Memorable quotes



  • Yea, I would be too! It was a splattastic fight!
  • JonathinJonathin Retired in a hole.
    It was like what would happen if everyone pulled the trigger at the same time during a Mexican standoff.
    I am retired and log into the forums maybe once every 2 months. It was a good 20 years, live your best lives, friends.
  • Aegoth said:
    Yea, I would be too! It was a splattastic fight!
    Look at me, rebounding like a noob. :(
  • Readlog Hashan

    2016/08/22 02:20:42 - Eguzki has sanctioned a raid against The City of Targossas.
    2016/08/22 02:37:43 - Credits: +3. Reason: Citizen purchase.
    2016/08/22 02:53:27 - The sanctioned raid in The City of Targossas has ended.
    2016/08/22 02:59:58 - Calyn has sanctioned a raid against The City of Mhaldor.
    2016/08/22 03:38:45 - The sanctioned raid in The City of Mhaldor has ended.


  • You should've seen the part an hour earlier where Hashan was trying to sanction us -while- we were sanctioning Mhaldor.

    Hashan is trying to make up for like 10 years of not raiding in one week, I think...
  • Is it working? 
  • Eguzki said:
    Is it working? 

    No. U still suk, nub.
  •  Someday you will notice me :'(
  • We had sanctions going in Targ and Eleusis at the same time yesterday. It was a pretty heavy day of raiding and being raided. 

  • SkyeSkye The Duchess Bellatere
    You offer up the corpse of a veteran racing snail to Neraeos, God of the Sea.


  • edited August 2016
    Skye said:
    You offer up the corpse of a veteran racing snail to Neraeos, God of the Sea.

    Poor Sir Squishbubble, you were taken from us far too early.

  • You should design an escargot platter in memory of your snail, @Skye. Best way to be remembered.
  • Skye said:
    You offer up the corpse of a veteran racing snail to Neraeos, God of the Sea.



  • (The Midnight Crew): Mindshell says, "How many figurines in are you?"
    (The Midnight Crew): You say, "Tizane, Slith, Zigana and 5 Prioskas."

  • Tahquil said:
    (The Midnight Crew): Mindshell says, "How many figurines in are you?"
    (The Midnight Crew): You say, "Tizane, Slith, Zigana and 5 Prioskas."

    This makes me sad for several reasons.

    (One being that I really want to see an Ugrach figurine in action.)
    - (Eleusis): Ellodin says, "The Fissure of Echoes is Sarathai's happy place."
    - With sharp, crackling tones, Kyrra tells you, "The ladies must love you immensely."
    - (Eleusian Ranger Techs): Savira says, "Most of the hard stuff seem to have this built in code like: If adventurer_hitting_me = "Sarathai" then send("terminate and selfdestruct")."
    - Makarios says, "Serve well and perish."
    - Xaden says, "Xaden confirmed scrub 2017."

  • That would be on them, not in them.
  • Challenge accepted.

  • edited August 2016
    - Insert Deadpool international woman's day gif here - (x5)
  • edited August 2016

    On 2016-08-27 02:05:33, you told @Czanthria:

    Letter de@Czanthria wn lupine graced prophecy reason.

    I need to remember to change my language.

  • Readlog Hashan

    2016/08/27 02:07:49 - Jayke quit the ranks of your military.
    2016/08/27 02:17:32 - The City of Ashtan has declared a sanctioned raid against the City.
    2016/08/27 02:47:32 - The City of Ashtan has withdrawn from the City, ending the sanctioned raid.
    2016/08/27 03:39:00 - Eguzki imbued one of the city's tanks with font energy.
    2016/08/27 04:43:30 - The City of Ashtan has declared a sanctioned raid against the City.
    2016/08/27 05:05:24 - The forces of Ashtan have destroyed Junction of Parade of the Founders and
    Argent Lane.
    2016/08/27 05:25:30 - The City of Ashtan has withdrawn from the City, ending the sanctioned raid.
    2016/08/27 05:44:25 - Regi promoted Averi to Commoner for: For strides with both Culture and War,
    and a dedicated attitude. An exemplary citizen.
    2016/08/27 06:37:37 - Marra has ordered the guards to close shop HASHAN_SHOP_14.

    Hmmm...I feel like there is a story in here...
  • The story being that I qq'd after the first hour and a half of skirmishing and could no longer effectively defend my city via griefing. :(
  • Asmodron said:
    Readlog Hashan

    2016/08/27 02:07:49 - Jayke quit the ranks of your military.
    2016/08/27 02:17:32 - The City of Ashtan has declared a sanctioned raid against the City.
    2016/08/27 02:47:32 - The City of Ashtan has withdrawn from the City, ending the sanctioned raid.
    2016/08/27 03:39:00 - Eguzki imbued one of the city's tanks with font energy.
    2016/08/27 04:43:30 - The City of Ashtan has declared a sanctioned raid against the City.
    2016/08/27 05:05:24 - The forces of Ashtan have destroyed Junction of Parade of the Founders and
    Argent Lane.
    2016/08/27 05:25:30 - The City of Ashtan has withdrawn from the City, ending the sanctioned raid.
    2016/08/27 05:44:25 - Regi promoted Averi to Commoner for: For strides with both Culture and War,
    and a dedicated attitude. An exemplary citizen.
    2016/08/27 06:37:37 - Marra has ordered the guards to close shop HASHAN_SHOP_14.

    Hmmm...I feel like there is a story in here...
    just your standard Dunn and Jhui enjoying some combat with a sprinkle of Hirst at the end.
  • But the Shop! How did the shop tie into this :O
  • From   : Makarios, the Meticulous
    To     : Everyone
    Subject: Small tattoos change
    Just a small change - when INKing tattoos, you will now automatically use inks in your rift if you
    don't have ones in your inventory, meaning you can now just type the ink command rather than having
    to outrift the various inks one at a time.

    Penned by My hand on the 8th of Scarlatan, in the

    Can I just say that this is one of the best misc changes i've seen in awhile (for non-SVO users anyway ^^)

  • Readlog Hashan

    General log for the City of Hashan:
    2016/08/28 00:33:25 - Credits: +150. Reason: Citizen purchase.


    Time to get to work

    Image result for putting lipstick on gif

  • Relics status

    Name                                Location                                     
    Luckbinder                          Held by the Grandmaster of the Quisalis
    the Rageblade                       Held by Oberion, Lord of the Hunt
    the Golden Braid                    Held by Oberion, Lord of the Hunt
    Earthshaker                         Held by Hirst
    Bloodletter                         Held by Jeramun, the Flame of the World

    The throne room of Sidhe Court
    A runic totem is planted solidly in the ground. Oberion, King of the Fairies paces here, his gaze
    fixed upon the sky hopefully. A glimmering mote of azurite lies partially buried within the ground.
    There are 2 fairy Knights of Sidhe here. Rhyannon, Queen of the Fairies reclines in her tiny crystal
    throne here. Perched delicately upon the back of a gryphon, the fairy merchant Rhoswen pauses here.
    You see a single exit leading south.

    totem359292         a runic totem
    oberion64506        Oberion, Lord of the Hunt
    azurite454387       an azurite mote
    knight219236        a fairy Knight of Sidhe
    rhyannon190988      Rhyannon, Queen of the Fairies
    knight226151        a fairy Knight of Sidhe
    rhoswen310771       Rhoswen, a fairy merchant
    Number of objects: 7

    Greet Oberion
    You greet Oberion, Lord of the Hunt with a sincere smile.
    Oberion, Lord of the Hunt flashes you a primal grin of anticipation, his eyes tinged with rings of
    Oberion, Lord of the Hunt exclaims, "It is almost time for the hunt, Asmodron!"

    And that's basically all he is saying.

    Seems Lupus fever is kicking in.

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