Torc is low on my list, and I'm trying weaponry but that only opens up venoms and behead; venoms only serve to hold a person in retard.
Basically, if they tumble on retard, they're free. Even if I follow and focus, they've still cured a good amount in those three seconds. I've tried stacking like 2 or 3 holos then completing the prep, retard, break, hit with curare, aconite, prefarar then leaving to throw a few daggers, but they can still tumble. By the time I jab a few venoms and get lucky with stridulation, I don't have time to behead or go for damage. Yes, a torc with 1 second stupidity and 1 second paralyze must be nice, but for unartied Magi, I don't think beating people past a certain health threshold is possible. Unless their system shits itself in retard.
I understand artefacts should increase your abilities, but they should not be required to pull off an offense. On a person with 5500 health, I have little chance of anything besides behead.
I'm saying all of this to make the point that Magi is far from OP, and if we have a few nifty tools to get out of things, then so what? Go focus on nerfing monks or something, leave us alone.
Torc is low on my list, and I'm trying weaponry but that only opens up venoms and behead; venoms only serve to hold a person in retard.
Basically, if they tumble on retard, they're free. Even if I follow and focus, they've still cured a good amount in those three seconds. I've tried stacking like 2 or 3 holos then completing the prep, retard, break, hit with curare, aconite, prefarar then leaving to throw a few daggers, but they can still tumble. By the time I jab a few venoms and get lucky with stridulation, I don't have time to behead or go for damage. Yes, a torc with 1 second stupidity and 1 second paralyze must be nice, but for unartied Magi, I don't think beating people past a certain health threshold is possible. Unless their system shits itself in retard.
I understand artefacts should increase your abilities, but they should not be required to pull off an offense. On a person with 5500 health, I have little chance of anything besides behead.
I'm saying all of this to make the point that Magi is far from OP, and if we have a few nifty tools to get out of things, then so what? Go focus on nerfing monks or something, leave us alone.
You have things like web and transfix that also prevent drop monolith/touch cloak after a tumble. Basically, the idea of fighting in ret is that your passive vibes "stack" for you, as you afflict with weaponry to consume their one cure per round in ret. If you don't have that, then staffstrike freeze/prone with breaks would be the idea. You do this until you get a nice bit of RNG with vibes to prevent or cancel a tumble, or stupidity blocking a command. They should only get one command for each time you hit them. This opens up strategies like jabbing gecko over arm breaks to empty their pipes and prevent limb curing. With addiction, rift-locks and pipe-locks in retardation are actually pretty viable. Meanwhile you're doing passive damage with entities hailstorm, not to mention your jab damage! If you're genuinely having trouble, just throw a few logs up in combat logs or make a thread - You might get some useful advice out of it.
It's not as uber hard as you're making it out to be. Grab envenom in weaponry if you want to take people down that you can't out-damage. Torc isn't needed offensively, I see it more as being a defensive crutch if you find yourself on the backfoot. Nearly unhinderable para/stupid at 1s eq in ret makes it hard to take advantage of a Magi dropping ret and forces escape tactics.
I sparred a priest just now and did nothing but spam bloodboil and she still outpaced me with afflictions. It's hardly OP. I had more luck going on the offensive and using staffstrike water to slow her affliction rate.
Point being, when I say "Oh, I Magi can't kill high-health opponents," you all say, "Use your class skills and be creative." Well, when you can't stack afflictions on a Magi, my retort will now be, "use your class skills and be creative."
Jovolo, Gecko is a good idea, as well as vardrax, and I'll be doing some testing with it. Although, sparring Iskla, even outrunning his tumble and getting vibes focused before he completed it, in the second or two he had he was able to set me back a good ways and ultimately I lost the fight, as retard had already killed a good portion of my vibes.
I sparred a priest just now and did nothing but spam bloodboil and she still outpaced me with afflictions. It's hardly OP. I had more luck going on the offensive and using staffstrike water to slow her affliction rate.
Point being, when I say "Oh, I Magi can't kill high-health opponents," you all say, "Use your class skills and be creative." Well, when you can't stack afflictions on a Magi, my retort will now be, "use your class skills and be creative."
Jovolo, Gecko is a good idea, as well as vardrax, and I'll be doing some testing with it. Although, sparring Iskla, even outrunning his tumble and getting vibes focused before he completed it, in the second or two he had he was able to set me back a good ways and ultimately I lost the fight, as retard had already killed a good portion of my vibes.
I sparred a priest just now and did nothing but spam bloodboil and she still outpaced me with afflictions. It's hardly OP. I had more luck going on the offensive and using staffstrike water to slow her affliction rate.
Point being, when I say "Oh, I Magi can't kill high-health opponents," you all say, "Use your class skills and be creative." Well, when you can't stack afflictions on a Magi, my retort will now be, "use your class skills and be creative."
Jovolo, Gecko is a good idea, as well as vardrax, and I'll be doing some testing with it. Although, sparring Iskla, even outrunning his tumble and getting vibes focused before he completed it, in the second or two he had he was able to set me back a good ways and ultimately I lost the fight, as retard had already killed a good portion of my vibes.
not to say my priorities couldn't use some work and whatnot, but still. It's a far cry from God Mode.
Also, to clarify, I focused my vibes, and needed to ring them, but didn't realize the heinous EQ on ring would let her get such a head start on afflictions. Then I figured, "Hell, I can turn on God Mode for a minute and outpace her afflicting, then get back in the fight." Turns out, I was wrong.
not to say my priorities couldn't use some work and whatnot, but still. It's a far cry from God Mode.
Also, to clarify, I focused my vibes, and needed to ring them, but didn't realize the heinous EQ on ring would let her get such a head start on afflictions. Then I figured, "Hell, I can turn on God Mode for a minute and outpace her afflicting, then get back in the fight." Turns out, I was wrong.
As an aside, that log made it fun to see what the best Priest combatant in Achaea does and how she effectively uses her abilities compared to other Priests. Priest has been known to be a defensive powerhouse and many Priests just write off their offense as weak whereas Katlin actually looked through the available abilities and uses them really efficiently.
And anyways, bloodboil not keeping you alive versus Priest does not mean that bloodboil isn't overpowered. It effectively shut downs practically every other affliction class in the game.
Regarding learning Magi combat you can hit me up in game. Hasar is the best Magi combatant around, though.
Although, sparring Iskla, even outrunning his tumble and getting vibes focused before he completed it, in the second or two he had he was able to set me back a good ways and ultimately I lost the fight, as retard had already killed a good portion of my vibes.
If there was no mono in the room he was tumbling to, why didn't you just brazier him back in?
It's been said before that transfixing can stop touching cloak too quickly after tumbling as well (I didn't know that, totally going to try it).
Maybe we need a 'Combat Tips and Discussion' thread under the Magi section.
Edit: Also, if I were quick enough and noticed, I would totally just cancel the tumble in whatever way I could after you moved your vibes and stayed in the room >_>
Spamming bloodboil destroys affliction classes entirely. Recently, there was an addition of balance time to dragonheal to bring it in line with other active heals such as fool tarot.
Add a 20 second cooldown to bloodboil to bring it in line with other active cures.
Solution #2:
Solution #3:
I certainly spammed the hell out of it, and it didn't seem to make a damn. In the second spar I was able to mount a much better offense by foregoing bloodboil, though I need to work on managing my mana a lot better. The above post was in response to Santar essentially calling me a liar.
To further disclaim the log, after a raid with Hashan earlier, I had to reinstall SVO and redo all of the priority lists and defence lists, so my priorities probably were not what they should have been. Though with my limited knowledge, it might not have helped anyways.
I didn't claim to be the most competent Magi, but the fact is I spammed bloodboil, and she still outpaced me. And nice job editing out the shithead response you put up first. I haven't asked for any type of bullshit from you, so let's keep it civil, shall we? Or we can measure dicks. Your call, I'll get my ruler. If you're trolling, stop. I never claimed to be an expert, but let's avoid trying to make someone out to be something they're not.
And @Jukilian, I wanted to see if moving ahead of their tumble would work as a counter to tumbling to monolith, as I don't really have a method of stopping the tumble after it starts.
You clearly misinterpret Dunn's classlead. Priest just needs any afflictions to run your mana down, Katlin is also a Siren so she gets an extra free aff to help outpace you. Different story.
If my sleep deprived state is understanding his classlead correctly, he's referring to the fact it's nearly impossible to truelock (or any type of lock, really) a Magi who's doing nothing but bloodboil spam to help themselves recover.
Coulda sworn she was Siren when I looked earlier at her honours... Priest still has ways to bypass bloodboil spam, in any case. Namely inquisition+hellsight, which is silly strong with the lower cost on inquisition now. Either way, it's not the kind of 'affliction class' that Dunn was referring to, I'm fairly certain.
You clearly misinterpret Dunn's classlead. Priest just needs any afflictions to run your mana down, Katlin is also a Siren so she gets an extra free aff to help outpace you. Different story.
If my sleep deprived state is understanding his classlead correctly, he's referring to the fact it's nearly impossible to truelock (or any type of lock, really) a Magi who's doing nothing but bloodboil spam to help themselves recover.
Katlin is a dwarf.
Also, in that log, it looks like Katlin intelligently used confusion stacking to increase your bloodboil equilibrium to what? 6-8 seconds? That makes it much less effective.
Torc is low on my list, and I'm trying weaponry but that only opens up venoms and behead; venoms only serve to hold a person in retard.
Basically, if they tumble on retard, they're free. Even if I follow and focus, they've still cured a good amount in those three seconds. I've tried stacking like 2 or 3 holos then completing the prep, retard, break, hit with curare, aconite, prefarar then leaving to throw a few daggers, but they can still tumble. By the time I jab a few venoms and get lucky with stridulation, I don't have time to behead or go for damage. Yes, a torc with 1 second stupidity and 1 second paralyze must be nice, but for unartied Magi, I don't think beating people past a certain health threshold is possible. Unless their system shits itself in retard.
I understand artefacts should increase your abilities, but they should not be required to pull off an offense. On a person with 5500 health, I have little chance of anything besides behead.
I'm saying all of this to make the point that Magi is far from OP, and if we have a few nifty tools to get out of things, then so what? Go focus on nerfing monks or something, leave us alone.
Wtf. Did you miss unartied Hasar magi and unartied Terra magi? It is definitely possible to kill every person in the game as magi without a single artifact. It's the only class I've managed to kill Jhui as, and I'm pretty sure Hasar has killed Jhui too (I feel like Jhui is like the classic definition of OP). And we either were unartied or used tactics easily usable unartied.
Magi is an amazing unartied class, easily in competition for strongest in the game.
Also, I'm not sure where you get the idea that you can't kill people with a dagger or rapier. After I traded in my artie dirk on Terra, I was fully unartied with a rapier, and people of all health levels will definitely die to vibes + rapier damage, while you're jabbing hindering and locking venoms.
Edit: There are definitely some counters to magi, but you aren't at the level of magi combat yet where those are what's stopping you. You should be able to kill most people all the time as magi, and even the remaining people sometimes, when RNG favors you or the person is lazy/forgets their monolith, etc.
Killed Jhui twice in the arena, yes. Granted he played in Ret and then he adapted well or decided to play harder and swept me like 3 times. Really good fighters adapt after fighting X times. And On the other side, good fighters have to constantly think of new offenses and tricks.
I find it laughable that you just said that priest is one of the top classes offensively, however, I do agree that Paladin just got a pretty massive upgrade. With that said, paladins don't have access to much affliction stacking potential in 1v1 combat, so I'm not -too- worried about Hellsight from paladins breaking combat.
It's also a very slow ability, and can't be combo'd much if at all (still studying the details of priest combos, and only arc/hellsight for paladin [4 second balance]), so in the long run, it's not something that should be worried about that much as long as is prioritized correctly.
If anything, I think the upgrade is a massiveupgrade for apostates, being the only class with realistic locking/affliction stacking potential who can easily afflict with hellsight.
Damnation is only "simple" now if you look at it from the perspective of how people currently cure.
Once people put hellsight where it belongs in their curing priorities, it's not going to be anything to worry about. I honestly think it's "better" for paladin as a smoking cure, where it can be stuck via slickness (far easier to stick than anorexia), but we'll have to see how it plays out.
Keep in mind, for Paladin, hellsight eq is enough for almost 2 full herb balances.
Torc is bad. Terrible. Don't do it.
Waste of credits. Being able to single line afflict stupidity and paralyze off eq in retard at will is bad. No utility.
(please have mercy)
Basically, if they tumble on retard, they're free. Even if I follow and focus, they've still cured a good amount in those three seconds. I've tried stacking like 2 or 3 holos then completing the prep, retard, break, hit with curare, aconite, prefarar then leaving to throw a few daggers, but they can still tumble. By the time I jab a few venoms and get lucky with stridulation, I don't have time to behead or go for damage. Yes, a torc with 1 second stupidity and 1 second paralyze must be nice, but for unartied Magi, I don't think beating people past a certain health threshold is possible. Unless their system shits itself in retard.
I understand artefacts should increase your abilities, but they should not be required to pull off an offense. On a person with 5500 health, I have little chance of anything besides behead.
I'm saying all of this to make the point that Magi is far from OP, and if we have a few nifty tools to get out of things, then so what? Go focus on nerfing monks or something, leave us alone.
It's not as uber hard as you're making it out to be. Grab envenom in weaponry if you want to take people down that you can't out-damage. Torc isn't needed offensively, I see it more as being a defensive crutch if you find yourself on the backfoot. Nearly unhinderable para/stupid at 1s eq in ret makes it hard to take advantage of a Magi dropping ret and forces escape tactics.
Point being, when I say "Oh, I Magi can't kill high-health opponents," you all say, "Use your class skills and be creative." Well, when you can't stack afflictions on a Magi, my retort will now be, "use your class skills and be creative."
Jovolo, Gecko is a good idea, as well as vardrax, and I'll be doing some testing with it. Although, sparring Iskla, even outrunning his tumble and getting vibes focused before he completed it, in the second or two he had he was able to set me back a good ways and ultimately I lost the fight, as retard had already killed a good portion of my vibes.
not to say my priorities couldn't use some work and whatnot, but still. It's a far cry from God Mode.
Also, to clarify, I focused my vibes, and needed to ring them, but didn't realize the heinous EQ on ring would let her get such a head start on afflictions. Then I figured, "Hell, I can turn on God Mode for a minute and outpace her afflicting, then get back in the fight." Turns out, I was wrong.
And anyways, bloodboil not keeping you alive versus Priest does not mean that bloodboil isn't overpowered. It effectively shut downs practically every other affliction class in the game.
Regarding learning Magi combat you can hit me up in game. Hasar is the best Magi combatant around, though.
It's been said before that transfixing can stop touching cloak too quickly after tumbling as well (I didn't know that, totally going to try it).
Maybe we need a 'Combat Tips and Discussion' thread under the Magi section.
Edit: Also, if I were quick enough and noticed, I would totally just cancel the tumble in whatever way I could after you moved your vibes and stayed in the room >_>
One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important
I certainly spammed the hell out of it, and it didn't seem to make a damn. In the second spar I was able to mount a much better offense by foregoing bloodboil, though I need to work on managing my mana a lot better. The above post was in response to Santar essentially calling me a liar.
To further disclaim the log, after a raid with Hashan earlier, I had to reinstall SVO and redo all of the priority lists and defence lists, so my priorities probably were not what they should have been. Though with my limited knowledge, it might not have helped anyways.
Santar said:
And @Jukilian, I wanted to see if moving ahead of their tumble would work as a counter to tumbling to monolith, as I don't really have a method of stopping the tumble after it starts.
If my sleep deprived state is understanding his classlead correctly, he's referring to the fact it's nearly impossible to truelock (or any type of lock, really) a Magi who's doing nothing but bloodboil spam to help themselves recover.
Come join the Achaea discord!
Priest still has ways to bypass bloodboil spam, in any case. Namely inquisition+hellsight, which is silly strong with the lower cost on inquisition now. Either way, it's not the kind of 'affliction class' that Dunn was referring to, I'm fairly certain.
Katlin is a dwarf.
Also, in that log, it looks like Katlin intelligently used confusion stacking to increase your bloodboil equilibrium to what? 6-8 seconds? That makes it much less effective.
Wtf. Did you miss unartied Hasar magi and unartied Terra magi? It is definitely possible to kill every person in the game as magi without a single artifact. It's the only class I've managed to kill Jhui as, and I'm pretty sure Hasar has killed Jhui too (I feel like Jhui is like the classic definition of OP). And we either were unartied or used tactics easily usable unartied.
Magi is an amazing unartied class, easily in competition for strongest in the game.
Also, I'm not sure where you get the idea that you can't kill people with a dagger or rapier. After I traded in my artie dirk on Terra, I was fully unartied with a rapier, and people of all health levels will definitely die to vibes + rapier damage, while you're jabbing hindering and locking venoms.
Edit: There are definitely some counters to magi, but you aren't at the level of magi combat yet where those are what's stopping you. You should be able to kill most people all the time as magi, and even the remaining people sometimes, when RNG favors you or the person is lazy/forgets their monolith, etc.
Should just let people use behead on lyre though.
Sort of.
Ugggghghghghghgh I'm CHOKING with tears of joy. Ambush damage :')
I'm really pumped to see what they do with AXK.
with Priests already one of the top classes offensively and the strongest class defensively. Good faction alt plz.
I find it laughable that you just said that priest is one of the top classes offensively, however, I do agree that Paladin just got a pretty massive upgrade. With that said, paladins don't have access to much affliction stacking potential in 1v1 combat, so I'm not -too- worried about Hellsight from paladins breaking combat.
It's also a very slow ability, and can't be combo'd much if at all (still studying the details of priest combos, and only arc/hellsight for paladin [4 second balance]), so in the long run, it's not something that should be worried about that much as long as is prioritized correctly.
If anything, I think the upgrade is a massive upgrade for apostates, being the only class with realistic locking/affliction stacking potential who can easily afflict with hellsight.
Apostate did get a pretty damn strong buff but nowhere on the level of Paladin.
Priest was already strong offensively and just got a smallish buff from this too. Plus other buffs.
Damnation is only "simple" now if you look at it from the perspective of how people currently cure.
Once people put hellsight where it belongs in their curing priorities, it's not going to be anything to worry about. I honestly think it's "better" for paladin as a smoking cure, where it can be stuck via slickness (far easier to stick than anorexia), but we'll have to see how it plays out.
Keep in mind, for Paladin, hellsight eq is enough for almost 2 full herb balances.