Memorable quotes



  • Probs LARPing as Lupus

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  • Jinsun was promoted to Legendary Achaean.

    And mom said I'd never amount to anything.
  • SzanthaxSzanthax San Diego
    You be so legendary :)

  • JonathinJonathin Retired in a hole.
    Welcome to double forum phase.
    I am retired and log into the forums maybe once every 2 months. It was a good 20 years, live your best lives, friends.
  • KryptonKrypton shi-Khurena
    Now you can walk through closed forum doors.
  • edited August 2016

    Zayre has been slain by one concealed by a deathmask.
    4209h, 4629m, 17200e, 17200w cexkdb-
    (Newbie): Oalasse says, "Nice role play as well, im really enjoying this."
    4209h, 4629m, 17200e, 17200w cexkdb-
    (Newbie): Romeo says, "If you can't move, you may be paralyzed! DIAG will tell you what you are 
    diagnosed with and HELP CURELIST will tell you how to cure it."
    4209h, 4629m, 17200e, 17200w cexkdb-
    (Newbie): Szanthax says, "Oops."

    I lol'd cus I knew it was you before the Oops.
  • SzanthaxSzanthax San Diego
    edited August 2016
    @Dunn need to fix darkshade... apparently... god... 

    These are the same problems i ran into when i first came back i was like wtf are these afflictions lol

    pvd ha

  • Xaden's voice burns with heat as he tells you, "You used to refuse to hunt sentient creatures, if I recall correctly."
    You laughingly tell Xaden, "Nah. Vertani can, and always have, been given the shaft by me."
    Xaden's voice burns with heat as he tells you, "Why?"
    You tell Xaden, "They're invaders."
    Xaden's voice burns with heat as he tells you, "From what I hear, these lads are refugees, as opposed to invaders."
    You tell Xaden, "Call me racist then, because they all look the same to me."
    Xaden's voice burns with heat as he tells you, "Ha!!"

    Das Racist Frederich.  @Xaden still gave me a laugh midhunting, though.
  • I admit that asmo also restricts himself on what to hunt, as often as i can anyway. I prefer avoiding moghedu for example. However the vertani....or sirroco....just too good to pass up :(
  • Frederich said:
    Xaden's voice burns with heat as he tells you, "You used to refuse to hunt sentient creatures, if I recall correctly."
    You laughingly tell Xaden, "Nah. Vertani can, and always have, been given the shaft by me."
    Xaden's voice burns with heat as he tells you, "Why?"
    You tell Xaden, "They're invaders."
    Xaden's voice burns with heat as he tells you, "From what I hear, these lads are refugees, as opposed to invaders."
    You tell Xaden, "Call me racist then, because they all look the same to me."
    Xaden's voice burns with heat as he tells you, "Ha!!"

    Das Racist Frederich.  @Xaden still gave me a laugh midhunting, though.
    Don't get me wrong, I love red dragon, but I can't read that flavour-tell line and not think of sex-line numbers.

         He is a coward who has to bring two friends as backup to jump people hunting.

  • Szanthax said:
    @Dunn need to fix darkshade... apparently... god... 

    These are the same problems i ran into when i first came back i was like wtf are these afflictions lol

    pvd ha
    It's kind of a catch 22: I stack ginseng into kelp into softlock. Makes you choose whether or not you go ginseng fishing or save yourself from a lock. Serp is good times. 

  • my best defense against a serpent is to just instill darkshade the whole time.
  • Tydas said:
    * A party favour. BLOW this to deafen the room!
       It has a balance cost and 10 uses.
    Hmmm.... Let's blow one in front of all these people at the wheel! Celebration time!

    You blow a coiled paper party favour and it extends comically, making a horrendously high-pitched noise.
    You are getting close to the ranks of the Infamous.
    Be warned!You are now one of the Infamous. HELP INFAMY will tell you what this means.
    Sounds fade as you lose your hearing.
    Uhh, oops.
    blow favour
    You blow a coiled paper party favour and it extends comically, making a horrendously high-pitched noise.
    A dizzying beam of energy strikes you as your attack rebounds off of Nieelensars's shield.
    You are getting close to the ranks of the Infamous. Be warned!
    Your pitiful attack is frozen in its tracks by Cellorran.
    You are now one of the Infamous. HELP INFAMY will tell you what this means.
    Your pitiful attack is frozen in its tracks by Makarios.
    Your pitiful attack is frozen in its tracks by Nicola.
    Sounds fade as you lose your hearing.

    I think mine was better. Also, first!
  • Tolan said:
    Your pitiful attack is frozen in its tracks by Cellorran.
    You are now one of the Infamous. HELP INFAMY will tell you what this means.
    Your pitiful attack is frozen in its tracks by Makarios.
    Your pitiful attack is frozen in its tracks by Nicola.
    Sounds fade as you lose your hearing.
    Admin clearly hate parties.

    Divine fire also OP, please nerf.
    - (Eleusis): Ellodin says, "The Fissure of Echoes is Sarathai's happy place."
    - With sharp, crackling tones, Kyrra tells you, "The ladies must love you immensely."
    - (Eleusian Ranger Techs): Savira says, "Most of the hard stuff seem to have this built in code like: If adventurer_hitting_me = "Sarathai" then send("terminate and selfdestruct")."
    - Makarios says, "Serve well and perish."
    - Xaden says, "Xaden confirmed scrub 2017."

  • Tizwin Ashture (female Donkey).

    She is 27 years old, having been born on the 25th of Valnuary, 694 years after the fall of the 

    Seleucarian Empire.

         He is a coward who has to bring two friends as backup to jump people hunting.

  • You read what is written on an elegant white letter:
    Ireeverent One,

    I have new alcoholic breverages for sale at the Murder's Flagon. Come
    taste, come cry, and tip with some gleam.

    Refills are possible.


    Aside from misspelling our title, I'm glad the Vanguard's bartender thinks of me :)
  • KryptonKrypton shi-Khurena
    Irrelevant One,
  • Lyzrdwyzrd (male Xoran).

  • A novice is searching for the entrance into the Sanctuary, the hall of the Outriders. I help him a tiny bit along but he's already well on his way in finding it until he says this: 

    (Chroniclers): Kune says, "Whoops. I seem to have pushed my way in."
    (Chroniclers): You impishly say, "Well, that's one way of saying it."

    Thanks for making me choke on my tea  :p
  • Mary, Queen of Scots

  • Cobault says in a slightly muffled voice, "Can't fly. They fucked."
    6280h, 6080m, 27105e, 23835w cexkdb-
    Cobault shrugs helplessly.
    You remove a simple gold ring.
    (svof): Your max health decreased by 1800h/29% to 4480.
    (svof): Your max mana decreased by 1152m/19% to 4928.
    You give a simple gold ring to Cobault.
    Cobault says in a slightly muffled voice, "TOO MUCH POWER."
    You say in a gentle voice, "Wear that and you can fly."
    Cobault puts on a simple gold ring.
    Throwing his hands in the air, Cobault tosses his head back and laughs sadistically.
    Omor whispers in a clear, confident voice, "Precious...."
    Omor narrows his eyes at Cobault, advancing towards him in a threatening manner.
    Cobault says in a slightly muffled voice, "I."
    Cobault says in a slightly muffled voice, "HAVE."
    Cobault says in a slightly muffled voice, "THE."
    Cobault screams in a slightly muffled voice, "POWER!"
    Cobault roars fiercely.
    Cobault is quickly carried up into the skies.
    Boosteya giggles happily

    The 'One Ring' jokes amuse me.. but they're not far wrong. 

    This simple ring shows much use, as though often touched or rubbed for luck. One side of the ring is 
    worn almost flat from years of use, the precious metal thin and shiny whilst the other shows a few 
    scratches from everyday life. Furthering the well-worn appearance, the band is slightly mishapen, 
    creating the impression of constant wear.
    It weighs 1 ounce(s).
    It possesses the artefact powers of breathe_underwater, constitution(3), dash, dexterity(1), 
    elemental_resistances, endurance_regen(2), flying, health_regen(2), health_sip(2), intelligence(1), 
    mana_regen(2), reserves(3), strength(1), and willpower_regen(1).
    It bears the distinctive mark of Khaibit.
    It will reset to you.

  • I flew to catch him, too, and he was gone. No idea where he went...
    Omor Ceberek - Targossas

    got gud
  • I also have a one ring.

    Arcs of brilliant crimson race in uneven serpentine motions across the pitch black surface of this 
    polished hematite ring. Its body is a simple band with rounded edges, otherwise featureless and 
    unmarked. The smooth stygian surface of this metal loop absorbs all other light, yielding stark 
    contrast against the crackling energies it spills forth.
    It weighs 1 ounce(s).
    It possesses the artefact powers of anti_web, constitution(3), criticals(2), dexterity(2), 
    faster_eq(2), faster_mindlock, health_regen(2), health_sip(2), intelligence(2), magic_damage(2), 
    mana_regen(1), reduce_mana, reserves(3), strength(2), weaponmastery_spec(1), and willpower_regen(1).
    It bears the distinctive mark of Cooper.
    This item is ready to allow a weaponmastery specialisation switch.
    It will reset to you.

    A crackling ring of polished hematite currently costs 14650 credits. It will trade in for 9766 bound 

    Credit to Penwize for writing the item description (not name).

  • HalosHalos The Reaches
    The soul of Seragorn says, "On phone, thanks."

    A frenzied cleric screams, "Like more than one halo!"
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