Memorable quotes



  • edited August 2016
    24) Glaw told You: Greetings.
    25) You told Glaw: Greetings.
    26) Glaw told You: You wouldn't happen to be a dragon would you? I am compiling a list of all
    dragons in Achaea.
    27) You told Glaw: I am, yes.
    28) Glaw told You: What color, might I ask?
    29) You told Glaw: Silver, most of the time.
    30) Glaw told You: You can just change your color?
    31) Glaw told You: Interesting.
    32) Glaw told You: I hope I haven't caught you at a bad time.
    33) You told Glaw: No, not at all.
    34) Glaw told You: I hope you do not think badly of me for being Hashani.
    35) You told Glaw: How you act and what you say has more bearing on my impression of anyone than
    their citizenship.
    36) Glaw told You: If only everyone acted that way...
    37) You told Glaw: Usually, people wish others acted that way. It is not often people say 'I will be
    that way, and perhaps others will follow my example.'
    38) Glaw told You: I see your years have made you wise.
    39) You told Glaw: Wise? Hardly.
    40) You told Glaw: I have my flaws, like any other mortal.
    41) Glaw told You: Care to drop by and talk? It would be a pleasure.
    42) You told Glaw: Ah, I'm engaged in business with the Order of the Goddess I serve, I'm afraid.
    But I thank you for the offer.
    43) Glaw told You: Ah, I forgot how devout you Targossians were.
    44) You told Glaw: To the death, quite often.
    45) Glaw told You: I've noticed, the pikes outside Hashan kind of stick out. I just wish all the
    cities could just get along.
    46) You told Glaw: I am afraid I am responsible for the majority of those, truth be told.
    47) Glaw told You: You were one of the ones to attack us in the previous days?
    48) You told Glaw: I personally led all of the attacks on the Shadow Court bar one, which was led by
    Farrah Roualt, aye.
    49) Glaw told You: Ah, I'll... I'll be going now. I'll be around, if you need me.
    50) You told Glaw: Very well. Good day.

    Was it something I said :(
  • I think it might have been when you said "yeah, it was me that killed all of your friends."
    Omor Ceberek - Targossas

    got gud
  • Hoo, boy. Gonna have to start adding tags for when I'm being sarcastic.

    (I actually know why I got the reaction I got, for the record :D)
  • You will now be known as Aswaad Sabha Anedhel Valanar, Karma Chameleon, by order of Aarashi Rasul,
    Magenta Azagnanna, the Hand of Dawn.

    Man. One little miss, and they don't let you live it down :(
  • You have emoted: Anedhel approaches at full gallop, an elegant silvered scimitar raised high above his head in menacing brandish.

    Lilio blinks.
    You say, "Perish, Dauntless!"
    A delicate hint of rose-scented perfume drifts about Natliya, sweet, soothing and seductive.
    Kammie, a lean bartender bends over and picks up a tumbler of Black Oak whiskey.
    Lilio and Shirszae leave, following Natliya to the west.

    You tell Shirszae, "...oi. He really thinks I'm going to kill you?"

    Shirszae laughingly tells you, "...Apparently."

  • Anedhel said:
    You will now be known as Aswaad Sabha Anedhel Valanar, Karma Chameleon, by order of Aarashi Rasul,
    Magenta Azagnanna, the Hand of Dawn.

    Man. One little miss, and they don't let you live it down :(
    I'll let you LIVE IT UP! (Get it? GET IT?) :D
  • Go to your room. 

    (I smiled.)
  • KlendathuKlendathu Eye of the Storm
    Tahquil said:
    A sinister glubber grins slyly, reaches down, and takes an artefact discount voucher from the corpse of Tahquil.

    Oi you cheeky little bastard,
    When it's got a level 2 health regen ring, we know who to blame...

    Tharos, the Announcer of Delos shouts, "It's near the end of the egghunt and I still haven't figured out how to pronounce Clean-dat-hoo."
  • Shit, hope I don't get rekt by an artied glubber.

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  • SzanthaxSzanthax San Diego
    Shit, hope I don't get rekt by an artied glubber.
    That's my new nickname

  • edited August 2016
    Anedhel said:
    You have emoted: Anedhel approaches at full gallop, an elegant silvered scimitar raised high above his head in menacing brandish.

    Lilio blinks.
    You say, "Perish, Dauntless!"
    A delicate hint of rose-scented perfume drifts about Natliya, sweet, soothing and seductive.
    Kammie, a lean bartender bends over and picks up a tumbler of Black Oak whiskey.
    Lilio and Shirszae leave, following Natliya to the west.

    You tell Shirszae, "...oi. He really thinks I'm going to kill you?"

    Shirszae laughingly tells you, "...Apparently."

    ...Wait. "He" really thinks I'm going to kill you?

    I don't like long goodbyes.
  • Just noticed there's a line missing from Dredrith in the first round. Something about throwing a wriggling fish at me, and I froze it, it slapped me, then fell in my pocket.
    Omor Ceberek - Targossas

    got gud
  • edited August 2016
    @Natliya I was referring to Lilio, I thought Lilio was leading you!

    Edit: spelling :( 
  • 23:13:30.334 Trump (male Troll).

    23:13:30.334 He is 18 years old, having been born on the 20th of Daedalan, 702 years after the fall of the Seleucarian Empire.

    23:13:30.334 He is unranked in Achaea.

    23:13:30.334 He is an extremely credible character.

    23:13:30.334 He is not known for acts of infamy.

    23:13:30.334 He is a Freeman in Eleusis.

    23:13:30.334 He is considered to be approximately 0% of your might.

    Politically divisive treehuggers!

  • "Kharontine mutters "crap," examining the board."

    ...Best usage of the word 'crap' I have ever seen in Achaea.  =) 
    I don't like long goodbyes.
  • Jiggly Puff (male Satyr).
    He is 18 years old, having been born on the 6th of Scarlatan, 702 years after the fall of the 
    Seleucarian Empire.
    He is unranked in Achaea.
    He is an extremely credible character.
    He is not known for acts of infamy.
    He is a Settler in Targossas.
    He is considered to be approximately 0% of your might.

    Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
  • SzanthaxSzanthax San Diego
    i froze when i tried to honors :(

  • edited August 2016
    A matrimonial licence - 3 Mayan Crowns
    Alter the way your marriage status is displayed to the world with this licence!
      MARRIAGELINE LIST             - View the options!
      MARRIAGELINE SELECT <line #>  - Select the line you wish to use.
      SIGN <licence>                - Once you have selected your line.
                                                - This consumes the licence.
                                                - You must already be married for this to work.
        This will only change the way your marriage line appears and does not affect your spouse.
        Your choices are:
          He lives his life bonded in marriage to <spouse>.
          He is the ball to <spouse>'s chain.
          He is the chain to <spouse>'s ball.
          He composes life's concerto with <spouse>.
          He lives happily ever after wedded to <spouse>.
          In sweet companionship and love, he is wedded to <spouse>.
          He is too poor to divorce <spouse>.
          He walks hand in hand through life with <spouse> at his side.
          He fulfils a dream and looks forward to years of happiness with <spouse>.
          Matched in service, he is bound in matrimony to <spouse>.
          He and <spouse> have entered into the sacred bonds of marriage.
          He has learned to always say "Yes" to <spouse>.

    Meatbag union lines are...fascinating, to say the least.

  • HalosHalos The Reaches
    edited August 2016
    Lucky hit (seriously). That unkillable mail bird only did like 100 damage but my essence loss during that raid was mitigated because it got the last hit in instead of one of the raid defenders. 10/10 would do again.

    A frenzied cleric screams, "Like more than one halo!"
  • edited August 2016
    Citizen                                                   Rank CT  Class
    -------                                                   ---- --  -----
    Nemesian Cobault Moliuvia, Sectator of Antagony             1  On  Serpent
    1 serpent present, of those 0 are dragons (1 total).

  • 21:07:52 (Party): Aegoth says, "Ah, the talismans."
    21:08:04 (Party): Aegoth says, "If you collect them all, you become the greatest there never was."

    @Aegoth I laughed harder than I probably should have.
  • JonathinJonathin Retired in a hole.
    I am retired and log into the forums maybe once every 2 months. It was a good 20 years, live your best lives, friends.
  • JonathinJonathin Retired in a hole.
    I'm pretty proud of this

    You touch the tentacle tattoo and suddenly the ground splits open as a
    nightmarish tentacle shoots skywards, dragging Aegoth back to earth.

    <a bunch of deaths later>

    Death claims its own, as Aegoth's own soulfire consumes him.
    Himself has been slain by Aegoth.

    I am retired and log into the forums maybe once every 2 months. It was a good 20 years, live your best lives, friends.
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