Memorable quotes



  • Asmodron said:
    Secondly, to pair with the lesson sale, we're pleased to announce the incipient completion of a big background overhaul

    Can we get some info about this please? @Nicola @Makarios

    I just want to understand what this basically implies. Is this a remake of the mythos etc? City lore? House backgrounds?

    I'm not sure why you would assume "background changes" would mean changes to lore.

    Probably involves improving how some code runs in the background, likely to do with the coming tradeskill.

  • SkyeSkye The Duchess Bellatere
    Furniture crafting?

  • AhmetAhmet Wherever I wanna be
    @Nicola that phrase had my hopes up.

    Then I checked explorer ranking and tomes.


    Back to my corner.
    Huh. Neat.
  • Explorers are Achaea's vegan-crossfitters. 

    I also read the post thinking it meant lore :(
  • AhmetAhmet Wherever I wanna be
    Krypton said:
    OKAY. We get it, you vape explore.
    Someone has to complain till it's fixed :(
    Huh. Neat.
  • It was quite obscure yes :P.

    I was a bit excited and at the same time worried for a mythos rework. I mean personally I think it damn needs it, the story is rather bland when compared to the rich and flavorful mythos found elsewhere (Lusternia for example), however I also worried what would become of my favorite characters. There is also the fear of how it could impact the game itself.

    I think the last 'adjustment' to the lore was the mention of Babel's creation. It was about 2 added lines.  :P
  • KryptonKrypton shi-Khurena
    Asmodron said:
    I think the last 'adjustment' to the lore was the mention of Babel's creation. It was about 2 added lines.  :P
  • edited August 2016
    Asmodron said:
    It was quite obscure yes :P.

    I was a bit excited and at the same time worried for a mythos rework. I mean personally I think it damn needs it, the story is rather bland when compared to the rich and flavorful mythos found elsewhere (Lusternia for example), however I also worried what would become of my favorite characters. There is also the fear of how it could impact the game itself.

    I think the last 'adjustment' to the lore was the mention of Babel's creation. It was about 2 added lines.  :P
    Babel's creation was always in the Mythos. That's literally why Flair and his cult seeking to find him existed. Not sure what you mean.
  • What @Krypton said. 
  • edited August 2016
    Furniture code sorted out and subsequent furniture building trade skill -dreams-
  • I played Imperian when they went about changing all the lore and history and such, it was the most annoying thing ever. I would really hope Achaea never does that. Achaea's lore is awesome, and I loved reading them when I first started playing this game, and I still reread them to this day.
  • Judicator Farrah Roualt says to you, "We need to remove your taint."

  • I missed you Skye
  • edited August 2016
    Farrah said:
    Asmodron said:
    It was quite obscure yes :P.

    I was a bit excited and at the same time worried for a mythos rework. I mean personally I think it damn needs it, the story is rather bland when compared to the rich and flavorful mythos found elsewhere (Lusternia for example), however I also worried what would become of my favorite characters. There is also the fear of how it could impact the game itself.

    I think the last 'adjustment' to the lore was the mention of Babel's creation. It was about 2 added lines.  :P
    Babel's creation was always in the Mythos. That's literally why Flair and his cult seeking to find him existed. Not sure what you mean.
    Are you certain? I recall about 7 or so years ago i had read the mythos and there was no mention. Only after babel officially appeared did i find a mention of him, when i was rereading the mythos. I had always assumed that Flair created the concept of babel out of a disliking of the theme of erisian chaos, and thus created a 'god of chaos', since eris technicially was an ascended mortal.

    Not sure now..
  • KryptonKrypton shi-Khurena
    Nope. Here He is already in the Mythos, 2003.

    Flair was inspired to start the Revolutionaries of Chaos (the "Babelites") BECAUSE the Mythos had always mentioned Babel as the original Chaos Divine.
  • And now we lost him again. Pretty sure he was sitting on his throne after eating and fell into that void water. 

  • Dunn said:
    And now we lost him again. Pretty sure he was sitting on his throne after eating and fell into that void water. 
    Soooooooo your God took a huge shit, stroked out on the toilet and fell in?

  • Sorry. I meant Void water* 

  • Well in that case, I guess there havent been any significant alterations to the mythos in....<put date here if ever>.

    IF the mythos ever was to have a look at it, my suggestions would be:

    - Expand the Wars of the gods (Both Triumvirate and Chaos) with more elements to them. For the Triumvirate war, It currently feels a bit too compressed. We have mentions of "Agatheis found the Nevaharr race and used the Rajamalan and fire to conquer them", which is literally only a few lines. This also the state of others, such as Lorielan finding the kx'khrah and Khalas discovering the Underworld and making a pact with Slith, thus resorting in Slith's expulsion. Additionally, for all the climatic events the war itself was, it felt rather secluded. A bit of expansion into how great its effects were upon the world/worlds would be amazing (if possible). With the years in Achaea, certain little easter eggs have been presented about the wars, such as the existence of Dreadlords serving Shaitan in the War of Chaos, as well as many other little things. These could all be added now.

    - Perhaps give more 'purpose' behind Ayar's creations, such as found in the lore of the other IRE. Ayar created gods and races (such as Tsol'aa) simply to create, with very little purpose behind it. For example, why did he create a God of Evil? A God of Darkness? Did he create them specifically for these realms or did They pick their realms later? Perhaps the most significant creation he made was Proteus, which was clearly defined with the 'why'.

    Basically to summarize it all up: More Substance to the mythos in general.
  • I admit that ambiguity can be a great motivational force but i generally am comparing it more along the lines of lack of substance. I really do feel the mythos could be much more dynamic. It feels somewhat lacklustre when you compare it to more modern writings.

    My perhaps most favorite mythos would have to be Lusternia's (and perhaps the only aspect of lusternia i enjoy). It was catered around the idea of each chapter given in the perspective of one god, while the main theme of the story continued. It gave, perhaps even overkilled, information and aspects to how all life came to be and why it did, from the small animals to godlike creatures to mortal races.

    I definitely can see Achaea rivaling such writing snd simply from recent events such as bal'met, it is clear our writers definitely have the skill.
  • edited August 2016
    So... what you want is the Game of thrones books?

    I like the lack of detail. I think if we all knew the exact details it wouldn't feel as distant as it is. The lack of detail places it in the realms of folklore and mythology (-gasp-). It's not something we should feel immersed in as it's not what is happening now. It's stories passed on from person to person and yes, information gets lost/corrupted on the way.
  • @Laniara says: "Sorry about breaking your heart, but occasionally Sarflus can be wise by a little bit and can't hold his drink better than a child."
  • @Sarflus so takes after his dad not his mom?
  • With skill earned from many hours of meticulous study, you quickly amalgamate various alchemical minerals to create some lethal toxin. H:4514 M:3953 E:21470 W:18816 ckdbex ( [] [0]) 18:28:45.98-You begin to wield a phial of toxin in your right hand. H:4514 M:3953 E:21470 W:18822 ckdbex ( [] [0]) 18:28:48.27-Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears. You fling a phial of toxin to the ground where it shatters in a spray of glass shards. An ominously green gas pours forth from the phial. Bors suddenly looks very ill. A feeling of intense nausea overcomes you as you inhale. H:4514 M:3953 E:21470 W:18822 ckdbe ( [] [0]) 18:28:50.34- Bors takes a drink from an oaken vial. H:4514 M:3953 E:21470 W:18822 ckdbe ( [] [0]) 18:28:50.51- [Curing]: SIP IMMUNITY You take a drink from an oaken vial. Mercifully, the voyria venom has been cleansed from your body. The elixir burns through your veins, destroying the deadly poisons that are killing you. (Court Coliseum): Krizal says, "Uhh." (Court Coliseum): Krizal says, "Anyone else randomly get afflicted with voyria?" (Court Coliseum): Krizal says, "A feeling of intense nausea overcomes you as you inhale." (Court Coliseum): Eguzki says, "Yes." Trellis's back has broken under convulsions caused by Trellis's voyria venom. H:4514 M:3953 E:21470 W:18870 ckdbex ( [] [0]) 18:29:21.09- Talazar's back has broken under convulsions caused by Talazar Ashtear's voyria venom. H:4514 M:3953 E:21470 W:18870 ckdbex ( [] [0]) 18:29:21.16- Autune's back has broken under convulsions caused by Chronicler Autune's voyria venom. H:4514 M:3953 E:21470 W:18870 ckdbex ( [] [0]) 18:29:21.23- Azyl's back has broken under convulsions caused by Sapling Azyl's voyria venom. H:4514 M:3953 E:21470 W:18870 ckdbex ( [] [0]) 18:29:21.30- Laititi's back has broken under convulsions caused by Radiant Laititi's voyria v nom. H:4514 M:3953 E:21470 W:18870 ckdbex ( [] [0]) 18:29:21.37- Zhia's back has broken under convulsions caused by Chronicler Zhia's voyria venom. H:4514 M:3953 E:21470 W:18870 ckdbex ( [] [0]) 18:29:21.43- Archcypher's back has broken under convulsions caused by Sapling Archcypher, of the Flourishing Plant's voyria venom. H:4514 M:3953 E:21470 W:18870 ckdbex ( [] [0]) 18:29:21.51- Sarflus's back has broken under convulsions caused by Ensign Sarflus Vorondil, Stalwart Captain's voyria venom. H:4514 M:3953 E:21470 W:18870 ckdbex ( [] [0]) 18:29:21.58- Xij's back has broken under convulsions caused by Devout Xij's voyria venom. H:4514 M:3953 E:21470 W:18870 ckdbex ( [] [0]) 18:29:21.65- Farran's back has broken under convulsions caused by Gemologist Farran Lahtinen's voyria venom. H:4514 M:3953 E:21470 W:18870 ckdbex ( [] [0]) 18:29:21.73- Haina's back has broken under convulsions caused by Haina's voyria venom. H:4514 M:3953 E:21470 W:18870 ckdbex ( [] [0]) 18:29:21.80- Erirra's back has broken under convulsions caused by Sentry Erirra's voyria venom. H:4514 M:3953 E:21470 W:18870 ckdbex ( [] [0]) 18:29:21.87- Sohelena's back has broken under convulsions caused by Sohelena's voyria venom. H:4514 M:3953 E:21470 W:18870 ckdbex ( [] [0]) 18:29:21.94- Vaerin's back has broken under convulsions caused by Vaerin, of Mhaldor's voyria venom. H:4514 M:3953 E:21470 W:18870 ckdbex ( [] [0]) 18:29:22.01-
  • Shit, bad formatting. With skill earned from many hours of meticulous study, you quickly amalgamate various alchemical minerals to create some lethal toxin. H:4514 M:3953 E:21470 W:18816 ckdbex ( [] [0]) 18:28:45.98-You begin to wield a phial of toxin in your right hand. H:4514 M:3953 E:21470 W:18822 ckdbex ( [] [0]) 18:28:48.27-Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears. You fling a phial of toxin to the ground where it shatters in a spray of glass shards. An ominously green gas pours forth from the phial. Bors suddenly looks very ill. A feeling of intense nausea overcomes you as you inhale. H:4514 M:3953 E:21470 W:18822 ckdbe ( [] [0]) 18:28:50.34- Bors takes a drink from an oaken vial. H:4514 M:3953 E:21470 W:18822 ckdbe ( [] [0]) 18:28:50.51- [Curing]: SIP IMMUNITY You take a drink from an oaken vial. Mercifully, the voyria venom has been cleansed from your body. The elixir burns through your veins, destroying the deadly poisons that are killing you. (Court Coliseum): Krizal says, "Uhh." (Court Coliseum): Krizal says, "Anyone else randomly get afflicted with voyria?" (Court Coliseum): Krizal says, "A feeling of intense nausea overcomes you as you inhale." (Court Coliseum): Eguzki says, "Yes." Trellis's back has broken under convulsions caused by Trellis's voyria venom. H:4514 M:3953 E:21470 W:18870 ckdbex ( [] [0]) 18:29:21.09- Talazar's back has broken under convulsions caused by Talazar Ashtear's voyria venom. H:4514 M:3953 E:21470 W:18870 ckdbex ( [] [0]) 18:29:21.16- Autune's back has broken under convulsions caused by Chronicler Autune's voyria venom. H:4514 M:3953 E:21470 W:18870 ckdbex ( [] [0]) 18:29:21.23- Azyl's back has broken under convulsions caused by Sapling Azyl's voyria venom. H:4514 M:3953 E:21470 W:18870 ckdbex ( [] [0]) 18:29:21.30- Laititi's back has broken under convulsions caused by Radiant Laititi's voyria v nom. H:4514 M:3953 E:21470 W:18870 ckdbex ( [] [0]) 18:29:21.37- Zhia's back has broken under convulsions caused by Chronicler Zhia's voyria venom. H:4514 M:3953 E:21470 W:18870 ckdbex ( [] [0]) 18:29:21.43- Archcypher's back has broken under convulsions caused by Sapling Archcypher, of the Flourishing Plant's voyria venom. H:4514 M:3953 E:21470 W:18870 ckdbex ( [] [0]) 18:29:21.51- Sarflus's back has broken under convulsions caused by Ensign Sarflus Vorondil, Stalwart Captain's voyria venom. H:4514 M:3953 E:21470 W:18870 ckdbex ( [] [0]) 18:29:21.58- Xij's back has broken under convulsions caused by Devout Xij's voyria venom. H:4514 M:3953 E:21470 W:18870 ckdbex ( [] [0]) 18:29:21.65- Farran's back has broken under convulsions caused by Gemologist Farran Lahtinen's voyria venom. H:4514 M:3953 E:21470 W:18870 ckdbex ( [] [0]) 18:29:21.73- Haina's back has broken under convulsions caused by Haina's voyria venom. H:4514 M:3953 E:21470 W:18870 ckdbex ( [] [0]) 18:29:21.80- Erirra's back has broken under convulsions caused by Sentry Erirra's voyria venom. H:4514 M:3953 E:21470 W:18870 ckdbex ( [] [0]) 18:29:21.87- Sohelena's back has broken under convulsions caused by Sohelena's voyria venom. H:4514 M:3953 E:21470 W:18870 ckdbex ( [] [0]) 18:29:21.94- Vaerin's back has broken under convulsions caused by Vaerin, of Mhaldor's voyria venom. H:4514 M:3953 E:21470 W:18870 ckdbex ( [] [0]) 18:29:22.01-
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