Memorable quotes



  • - 2012/11/04 10:51:10 - Tvistor says, "Can ah... can anyone pacify the piranha?"
    - 2012/11/04 10:51:23 - Kaevan says, "Not sure."
    - 2012/11/04 10:51:49 - Tvistor says, "Would you have a go at it? My protege appears to have taken a 
    disliking to aquatic life, and they are reciprocating."

  • MelodieMelodie Port Saint Lucie, Florida
    That's just Neraeos trying to recruit your protege.
    And I love too                                                                          Be still, my indelible friend
    That love soon might end                                                         You are unbreaking
    And be known in its aching                                                      Though quaking
    Shown in this shaking                                                             Though crazy
    Lately of my wasteland, baby                                                 That's just wasteland, baby
  • Should've killed them yourself, you pansy. SHOW THAT PROTEGE WHO'S BOSS.
  • edited November 2012
    Jiraishin said:
    (Order): You say, "Hail, Master!"

    (Order): Apollyon says, "My Disciple."

    (Order): Apollyon says, "Greetings."


    He capitalised "disciple". WHY
  • Because it's my Order rank.
    The soul of Ashmond says, "Always with the sniping."

    (Clan): Ictinus says, "Stop it Jiraishin, you're making me like you."
  • You capitalised "order". WHY
  • Not enough suffering in that log, @Jiraishin
    (Party): Mizik says, "This can't possibly go wrong."
  • *Suffering

    League of Legends: IA ROCKS (NA)
    Guild Wars 2: erasariel.1532 - Devona's Rest (NA)
    Final Fantasy XIV: Novi Selea - Cactuar (NA)
    Achaea: Erasariel (duh!)
  • Ayodele said:
      Took it like a champ, my friend.
    1. why the hell does rofl exist and why do people insist on using it D:
    2. Crathen said:
      why the hell does rofl exist and why do people insist on using it D:
      Because the admins are Mhaldorian irl and want you to suffer.
    3. Because if it didn't exist some people would be more likely to do "say rofl" or "emote rofls," which would be much, much worse.
    4. Ayodele said:
        Took it like a champ, my friend.
        I tried. Still thinking I might need a year or three of sleep to get over the humiliation :P Clearly I need that novice respect lesson more than I thought.
      1. MishgulMishgul Trondheim, Norway
        rofl is such a beautiful thing.


        One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important

        As drawn by Shayde
        hic locus est ubi mors gaudet succurrere vitae

      2. Alyssea said:
        Because if it didn't exist some people would be more likely to do "say rofl" or "emote rofls," which would be much, much worse.
        They do that anyway, just like they do with "lol." All the emote does is encourage it, since they can say that it's technically in-character (for someone with severe low-functioning autism).
      3. edited November 2012
        Delphinus said:

        Alyssea said:
        Because if it didn't exist some people would be more likely to do "say rofl" or "emote rofls," which would be much, much worse.
        They do that anyway, just like they do with "lol." All the emote does is encourage it, since they can say that it's technically in-character (for someone with severe low-functioning autism).
        Wow, ableism for the win.

        Also, it may be absolutely awful roleplaying because most able-bodied people don't do it, but it's actually possible to roll on the floor laughing in real life. I do it frequently. So it's not just a figure of speech.
      4. edited November 2012
        Delphinus said:
        @Ayodele: Perhaps your fellow Tumblr social justice bloggers will have more to say about this. (Rolling on the floor is something that occurs with low-functioning autism, which is a severely impairing class of autism that interferes with the ability to live an independent life. It's often characterised by rhythmic movements, and is only as derisive as you read it to be.)

        I never claimed that rolling on the floor was impossible, just that it was (as you said) bad roleplaying for the majority of I'm-otherwise-completely-healthy adventurers. It is not some stunning critique of the barriers that exist in our oppressively ableist society, nor of the bonds that form despite them, but a lazy bow to internet chat culture.

        Why am I responding to this seriously
        It's also something that people with cerebral palsy do *raises hand* as well as people with Asperger's and people with plenty of other kinds of disabilities. Thanks for the education, it's not like I don't work with people with disabilities for a living. But in Achaea everyone is supposed to be cute and perfect and able-bodied. That's why it's acceptable for my character to laugh melodically (which I NEVER do, and for that matter, have never heard anyone else do) and not fall out on the floor in a laughing fit (which I USUALLY do). Have you ever seen someone's eyes sparkle with amusement? I haven't. Pardon me for getting fed up for the pileon whenever someone quotes something with the rofl emote because it's SO OOC OMG.

        And I don't use tumblr.
      5. I have much more patience for the 'sparkle' emote because that is a novel trope.
        The soul of Ashmond says, "Always with the sniping."

        (Clan): Ictinus says, "Stop it Jiraishin, you're making me like you."
      6. That little kid is awesome. I wish I could get away with saying anything I wanted to and have everyone believe me.
        Saeva said:
        If Mathonwy is 2006 I wish 2007 had never come.
        Xenomorph said:
        heh. Mathowned.
        Message #12872 Sent by Jurixe
      7. JonathinJonathin Retired in a hole.
        This is boring. More quotes pls.

        seriously, I have to post this on like every page. ffs, if you want to start an argument about autism and compete in the online somethingThatCan'tBeConsideredHateSpeech go make a thread for people that care.
        I am retired and log into the forums maybe once every 2 months. It was a good 20 years, live your best lives, friends.
      8. edited November 2012
        also - @Ayodele - It isn't that it's so OOC per se. It's more that if something were so entertaining that you were compelled, in the face of all dignity and common sense, to roll around on the ground because something were that funny, it would probably be a joke Pandora told, and the odds are equally as good that it would probably get you killed, afflicted, or incapacitated in some meaningful way.

        As contrasted to my beautiful 'lol' emote, which mostly consists of trying not to laugh and failing.

        ETA - if you were already sitting on the ground, I could maybe see an exception, maybe. Also-- and please don't take this the wrong way-- if you were roleplaying an able-bodied character, wouldn't it be out-of-character to react the way someone who wasn't able-bodied would?

        (That is, btw, a legitimate question.)
        Saeva said:
        If Mathonwy is 2006 I wish 2007 had never come.
        Xenomorph said:
        heh. Mathowned.
        Message #12872 Sent by Jurixe
      9. edited November 2012
        Mathonwy said:

        ETA - if you were already sitting on the ground, I could maybe see an exception, maybe. Also-- and please don't take this the wrong way-- if you were roleplaying an able-bodied character, wouldn't it be out-of-character to react the way someone who wasn't able-bodied would?

        (That is, btw, a legitimate question.)
        It is a legitimate question. My point is that a) I wasn't thinking like that because I've never been able-bodied and b) by those standards, every one out of two emotes is equally ridiculous and stupid. (If you consider rolling on the floor laughing ridiculous and stupid. Which, well, I don't, because I actually roll on the floor laughing FAR more in real life than my eyes sparkle or I laugh harmoniously or whatever other shiny happy expression of amusement exists in the massive emotion list.)

        I just find it frustrating and irritating that a) people seem to jump to the conclusion that everyone must agree with them about what expressions are dumb and OOC and b) there has to be a huge pileon whenever someone uses the expression they think is especially dumb and OOC.

        I mean, I guess it's a good way to train people to be better at roleplaying something they're not - this conversation certainly made me feel like crap and I won't be using the ROFL emote or posting anymore quotes on this thread anytime soon. (Reason #724 why I can't be Mhaldorian - too thin-skinned.) ETA: I don't get as big a kick out of making fun of people, I guess.
      10. Idelisa said:
        Velyse says in a throaty contralto voice, "Veldrin's is massive. It hurts so much."

        .... that's what she said.
        She did. I was there. 

        - To love another person is to see the face of G/d
        - Let me get my hat and my knife
        - It's your apple, take a bite
        - Don't dream it ... be it

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