You focus the might of divine will into Jayden to force her to obey your command. Jayden is unable to resist the force of your faith. Jayden says with a refined Shallamese accent, "Hippity hopperty, I won't mess with my daughter's property."
Tesha is one of my favourite people in Achaea, yet never really get to interact with. Didn't even get to interact much when I was in Targ. It's unfortunate.
I have some some good Tesha quotes too I should post some time. Not on hand though. But not a single log-in has gone by that I haven't laughed out loud since Martien went back to Targ. CT banter gives me life, have some of today's good ones:
(after three rl days in a row of people thinking I have dragon and just being kicked out of a dragon-only foray for the third assumption)
(Targossas): You say, "It has come to my attention that several people, for reasons unknown to me, believe I am a dragon." (Targossas): You say, "This is a public service announcement: I am not." (Targossas): Avianca says, "You will be soon!" (Targossas): Ygia says, "Become Dragon." (Targossas): Veldrin says, "This is a public service announcement: Get Dragon." (Targossas): You laughingly say, "I'm actually trying now, believe me." (Targossas): Axios says, "I am trying for dragon but people in my city keep feeding me to Yuthka. Great for my renown, terrible experience." (Targossas): Avianca says, "No I mean, I WILL get you dragon." (Targossas): You laughingly say, "Avianca, you'll have to eat my paperwork then." (Targossas): Avianca says, "I have too much already my dear Minister." (Targossas): Avianca says, "Tell you what, we'll BOTH share the load." (Targossas): You say, "Then I will tell the Lumarchs, 'Apologies, the dragon ate my paperwork.'" (Targossas): Avianca laughingly says, "YES!" (Targossas): Sothantos says, "I can hear you, you know." (Targossas): Avianca says, "Eek!" (Targossas): You say, "Oh no!"
(Targossas): Avianca says, "Is a Caefir free?" (Targossas): Lyndee says, "No typically they are very expensive." (Targossas): You helpfully say, "Because they're rare." (Targossas): Solaine thoughtfully says, "Fair point." (Targossas): You say, "Sometimes medium-rare, even." (Targossas): Avianca firmly says, "Ok ok." (Targossas): Lyndee says, "Martien has the right of it, it's a simple matter of supply and demand economics."
(Targossas): Archaeon says, "I must protect my virginity." (Targossas): Jiraishin says, "I am fairly sure it would persist even without protection, Weaponmaster."
The Divine voice of Twilight echoes in your head, "See that it is. I espy a tithe of potential in your mortal soul, Astarod Blackstone. Let us hope that it flourishes and does not falter as so many do."
Aegis, God of War says, "You are dismissed from My demense, Astarod. Go forth and fight well. Bleed fiercely, and climb the purpose you have sought to chase for."
(Targossas): Archaeon says, "I must protect my virginity." (Targossas): Jiraishin says, "I am fairly sure it would persist even without protection, Weaponmaster."
A tip of a bottle of silken emollient offers forth a fingertip's worth of the rose-hued emollient, the perfect amount to apply to cheeks, forehead, cheekbones, and the other features of your face with a smooth rubbing motion. With each stroke of your fingers the thick liquid soaks in, leaving your face feeling softened. This product is clearly not meant for you.
Don't you try and fucking shame me, bottle! I DESERVE silky smooth skin!
(OOC Clan): Tesha says, "Gold fish are seriously delicious." (OOC Clan): Silas says, "Wtf." (OOC Clan): Aegoth says, "You fucking monster." (OOC Clan): Aegoth says, "Why would you eat goldfish." (OOC Clan): Tesha says, "Look i obviously mean the crackers." (OOC Clan): Aegoth says, "No, no it wasn't obvious at all." (OOC Clan): Silas says, "Wtf are goldfish crackers." (OOC Clan): Vender says, "So you can throw them back up to impress your hs buddies." (OOC Clan): Issam says, "..." (OOC Clan): Silas says, "Hahaah wtf." (OOC Clan): Tesha says, "They are goldfish-shaped crackers w/ smiles on them." (OOC Clan): Tesha says, "Do they not have those in england." (OOC Clan): Silas says, "No." (OOC Clan): Tesha says, "They are cheddar flavored." (OOC Clan): Issam says, "No way." (OOC Clan): Silas says, "We have uh." (OOC Clan): Issam says, "You must have them." (OOC Clan): Silas says, "Fish n chips." (OOC Clan): Tesha says, "Do you have cheezits?" (OOC Clan): Silas says, "H/o dont rush while i google them." (OOC Clan): Reaux says, "Quick rush."
In Hashan:
Silas crumples to the floor in a bloodied, twitching heap, laid low by Krymenian Conservator Argwin Meraki, Chaotic Pilgrim's titanic roar.
Silas crumples to the floor in a bloodied, twitching heap, laid low by Krymenian Conservator Argwin Meraki, Chaotic Pilgrim's titanic roar.
Seven rays of different coloured light spring out from Jinsun's outstretched hands, irradiating the location with blinding strobes.
Horror overcomes Elinia's face as her body stiffens into paralysis. Horror overcomes Amanda's face as her body stiffens into paralysis. Horror overcomes Minkai's face as her body stiffens into paralysis. Horror overcomes Accipiter's face as her body stiffens into paralysis. Horror overcomes Zackery's face as his body stiffens into paralysis. The protective barrier surrounding Zackery trembles under the attack of Jinsun, but holds. Horror overcomes Reaux's face as his body stiffens into paralysis. Horror overcomes Lorath's face as his body stiffens into paralysis. Horror overcomes Magenta's face as her body stiffens into paralysis. Horror overcomes Zoktos's face as his body stiffens into paralysis. Horror overcomes Marron's face as his body stiffens into paralysis. Horror overcomes Seletyn's face as his body stiffens into paralysis. Horror overcomes Iocun's face as his body stiffens into paralysis. The protective barrier surrounding Krizal trembles under the attack of Jinsun, but holds. Horror overcomes Frances's face as her body stiffens into paralysis. Horror overcomes Auria's face as her body stiffens into paralysis. The protective barrier surrounding Marxi trembles under the attack of Jinsun, but holds. As Jinsun's attack falls, Marxi's reflective barrier shatters and reflects the attack. Horror overcomes Tianondria's face as her body stiffens into paralysis. Horror overcomes Jaeide's face as her body stiffens into paralysis. Horror overcomes Thoralyn's face as his body stiffens into paralysis. Horror overcomes Bahir's face as his body stiffens into paralysis. Horror overcomes Jadys's face as her body stiffens into paralysis. Horror overcomes Maajida's face as her body stiffens into paralysis. Horror overcomes Shirszae's face as her body stiffens into paralysis. Horror overcomes Svenson's face as his body stiffens into paralysis. You are hit by a yellow and blue ray. Horror overcomes Keorin's face as her body stiffens into paralysis. Horror overcomes Veldrin's face as his body stiffens into paralysis. Prythe socially distances from Jinsun.
A frenzied cleric screams, "Like more than one halo!"
Looking utterly bored, an alluring succubus doll within a dollhouse styled after Baelgrim's spires rests her elbows on a windowsill and gazes out at the world from her miniature fortress with as much disinterest as her small features can manage.
An alluring succubus doll peeks out from the highest window on a dollhouse styled after Baelgrim's spires, her obsidian eyes glistening for a moment before she once again vanishes from sight.
Screams of anguish emanate from a dollhouse styled after Baelgrim's spires, followed by a delighted, wicked feminine laugh.
Reaching down with a massive hand, Sartan lifts your head and draws a taloned finger across your throat, the wound closing as He does so.
(Party): Achilles says, "Ok, who's your favorite male Aarashi who's name starts with A and ends with S." (Party): Micaelis says, "Antonius." (Party): Astarod says, "Antidas." (Party): Achilles says, "Dang."
The Divine voice of Twilight echoes in your head, "See that it is. I espy a tithe of potential in your mortal soul, Astarod Blackstone. Let us hope that it flourishes and does not falter as so many do."
Aegis, God of War says, "You are dismissed from My demense, Astarod. Go forth and fight well. Bleed fiercely, and climb the purpose you have sought to chase for."
You call out "Fire!" and release the mechanism on an Arcanian arm thrower. A roped hookshot blasts out from "Lorielan's Icebox" and slams into a colossal kraken, but seemingly
The Divine voice of Twilight echoes in your head, "See that it is. I espy a tithe of potential in your mortal soul, Astarod Blackstone. Let us hope that it flourishes and does not falter as so many do."
Aegis, God of War says, "You are dismissed from My demense, Astarod. Go forth and fight well. Bleed fiercely, and climb the purpose you have sought to chase for."
I'm confused about the 100k thing. How much did you pay for the shop?
Give us -real- shop logs! Not another misinterpretation of features we ask for, turned into something that either doesn't help at all, or doesn't remotely resemble what we wanted to begin with.
Current position of some of the playerbase, instead of expressing a desire to fix problems:
Vhaynna: "Honest question - if you don't like Achaea or the current admin, why do you even bother playing?"
You focus the might of divine will into Jayden to force her to obey your command.
Jayden is unable to resist the force of your faith.
Jayden says with a refined Shallamese accent, "Hippity hopperty, I won't mess with my daughter's property."
I have some some good Tesha quotes too I should post some time. Not on hand though. But not a single log-in has gone by that I haven't laughed out loud since Martien went back to Targ. CT banter gives me life, have some of today's good ones:
(after three rl days in a row of people thinking I have dragon and just being kicked out of a dragon-only foray for the third assumption)
(Targossas): You say, "This is a public service announcement: I am not."
(Targossas): Avianca says, "You will be soon!"
(Targossas): Ygia says, "Become Dragon."
(Targossas): Veldrin says, "This is a public service announcement: Get Dragon."
(Targossas): You laughingly say, "I'm actually trying now, believe me."
(Targossas): Axios says, "I am trying for dragon but people in my city keep feeding me to Yuthka. Great for my renown, terrible experience."
(Targossas): Avianca says, "No I mean, I WILL get you dragon."
(Targossas): You laughingly say, "Avianca, you'll have to eat my paperwork then."
(Targossas): Avianca says, "I have too much already my dear Minister."
(Targossas): Avianca says, "Tell you what, we'll BOTH share the load."
(Targossas): You say, "Then I will tell the Lumarchs, 'Apologies, the dragon ate my paperwork.'"
(Targossas): Avianca laughingly says, "YES!"
(Targossas): Sothantos says, "I can hear you, you know."
(Targossas): Avianca says, "Eek!"
(Targossas): You say, "Oh no!"
(Targossas): Lyndee says, "No typically they are very expensive."
(Targossas): You helpfully say, "Because they're rare."
(Targossas): Solaine thoughtfully says, "Fair point."
(Targossas): You say, "Sometimes medium-rare, even."
(Targossas): Avianca firmly says, "Ok ok."
(Targossas): Lyndee says, "Martien has the right of it, it's a simple matter of supply and demand economics."
(Targossas): Jiraishin says, "I am fairly sure it would persist even without protection, Weaponmaster."
Aegis, God of War says, "You are dismissed from My demense, Astarod. Go forth and fight well. Bleed fiercely, and climb the purpose you have sought to chase for."
(Targossas): Jiraishin says, "I am fairly sure it would persist even without protection, Weaponmaster."
Foray group is trying to yank bash without much success, with 1 minute left, Dragon Halos...
the perfect amount to apply to cheeks, forehead, cheekbones, and the other features of your face
with a smooth rubbing motion. With each stroke of your fingers the thick liquid soaks in, leaving
your face feeling softened.
This product is clearly not meant for you.
You sing, "Row row row your boat, gently past the chops. Merrily merrily merrily merrily, Mysia's our stop~."
(OOC Clan): Silas says, "Wtf."
(OOC Clan): Aegoth says, "You fucking monster."
(OOC Clan): Aegoth says, "Why would you eat goldfish."
(OOC Clan): Tesha says, "Look i obviously mean the crackers."
(OOC Clan): Aegoth says, "No, no it wasn't obvious at all."
(OOC Clan): Silas says, "Wtf are goldfish crackers."
(OOC Clan): Vender says, "So you can throw them back up to impress your hs buddies."
(OOC Clan): Issam says, "..."
(OOC Clan): Silas says, "Hahaah wtf."
(OOC Clan): Tesha says, "They are goldfish-shaped crackers w/ smiles on them."
(OOC Clan): Tesha says, "Do they not have those in england."
(OOC Clan): Silas says, "No."
(OOC Clan): Tesha says, "They are cheddar flavored."
(OOC Clan): Issam says, "No way."
(OOC Clan): Silas says, "We have uh."
(OOC Clan): Issam says, "You must have them."
(OOC Clan): Silas says, "Fish n chips."
(OOC Clan): Tesha says, "Do you have cheezits?"
(OOC Clan): Silas says, "H/o dont rush while i google them."
(OOC Clan): Reaux says, "Quick rush."
In Hashan:
Silas crumples to the floor in a bloodied, twitching heap, laid low by Krymenian Conservator Argwin
Meraki, Chaotic Pilgrim's titanic roar.
Silas crumples to the floor in a bloodied, twitching heap, laid low by Krymenian Conservator Argwin
Meraki, Chaotic Pilgrim's titanic roar.
(OOC Clan): Silas says, "You <redacted>."
(OOC Clan): Silas says, "So anyway."
(OOC Clan): Silas says, "Https://"
(OOC Clan): Silas says, "This is them."
Seven rays of different coloured light spring out from Jinsun's outstretched hands, irradiating the location with blinding strobes.
Horror overcomes Elinia's face as her body stiffens into paralysis.
Horror overcomes Amanda's face as her body stiffens into paralysis.
Horror overcomes Minkai's face as her body stiffens into paralysis.
Horror overcomes Accipiter's face as her body stiffens into paralysis.
Horror overcomes Zackery's face as his body stiffens into paralysis.
The protective barrier surrounding Zackery trembles under the attack of Jinsun, but holds.
Horror overcomes Reaux's face as his body stiffens into paralysis.
Horror overcomes Lorath's face as his body stiffens into paralysis.
Horror overcomes Magenta's face as her body stiffens into paralysis.
Horror overcomes Zoktos's face as his body stiffens into paralysis.
Horror overcomes Marron's face as his body stiffens into paralysis.
Horror overcomes Seletyn's face as his body stiffens into paralysis.
Horror overcomes Iocun's face as his body stiffens into paralysis.
The protective barrier surrounding Krizal trembles under the attack of Jinsun, but holds.
Horror overcomes Frances's face as her body stiffens into paralysis.
Horror overcomes Auria's face as her body stiffens into paralysis.
The protective barrier surrounding Marxi trembles under the attack of Jinsun, but holds.
As Jinsun's attack falls, Marxi's reflective barrier shatters and reflects the attack.
Horror overcomes Tianondria's face as her body stiffens into paralysis.
Horror overcomes Jaeide's face as her body stiffens into paralysis.
Horror overcomes Thoralyn's face as his body stiffens into paralysis.
Horror overcomes Bahir's face as his body stiffens into paralysis.
Horror overcomes Jadys's face as her body stiffens into paralysis.
Horror overcomes Maajida's face as her body stiffens into paralysis.
Horror overcomes Shirszae's face as her body stiffens into paralysis.
Horror overcomes Svenson's face as his body stiffens into paralysis.
You are hit by a yellow and blue ray.
Horror overcomes Keorin's face as her body stiffens into paralysis.
Horror overcomes Veldrin's face as his body stiffens into paralysis.
Prythe socially distances from Jinsun.
An alluring succubus doll peeks out from the highest window on a dollhouse styled after Baelgrim's spires, her obsidian eyes glistening for a moment before she once again vanishes from sight.
Screams of anguish emanate from a dollhouse styled after Baelgrim's spires, followed by a delighted, wicked feminine laugh.
Reaching down with a massive hand, Sartan lifts your head and draws a taloned finger across your throat, the wound closing as He does so.
(Party): Micaelis says, "Antonius."
(Party): Astarod says, "Antidas."
(Party): Achilles says, "Dang."
(Party): @Tianondria impishly says, "I'm betting on the Foreman."
You have been slain by the Foreman.
(Party): @Silas says, "Don't listen to her, Astarod, I have fai-- never mind."
(Party): Tianondria happily says, "Yay."
(Party): Zachariel thoughtfully says, "She's good."
My friends are so supportive.
Aegis, God of War says, "You are dismissed from My demense, Astarod. Go forth and fight well. Bleed fiercely, and climb the purpose you have sought to chase for."
A roped hookshot blasts out from "Lorielan's Icebox" and slams into a colossal kraken, but seemingly
Just a funny snippet I lol'd at.
Aegis, God of War says, "You are dismissed from My demense, Astarod. Go forth and fight well. Bleed fiercely, and climb the purpose you have sought to chase for."
Bann tells you, "Probably because you just rubbed your testicles on their foreheads in public. Needed to be done though. That's fucked up."
P.S. Then ensued a discussion as to whether testicles could be metaphorical given my lack of same.
- To love another person is to see the face of G/d
- Let me get my hat and my knife
- It's your apple, take a bite
- Don't dream it ... be it
We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.
I thought credit scams were illegal?
- To love another person is to see the face of G/d
- Let me get my hat and my knife
- It's your apple, take a bite
- Don't dream it ... be it