Memorable quotes



  • MelodieMelodie Port Saint Lucie, Florida
    edited July 2016
    A dove comes flying into the room, deposits a letter into your hands, warbles cheerfully, and flies away.

    read letter
    You read what is written on an elegant white letter:
    The proceeds for your sale of 0 Stone are enclosed.

    And I love too                                                                          Be still, my indelible friend
    That love soon might end                                                         You are unbreaking
    And be known in its aching                                                      Though quaking
    Shown in this shaking                                                             Though crazy
    Lately of my wasteland, baby                                                 That's just wasteland, baby
  • edited July 2016
    That moment when...

    (ThatClan): Skye says, "Why do your newbs all have such weird names."

    (Colloquium Iniquus): You say, "Trolldor."

    (Colloquium Iniquus): You say, "Mis."

    (ThatClan): Melodie says, "Rofl."

    (ThatClan): Kythra says, "LOL."

    (ThatClan): You say, "Oops."

    (ThatClan): You say, "Lol."

    (ThatClan): Kythra says, "LOOOOOOOOOOOL."

    (Colloquium Iniquus): Kythra says, "Ah, Troll doors are quite big."

    (ThatClan): Skye says, "You mis'd didn't you."

    (ThatClan): You say, "I sure did."

    (Colloquium Iniquus): You say, "Indeed."

  • Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
  • @Melodie I had that happen. Then 80,000 coal of mine disappeared from the commodity market. I think it was an overstack error when you list too many materials on it or something.
  • MelodieMelodie Port Saint Lucie, Florida
    Mine didn't disappear, and I had only just tossed up 2k stone. So I don't think it's (just) that.
    And I love too                                                                          Be still, my indelible friend
    That love soon might end                                                         You are unbreaking
    And be known in its aching                                                      Though quaking
    Shown in this shaking                                                             Though crazy
    Lately of my wasteland, baby                                                 That's just wasteland, baby
  • MelodieMelodie Port Saint Lucie, Florida
    Haha lol to whoever pranked me with the letters while I was working on the Underworld stuff. You da real mvp.
    And I love too                                                                          Be still, my indelible friend
    That love soon might end                                                         You are unbreaking
    And be known in its aching                                                      Though quaking
    Shown in this shaking                                                             Though crazy
    Lately of my wasteland, baby                                                 That's just wasteland, baby
  • Melodie said:
    A dove comes flying into the room, deposits a letter into your hands, warbles cheerfully, and flies away.

    read letter
    You read what is written on an elegant white letter:
    The proceeds for your sale of 0 Stone are enclosed.

    Happened to me before - I issued and got my gold back (I think)
  • The soul of Rangor says in a deep, rumbling voice, "Duanatharan."

  • SzanthaxSzanthax San Diego

  • speaking of team kills:

    Glimmering, silver scales shimmer around Sylarana as she enters from the west.
    The Ur'Vampire Gerzson stares implacably at Sylarana.
    The Ur'Vampire Gerzson says, "Remove yourself from my domain, or perish."
    Death Knight Lord Kemnast stares implacably at Sylarana.
    Death Knight Lord Kemnast says, "Remove yourself from my domain, or perish."
    3420h (100%), 3504m (100%) 14830w, 16000e  ex|cdb|0/0|6/0|2/4|7- >Ictheli

    The Ur'Vampire Gerzson says, "So be it. Perish."
    Death Knight Lord Kemnast says, "So be it. Perish."
    3420h (100%), 3504m (100%) 14830w, 16000e  ex|cdb|0/0|6/0|2/4|7- >Ictheli

    The Ur'Vampire Gerzson bows his head, slumping forward as if in deep thought. You feel drawn, 
    thinned, and the world around you speeds up noticeably.
    Death Knight Lord Kemnast becomes a blur of motion, feinting and whirling and dodging at inhuman 
    speeds, slashing at you repeatedly from multiple angles in a display of consummate swordsmanship 
    that knocks you flat.
    You have been slain by Death Knight Lord Kemnast.
    0h (0%), 3504m (100%) 14830w, 16000e  ex||0/0|6/0|2/4|7- >Ictheli(-3420h, 100.0%) 
  • MelodieMelodie Port Saint Lucie, Florida
    From the looks of it, someone of an opposing faction starts a small timer, and if they don't leave, their aggression flag turns on... except, that aggression is aimed at everybody, not just the enemy. Whoops. :)
    And I love too                                                                          Be still, my indelible friend
    That love soon might end                                                         You are unbreaking
    And be known in its aching                                                      Though quaking
    Shown in this shaking                                                             Though crazy
    Lately of my wasteland, baby                                                 That's just wasteland, baby
  • JinsunJinsun TN, USA
    Is not a bug. It's punishment for your incompetence at base defense
  • Yeah, I don't think it's bugged, I mostly just think it's funny how readily they kill their own supporters.

    What's funny about that incident, though, is that Sylarana's Eleusian, she was just trying to find out how to get a medallion.
  • AhmetAhmet Wherever I wanna be
    Definitely wasn't doing that last night, two people died at kemnast with me standing there and nothing happened to me :(
    Huh. Neat.
  • MelodieMelodie Port Saint Lucie, Florida
    5135h, 7144m, 22545e, 28725w,  exkdb-banish baalzadeen
    With a negligent gesture and a sneer, you banish your Baalzadeen again to its hellish abode.
    5135h, 7144m, 22545e, 28725w,  exkdb-summon baalzadeen
    Imposing your will on Hell itself, you summon forth a Baalzadeen to serve your whim.
    5135h, 7144m, 22545e, 28575w,  xkdb-

    What a beautiful, beautiful thing. @Makarios is officially my favorite.
    And I love too                                                                          Be still, my indelible friend
    That love soon might end                                                         You are unbreaking
    And be known in its aching                                                      Though quaking
    Shown in this shaking                                                             Though crazy
    Lately of my wasteland, baby                                                 That's just wasteland, baby
  • Seasone the Industrious has stopped her own heart, killing herself instantly.
  • Morthif said:
    Seasone the Industrious has stopped her own heart, killing herself instantly.
    About time. Bish was old
  • Tell Xer I'll buy him a new keyboard if he will come back too. (I'm not kidding) 

  • MelodieMelodie Port Saint Lucie, Florida
    Both of you are WAY overdue to come back and play with us!
    And I love too                                                                          Be still, my indelible friend
    That love soon might end                                                         You are unbreaking
    And be known in its aching                                                      Though quaking
    Shown in this shaking                                                             Though crazy
    Lately of my wasteland, baby                                                 That's just wasteland, baby
  • 1391h, 4859m, 20562e, 19085w exkb-  00:37:05.050(+380h, 8.0%, +66m, 1.4%)
    With a wicked scream, a fierce, wild-eyed falcon flares her wings and enters.
    You writhe and scream as he drives the cruel blade deep into your side.
    You lose purchase on a timberwolf.

    (mapper): Okay, the mapper will no longer use gallop!
    23h, 4859m, 20562e, 19085w exkb[stun pr]-  00:37:05.276(-1368h, 28.8%)

    who classleaded this?!?!

    Chat with other players in real time on your phone, browser, or desktop client:
    Come join the Achaea discord!
  • Rom said:
    1391h, 4859m, 20562e, 19085w exkb-  00:37:05.050(+380h, 8.0%, +66m, 1.4%)
    With a wicked scream, a fierce, wild-eyed falcon flares her wings and enters.
    You writhe and scream as he drives the cruel blade deep into your side.
    You lose purchase on a timberwolf.

    (mapper): Okay, the mapper will no longer use gallop!
    23h, 4859m, 20562e, 19085w exkb[stun pr]-  00:37:05.276(-1368h, 28.8%)

    who classleaded this?!?!

    Who classled, surely 
  • The Crossroads.
    The stars shine down from the sky above, bathing the arid land beneath their silvery light. A black 
    wooden bench is here. A pale argent beech swing is here. Elusive Eguzki, the Egregious Egotist is 
    here. His features are obscured by an obsidian mask etched with silver stars. He wields a sooty 
    steel buckler bearing the arms of Eguzki in his left hand and an assassin's dirk in his right. Mason 
    Vynthos Lighthawk is here. Igniter Keneanung Sa'Rithven-Si'Talvace is here. She wields a graceful, 
    ceremonial longsword in her left hand and a Shield of Absorption in her right. Captain Rhowen 
    Lighthawk, Shadow Alchemist is here. Stargazer Arriane Lighthawk is here. She wields a Shield of 
    Absorption in her left hand. Darkfire Savant Jasaadi Sly, Mistress of the Night is here. She wields 
    a Shield of Absorption in her right hand. You may ENTER SUBDIVISION from here.
    You see exits leading north, east, southeast, south, southwest, northwest, and in.
    5344h, 5515m, 22543e, 21000w cexkdb@ -  
    You see the following people here:
    Eguzki, Vynthos, Keneanung, Rhowen, Arriane, Jasaadi, Bleak
    5344h, 5500m, 22543e, 21000w cexkdb@ -  (-15m, 0.3%) 
    Vynthos shakes his head.
    5344h, 5485m, 22545e, 21000w cexkdb@ -  (-15m, 0.3%) 
    Your surroundings shatter into a cloud of glowing stars which dissipate to leave you back where you 
    5369h, 5500m, 22545e, 20980w cexkdb -  (+25h, 0.5%, +15m, 0.3%) 
    You ram the butt end of a pike into the ground and impale Gamoneterik's head on it, leaving it as a 
    warning to those who would cross you.
    5369h, 5500m, 22545e, 20980w cekdb -  
    You ram the butt end of a pike into the ground and impale Inkarnette's head on it, leaving it as a 
    warning to those who would cross you.
    5369h, 5500m, 22545e, 20980w cekdb -  
    You ram the butt end of a pike into the ground and impale Archaon's head on it, leaving it as a 
    warning to those who would cross you.
    5369h, 5500m, 22545e, 20980w cekdb -  
    You ram the butt end of a pike into the ground and impale Arcani's head on it, leaving it as a 
    warning to those who would cross you.
    5369h, 5500m, 22545e, 20980w cekdb -  
    You ram the butt end of a pike into the ground and impale Omor's head on it, leaving it as a warning 
    to those who would cross you.
    5369h, 5500m, 22545e, 20980w cekdb -  
    You ram the butt end of a pike into the ground and impale Mindshell's head on it, leaving it as a 
    warning to those who would cross you.
    5369h, 5500m, 22545e, 20980w cekdb -  
    You ram the butt end of a pike into the ground and impale Renthir's head on it, leaving it as a 
    warning to those who would cross you.
    5369h, 5500m, 22545e, 20980w cekdb -  
    You ram the butt end of a pike into the ground and impale Asmodron's head on it, leaving it as a 
    warning to those who would cross you.
    5369h, 5500m, 22545e, 20980w cekdb -  
    You ram the butt end of a pike into the ground and impale Ehene's head on it, leaving it as a 
    warning to those who would cross you.
    5369h, 5500m, 22545e, 20980w cekdb -  
    You ram the butt end of a pike into the ground and impale Asani's head on it, leaving it as a 
    warning to those who would cross you.
    5369h, 5500m, 22545e, 20980w cekdb -  
    You ram the butt end of a pike into the ground and impale Tyserous's head on it, leaving it as a 
    warning to those who would cross you.
    5369h, 5500m, 22545e, 20980w cekdb -  
    You ram the butt end of a pike into the ground and impale Asmodron's head on it, leaving it as a 
    warning to those who would cross you.
    5369h, 5500m, 22545e, 20980w cekdb -  
    You ram the butt end of a pike into the ground and impale Renthir's head on it, leaving it as a 
    warning to those who would cross you.
    5369h, 5500m, 22545e, 20980w cekdb -  
    You ram the butt end of a pike into the ground and impale Asani's head on it, leaving it as a 
    warning to those who would cross you.
    5369h, 5500m, 22545e, 20980w cekdb -  
    You ram the butt end of a pike into the ground and impale Keneanung's head on it, leaving it as a 
    warning to those who would cross you.
    5369h, 5500m, 22545e, 20980w cekdb -  
    You ram the butt end of a pike into the ground and impale Renthir's head on it, leaving it as a 
    warning to those who would cross you.
    5369h, 5500m, 22545e, 20980w cekdb -  
    You ram the butt end of a pike into the ground and impale Jezabelle's head on it, leaving it as a 
    warning to those who would cross you.
    5369h, 5500m, 22545e, 20980w cekdb -  
    You ram the butt end of a pike into the ground and impale Jhui's head on it, leaving it as a warning 
    to those who would cross you.
    5369h, 5500m, 22545e, 20980w cekdb -  
    You ram the butt end of a pike into the ground and impale Eguzki's head on it, leaving it as a 
    warning to those who would cross you.
    5369h, 5500m, 22545e, 20980w cekdb -  
    You ram the butt end of a pike into the ground and impale Renthir's head on it, leaving it as a 
    warning to those who would cross you.
    5369h, 5500m, 22545e, 20980w cekdb -  
    You ram the butt end of a pike into the ground and impale Regi's head on it, leaving it as a warning 
    to those who would cross you.
    5369h, 5500m, 22545e, 20980w cekdb -  
    You ram the butt end of a pike into the ground and impale Shirszae's head on it, leaving it as a 
    warning to those who would cross you.
    5369h, 5500m, 22545e, 20980w cekdb -  
    You ram the butt end of a pike into the ground and impale Eguzki's head on it, leaving it as a 
    warning to those who would cross you.
    5369h, 5500m, 22545e, 20980w cekdb -  
    You ram the butt end of a pike into the ground and impale Asani's head on it, leaving it as a 
    warning to those who would cross you.
    5369h, 5500m, 22545e, 20980w cekdb -  
    You ram the butt end of a pike into the ground and impale Keneanung's head on it, leaving it as a 
    warning to those who would cross you.
    5369h, 5500m, 22545e, 20980w cekdb -  
    You ram the butt end of a pike into the ground and impale Asmodron's head on it, leaving it as a 
    warning to those who would cross you.
    5369h, 5500m, 22545e, 20980w cekdb -  

    Chanting guttural imprecations, a hooded nocturni reaches one bony finger to the pendant at his neck.
    Almost immediately, terrible, overwhelming pain screams inside your skull as the guard stares 
    imperiously down at you.
    Chanting in an arcane language, Ze'thya, the chimeric dragon points one taloned claw at you, the 
    argent light upon his form shining brightly. Your very skin erupts in conflagration, consuming you 
    in fiery agony.
    2280h, 5500m, 22545e, 20980w cekdb -  (-3089h, 57.5%) (sip health|eat irid|outr 1 irid)
    You take a drink from an oaken vial.
    The elixir heals and soothes you.
    You eat some irid moss.
    You feel your health and mana replenished.
    You remove 1 irid moss, bringing the total in the Rift to 1685.
    3916h, 5515m, 22545e, 20998w cekdb -  (+1636h, 30.5%, +15m, 0.3%) 
    You have recovered balance on all limbs.
    You say in an annoyingly loud voice, "Duanathar."
    You quickly utter "Duanathar" and your wings flare with power before swiftly carrying you up to on 
    the clouds.
    On the clouds (indoors).
    Everything about you is obscured by a heavy fog. A ladder of long, soft leaves comprises a wispy 
    Weaver's Fern along the ground. A logosmas stocking has been hung here, awaiting gifts.
    You see exits leading north, northeast, east, southeast, south, southwest, west, northwest, up, down,
    and in. (1.408s)
    3916h, 5515m, 22545e, 20998w cexkdb -  
    (Saplings): Merewyn says, "I wish!"
    3916h, 5515m, 22545e, 20998w cexkdb -  
  • The heads were gathered over the course of a few hours where we outnumbered pretty much every other faction. No bragging. It wasn't that hard. But piking 28 heads is still a lot. 
  • AhmetAhmet Wherever I wanna be
    I'm sorry, I don't know what "qwhomo" does.

    I am disappointed. Fix this nonsense. :joy:
    Huh. Neat.
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