Went to the brain doctor (for being a grad student of Psychology, I sure do find a lot of non-official ways to refer to shrinks...), who was surprisingly receptive to actually listening to what was (and what wasn't!) going on with this faulty brain of mine. Got what I wanted out of the appointment, and will be going back next week for a follow-up. Perhaps I can stop having life be me vs. my brain chemistry?
You know you live in the country when you look out your front door and see a minivan drive by with a grill tied to the bumper, pulling it down the road. Haha, sparks were flying from under the grill's rear wheels. God, I love some of these people.
My dentist! He's seriously awesome and after a whole month of not seeing him, he's even more dreamy. I really appreciate that he takes the time to talk things through with me and helps lower my anxiety about going to the dentist in general.
My doctor told me I could be dead within five years and this is a massive rave. Now I finally have no choice but to put myself first, and surprisingly, my family is actually being supportive of the huge changes I need to make in my life.
The last few months have been both exhausting and challenging, with a lot of moments where any attempts to go forward just seemed so futile. The support and encouragement I've been given from the two people I confided in is a constant source of resolve, for which I am eternally grateful.
Next on the list is fixing these broken tear ducts!
(D.M.A.): Cooper says, "Kyrra is either the most innocent person in the world, or the girl who uses the most innuendo seemingly unintentionally but really on purpose."
By the time I hit season 5 I'll have built up so much momentum I won't be able to stop, whether I want to or not.
It was originally planned to end with season 5. Everything builds up to that as the climax and conclusion, it's the pot of gold at the end of the plot arc. You'll understand when you watch it.
They kept it going anyway, against the wishes of the show's creator. Presumably Jensen Ackles' charisma was the only thing holding up The CW at the time. Seasons 6, 7, and 8 are ok, but they're aimless and meandering in contrast to 1-5.
Agree with this, in terms of plot. But I can't betray the fandom: Watch S6 for Castiel. And Crowley. Swoon.
The invterview went well, just waiting to hear back. I hate interviews, for some reason I just get nervous before I go into one. Then I worry that they'll think I'm shady because I'm nervous, then I get even more nervous while trying not to appear at all nervous to avoid seeming shady. Nevertheless, it went really well, and....I'll get to keep my beard, peircings, and tattoos weren't a problem .
The sweltering heat of the forge spills out across the land as the rumbling voice of Phaestus booms, "I want you to know, the Garden reaction to that one is: What?" The voice of Melantha, Goddess of the Seasons, echoes amid the rustle of leaves, "That's the censored version."
Great day, with great kids! We touched a dead mole (awesome), cracked open a hedge apple, played with a crayfish claw, caught minnows, drew vultures, played with deer bones, and identified scat.
Lol my TV got wrecked in the last flood, most of the family have dry cough and we're running out of funds for house building. Imagine our surprise when a relative who owes us money we have basically written off drops by to give us this: as part of paying us back and some monies. Talk about unexpected and welcome surprises.
Bleh, work ate my gaming life. 내가 제일 잘 나가!!!111!!1
Yesterday, I got a flat tire on the way to work, the placement of the two punctures looking like some sort of 5-6" long spike, tire irreparable. Tire iron the size of a grapefruit spoon was unable to get leverage on the lugs to get the tire off. At this point, obscenities flow out of my mouth like they were water, my lips valiant firefighters desperately trying to put out the blaze that was my rage.
Note my complete fucking 180 degree turnaround when I figure out that not only does my insurance cover roadside assistance, but driving five miles on the spare to Discount Tire reveals that I bought the warranty when I replaced all four of them last year. Total cost of event: 2 hours of work and $9.50 for a brand new tire to be put on.
I had to ring the Ireland division of our company tonight. Their hold music is the theme score used when the orcs were charging across the battlefield in LOTR! This just pips Japan's hold music of Lavender Town. It also makes me wonder why they don't use the hold music we're suppose to use globally according to company policy...
"Faded away like the stars in the morning, Losing their light in the glorious sun, Thus would we pass from this earth and its toiling, Only remembered for what we have done."
my final (which I know I got one question wrong because I mis-clicked
something after it warned me that I forgot to answer it) I have a 92.14.
I think I did good enough
Yay! Finished my midterm papers. I feel so dead inside, but its such a huge relief. Not to mention this Todd Terje song has got me in such a good mood.
First severe thunderstorm of the season. Laying across my bed, listening to rain on the roof, the rattle of my windows with the thunder, and watching streak after streak of lightning light the sky.
(D.M.A.): Cooper says, "Kyrra is either the most innocent person in the world, or the girl who uses the most innuendo seemingly unintentionally but really on purpose."
First severe thunderstorm of the season. Laying across my bed, listening to rain on the roof, the rattle of my windows with the thunder, and watching streak after streak of lightning light the sky.
First real snowstorm of the season. Sitting in the window bow, seeing the flakes cover the ground, and watching the green vanish under a blanket of white.
Oh and having highspeed internet again! I'm back on the grid. Which means I can Achaea again!
Hiroma tells you, "I just got to listen to someone complain about your deadly axekick being the bane of their existence." Archdragon Mizik Corten, Herald of Ruin says, "Man, that was a big axk." Hellrazor Cain de Soulis, Sartan's Hammer says, "Your [sic] a beast."
Meow, meow, etc.
Eiredhel's Family Tree
My doctor told me I could be dead within five years and this is a massive rave. Now I finally have no choice but to put myself first, and surprisingly, my family is actually being supportive of the huge changes I need to make in my life.
The last few months have been both exhausting and challenging, with a lot of moments where any attempts to go forward just seemed so futile. The support and encouragement I've been given from the two people I confided in is a constant source of resolve, for which I am eternally grateful.
Next on the list is fixing these broken tear ducts!
Apparently we want to touch this!
The voice of Melantha, Goddess of the Seasons, echoes amid the rustle of leaves, "That's the censored version."
→My Mudlet Scripts
내가 제일 잘 나가!!!111!!1
Note my complete fucking 180 degree turnaround when I figure out that not only does my insurance cover roadside assistance, but driving five miles on the spare to Discount Tire reveals that I bought the warranty when I replaced all four of them last year. Total cost of event: 2 hours of work and $9.50 for a brand new tire to be put on.
Life is good.
Losing their light in the glorious sun,
Thus would we pass from this earth and its toiling,
Only remembered for what we have done."
Without my final (which I know I got one question wrong because I mis-clicked something after it warned me that I forgot to answer it) I have a 92.14. I think I did good enough
One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important
Oh and having highspeed internet again! I'm back on the grid. Which means I can Achaea again!
zGUI 4.0 - A Free GUI for Mudlet 4.10+
Archdragon Mizik Corten, Herald of Ruin says, "Man, that was a big axk."
Hellrazor Cain de Soulis, Sartan's Hammer says, "Your [sic] a beast."
Used to be good, got ridonkulous after the third season. Game of Thrones S4 needs to be out already.
+1 E4 though. Best background tv ever
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Dear Students,
Congratulation for making above 90% course grade average.*does a dance* Yes, I'm ignoring her continuous grammar and spelling issues, as well as her continued use of Comic Sans.
It continues to amaze me how popular Comic Sans is in academia.
→My Mudlet Scripts