Memorable quotes



  • RuthRuth Singapore
    In His Honor, I Will Capitalize Everything.
    "Mummy, I'm hungry, but there's no one to eat! :C"


  • This Is A Noble Endeavor But Seriously I Miss Keresis.
  • What Do You Mean Everything? THIS IS EVERYTHING!!

    Bonus points if you catch the reference.
  • I Did Not Catch The Reference And Also Garao Is Awesome For Teaching Me Serpent Combat. I Am Going To Stop Typing Like This.
  • We also have a Templar who has a habit of capitalizing the first letter of most of his sentences. Redacting for politeness's sake.

    Quoteth here:

    - 2012/11/01 21:35:06 - [REDACTED] says, "Well Then, Welcome Back."

    -and, after passing his tests-

    - 2012/11/02 00:14:11 - Achilles says, "Congratulations Page [REDACTED]."
    - 2012/11/02 00:14:13 - Draekar says, "Well done."
    - 2012/11/02 00:14:21 - [REDACTED] says, "Thank You Everyone."

  • Synbios said:
    We also have a Templar who has a habit of capitalizing the first letter of most of his sentences. Redacting for politeness's sake.

    Quoteth here:

    - 2012/11/01 21:35:06 - [REDACTED] says, "Well Then, Welcome Back."

    -and, after passing his tests-

    - 2012/11/02 00:14:11 - Achilles says, "Congratulations Page [REDACTED]."
    - 2012/11/02 00:14:13 - Draekar says, "Well done."
    - 2012/11/02 00:14:21 - [REDACTED] says, "Thank You Everyone."
    Oh god if this is another Xinlash I'm brokenstarring them.
  • That's one of the most frustrating things ever. Somehow, it makes sentences harder to read than one with no punctuation and a bunch of misspellings.
  • TuroiTuroi Missouri :(
    Yeah.. it's like my mind give unnecessary focus to each work because they're capitalized.. like reading in slo-mo..

    "Slowly disappear. Never really here."

  • Every time I see that guy talk I just think "Have you never read anything ever?" How the hell can you think that's normal?
  • edited November 2012
    Might it just be a non-native English speaker? I know I used to wrongly capitalize tons of words in English, just because I'm used to capitalize so much in German. (I actually only learned very recently that one doesn't capitalize the first word after a colon in English.)
  • JonathinJonathin Retired in a hole.
    edited November 2012
    Whenever I see that, I read it aloud and accentuate the first letter of every word. Makes me laugh.

    Also, this may be a native English speaker, it happens on Facebook all the freaking time, well until I unfriend those people anyways.
    I am retired and log into the forums maybe once every 2 months. It was a good 20 years, live your best lives, friends.
  • Iocun said:
    Might it just be a non-native English speaker? I know I used to wrongly capitalize tons of words in English, just because I'm used to capitalize so much in German.
    It's possible, but capitalising every word (not just a few words or every noun or something) seems to be more common from native speakers than non-native.
    Iocun said:
    (I actually only learned very recently that one doesn't capitalize the first word after a colon in English.)
    It's actually appropriate in some cases (and there are a lot of different conventions for which cases those are). I'm often unsure myself whether or not to capitalise the word after a colon.
  • The most atrocious writing errors I've seen online were made by native English speakers. Others need to actually learn the language before using it, and those who haven't learned too well do more errors than just spelling and punctuation.
  • Wysteria said:
    I agree with Thaumas. From my observations I have noticed that the worst spelling and grammatical mistakes are made by native English speakers. I put it down to the fact they don't really have to "think" about what they're saying and take the nitty gritty part of their language for granted. I absolutely cringe when people do the whole LOLspeak and capitalization of every word en masse in things like forums, Facebook and whatnot.

    On the side:

    Had me thinking this:

    Thank you for reminding me that I need to find the new Avatar series.
  • It was pretty good although I personally preferred the old one!
  • edited November 2012
    Sarapis, or whoever decided all the special words for Achaea, kind of encourages the capitalization of random words too. There isn't really a reason that house, city, order, gods (the word, not their names), his/her/she/he etc. for gods, and everything else like that need to be capitalized. Especially since from a rp sense, we are saying those things, so while seeing "He" instead of "he" might seem like we're treating some god with more respect from an ooc sense, it shouldn't make a difference for the game. It's really funny to see people correct other people about that too. "You should show respect by referring to Him as He, not he," is just terrible.

    I'm sure there would still be people doing the incorrect capitalization without all the specially capitalized Achaean words, but I see things like this a lot more on Achaea than anywhere else.
  • It helps clear confusion at times though. My House is an organization I belong to and my house is a building I live in.
  • EldEld
    edited November 2012
    Please disregard this ill-formed response to a post I didn't read carefully enough.
  • Great. It still does not make a difference in how your character hears something that is said. It's fine if the gods want to capitalize "he" and "she" in their descriptions, or if players want to capitalize "he" and "she" when referring to them, but if someone doesn't capitalize it, that should be fine as well.
  • Bet you'd hate it if i started writing i with a normal i.
  • I wasn't talking about that at all. Of course it doesn't matter, it just makes conversations less confusing.

    Had a great conversation with Daeir where he was talking about a 'mark' for theft and I thought he needed to hire a Mark. Was about five minutes of nothing but confusion. If he picked up on my capitalizing though, we would have resolved that much faster.

    What I'm trying to say is it's always the slave's fault.
  • TuroiTuroi Missouri :(
    edited November 2012
    Blame it on the Slaves >.>

    EDIT: Quote

    (Market): Ryukishi says, "Selling 13 pound pet rock, prone to acts of violence. Buy this 
    weighty sense of knowledge at your own peril."

    I thought this was clever.

    "Slowly disappear. Never really here."

  • Turoi said:
    Blame it on the Slaves >.>

    EDIT: Quote

    (Market): Ryukishi says, "Selling 13 pound pet rock, prone to acts of violence. Buy this 
    weighty sense of knowledge at your own peril."

    I thought this was clever.
    Ryu said that RIGHT after it did a room attack. It was hilarious

  • Mephaos tells you, "Issued."

    You tell the soul of Mephaos, "Pleasure speaking with you."

    Mephaos tells you, "No cause - nothing to use against me, and certainly not an RP reason. You'll find yourself a leafy shrub within 2 months."

    I thought everyone was exaggerating. This is just getting silly, that man has threatened to issue me/thrown some ridiculous insults every time I have interacted with him.
  • Mephaos is the least pleasant person I have the honor of interacting with.

    Which is in itself impressive.
  • @Tvistor Was responding to Eld before he edited his post, not you.

    Mephaos still doesn't understand the new pk rules despite getting people to explain it on the Sentinels' combat clan in small words multiple times so that he can understand. I hope he gets shrubbed instead for excessive issuing.
  • God, PK lawyering. Let me ask you, guys. What kind of pleasure does one get in arguing that the guy who killed you deserves to be issued and shrubbed just because of some tiny little anecdote in the PK rules?

    League of Legends: IA ROCKS (NA)
    Guild Wars 2: erasariel.1532 - Devona's Rest (NA)
    Final Fantasy XIV: Novi Selea - Cactuar (NA)
    Achaea: Erasariel (duh!)
  • Erasariel said:
    God, PK lawyering. Let me ask you, guys. What kind of pleasure does one get in arguing that the guy who killed you deserves to be issued and shrubbed just because of some tiny little anecdote in the PK rules?
    I actually don't PK pretty much at all, except in raid defense.  Most of my fighting stays in the arena except for the occasions where I just get attacked out of the blue/someone prisms in unannounced/similar bullcrap.  And then it's pretty cut and dry.  If I win, woohoo, I go about my business.  If I die, I'd hire a Mark or just go get revenge personally.
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